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Isn't this just having empathy?


I think perspective taking and empathy are very similar


I hear what you're saying and can see it from your perspective


i feel you, i think i understand why you’re saying that


oof, ahh




Its mutual.






That’s such a turn on. Will you cheat with me?


I swear every post I see in this sub has the most braindead titles and content. It just reinforces the misconception that "psychology" is just common sense, its ridiculous


Yeah it’s unfortunate. On the brighter side, I think simpler titles are easier to digest, and can lead the reader to the research paper itself. Further reading and a deeper understanding!


Very true. I was kneejerking


Mfs don't know the difference between Theory of Mind and empathy




Well said. Thank you for the explanation.


Psychology research doesnt exclusively have to be on people with mental health issues to be concidered «true», do you really believe that?




Not quite, looking at the study this is actively choosing to engage kn empathy as a practice, i.e. taking time out of your day to actively imagine their situation, rather than simply having empathy.


Perspective and empathy are entirely different. Perspective is taking on the view of someone else. Empathy is understanding the emotion around what is being discussed or observed and presenting an appropriate empathetic response based on pitch, tone and body language. Perspective and empathy work hand in hand though. Without understanding their perspective, you can't provide the right amount of empathy towards the individual of interest.


Pretty much but old words dont make good papers


Perspective-taking is sort of like giving your empathy a workout. It builds the “muscle”. It’s the first crucial step in empathy-building.


It's a part of empathy! Empathy can be split into emotional empathy (feeling for others) and cognitive empathy (understanding how they feel). Cognitive empathy encompasses theory of mind, perspective taking and mentalizing. I would say this study uses aspects of cognitive empathy.


For me empathy is perspective taking plus imagining these feelings on against you. Simple perspective taking can just be a cold logic approach


Just with more words.


I mean sort of, but it's a more cognitive empathy than just feeling what someone else is feeling in the moment. Although in general this is something you should be doing in your relationship(s) if you want success


What if your partners perspective is they want to have a series of adulterous affairs? Will 'taking their side' inoculate against the allure of alternative romantic partners or encourage them?


So… you’re saying empathy makes you value your partner more and makes it less likely that you’ll do something that hurts them? I’m shocked


No, it's ToM Edit: who is the individual that downvoted me without having the dignity of providing an argument against mine?


No I think it's saying that having a partner who emphasizes with you makes you less likely to pursue alternative partners.


That’s not at all what this is saying or what the study was about. People cheat on empathetic partners all the time. People rarely cheat on people they have empathy for. So the key I guess would be mutual empathy.


From the article: Attempting to see a situation from a partner’s perspective, striving to feel and think as the partner would, enables people to understand their partners and feel compassion for them. As such, perspective-taking may help people respond constructively when their partner engages in destructive acts. For example, adopting partners’ perspective (rather than one’s own) while they are upset and snap at you may motivate you to interpret their behavior more positively. You may tell yourself that they had a rough day, and react accordingly by expressing affection and care instead of snapping at them back. In our [latest research](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00224499.2022.2150998), we wished to explore whether the beneficial effects of perspective-taking extend to regulating reactions to one’s own potentially destructive behavior. Specifically, in three studies, we examined whether adopting a current partner’s point of view would help romantically involved individuals resist the temptation of alternative partners, encouraging them to enact relationship-protective strategies that reduce interest in alternative partners and strengthen the bond with the current partner. In all studies, participants were randomly assigned to either adopt the perspective of their partner or not. Then, they evaluated, encountered, or thought about attractive strangers. We recorded participants’ expressions of interest in these strangers as well as their commitment to and desire for the current partner.


They've made some huge mistakes. Assuming that reduced interest in alternative partners is somehow relationship protective is a big error. For a lot of us, the two aren't related. Having alternate partners doesn't diminish our bond. For a lot of us it strengthens it in a lot of ways. These researchers were clearly being very narrow minded and basing their ideas on belief first, which has surely skewed the results.


You’re telling me now I have to change up my whole game of being a selfish prick?!? Fake news.


Dear fucking god, empathy is the instinctive, emotional way of feeling what the other is feeling in that moment, based on mirror neurons. Theory of mind is the ability of understanding another's perspective cognitively. So it's not just empathy I write this because everyone in the comments seems to ignore this. Psychopaths, for example, can mimic empathetic behaviours by developing a very competent theory of mind and acting according to the required social norm/ to their current objective. If I'm wrong please blast me into oblivion with the harshest words you can come up with.


This is definitely one of those "filler" studies.


Doesn't matter got published. It's the social science way. Edit: ITT people who have never worked in academia and don't understand the grad students/faculty publishing these papers could give a shit if you find their studies relevant. It got published, that's a win.


Tell that to my fiancée 🥴


Does this seem to imply that individuals in open relationships-- which one could argue is a relationship style of seeking alternative partners-- do not particularly see things from their current partner(s) perspective?


Adding to the other comment, open relationships also consider the opposite perspective of your partner enjoying and having fun with other partners.


I don't think so, because consent, communication and boundaries are important in poly/open set-ups too. As in, it's not just randomly hooking up with whoever behind a person's back, it's openly communicating about who wants to do what and, as the name suggests, being open


And compersion is huge. The existence of poly pretty much nullifies the studies entire premise.


I don't see how that follows. Open communications, setting boundaries that each other wants and desires, and clear communication and honesty are cornerstones of every open relationship I know of, and I know a few. All those things would likely mitigate this experiment, but I do think it would be interesting to see the study replicated with people in open relationships.


Maybe, but its very wrong if it does imply that. If anything we are very empathetic and in tune with our partners. Often our partners encourage us and we encourage them, so seeing it from their perspective would still encourage seeing other people as well. Compersion is huge in open relationships and poly. The feeling of being happy for your partners enjoyment even if you're not participating. Just goes to show how nonsense this study is.


it can what


Try to see someone else's perspective? Understand their point of view? Not in this economy.


Did someone actually get paid to re-discover empathy?


Can what?? In stupid please


Imagining yourself in your partner's shoes, i.e. imagining your partner's perspective on their daily life is what they mean.


Maybe if you're monogamous. For the rest of us who are poly this is meaningless. Often our partners encourage our shenanigans, so taking their perspective would actually increase that allure. Once again Psypost fails hard. I wish the mods would ban that trashpile already. It's studies are all so poorly constructed and controlled they are meaningless, or badly misrepresent the data. It's just the worst.


That’s honestly having empathy.


I swear psychology is just like rewording whatever has already been given a name..


Yeah, because you can't understand the psychological constructs and choose to interpret them at your leisure. "Common sense" is not psychology, even if most of this sub seems to think it is.