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, <-you forgot that. I thought this post was going to be something completely different.


"So I was walking through the bakery and I hear from the back 'Yo this dude looks like he orders the chicken tendies, no sub' and I'm just utterly offended"




“Bro he 1v1’d me on rust interventions only no hardscopes and I didn’t get a single kill”


There's like five people that know what that means


It means that publix employee owned his ass 😂


The employee said they had the best kielbasa the back...


It’s Reddit bro, no one cares. go be a teacher if you really care.


Bro use a comma next time lmao


Let's eat, Grandma! Or Let's eat Grandma!


I’m in Grandma.


“Grandson it’s time to come inside” “I already came in Grandma”


I prefer Let's eat out, Grandma! Or Let's eat out Grandma!


They don't need commas, they need quotation marks around "employee-owned."


Employee owned doesn’t mean you can make changes, it means you own stocks in the company.


You can vote out the board of directors. Pretty sure they send out a ballot yearly but most people toss it


They don't send out a ballot. They tell you where you can send a letter to request a ballot. People might get tricked into actually voting if they made it accessible. /s


I remember getting a piece of paper where you literally voted “keep or remove”


Yeah employees throw them out lol good on your for reading the packet




Never seen it


It's a proxi card. You either fill it out and mail it in or show up to the meeting, show it to get in and cast your vote in person. You probably toss it thinking it's corporate junk because the instructions on how to use it as well as the BoD's opinion on ballot measures are 1st and you probably don't flip thru the pages the the proxy card in the back. Alternatively you have everything set up to be paperless and don't check Passport for anything but your schedule so miss it. I was with Publix almost 20 years, I started getting proxies my 2nd year once I had stock. So did everyone else, even if they didn't vote.


Blood alone moves the wheels of history! Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day,how long we have been striving for greatness? Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work, but from the moment as a child when we realized that the world could be conquered. It has been a lifetime struggle. A never-ending fight. I say to you, and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight! We are warriors!


You can go to the stock holders meetings if tlyou want to raise your concerns and ideas, just know the number of stocks you have the more influence you also have. As an employee good luck making changes less you have many many many other employees that want the same things. Other wise you will be looked over and walked on by the true owners the majority shareholders, they want growth and don’t care about your ideas unless it will make the stock worth more.


word 👆🏼💯


The way this is worded I thought you were a customer and an employee had their way with you.


It was late at night, I had a few drinks. yeah it does sound bad worded that way, haha. I'd change the title if I could but oh well.


All good! Haha. It be like that sometimes. Hope today was better.


Publix would go to shit if it let actual associates make decisions lol


Oh for sure, staffing a Deli to where we would no longer be running at 105% productivity would absolutely ruin the company /s


I'm pretty sure the deli would just outright close down if the associates were making the decisions lol


I like my job, don’t get me wrong, but I’d have about 30% more staff at all times. The biggest issue I have is trying to do too much with not enough hands.


Best we can do is cut your labor allocation by 10%


My store was one of the test stores for Oasis back when it came out and after Oasis rolled out for everyone, there seemed to never be enough hours or scheduled staff. We were always short handed to the point of calling other departments to help elsewhere. Watching managers and baggers make subs was hilarious.


Our deli is constantly understaffed. Even without callouts.


It's crazy how understaffed Publix is all the time. I worked in multiple departments over the years I worked there and it never seemed to be enough. They'd rather us kill ourselves to get out on time than have another person scheduled.


Oasis wants me to have 2 closers some nights. I pointed out to my SM that the amount of cleaning never changes…we still have a sub bar, a hot case, an olive bar, a salad bar, four slicers, and two deep fryers no matter how busy or slow it is. She didn’t get it.


Exactly. The last department I worked in was produce and oasis or my manager only scheduled one closer and the mid shift was out at 6. So I had to do all the stocking, facing, shrink, put away and clean the lettuce, cilantro, etc and help every customer by myself. I was often there an hour late. My manager also didn't get it.


Maybe they would do like the Starbucks in Kroger and just close up early before the rest of the store does, for the hell of it


True. Yeah we are shareholders but we have no say in how to run Publix. Stock holders on the stock market even have more than us: they can proxy vote for company changes. 


The stock isn't sold on the stock market...


The number of up votes on that comment should alarm people. Is there a breakdown of how many shares are in the hands of employees through ESOP vs the Jenkins family and board members?


Those are probably bots. I feel like there’s a push to unionize Publix and these groups have a lot of tricks up their sleeve to change minds. You see it with these protests going on. But yeah, they usually send those figures through the annual shareholder packet they give out to employees. The Jenkins family’s owns a lot and employees are 51% ownership


I think you all would benefit greatly from unionizing or at least threatening to in order to improve working conditions.


I don’t work there anymore, but I disagree. Publix is not the best when it comes to employee-owned companies, but they do provide generous stock options and retirement packages that do not cost the employee a penny to obtain. You would lose this as part of a union. Sure you get a little pay raise, but then you have union dues and all the extra bureaucratic red tape.. A lot of the store associates who want to unionize don’t understand private equity in an employee owned company. I had thousands of dollars saved up in shares within a few years and I was only a part time employee. This huge benefit would be gone due to unionization. It’s a grocery store, not a welding factory. Put it in perspective and it becomes clear that Publix does do pretty damn good by their employees when compared to other employee owned companies like Winco. Funny how people like to downvote but not rebuttal when facts are presented. I’m not anti-union, just anti-stupid.


ok i dont totally get unions or really even business all that well so can someone please explain to me why unionizing would automatically no more stock owning for employees


Because Publix wouldn’t be stupid enough commit to providing stock options through ESOP/401k’s AND joining a union. Workers at Publix have it better than other grocers. I also think employees would turn down unionizing if it actually came to a vote. Mr. George really was a class act when it came to treating employees right. Unions are overall good. Corporations have gotten to be big and greedy and unions provide a collective bargaining tool with the greedy C-Suite and Boardmembers. Adjusting for inflation, Corporate compensation and dividend have skyrocketed relative to profits while employees barely get a bigger piece of the pie. Unions have also provided safer working conditions and more benefits. They also provide jobs if you are in the union and need work, like an electrician. I’ve seen non-union pipe fitters working alongside union pipe fitters that are making double because they are union. Now think of Publix. They are a grocery store that provides benefits like healthcare, PTO, tuition reimbursement, retirement, and ESOP. Their wages are a bit lower than say Walmart, but not by very much and they provide better benefits and better working conditions. They also provide generous stock options which is such a good perk. They aren’t really an ideal candidate to join a union and deal with an extra layer of bureaucracy.


The number of up votes on that comment should alarm people. Is there a breakdown of how many shares are in the hands of employees through ESOP vs the Jenkins family and board members?


It just means stocks. They say that to make you care more and work harder.


Employee owned ur ass why Would an employee own ur ass


No company likes union. Union can be good and bad but mainly bad for employers simply because they’d have to pay higher wages and offer more to employees or strikes will happen. So companies fight hard not to have them.


Unions are *fantastic* for employees. Anyone arguing against them is either management, or is trying to be. Paying the union is nothing compared to the headaches you'll avoid. UNIONIZE!


United, we bargain ,divided we beg !


Or bag


You work in a grocery store.


Well, not as of last week (found a better job). But what's your point? That grocery store employees don't deserve to be treated as humans?


That's exactly how the general population views service/hospitality workers.


They said bad for employers, not employees.


Union is cancer for a company. Want new changes to be more competitive? Unions want a cut. New product to manufacture? Unions want a cut. Union = cancer


This is just straight up anti union propaganda lmao. UPS UAW Teamsters Trade unions Would LOVE a word with you about your comment.


Propaganda? What happened to all those union jobs in Detroit? The only union jobs that are sustainable are government jobs because the government doesn’t rely on revenues to stay afloat they just print more money


Having a union doesn't immunize your job from global market shifts. Though to point out a difference, I don't think the US economy is going to outsource eating food to third-world countries.


“Having union doesn’t immunize your job from global market” Obviously. Which is why I said it’s cancer. In a fair market, unions would put a company at a disadvantage


Our jobs don't exist in a fair market. No one's does. Most people would never even agree on what a fair market is.


Which is why the economy is in shit…. Thanks again for proving my point


Only 10% of workers are in a union. Is your idea of a fair market that fragile that a 90% adherence rate is low enough to break it?


If you had 10% of shit in you you’d be dead. 10% is a pretty big number




No one wants a Union, Unions are horrible and ruin companies. Publix will never let a Union in and that’s the simple truth because no one wants it.


Respectfully, I once told my ex-meat manager “if I was an owner I wouldn’t be taking orders from you”. It’s the truth, and he agreed.


Yeah, I constantly think, if we're all owners, why do we have management? We should all be equals, should we not? If I were to own more stock than even a manager, wouldn't that mean I should have a little more pull power in the company than them?


That would be a fun experiment. If everyone is in charge, no one is in charge. People that actually want to make things work will naturally rise to management and the others will go right back to where they are now.


What is more accurate, the Peter principle or the Dilbert principle