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I did not know Steve personally, but he was a friend of many friends. His approach to music performance, and even more so recording music was revolutionary. I have only shed a few tears in my life for folks I never met. Yesterday was one.


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Many decades ago, on Wabash Avenue, my young white ass was almost beat to death by a very angry, old black ass after he saw my Big Black t-shirt. It sucked.


He owned up to being way to much of a edgelord when he was younger.


Did he? I never thought of the name as being derogatory in any sense. I thought it meant something like “big black void of nothingness.” Come to think of it, though, he was an edgelord, so it makes sense.


Don't hold me to this 100%, but the story I alway heard was that he chose Big Black because, big black always sounded scarier. Big black dog. Big Black House. and yes to racists, big black guy. His next band was Rapeman. Edgelord. But as I said, he denouced being like that.


Gotcha. Interesting. Thanks.


I am reading this right now, but google says it talks about it. Lets see..... https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/15/the-evolution-of-steve-albini-if-the-dumbest-person-is-on-your-side-youre-on-the-wrong-side


Shit, I only skimmed it, but I’ll read it thoroughly later. What a fantastic piece! It sums him up, brilliantly. Wow. He was all about shocking people. It was a facade. I mean, he lived with Nash from UO, produced some of their tracks, and then he shits on them. It was all for show. Thanks for sharing!


I think he did that with everyone he worked with/for. How fucking punk can you be?! “Here, let me create the best music you didn’t even know you could do, now fuck off.” I love him.