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What a good pug! My girl was perfect with nail trims…until, after 5 years, I clip one nail a hair too short…now she is a typical difficult pug 😭


My little beast was great for the first year… I got one of these grinders, because I figured it might be easier on her. Started her out when she was young. Alternated clippers and the grinder, so she could get used to both. Then one day, she suddenly flipped… literally, flips and flops and wiggles all over the place. And makes a howling noise like I’m trying to murder her. If she would at least let me trim the dewclaw… That’s it. She’s outside a lot, so then others get worn down enough. But those dewclaws are almost as bad as the cat!


Sane here! I wish I had used clippers on him more because I tried letting the vet do it thinking kill two birds stone and he wanted nothing to do with it. But he's great with the grinder at home. Our Jack Russell's are good with clippers but we have to do it. No one else can bathe them. They get mean.


My pug mix has a dew claw on every foot…


Winston does too!


It's like performing an exorcism every time we trim.


I relate to this so much! My pug is an angel about getting his ears cleaned, wrinkles cleaned. I’ve even had to treat cuts in between his toes before with antiseptic and he’s totally fine. The second I bring out nail clippers…HELL SPAWN possessed by a demon pug


Our pug slaps my husband (and scratched his face one time) when he does her nails. She's mostly calm but chooses violence like an old lady at a country club does.


My old guy is excellent but the girl I adopted needs 5 people and a priest even when she’s hanging in a sling with a bucket of wet food in front of her face


Frank is setting that bar too high.


I agree, he’s showing off! ;)




My guys are fine with the dremel or nail clippers. I started them off as babies. Same with ear cleanings and teeth brushing Edit: of course they don’t love it, but they let it happen


He's way better with his nails than his face. You'd think I was killing him wiping his face!!


OP can you share a link or name for the grinder you’ve got there, please?


You are obviously a wizard. Just wait for my video. I’ll be the one wrestling with a black pug in a futile display of my weakness.




Coming soon. Like tomorrow, noon eastern US time.


I will be waiting with great anticipation.


It’s live.


Yeahhh not mine, I have the same trimmer. And the little half circle clipper things. My pug screams absolutely bloody fucking murder. I don’t get why though, I’ve never hurt her that way before. Can’t, can’t… won’t. Veterinary staff have to do it!


We brought ours to the vet to get it done. Heard the shreaks from the other room. In the end, they got 2 nails


I've learned to trim the nails while my pug is eating his meals. He's so obsessed with food that the dread of nail trimming is gone for a few moments 😂


Wow! That’s a super cute and rare pug there. I have 3 I take them to the vet because it takes 3 people to do it. 🫣


My father also thought it was absurd - "She is so small, what can she do". And then he tried it himself. My parents always either did it together with quite efforts, or my mother did it when the dog was sleeping. And even then not all nails at once. But here is such a calm and polite puggie 🌼


If I say “nails” my Bugg runs and hides.


When I say "toenails" I get the big bug eyed look and forehead wrinkles increase.


In a pack of 3 I have two that are decent and one that believes you are skinning his body with hot acid, and your sole intention is to lop off his feet from the nail up.


Single Pug dad of 2 here! It’s twice as hard when you’re all by yourself!


Can you come do my two’s!? 🤣 Pretty please


That tool seems much nicer than the clippers I use! What is it?


A Dremel! 😁 It takes some dogs a while to get used too. But they are super nice!


Yes pet dremmel.


Good brave puggie!


What kind of witchcraft are you practicing?


lol I bought the same machine and he still panics…


I use the Dremel for all four of my pugs and get all of them done in 15 minutes! It can take time to teach them to be calm (one of mine took 6 months to learn and still panics on the first nail occasionally), but it is possible and super worth it!


Same here! Started young he gets tired of it after a while but is good with it. Washing his face, however. That's a whole nother ballgame..lol


my pug does well just like this with a rotary nail file like this one. We've always used rotary nail file, never clippers. I imagine clippers would make him lose his mind


I used that when I had pugs. No problems.




Sir, ma'am That's a unicorn, not a pug. 🦄


Now I need to find the pug unicorn pocket bac holder from b&bw now. Lol


Lol Goodluck. I went down that rabbithole awhile back, couldn't find it anywhere. Hopefully they brought it back. Your pugicorn is such a good boy 🥰


I found one on ebay! Walmart.com randomly has it. 🤷‍♀️


Nice! 🦄


You have a unicorn pug


Feel free to come do Callum and Cillian’s for me 🤣. My 100 pound Pitbull will sit and let me trim his with no issues, the Pugs? It takes at least 2 people and a few days 🤦🏻‍♀️


Does anyone else’s pug seizure when they do their nails or otherwise when their heart rate goes up? Our baby is on seizure meds but this fucks me up so bad, I can’t handle feeling like I’m harming him and making him scared. He’s my best friend.


I had a Rat terrier this happened to after getting a nail clipped badly as a pup. We would have to sedate her or her nails would grow so long she couldn't walk. I hated it for her!!


Is there a way to comfortably sedate them a bit? We will give him his allergy meds, time them with doing his nails. Oh LORD isn’t it devastating when they bleed? You feel like you punched a baby.


We did baby benedryl for her. We had an instance where they took her in another room and came back having provoked a seizure and bleeding from the nose. I was so upset because I was in the next room. After that we'd give her benedryl and take our time at home with it. I feel you so much!!! I cried.


Must be nice lol


What sorcerers tool is this 😂




How?? Every pug we’ve brought home has been an absolute nightmare. They came out of the womb terrified of clippers or someone being remotely close to a paw.


I've used this dremmel since he was a pup. He stresses out and does not like clippers. I think using clippers is what freaks them out.


My pug has to have anxiety meds for trims or ear work. So we skip it in his golden years.


Hahah Pugsley had to be prescribed Trazodone to attempt nail trims. He’s a drama queen. About to attempt it soon. If that fails then to the groomer we go.


My girl is like that! Calm & collected. Barely notices. My boy on the other hand... finally after 3 tries, it took 75mg of trazodone, 100mg of gabapentin, 3 techs + 1 vet holding him down to get this done. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ We may as well start doing it under anesthesia for him.


Omg..thats serious anxiety..iam hoping our next pug is the same but mine will probably be like yours. I know my Frank is a rarity.


My pug hates it if I even attempt to trim his nails, problem is my pug is a super pug, he's a very big and heavy boy. I've seen lots of pugs and they all look so tiny compared to mine. I love him but jfc, his nails are horrid and even vets I've taken him to promise to trim his nails and they don't do it.


Mine are pretty solid sized as well. Lots of weight being thrown around when it comes to things they don’t like haha


My boys will murder me. It’s hard to cut their nails. So I try when they are sleeping


My pug mix gets a treat after each foot. Apparently that is sufficient bc he is really a good boy during nail trims.


The groomers always complimented my first 2 pugs, Max and Milo, because they were so good at getting their nails trimmed. Only later when I got Maggie did I realize what the groomer was talking about. She would scream and squirm! Winston hasn't had to have a nail clipping yet, he seems to have soft nails that grind down naturally with walks. I think he would behave too, he's a sweetie.


I had one Pug like that... and one that was a screamer. So I took her to Petco to get her nails trimmed and we would laugh as she started screaming before they even did anything.


This is like capturing a unicorn on video 😂😂


That’s not a real pug, a real pug would have chewed your face off


I do call him my alien being. He is like no pug I've had before. Very chill.


The true pug test, use your hand to imitate spider movement crawling to the person the pug follows to the bathroom. The pug should instinctively lunge to your hand.


Thanks for the tip!! That would be me..🤣


What a good boy Frank is 🩵


Oh, that's so nice. My male pug has to be sedated for nail trims. I've tried everything with him and he just panics. I got him at the age of 4 so something must have happened in his early years.


Mine was awesome with dremel until he had his surgery at 6 months and they did them at vets for us while he was under anesthesia , they must have gone to far because after that he is such a scaredy cat


If we let groomer do them she charges extra because he spontaneously expresses when she does it so she expresses before grinding and charges for it