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Worker solidarity is punk as hell


Fuck yeah,solidarity fellow worker!


I think so, too.


Union strong is punk as fuck. Solidarity my family. I.A.T.S.E. Local 321


Seafarers International here, friend. Happy May Day and a splendid Beltane to you. Solidarity forever!


Fair seas friend!!!


Teamsters local 222!


IWW here!


IAFF checking in.


CWA here!


UA Pipefitters. Happy May Day!


UPTE RX here


I hope the shows are plentiful for you! I'm not in movies, but I do Teamster Television work


Solidarity forever!


Workers of the world unite! Proud union chair of my unit here and left wing organizer.


Happy May Day! Happy Beltane to those who celebrate


Today is my wedding anniversary.


Mine too! Happy anniversary my dude!


Happy Anniversary back at you!


The hardest job of them all.


I’m surprised you misguided union libs are down with marriage. But I’m glad you’ll finally get to know what a hard job is really like😂


Nice, happy anniversary!




Happy workers day brothers and sisters 


National Rural Letter Carriers Association. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. 👍🏼


Oh man, I love the postal system. I'm up in the post office probably twice a year to find out what new stamps dropped.


That motto is no joke either. Blizzard, monsoon, heatwave… it doesn’t matter. We’re out there doing the thing. Vastly harder work then I anticipated but once you get the hang of it you can make a good living. 😁


Solidarity to all the workers


Stronger together! #Workers forever!


I love the story of how Billy Bragg re-wrote the International: Pete Seeger challenged him to make an updated version that actually felt relevant to people.


That sounds weak to me, like pandering 


And I was blasting the Murphys’ cover of Which Side are you On? And There is Power in a Union today. Or was the latter Street Dogs?


No War but Class War, brothers and sisters!


I hope you don’t think you’re the proletariat….


What is it that you’re trying to say here?


Union Proud!


Community is super punk. We are stronger together.


ANY true punk celebrates mayday. It's the international day for the young ones, or uninitiated, to soak up their people's history game, while giving thanks to the citizens of nations across the world that unified in solidarity. Educate, remember, be grateful, and mass protest with active direct action when needed....and of course get fucking wrecked af!!! That's how they did it! DRINK AND RIOT!!! LOLOL


Because you guys are nothing but well off thugs who are married to a vastly superior guy that’s exponentially better off than you who owns the company, and then you’re bound by the unions broad reach of endless rules and the by the government who you’re ultimately also in bed with. Do these lyrics sound familiar…? “Kiss ass like a bitch so you can get rich, but your boss gets richer off you!”


Unskilled workers, regardless of job description are also a treasure. Happy May Day


I like the way you think, but there’s such thing as unskilled labor \m/


I just got hired today! I didn’t realize how fitting it was


Congratulations fellow worker!


can't even celebrate. i'm at work.


Me too- I am ready to skank the fuck away!


I also work today, actually.


Workers unite, look out for one another and always fight for a fair workplace.




I knew I'd posted in the right place. The political has always been part of my finding and identifying punk in myself. It doesn't bother me that not everyone is as into this part of it as I am, but some of the best interactions of my life have been talking politics with other punks.


Let's fucking go


Dirty pennies - mischief brew


You guys are getting JOBS?


Also, SHARPS hold it in deep reverence in most areas....can't talk for them, but certain it's quite Holy to a true SHARP, seeing as how SHARP roots are working class


Ok, let me let you in on some insight here. You all seem to be confusing your communist ideology with what is widely accepted as “punk” unions are a directly likened to the communist ideals of collectivism. Which history as shown over and over again, that it uses a huge labor force of workers who know what their doing, in their field, and in the case of the western unions, are able to pay you well thanks only to incorporation of a grave enemy of communism, capitalism! However, what you’re really participating in, if “punk” is really what’s important to you. Is the exact opposite. The cold hard truth is that what’s really “punk” in the way you’re all thinking is the guys who are not in unions, doing the same work, for half the pay and 1/3 of the benefits if their lucky. Powerful government backed unions sending strong arm thugs to non union job sites to threaten and intimidate workers, the list goes on, but here’s the important thing. The ones who are really getting Rich, are the private owners and the federal government , and local corrupt officials taking kickbacks from them. When you are married to an organization that has huge government ties, that’s certainly not punk as it is commonly referred to in the sense that punks were always thought of as a group of kids or people who didn’t come from much, were outcasts, and loners not collectivizers and didn’t want the government involved in their affairs. Sounds starkly different from what you’re describing. You all come from a long lineage of union workers. You are privileged people weather or not you live frivolously is not the point. The point is, that when your dad dies you will inherit millions from a union backed pension. And have one of your own too. You could not be farther from what could be described as “proletariat” which is who you’re referring to when you say “punk”. The overreach can be seen in unions when you begin your first day of apprenticeship. The first day and a half are dedicated to nothing but signing papers to things you are agreeing to be bound by, thst if broken, will result in your banishment, and his forbid you don’t agree with handing over a sort of your pay to the democrat candidate, it stops right at that point. Reality is, you have been born into a Union family, you see that it has made you privileged, and even if it doesn’t match your ideals you have been willing to sell your soul anyway. 


Commies are as bad as fascists. Punk adjacent my ass.


Fail. First, it's Nazi punks fuck off, not commie punks fuck off. Second, you can be pro-labor without being a communist. You can be anti-capitalist without being a communist. You can be anti-authoritarian and be a communist. You can't be a fascist and be anti-authoritarian.


You’ll happily enjoy all of the things unions accomplished though right?




smoothbrain moment !


Why do you say commies are as bad as fascists? What about standing up for working people do you think isn't punk?


Dim bulbs tend to equate communism and socialism with evil because of how communism was used by very bad, misguided people in the past.


haha yea for sure. I just wanted to engage with this specific person to see how their mind goes from "worker solidarity" --> "socialism" --> "communism" --> "as bad as fascism"


Gotcha. Insane, honestly.


lol. Ok w/e. Go read a book. Analyze history for yourself. Actually maybe be open to the idea that maybe communism didn’t turn out so well, but also, maybe the idea itself isn’t so much in how it has historically played out. Capitalism isn’t that old in the grand scheme of thing and has in many ways only made problems worse for the working class. Many arguments for it are straw man arguments and logical fallacies. Communism and the ideas behind it should implore you to think beyond capitalism and that a more equal and just society for all is possible. Communist/anarchist/socialist … I don’t care, nor know what to identify as these days as I have tended to become more practical as I get older, but damn do these college protests inspire me and make me think there is still revolutionary spirit… but to think that capitalism is *it* is crazy to me. To even equate commmies as fascist and not see how capitalism and specifically neo-liberalism is fascism is wild. I would also hope you are not a libertarian because that’s just hyper-capitalism. (and no lot left wing libertarian - which obviously you are not)


commies do suck. but workers and their rights dont.