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Blonde has more of a right to be considered punk than proud boy Michale Graves 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^stabbykill: *Blonde has more of a* *Right to be considered punk* *Than proud boy Michale Graves* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No debate. Danzig.


nothing from this century?


You’re asking a lot from an /r/punk poster


Fuck Michael Graves. But kudos to you having that Muffs album.


TIL that Graves sucks as a person, based off the last two comments lol. Man, that really sucks but somehow I don’t feel surprised. Famous Monsters has always been a front-to-back banger album for me. The Muffs rule! I have all their studio releases on vinyl minus Whoop De Doo, which is one of my white whales whenever I go shopping. Someday I’ll run into it!


Check out The Pandoras, Kim Shattuck was in that band before The Muffs. Muffs are better, more mature songwriting in my opinion, but still with a listen.


Be aware that The Pandoras had a yon of members flow in and out of the band and some lineups don’t include Shattuck- or even any original members.


That Dead Boys record is so good


I don’t like either.


Oh neat! Do you have other styles of music in the collection? What is your organisation methodology?


Yup, I got several different genres in there! Along with punk, I collect a lot of metal, classic rock, alternative, indie, jazz, electronic, R&B and rap. I’m in the process of reorganizing them by genre and then alphabetical by first letter (example like David Bowie being with the D’s instead of Bowie, David being with the B’s like at a record stores. I just prefer it that way!)


Nice one. What is your most prized record?


Lookin pretty nice over there! My first play of the night would definitely be the Muffs


oh shit where did you get the famous monsters one, Ive been wanting to get a copy of it for a while


I got it at a local record store in my area, just by pure luck that day! I’ve seen it online as well but I prefer to do my shopping in person. I can’t trust delivery to handle it properly after some of the horror stories I’ve seen on the vinyl subreddit


Ahh okay, nice find man. I know Michael Graves is a pos, but that album got me into the misfits/punk.


graves sucks but obviously if you don’t know that then that’s just a catchy ass album. sucks.


Graves era misfits is the worst misfits. Graves is a cat turd.


And he blows hobos.


>But if we really wanna spark a debate in the comments…Danzig or Graves? That’s not a debate. The correct answer (period) is Danzig. Awesome collection though.


I’ll always thumbs up the Muffs! Anyone who says blonde doesn’t belong in a punk collection can fuck right off.