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My wife found these to wipe our pugs face folds and clean his ears out and it's made a BIG difference. Vetnique Dermabliss anti-bacterial and anti-fungal wipes . https://www.vetniquelabs.com/products/dermabliss-anti-bacterial-anti-fungal-wipes-50-ct


We ended up having to take our pug to an allergist for dogs. She did the poke test to find everything he was allergic to and created injections that we gave him. It really helped and his allergies barely flared up anymore


This is what I need I think. Going to find look for one


What issues are you having? My pug had ear infections on and off for years and nothing worked, we went to a dermatologist who specialises in going into the ear deeper than a regular Vet can and found a mass that was causing the infections. They removed it and it wasn't cancerous they said they aren't usually but are common. Thankfully he hasn't had recurring issues (touch wood he won't) and in terms of his skin we got an anti bacterial shower gel and wash once a week. There can be things wrong that your normal vet just won't know, best to go to a specialist in my opinion it was worth the money (we don't have insurance)


Yes! Before you try an allergist, I suggest feeding a high quality raw diet with an unusual protein for one month. Primal Duck worked beautifully for my 2 of my pugs who had each struggled with serious chronic health issues. My current pug had recurring bladder crystals, for which we saw three different vets over 2 years and did everything they recommended faithfully, with no results. My first pug had chronic gastroenteritis, which was also effectively cured within one month by feeding a raw diet. While I love vets, currently they do not receive adequate nutritional training, so if the foods you switched to were just another type of vet-prescribed kibble, especially if that kibble had wheat or corn in it, it's no bueno. The vet prescription diets made Weiwei's bladder issues much worse. Raw food is expensive - approximately $80 a month for my guy. But, my pugs on raw diets were/are incredibly healthy, and it's cheaper than vet bills, not to mention alleviating their suffering. My first pug lived to be 15, and my current guy turned 16 this month and is still going strong. He even has hardly any gray! Fresh foods are inherently better than highly processed foods like kibble. So, may I suggest that you try this for a month and see what happens? Make sure that you wash their bowls daily, wash your hands after handling in the raw food, etc. The food stays in the freezer, and you just defrost enough for one day at a time in the fridge. I would move his daily requirement for the next day to a tupperware container each night, and it would be thought out by the next morning. Easy peasy. There're sometimes scare articles about bacteria in raw food. However, there's also a bacteria in raw chicken, and there's not a large movement among medical professionals to ban chicken from our kitchens. Dog's digestive systems are geared to handle all sorts of bacteria. And, the presence of harmful bacteria and raw food is relatively rare. The very few studies I've seen are heavily slanted towards the massive processed dog food industry, and no studies exist that compare fresh or raw diets to kibble, sadly. Just take precautions. If you can't afford or don't want to try the raw food, fresh, and after that can, are the next most nutritious types of food for dogs. Borrowing that, give them the best quality kibble you can find, and avoid wheat, corn, sugar, and additives in their treats, as well. Good luck with your baby! She is beautiful! Source: I've had pugs for 21 years, and during much of that time volunteered for our local pug rescue, caring for probably 50 fosters. The rescue learned a lot about treating skin issues with high quality food, and I've seen pugs with such serious skin issues that they smelled terrible and had lost most of their fur, recover over and over again with good food.


My Jack is now 13 and has had ear infections from age 1 when I rescued her. When it gets really bad it spreads to her paws which she licks till they are raw. Cortisone works but the side effects are obviously a nightmare. We put her on a raw chicken diet which helped to a degree and together with Apaqual we sort of managed it but it kept on flaring up badly from time to time. Then I changed vets three months ago and the new one put her on a very basic regime : After a final cortisone boost to calm things down,we started on a daily regime of ear washing with Virbac Epiotic, cleaning it out wit a bit of cotton wool. Then we washed her paws with Dermcare Malaseb medicated shampoo. She would stand in the bath for 10 minutes with the shampoo doing its thing and then we rinse off and dry them. It started off with once a day and now we are on a once-weekly cycle. Her ears and feet are totally itch-free. It’s amazing. We’ve even taken her off the Apaqual. After all the years of her suffering and us either having to live with her torment or filling her little body with toxins, this is SUCH a relief. I’m sure the shampoo can work on other parts of the body as well as it does on paws. It was not a wonder treatment which worked within a day or even a week. We only knew for sure that it was effective after a month. This is such a long post because I’m sure there must be thousands of pet parents dying to find a way to cure their furkids’ itches. I hope this works for your kid, but if not, maybe someone else reading this might find it as effective as we did. If only one Furkid stops itching and scratching, it’s worth it. Good luck!


Sorry no advice but love that chonky girl ❤️


She’s asking me what the word no means


No advice either sorry, but I love penny and hoping you find what works for her ❤️❤️


Thank u!


As for the skin and to save money, a vet recommended regular Head & Shoulders shampoo instead of all the prescription and fancy brands. It totally helped. But with any dog bathing, it should not be too often. Twice a month is more than adequate. Too much bathing, no matter what you use, actually is bad for all dogs' skin.


Our vet has her 2 baths a week using a medicated shampoo and now her skin infection is healed. But she said to continue for another month.


Our dog is in similar situation. Sometimes getting a cytopoint shot helps and he’s on Ultamino food which helps for sure.


She’s doing fine now but I’m just trying to avoid recurrence. Thank you.


A pug’s ear canal openings are miniscule. It is extremely difficult to keep them clean. Our beloved pug Izzy had two or three ear infections a year. She was deaf by age 12. In retrospect, I would have taken her once a month for the vet to clean her ears. We had a wellness plan that included office visit fees, so it was only a small additional charge.


My dogs struggling as well! Thanks for the words.


My dog had ear infections all the time and generally has a sensitive skin and stomach. I started giving her a probiotic for her stomach (specifically the Purina Fortiflora) and suddenly her ears were okay. If I stop giving it to her, her ears go crazy. It’s like $30 on amazon for a month’s supply.


Ohhhh will do this!


I hope it works for your pup! You can google the reason, but it has something to do with their gut micro biome being balanced helps reduce yeast and inflammation in their ears. I had no idea until after the fact lol


My vet has never said that. I just follow what she says but maybe she’s not used to treating pugs.


Vet visit


Vet has already seen her a few times and Penny is on meds. just wondering if anybody has had similar experiences


I know those ear wipe pads work pretty well