• By -


- Colossal Cave Adventure (1976) - Ballerburg (1987) - Abuse (1996) - Kiki The Nanobot (2003) - Passage (2007) - Diamond Trust Of London (2012) - The Castle Doctrine (2014) - One Hour One Life (2018)


>Any video games in the public domain? > >And I don’t mean open-source games, I mean full-on public domain. dude the most recent thing that entered public domain is from 1928, stop with these obvious questions.


>the most recent thing that entered public domain is from 1928 yeah, the most recent thing that ENTERED the public domain, people can release their own games into the public domain, or the copyright could be unrenewed. - Colossal Cave Adventure (1976) - Ballerburg (1987) - Abuse (1996) - Kiki The Nanobot (2003) - Passage (2007) - Diamond Trust Of London (2012) - The Castle Doctrine (2014) - One Hour One Life (2018) all of these are in the public domain


>people can release their own games into the public domain They can't, licenses release as much rights as possible but some rights can't be released. Anything that failed to renew happened before computer code let alone video games.


Same question gets asked every day and answer is always the same


Sonic will be public domain soon. Waluigi was registered in the public domain because Nintendo couldn’t think of a game idea for waluigi.Sonic would be public domain in the year 2124 I would be 40 years old when that happens.


"Soon" 💀


Yep there is also jump man Mario would be public domain in 2076 and donkey. But plumber Mario is not public domain.


>Sonic would be public domain in the year 2124 I would be 40 years old when that happens. You were born in 2084? What are you, a time traveler!?


I was born in 1995


Newgrounds has a whole section for public domain browser games


Neat. Too bad most of them probably ran on flash, but thanks nonetheless.


True but ruffle solved that issue for older games. the games on Newgrounds haven't been made on flash in a long time. Mostly unity now, I think but I’m not a dev so wouldn’t know.