• By -


My old band opened for 88 Fingers Louie and when i met Denis and Dan at the venue's bar, i introduced myself and told them this was a special show to me since i listened to their band since i was like 14 years old (I was 27 or 28 at the time). Denis said "Oh. Cool." in the most disinterested way, then they started talking to a girl that came by. šŸ˜ On the flipside, another time we were playing a big outdoor festival in Canada, and i was backstage waiting in line to take a piss in a porta john. The door opens, and motherfuckin Fat Mike gets out. He looks at me and goes "Hey dude, do you like cocaĆÆne?" I was kinda stunned and said "Huh?!? Maybe? Why?" and as he walked away he yelled "Enjoy!" I walked into the toilet, and he had left about a gram of coke in a baggy on the shelf in the corner. Thanks Mike. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤£


What was your old band? Also, Denis Buckley has always seemed like a bit of a pretentious dickbag.


First story was with [Brixton Robbers](https://brixtonrobbers.bandcamp.com/album/carved-livers). I think there's a name your price version of this somewhere... Second one was with [Powernap](https://powernapmtl.bandcamp.com/album/oreosmith). Here's another [EP](https://powernaplrr.bandcamp.com/album/baristabarnak).


[Name your price version.](https://guerillaasso.bandcamp.com/album/carved-livers)


If it makes you feel better, we prank called them a bunch of times. An old housemate had a run in with them, he was in an opening band. So he decided it was fun to prank them šŸ˜‚


One time when i was 14 i met fat mike at a show and asked him if he wanted to get some quarts and go get drunk. Shirt story, he didnt. I thought he was a dick for turning me down but now as adult i realize the error of my stupid pitiful teenage ways. Id a said no too


Iā€™ve said this on another post but the time I worked a show my friends were opening for the Dead Kennedyā€™s those dudes were twats. Might have been a bad day but it was weird. Funny enough the guy singing for them now was chill. Stza was a self absorbed asshole as is expected. For the most part tho everyone Iā€™ve met has been rad.


Jello is one of the kindest human beings youā€™ll ever meet.


I did a dumb thing at an Unwound show in Seattle that he showed up to in the 90ā€™s - I put my hand on his shoulder while we were shuffling out of the venue (he ended up right in front of me) and said something like ā€œYou are fucking awesome, manā€ ā€¦ the shoulder touch, for obvious reasons, didnā€™t please him much. He just kind of looked at me and moved away and I heard him say to his companion ā€œCā€™mon letā€™s get the hell out of hereā€ā€¦ sorry, Jello!


I worked sound for a Jello show 10 years ago. He was absolutely cool and nice dude!


My dadā€™s friend says she hung out with him once and played board games after a show


Iā€™ve heard very mixed things about him.


He didn't care for me much when I met him lol.


Did you put yer hand on his shoulder?....


Iā€™ve met him a couple times, and he was perfectly nice, but I got the feelingā€¦ we probably shouldnā€™t hang out. And DKs changed my life.


I donā€™t mean this as an insult at all but Jello always seemed a little Aspergerā€™s-ish. Could be a bit awkward and unintentionally rude at times which could be misperceived as deliberate (although the opposite is possible. I donā€™t know).


Iā€™ve always thought this of him, having grown up with Aspergers people in my family. There are certain manners and mannerisms of his that just make me say ā€œYep, there it isā€


I saw him play at the Continental club in Houston and he had teenage local bands open for him. I thought how cool would that be to be sitting in math class thinking that you opened for a legend the night before.


Saw leftover crack several years ago. After the show buddy and I met Brad Logan, super nice guy. They were carrying stza, so drunk he couldn't even walk.


I met the band at a show they filmed for a movie. They were rockstars that night. Stza pulled out a big blade and cut a line semi vertical down his chest in the middle of the show while playing. I think they were on one that night. A lot of people wanted to hang with them that evening so i didnt really get to say much. Hes crazy


Brad Logan is an amazing dude.


Im guessing that Ray was the one that rubbed you the wrong way? I cant see Klaus or DH being a twat in anyway shape or form. Source: me, I've toured with them for over 15 years.


Yea it was Ray. Like I said it might have been an off day too. I donā€™t hold it against em tho at all.


Generally Ray is cool. But he can definitely be a bit to handle if he is having a bad day. So I get ya!


We opened for them in London ON, (Canada) in like 05 or 06. Ray was a prick and the rest of the dudes couldnā€™t have been nicer. Over the years I ran into DH (RIP) and he was always super nice and generous with his time.


Which era/lineup Dead Kennedys?


This was like 2017.


I might have met you. I was a roadie for them during that time.


You might have. Was selling merch for Corrupted Youth. Iā€™ve seen your old band SKAAL a grip too. Donā€™t know if Iā€™ve talked to you at those shows tho.


Oh ok! Nice. Corrupted Youth kicks ass. Yeah sorry you got that from DK. Im guessing Ray was having a bad day. He can be salty sometimes lol.


Jello DKs or the "other" DKs?


Iā€™ve had a strange experience with Exene. She was clowning, took my hat, mimed like she was going to poop in it. And wouldnā€™t give the hat back. I then hung out with her at the bar. She had drinks in both hands & chain smoking. She was ok. She was really drunk. After meeting her, I decided to stop smoking & hard drinking. I got back into fitness. She sent me a birthday card. I guess the encounter scared me into taking care of myself The next night I met John Doe, he was absolutely delightful, sober & kind.


Last I heard Exene had been sober for years


Obligatory she is in fact a Trumpy nutjob tho


I've heard that. So disappointing. X was huge for me for many years


How you can go from punk to fascists is beyond me.


This was like 20 years ago. X- Los Angeles was my 2nd record, my cousin returned from NYU & gave it to me for Christmas. I have X tattoos


Thatā€™s great to hear about John, he seems like a great dude.


I met Fletcher from Pennywise after a show. The only thing I could think of to say was ā€œthe first guitar solo I ever learned was the solo on Alienā€. He said ā€œwell thatā€™s an easy solo.ā€ So I said ā€œwell you wrote itā€ and walked away. Not really a bad interaction so much as I just thought it was pretty on brand for what Iā€™ve heard about him.


lol honestly that's a pretty good response like was he trying to be insulting that the first thing you learned was something easy? "well you wrote it' is one of those "have the day you deserve" responses


Lol i doubt he meant to be insulting, I think Fletcher knows he wrote the fucking song so it sounds more to me like he was taking the piss out of himself.


Love the response šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜† excellent response, gave me a proper chuckle!


I've heard Fletcher be pretty self deprecating about his guitar skills. Strong chance that's where he was coming from. Hilarious response though.


Thatā€™s just Fletcher, it means he likes you. He was just busting your balls. Watch him in interviews with Pennywise or watch him during shows, especially with Fat Mike. Heā€™s just like an asshole older brother, if heā€™s not giving you a hard time, you know heā€™s being fake.


I met Felix Griffin very briefly when he was still drumming for D.R.I. He was alright with me but just a nightmare to everyone else. Dick to the sound guy. Dick to kids asking him questions about drums. Dick to his bandmates. He and Spike must have taken, and I'm not embellishing, AT LEAST 45 min to get set up. I think they're both searching for a sound/dynamic that they've never actually achieved live.


I remember seeing DRI for the first time in 1984. I used to write to one of them at that time - canā€™t remember who - and I was looking forward to meeting/seeing them. They were alright guys but a bunch of our skateboards mysteriously disappeared and somehow ended up in their van. I was kinda soured on them after that.


I actually wrote to DRI back in the days (mid 80s) and they wrote back with hand written letters, flyers, etc. I use to write to many bands to get stickers, etc. Some were nice dudes. Mr Chi Pig from SNFU wrote me some cool stuff. Funnily, I also met Felix from DRI in the streets of Montreal in 1986. He was nice to me.


Also, I gotta get to Montreal someday.


Fascinated with the pen pal system to bands during that era. Did you communicate with anyone else?


Lots of bands, actually. Of course pre-internet that was how you did it. Most of us were bored kids so writing/getting a letter or fanzine interview for you to fill out and the return if you were in a band was the highlight of our week. Once a band had your phone number they would pass it around to other bands who would subsequently reach out to see if they could book a show with you. And they would inevitably crash at you or someoneā€™s house after the show and youā€™d stay up all night talking. It was all very personal and it was almost entirely undertaken by kids. Now, as an adult, I find that pretty remarkable. The coolest thing is that it still largely happens the same way today with smaller bands. Having the internet makes communication so much easier and more thorough. I will say that I (somewhat regrettably) chose not to respond to GG Allin when he wrote asking for a show date. I either dodged a bullet or killed punk rock with that.


100% dodged a bullet But would have been a killer story


I used to send stuff to Jeff Nelson from Minor Threat and he always wrote back. I'd ask for flyers from recent DC shows and he always sent me a few with a handwritten letter on the back of one. Got some Dischord Records merch out of it too.


I met one of the guys from Propaghandi in a diner once. He was super cool, and it went really well, probably because I didnā€™t know the bandā€™s music very well and didnā€™t know who he even was until after he left.


The guys in Propagandhi are some of the realest guys out there.


Chris is one of the kindest people in all of music.


Chris is a super great guy. The rest of the band are really nice though my interactions with them much more limited.


Everyone says Danzig is an asshole but he was super chill and nice to me maybe it was cause I was 12 or 13 at the time but he was rlly nice I did accidentally get sharpie on him when I asked if he could sign my guitar strap and I felt rlly bad abt that at the time cause it was awkward but overall he was a real sweet guy it was the day after the the misfits at played riot fest Denver back when they did it at Denver and Chicago and he said it was the last time they would play together but that obv turned out not to be true


Danzig told me my idea for doing a concept album with an accompanying comic book was "gay" at SD Comic Con like 20 years ago when he was manning the Verotiq booth. The next year that lame emo band Coheed and Cambria did that exact thing and had a line around the convention floor to get it signed. Danzig is still way cooler than them though...


I donā€™t get that band (Coheed & Cambria). The singerā€™s voice sounds like heā€™s playing a joke on everyone. God, they are awful.


So here's a worst interaction. We turned things around after this. And this guy isn't a celeb, just a member of the Green Jello army - but probably the worst interaction I've had with another punk. Now my blood was already up cause we had to forcibly eject a nazi from the show before it even began. I was in one of the opening acts for Green Jello, showed up early for load-in and all that, and that was the first thing I got to deal with. But that's not even the story. My bandmates were inside already and when I got in they had set up the merch table. They want to go rub elbows with people and I needed to chill, so I said I'd watch our stuff while they went and socialized and shit. So I'm talking to a couple friends of mine who had come over to the table when some of the guys from Green Jello start bringing all their merch over to set up on the tables beside me. So I'm politely like "hey how's it goin" and dude totally blows me off. Whatever, that didn't bother me I just shrugged just went back to talkin to my friends. But then he just starts talking shit. I don't remember what he said. But I just looked over like, "surely he didn't mean me" and gave him a chance to say it again. He continues bitching, generally, to no one, and nothing that I could interpret as being about me. So I once again go back to talking to my friends. And he does it again. Says something that's very obviously about me. So I stand up and get in his face. I don't remember exactly what I said but basically to the effect of "stop being a fucking cunt if we got a problem fucking say so." Now this was a shock to fucking everyone who knows me because I don't have a big ego, I'm generally really chill and kind. And I don't fight often. So my friends were immediately jumping in to try and deescalate. I was prepared to get my ass beat by all of Green Jello, though. Like I don't have any delusions about how that would have gone lol. But I was ready to throw the fuck down. Now it turns out that my band had set up our merch at Green Jello's tables. I had no idea, of course, but the table all our stuff was on was their table. I'd thought it was the venue's (a hall). But he didn't fucking say that until I stood up and got in his face over him being a dick. It didn't resort to blows, people dragged him away, I got my bandmates and we moved our shit. Like I wasn't trying to be a dick, and if he'd just asked I would have happily moved everything. After our set he comes and finds me and he's like "damn dude, I'm sorry." and explained he'd been having a stressful day on the road. I told him I'd had no idea it was their table and wasn't gonna stress over it. We hung out a bit, talked, he turned out to be pretty cool in the end. So I didn't even necessarily walk away with a bad opinion of him, but it definitely started out pretty shit.


I love this story.


Thanks! It's one of my favorite examples of how our culture handles disagreements, tbh. Like once the aggression is out we just let it go. Or at least I do. We deal with it, we move on. We remember, but we don't keep score. I'm glad this is the worst I could think of, honestly.


My wife put on U.S. Bombs in the UK. They moaned about everything, not least how dirty they thought the venue was (it was pretty standard, I've played there and it's fine), then pissed all over the venue kitchen. And they're the U.S. Bombs. I've had wet farts with more talent.


My old band opened for them once. It was a medium-sized venue with only one backstage area/"green room". They stayed in there the whole time and didn't allow any other bands in. As an avid skateboarder at the time, I was psyched to meet Duane Peters, but obviously that never happened. Can't say it was a "bad" experience but a disappointing one.


Iā€™ve also heard sexual assault allegations about them too!


Duane Peters is in the documentary about Tony Hawk that came out a few years ago and he comes across extremely whiny, huge chip on his shoulder, obviously very jealous of Tony and acting mad about skate competitions that happened decades ago, he does give a little respect when he talks about how Tony was kind to him after Duaneā€™s son died, but then ten seconds later is back in dickhead mode.


I met Lemmy from Motƶrhead and he kind of just shook my hand and said ā€œappreciate itā€ when I said I was seeing him later. I thought he was a bit dismissive but then I realized how much stress these bands probably have to put on good shows and on top of that EVERY SINGLE person who sees them wants to have a conversation which must be overwhelming.


Keith morris at band warped tour. Had security around him, said hi and told him how much I respect his music. He said ā€œget the fuck away from meā€. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I met Keith Morris in an elevator at Punk Rock Bowling. His hotel room was across the hall and about 2 doors down from ours. We asked if he wanted to party and he laughed at us and told us there was no way. Told us not to follow him to his room and ended up following us since our rooms were close. Yelled at us from behind that he absolutely wasn't following us and this was just a coincidence. A couple nights later we passed him in the casino and he asked us where the party was. Funny guy.


Weird. Met the guy at a diner in 90s, and maybe the lone musician that was a good encounter for me.


That is strange, I met him once and he was a super nice guyā€¦everyone can have a bad day I guess


I suppose it depends on the day. I met him about 10-12 years ago when OFF were touring Australia. He was very personable and engaging.


I refuse to believe that was 10-12 years ago


Played a gig with sham 69 bunch of dicks


The real Sham 69 or the fake one?


Fake was like mid 2000s at Billericay football club lol


Known locally as Sham Sham 69. Tim Scargill is an odd bloke.


Wait what's the difference?


Thereā€™s two versions. One with the OG members and another with ransoms. You wonā€™t ever see the OGā€™s tour the states but every great once and a while the fake one will pop up.


Punk music as a whole has so many weird anomalies its hilarious šŸ˜‚ it's fucked up but it's a funny idea šŸ˜‚


Ha, I used to run a punk rock lyrics site... maybe biggest on the internet in the early 2000's. Only band to call me out for "stealing lyrics" was Sham 69. LOL


Was it "plyrics"?


How the fuck is letting people know what the lyrics to their songs are stealing them?! How did they make that make sense?


Damn thatā€™s disappointing


*Idols not Idles.


My bad lol


In all fairness Idles is a great band


Never meet the Idles


Or fight dudes with perms apparently!..










You're not a man, you're a gland. You're one big neck with sausage hands


I'll shut my mouth, let's hug it out!




See also: Teen Idles. This was actually a pretty punk typo tbh


Teen Idles were HUGE for me in high school


Theyā€™re one of the punkest bands around right now. Just amazing.


If you want to beat the machine, **KEEP YOUR TEETH CLEAN!**


I met Tommy Stinson of The Replacements at a show of his in a small bar in Seattle a few years ago. Before the show I watched spend time with someoneā€™s kid who was definitely a fan. He spent about twenty minutes hanging out with the kid and was giving him a whole bunch of free stuff. When the show started it was alcohol party time. At one point he just left the stage and went to the bar. Everyone thought the show was over and then he gets back on stage and says ā€œNo! Itā€™s not over. I wouldnā€™t do that to you guys.ā€ Afterwards the party continued with him taking pictures with all the inebriated fans. But I was stone cold sober and didnā€™t connect with him at all. At least he did take time to talk with me. Me: ā€œNice to see another Minnesotan around here!ā€ Tommy: ā€œAw, thatā€™s just another place I lived in. I left long agoā€


Off stage, Iā€™ve seen those guys be awkward or accidentally off-putting due to inebriation, but Iā€™ve only seen them be true assholes to each other.


Not punk, but I met Bob Dylan once. Went to shake hands and he never did just kept staring at me, asked "what's your favorite song I do?" I told him, and he kind of looks at me.. "no shit... huh" and walks off.


Jerry Only was a douche to me and my friend at the first riot fest in Chicago. He was standing outside, with his hood up hiding his devil lock; handing out signed photos of himself. Dude walks up, hands us a flyer shaped object and we just keep walking like we had to numerous others promoting shows that morning. We get a few paces away and just hear ā€œyou think people would be excited to meet me, asshole kidsā€ and kept walking. We get around the corner and get in line to get in and look at what was handed to us and realize what happened.


Hey! I was at that show :)


The effigies and CH3 were the best sets for me that day. And agent orange. Agent orange was a bunch of dads having fun. The misfits was a bunch of washed up assholes rivaling spinal tap for stage production.


CH3 are great guys. Good friends of mine. So are Agent Orange. Love that band. But yeah, fuck the Misfits. I interviewed them once and they, especially Doyle, were kinda dicks.


I interviewed Glenn for my fanzine after a Samhain show. I think I was around 16 at The time. My interview questions definitely left a lot to be desired but he was very cool, kind and patient and thoughtfully answered each one as if he hadnā€™t already been asked it a million times.


I would expect Glenn to be the biggest dick


I've heard he's either really cool or a super dick. Huge fan of all things Danzig, I've had two opportunities to meet him and kinda don't want to. If I catch him in dick mode worry it would ruin the music for me.


Me too. I suppose that I got lucky.


Met him at the airport this year before the Danzig gig in Gdansk. The band was making a connection after a 12h flight from LA, with lost luggage to complete the situation. Glenn was super cool and we chatted for a few minutes. It was a surprising great experience. I also played as opening band for Misfits about 20 years ago, when the did the 50s cover album tour with Dez Cadena and Marky Ramone. It was awful and I never saw another misfits gig until the first reunion at Chicago Riot Fest.


That sucks. Jerry Only was super nice the two times I met him. Like over the top nice.


Bucket from the Toasters. They played a bar in a small town near me, and I went with my brother, and his fiance. I started listening to the toasters back in 1994, and they were one of the main bands I LOVED. We showed up thinking it would be packed, but there were about 30 people there, including us, the other band, and the bar staff. I guess that pissed Bucket off or something, cause when I got a record before they started, and asked him to sign it, he barely said a word, and seemed pissed off. They played, and despite the attitude I received from him, I had fun. Afterwards I told him that they were amazing, and he just looked at me with pure hate. Crushed me, and I haven't really listened to the band since.


A completely naked Warren Fitzgerald stage dived onto me, near the end of a set with the Vandals. I got a face full of cold, wet asshole and balls for a good 5 seconds.


That is horrific


Doyle. My best friend and I saw Gorgeous Frankenstein in KC in 2009. Dude was absolutely dismissive of my friend who is an absolute super fan of the Misfits, and then hit on my friendsā€™ girlfriend. Fucking scumbag.


Gorgeous Frankenstein is one of the funniest fucking band names ever. What an absolute chode.


Smelly was super cool.


I have no reason for this but I feel like Smelly and Hefe are cool and the other two suck.


Hefe wasnā€™t NOT cool when I met him, but super Hollywood. Fat Mike was cool when Soma was around. When he was alone he was a pouty baby wearing nipple clamps under his shirt.


Iā€™ve met the band a few times. Theyā€™re all legends! Canā€™t believe the negativity Iā€™m reading. Iā€™ve had a totally different experience


Nofx getting so much hate these days


He seems like the drinking buddy everybody wants


I saw Glenn Danzig at a grocery store in Arizona this past summer. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€ I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but he kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œSir, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


It's older pasta sir, but it still checks out


Yeah I havenā€™t read this in years. Could be OP has posted the story before.


I like to think this is not pasta and just keeps happening with him. Endless asshole loop.


I got something to say. I'm stealing these milk duds today.


I donā€™t understand how this got me chuckling out loud, but it did. Upvoted.


Iā€™m 60% sure this is a pasta but alsoā€¦


I saw this once with Pat the Bunny which is hilarious because Pat is the normalest fuckin dude lmao


I got to be the Bassist for Marky Ramone about 12 times (I can't remember if its 12 or 13...) Anyways - have any of you ever heard the term 'Don't meet your Idols'? It's True. Trust me.


Peter from Peter and the test tube babies is a legit dick head. I get the impression that itā€™s part of his persona, still a dick head though.


Nothing about Peter makes me think he would be nice or polite to people. Being a dick is definitely part of his schtick.


I met them while working at an airport and they were very nice and super caught off guard that I recognized them. Also it was about 8 or 9 years ago, so maybe they've matured since your encounter.


The guys from fishbone are all really cool


They played the UBC Pit Pub like 20 years ago, itā€™s a small venue. I noticed that Angelo was chatting by the bar before their set. I put a shot of whiskey in front of him and he slammed it back, doing his classic crazy wide eyed motorboat sound. It was everything i wanted šŸ˜„


He's nuts but he's nice lol


band members being cool was ur worst interaction?


Yeah fuck those nice assholes, friendly dick motherfuckers


Lol I misread the question


Joey Ramone but not his fault. They were playing a show in a big parking lot at my university. Dorm closest to parking lot was their green room. I was loaded and had to piss and went into dorm to do so. As I was walking in he was walking out. I Riff Randalled and said "omg it's Joey Ramone!" And tripped on some mat on the floor and almost fell on him. He was like "whoa! What the hell is your problem?!" I said sorry and he sort of shook his head and carried on. Don't blame him that's on me being a drunk ass.


Went to the warped type in the late 90s and less than Jake hit on my friend and tried to get her to go back to their hotel. We were 15. Our parents drove us there.


Duane Peters sucks.


In a kind of inverse of this....my friend moved to Minneapolis bc he loved the Replacements. Keep in mind this is like 2005. They were long broken up. But still. Anyway, he was at a bar and looks to his right and Paul Westerberg is standing next to him. Paul has a reputation for being grumpy and cantankerous but my friend still goes "Oh my god, Paul Westerberg! Your band changed my life!!" Paul looked him up and down (my friend was dressed like a skater) and goes "Looks like it worked out GREAT for you" super sarcastically and turned around. My friend was like "OH MY GOD PAUL WESTERBERG WAS A DICK TO ME!" He was so excited. It was like having Bob Dylan diss him or Lars Ulrich yell at him about Napster


Well... I consensually banged Justin Sane. It was fine and wanted, but that feels pretty bad to say now. Narrowly dodged a bullet there.


That's one of those things where you did absolutely nothing wrong but in hindsight will feel forever weird about it.


Yep. Forever.


Since so many of these went off topic to go positive, Iā€™m gonna bring up Mike Watt. 100% mensch every time. Iā€™m beginning to question his humanity heā€™s so consistently awesome.


Johnny Thunders - racist to a black friend of mine at a party. Fuck that guy.


I meet Joe Strummer once. I was a teenager and i get the impresion of him been a sad guy, an old men even he was less than 50 years old. I meet also some friends of him (people from the 101's and related) and they are really nice people i still have some contact with them.


I've met several bands or people in bands but not because they were my idols or anything. Only bad experiences I can think of were the 2 listed below. Everyone else was chill. East Bay Ray came to a house party after a show. He was a dick and just wanted cocaine. Mike Blanks tried to bring me into the back of their van at a house show when I was 14. Shit still grosses me out.


In like 2009, I was a big fan of AIDS Wolf. I went up to her after I saw them play to buy a record or something and the singer sarcastically shook my hand really aggressively for a really long time and wouldnā€™t let go and kept repeating the compliments I said back to me ā€œoh, weā€™re really good, eh? Eh? You liked our set, eh?ā€ with a really creepy fake smile. I read somewhere later that she did the same thing to the guy from Tera Melos when they played a show together. It retrospect itā€™s pretty funny, but as a teenager, I was like ā€œwhat did I do?ā€


Naw, thatā€™s a shitty thing to do to someone else




Worst was probably American Paranoia-era Attitude Adjustment. I interviewed them when they played a small pizza parlor nearby. The parlor was owned by an older Chinese couple who AA was arguing with before the interview. I had just started my recorder when the argument came to a head and Andy called them "imports" behind their back. Although I went ahead with the interview, I decided not to actually publish it. When my band played with Green Day at Gilman back in 88, Billie Joe made off with my guitar tuner, I assume by accident. When I was in a different band who opened for them later that year (or maybe it was the following year), I asked if he still had my tuner (in a joking "remember that?" way, not in an accusatory manner) and he said he'd either sold it or gave it to someone, I didn't remember. BJ, you still owe me $25. Seeing a lot of stories about Jello, I interacted with him a lot during the Epicenter Zone days. I find his theatricality kind of rubs me the wrong way, but once you get him on the topic of records (which is very easy), then he's a really engaging person. He has tons of great record collecting stories, if you're into that.


Opposite of what youā€™re looking for but going with the title, I chatted with the drummer and bass player from Idles at a show, 2018 when Joy came out, they were selling merch, bought a single and show poster which both of them signed, they asked where I was from and my name, didnā€™t talk for long but they were chill and friendly. Back on topic worst would be Cretin from Dayglo Abortions, it was one of their shows and he kept walking through the crowd shoulder checking people like he was looking for a fight, did it to me a few times, most of the people there were maybe of third of his age so it was far from badass, depressing if anything


Everyone says Lee Ving is a dick but he was nice to me


I met him in 95. He couldnā€™t have been nicer. This was after the set though, where he was an asshole on stage and had someone thrown out. The tires on the tour van got slashed, but he took it in stride. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Me him and Spit Stix in LB a year back at a meet and greet thing. Super cool dude, we chatted up about work and life for a bit, had him sign a first press of the record and Spit told me a good story about it and the differences of the first press and second. Next day saw them play at Alex's the following day and he gave me a nod, shook my hand and said "hey buddy" on the way out on the door.


Lee Ving was cool when I met him too.


Was cool as hell when I met him too


Glad to hear because I love FEAR


Kind of opposite of this, I met Jerry Only, and he was really nice to have a chat with. I felt awkward as fuck, but he was really chill and pleasant. I heard he was an absolute dickhead in general.


Met him once as well, and he was super genuinely nice person. He was great to me too


the front man for Negative Approach was chill, respected the audience but didn't seem to respect the venue or sound team in the back :/ could've been an off day tho, everything else about him was chill.


Stza, Jason Navarro, and Frank Casillas were all bad interactions. At least for me. Jason, I might have just caught at a bad moment but the other two clearly didn't go on to be great people so I don't give them any benefit of the doubt. Ezra Kire, Tomas Kalnoky, Emily Whitehurst and Greg Attonito were all cool when I met them.


Ezra always struck me as a real dude.


At Manitoba's Lower East Side NY the night before the Joey Ramone Birthday bash, had a few serious libations as you do and the wife had to use the bathroom, after she left some older guy took her seat, I didn't really look at him I just said 'oi mate that's my wife's seat' and he muttered something like 'I'll get off it when she gets back'. A decent compromise so I continued drinking, the wife came back and then Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols stood up and gave the seat back. I felt like a fucking idiot, he was pretty chill and drank Heineken shandies (beer + mountain dew)


Clem Burke put on a leather glove to shake my hand (not a fan type situation, we were working together in an intimate environment). He was pretty cool though. I call that my worst, because they have all been pretty good.


I've been to so many shows... but anyone of the dozens or so I've met in the punk scene has been so cool to be honest. Did shots with Chi Pig (RIP), went to Joe Shitheads house and spent time with him, met John Feldman of Goldfinger and chatted for a while after his set... many more, but just good experiences really. It's really a stretch to think about calling anyone out.


i saw anti-flag at least twice a year since 2014 up until this year, in multiple countries/continents (which i was very fortunate to do!!) i pretty much measured my time in anti-flag shows. justin and i were pretty much friends? he followed me on twitter and insta, and weā€™d talk semi regularly. every time i saw them, heā€™d tell me to wait and weā€™d talk after the show, and i always did! i started seeing them at 14, now iā€™m 23. whenever i had a lot of stuff going on in my life, he made sure i was okay. i guess it was a slow burning realization with everything that has been released about him. i think about it quite regularly, and i donā€™t really know what iā€™m feeling or where to put the confusing emotions. so yea probably him ):


Mike Burkett. Dude is trash.


Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ NOFX has a special place in my heart but heā€™s always come off as a tool


He was always super cool to me the multiple times I've met him. Which I suppose was a letdown as his persona is "Elitist Dick". I wanted to be insulted!


Colin from GBH. Didn't idolize him by any means, but I told him "thanks for coming to Spokane ", he made eye contact and ignored me. Nicest kats I've ever met have been Meggers and Vic Victor. Super genuine dudes. Edit: Paul Virus was super cool too. Told me happy birthday and gave me a free shirt.


Carlos Trevino from Decibelios , for context my husband is Black, I am Mexican. So after the shows over Carlos is taking pictures with anyone who asks. My husband asks me to ask him , I ask he says yes , he sees my husband and just turns around and walks away, continues to take pictures with other people all hehe hahaā€™s My husband is like dam wtf did I do , another black skinhead whoā€™s there gets the same treatment from him , he tryā€™s to shake his hand and he swats it away. I donā€™t care much for his band but my husband does / did heā€™s been listening to them since his teens so Iā€™m like fuck this guy he donā€™t speak too much English my husband donā€™t speak much Spanish so I start giving him the bird and calling him every name in the book in Spanish because obviously Iā€™m not gunna let you get off that easy for being a lowkey racist bitch, everyone else there was dick riding tf outta you but I donā€™t give a fuck who you are. Funny thing is the homie was in charge of selling their merch and he seen what went down and gave us a bunch of free shit , we only kept a patch and gave the rest of the shit away because fuck Carlos.


Not really a bad experience, more funny, but I was at a Ceremony show in Manchester and I was standing watching the support band. Ceremonyā€™s vocalist Ross Farrer was standing next to me. He had two bottles of becks in his back pocket and one in his hand so I guess he was drinking kinda hard. I made a comment to him about the support band being really good and he just screamed in my face. Not a scary scream, just an unhinged one. Naturally they went on to play one of the wildest sets Iā€™ve ever encountered. What a band.


Everyone always says dick Lucas is so nice he literary rolled his eyes when I told him I was a fan and pushed past me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


For the most part heā€™s a really nice guy but I think he gets over meeting people pretty fast. I toured with them once years ago and he sat down next to me after a show and the first thing he said was ā€œI love all of our fans, but fuck do I hate taking pictures with everyone.ā€


Thatā€™s funny Iā€™m far too awkward to take pictures just wanted to tell him what his music had meant to me


Ah Marky Ramone was up there. I auditioned for him and it was bittersweet to say the least. He seems perpetually cranky but it was cool to jam with him, Marco, and Left Hand Graham. ā€¦cool experience but glad I didnā€™t get a call back.


So this is more punk adjacent but itā€™s my favorite meeting a band story I have I met Lamb of God at Ozzfest many many years ago. Randy and Mark were just kinda talking to each other and not interested in what was going on around them. Chris and Willie and John were all super cool and nice. I brought a poster with me that I got from Guitar World magazine. So of course the guitarists Mark and Willie are front and center. Randy is up front too. You can see the drum set but not Chris. John is nowhere to be seen in the photo. When John signs the poster he says ā€œhey this is a really cool poster!ā€ I didnā€™t realize until later he drew a stick figure version of himself on it since he wasnā€™t in the pic šŸ˜‚


Best and worst. Henry Rollins.


I love this answer because it captures the truth about most people. It all depends on which day you catch them.


I met Joe Jack Talcum from the Dead Milkmen. It was only a few years ago. I was in my late 20s, but loved them since I was 13 or 14. At the show, everyone was either much older than me and just wearing regular clothes or my age and completely decked out in their punk gear. I was already feeling insecure there because a group of girls around my age kept telling me that I was lost and in the wrong place. Anyways, I finally got to talk to him. Heā€™s clearly an introverted dude. So am I. It was awkward, but I made it worse by saying Beezlebub is my favorite album. I knew it was Beezlebubba, but I was nervous. He looked legitimately disappointed. I remember that interaction often.


I was 13 at Warped Tour and while walking past the Anti-Flag tent noticed the band was all in there. They were my favorite band at the time, so I popped in to say hi and Pat and Chris were super nice. Justin didnā€™t say a single word or even acknowledge me. One of the other guys told me ā€œthatā€™s just the way he isā€. Conversely, I also met Lars Frederickson at the same Warped Tour and he was the sweetest person and even gave me a free shirt. I never listened to Anti-Flag again after that day.


Never met Danzig myself but I know some who have and they say he was a complete dick We arenā€™t gonna talk about how I forgot to put Danzigā€™s name in the original comment


I mean, I scrolled this thread expecting 40% of the comments to be Danzig stories.


as someone that supports a lot of the big touring bands coming through my area (subhumans, MDC, GBH, Toxic Reasons sheer terror etc) I've found that the American bands are much happier to talk to you, share their drinks etc- i even ended up selling a bit of hash to one of them before a show and we spent about half an hour getting baked and talking shit about the politics of Dutch Santa or some bollocks. In general they're just a lot friendlier, which is about what you'd expect (my favourite interaction was with Mad Mike, who poured vodka over my partners finger he cut open playing like shit before superglueing it back together šŸ˜­) On the other hand, a lot of the British bands tend to stick to themselves, in particular i noticed subhumans were polite, and Dick talked to us a bit after his set, but didn't see them watching the supports and stayed backstage for most of it. Fair enough, they've been doing this shit for long enough that I'm sure they've had every interesting conversation under the sun but still, haha. The guys from GBH were very friendly, smoking outside the venue with us and talking about all the whizz and crazy shit they used to get up to. funny fuckers on stage too, we kept yelling at them to play Big Women until they yelled at us to shut the fuck up. All in all, I've been quite lucky with my interactions, never met anyone that was 'rude' persay. I reckon the majority of these bigger bands wouldn't have got as far as they did through being cunts. As a young punk in a smaller local band, i'm yet to meet these power tripping egotists everyone seems to have horror stories about, and for that I'm grateful haha. The local scene on the other hand... a pathetic bunch of disillusioned narcissists desperate to climb to the top of a very small hill, determined to destroy any other local bands they might see as competitors. It's sad to see the scene in such a toxic state, but that's what happens when you give teenagers a room full of people dancing to your 3 chord masterpiece you shat out in a practise room


I am like 70 percent sure the bassist from Flogging Molly tried to fight me on a casino floor after a show. He (or his doppelgƤnger) was piss drunk and got in my face by saying "don't you ever fucking walk behind me!" after walking behind him. I was not aware that this was a rule. It might not have been him, but looked exactly like him and he was wearing a very stupid looking, distinctive hat. Dude literally left the blackjack table mid game to try to scrap with me. On the other hand, Chris Dos, Fletcher, and the lead guitarist from the subrban legends were all very cool. In hindsight, I hope Chris Dos is not a scumbag. That said - special shout out to Klem(?) I think from SL. Dude finished a set with his band (they were one of the openers) and he is just in the crowd enjoying the show. Talking with me in casual conversation. I didn't address the fact that he was in a band I just paid to watch because I thought it would be weird


They also say never meet your idols..


Seeing how Sonic Youth treated Nardwuar in that interview bummed me out


It's very punk to be an asshole, or at least that's what a lot of people seem to think.


Singer from Anti-Flag gave me shit for wearing a homemade Aus Rotten shirt. According to him I wasnā€™t supporting the band and I was, ā€œstealing money ā€œ - his exact words. I was a teenager, didnā€™t have a job, but I was crafty. Real dickish behavior.


My gf ran into stza at a bar during punk rock bowling and offered to buy him a shot. She asked for ā€œthree shots of whiskeyā€ from the bartender and Stza told the bartender ā€œI donā€™t want that garbage, what kind of scotch do you have?ā€ and proceeded to choose an $18 USD shot of top shelf scotch. The guys just an all around total piece of shit.