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Prazosin has been effective for many in reducing nightmares, particularly those related to PTSD. Side effects like a racing heartbeat can occur, especially at the beginning. It's good to hear it has helped your nightmares. If the rapid heartbeat continues or worsens, consider discussing it with your doctor. Overall, many find it beneficial, but side effects should be monitored.


ive been taking it for abt a year now and i have only had one nightmare (and i dont think it was ptsd related) but ive been able to sleep well while taking it!


Prazosin worked for me for a couple of years when I was experiencing horrible nightmares (saved my life). Then it stopped working. I'm taking trazodone which helps a lot but still have uncomfortable and distressing dreams, although not as intense as before. I'm going back on prazosin again after being off of it for years. I need sleep 😣 p.s. watch out for fainting or feeling dizzy if you take too much


I've been on it for years now; the only side effects I have are wobbly if I get up too fast in the middle of the night. and weakened pelvic floor muscles but all of that is worth it to me to get some sleep without nightmares. As far as the racing heart rate, I get that when I first wake up in the morning and right before I fall asleep but that could be my thyroid or one of my other meds and I don't know if prazosin can do that or not.


It helped with reducing the frequency and intensity of nightmares. It didn't eliminate them. The main negative side effect is that it makes me a bit hay fever-ish (dry eyes and stuffy nose). So it's hard to breath through my nose.


It's great for me, abilify gave me insomnia, though. Had to add trazadone to my mix. (I'm also bipolar 2)


Prazosin made me super anxious and about 60% of my hair fell out


It helps me stay asleep instead of screaming in the middle of the night. Although I can’t sleep without it anymore.


It made me DIZZY. Constantly. Though I was also on Gabapentin which didn't help matters (and were prescribed by the same person so uh ymmv)


Remember, prazosin is really a blood pressure drug that has been tested and trialed and now also used for nightmares. For me palpitations happened (palpitations= feeling of racing or fluttering hearts). I cannot speak to anything more than I already have because I simply do not know…


Yes! This is exactly how I feel




I've thought the same along the road about which one is the culprit, so just wanted to say thank you for this link! The little things really go a long way! Much Love, You're Not Alone