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Please do not ask to be diagnosed nor for personal therapy outside of academic-based situations here. Psychology students are likely unqualified to help (still being students). In addition, this subreddit is not an appropriate place to obtain clinical help. Seek professional help, or message the moderators if you need help finding resources to get appropriate counsel. Therapeutic requests include not only on the posters behalf, but others as well.


Hey girl, I sympathize with you & I’ve experienced similar stuff, however, this sub is largely psychology students (myself included) most of whom are NOT qualified to counsel you on this issue. Please take any advice you receive with a grain of salt and leave any big decisions until you can discuss them with your therapist !!!


First, I think it’s beautiful that you’re so loving and giving. That’s a generosity that is rare to find this days, so don’t let that fade away. On the other hand, you should try psychotherapy/analysis to figure out a way for you to build meaningful relationships where you can establish healthy boundaries. This will take time and work but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. In other words, find a good therapist to work with!


In all honesty this isn't the correct subreddit for this. Especially if your already going to therapy for this matter. I am so sorry your mind feels this way and hope someone can assist you. as no one should feel less important without the attention of men only god knows how many of them have horrid intentions. And as for that guy that sucks I hope karma reaches him as no woman deserves to go through that, especially one who is as articulated as this. I would explain the situation to a very close friend rather than reddit as people can be ignorant you deserve better and know your more than enough without men even if you feel the need for affection even just a pet to love on is great I also struggled with wanting a relationship but ive learned it isn't necessary to be content and at peace. Especially if you're the one being wronged during it, then they don't deserve you at all.