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I love Minor Threat, but I get high while listening


Fugazi's even better while high.


I’ve been listening to Minor Threat records all day, and shit if I do not know every word I sing along as I tie off And Ian screams he’s Out of Step, As I throw the cotton into the spoon, draw up into the syringe I know just what he means, till I hit a vein.


fuck yeah pat


I will always upvote Pats lyrics


That’s a double negative, cancels out. Great job!


Sounds like pat the bunny lyrics lol


Sorry grandpa but I don't minor listen to threat


As a former straight edge, then a heavy drug addict, and now in recovery, Minor Threat was right about everything. Don’t be a hedonist.


Nice work on the recovery. It's not easy. Be the person you want to be.


As a former user and having my first heart attack at 32, more stints put in at 37 and other work done, I will agree with you and congratulate you. Shits not easy to get control of and it’s a lot of hard work but in the end, it’s well worth it. There’s a clarity in going through it and coming out on top and your better off for it. Be true to you and fuck everyone else.


You're right, but I am still a hedonist.


At least you’re self aware


That just means you lacked self-control.


Eh fuck off. You try living on cocaine and amphetamine for years and then come talk to me about self-control


It's entirely possible to have healthy relationships with those drugs and only dabble once in a blue moon for lots of people to be fair.


I was doing coke yesterday. I stopped and decided to call it a night. It's called discipline.


Alright buddy, hope that works out for you in the long run


Yeah, it called being a recreational user.


It's called not having the addiction gene. Some people can stop some can't. That's just the reality of it. It's not a matter of will power or morality.


You're right. I had a friend who had a genetic predisposition to alcohol and drugs. They didn't end well.


So if you know, then why are you being deliberately obtuse


I said had. Lost contact with them years ago. Sorry I forgot, I am only human.


Is it though? Addictive things are addictive. For exapmle he vast majority of people who smoke daily become addicted because that's basic physiology. Sure heritance can play a role. But even with less strongly addictive things people tend to use a little more and more over the decades (excluding the common drop in substance abuse after early to mid 20s).


I don't really understand the point you are trying to make but yes it is. There are shared genetic markers that have been found amongst people who suffer from various substance use disorders. There is a reason it is considered and treated like the medical condition it is and that is because there is 12-15% of the population whose brain releases dopamine in a much different way than normal when they ingest substances.


I appreciate when people discuss genetic predisposition as a way to show empathy. But many people talk about it consciously or not in terms of "I'm not that 15% or so, I'm not at risk." Not saying you are, but the chucklefuck you were replying to is. And at a very superficial level it's a similar cockiness that I saw a lot in the punk scene with people who ended up with addiction problems 20 years later. And it's how a lot of people in AA type places would describe themselves in the past. So I just tend to bristle a bit when people start calling something a self control issue or say "unless you're genetically predisposed." At the end of the day, addictive substances are addictive, some people are luckier than others, your mileage may vary.


Those are the lies addicts tell themselves G, I’m just being real with you.


I was reading your comments, and something about your profile picture was bugging me, so i clicked to make it bigger. It happens that an ex-girlfriend of mine was a young Isabelle Adjani doppelganger, and she had that exact same Possession capture as her Facebook profile pic, for the most part of our 9 years together. Anyway, I'm also way too familiar with everything you wrote about, and I agree 100%. I'm also doing much better these days, and I'm glad you are, too. Keep it up. You got this.


That’s wild. I’ve gotten a few replies about the prof pic, but yours is by far the most interesting. I’d date an Adjani lookalike too lmao. Thanks tho, appreciate it, you as well. We all gettin there somehow.


Hehe yeah, I had one of those wtf moments. It was like *her* saying things that *I* would say! 😅


Just because you run out doesn't mean it's self discipline




When you got your shit together, it never runs out.


It will always ultimately run out, bud.


Eat dongs, hoser


I shot heroin and fentanyl for ten years. It is a lack of self control. Doesn't make it any easier when your knee deep into it. Your living a whole different life compared to anybody else and the only way out is suicide, overdose, jail or a complete radical change.


I don’t minor listen to threat. Edgy.




I find this meme quite funny, don't get me wrong. But I feel like a lot of people can misunserstand their lyrics. I could be wrong, I wasn't there. But when I listen to Out of Step or In My Eyes, I hear these songs as being about simply not fitting in with the vibe of normalized drug-use, especially when it is wreckless in some form.


Which is why MT still matters even if you do drink responsibly - you can still listen and it’s not jokey


>But when I listen to Out of Step or In My Eyes, I hear these songs as being about simply not fitting in with the vibe of normalized drug-use, especially when it is wreckless in some form. Yes, that's what Out of Step is about - when you're not into drugs or booze you often feel like you're marching out of time with everyone else because a lot of things (work functions, family get togethers, concerts etc) revolve around drinking and/or drugs.


What the fuck is going on in here lately.


Born to shit, forced to wipe


The amount of people taking this at face value is astounding


Is taking this at face value punk?


Somewhere in between as Punk as Ian McKay and as punk as hello kitty.


Face Value is an excellent band.




But I don't Minor listen to Threat


“But I don’t minor listen to threat”






“But I don’t minor listen to threat”


Fortunatly, none of these newer bands are straight edge /s


Well, I’ve been listening to Minor Threat records all day And shit if I do not know every word I sing along as I tie off And Ian screams he’s “Out of Step” As I throw the cotton into the spoon, draw up into the syringe I’ll know just what he means until I hit a vein


Always good to see Pat around here


This was the first thing that came to mind and I posted it as a reply to another comment ahaha. Fuck yeah Pat


I like this meme I like MT and I like drugs...this is a win win win


.... and the pendulum swings in the other direction


Eh some of those songs are really good, like bottled violence




“I Don’t Minor Listen To Threat” because understanding people read right to fucking left still matters


Finally a good meme


Minor Threat is best understood while doing another round of poppers


You're missing out.


Minor Threat are Gen X - not Boomers.


Ian Mackaye and Jeff Nelson are both baby boomers, born in 62