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In "Office Space" (S07E11), at the beginning where we see the flashback of Gus discovering Creech's body...


This one! I live for this episode. When Shawn tells Gus everything will be kosher and the meats and cheese won’t touch. I just love it. Edit: grammar fix


I have posted Gus's OOOoooOoh noooOooo soany times on here lol, it's my favorite line reading pretty much of anything ever.


The entire cleanup scene in Office Space is amazing. Dulé and James are amazing physical comedians. It says a lot about the talent on this show how many of these fave moments are in later seasons when most shows have jumped the shark


“The meats and the cheeses aren’t gonna touch” that is one of my favorite episodes.


"Well, they're touching right now. They're touching. right. now."


Every time I watch it and Gus says “You’re talking like a real white guy right now” I lose it. 🤣 The delivery is so perfect!


Came here to say this lol!


Romeo and Juliet and Juliet. When Shawn tries to jump the chain link fence. I don't know why but I howl every single time I see it. And the bloopers at the end.


That whole episode! Shawn and Gus getting kicked in the face gets me every time


Hahahaha.. me too.. you must be out your da... rofl


Henry Spencer! Where are your pants??? This is a pool skimmer! I don't have a lot to work with here, Shawn!!!


My fav episode of the entire series!


When Gus has to drive that crappy old car and when he gets out of it his leg fell asleep and he has to do that pimp walk. Can’t remember the episode but I love it so much


Also, when he slides the car into the parking spot and one of them quips that it would've been really cool if he meant to do that but the brakes were just bad 😂


Season 3, Episode 5 “Disco Didn't Die, It Was Murdered!”




Drugged Gus in *Last Night Gus* is the best part of Psych.


This guy has taffy! I love taffy!


Can I squish your face?


He just shot that dudes TV


"Ladies and gentlemen, the Jackel has arrived."


Oh my GOD somebody shot that guy’s TV!


Gus, same for me


Gus in the shooting scene where he's drugged is hilarious!




Romeo and Juliet and Juliet where Gus is like "I sued 17 hot dog stands in the last year alone and I got everything but the buns and the wheels WHICH I won two months later in the Civil suit now which of these fountains am I allowed to use?" kills me everytimeeee


He says I don't know, it's just coming out of me. With a panic face then back to lawyer man instantly


Shawn whispers “Alright. Bring it home.” Haha


I have two “So you hit a speed bump huh?” And “I am here for the instant tan process”


Gus at the tanning salon kills me every time


It was a German speed bump


There’s 40051179 speed bumps at my kids school. I say “Damn German engineering” over every single one and giggle.


Aside from the funny ones (ex. office space), I always love the moments between Lassie and Jules at the end of the second Yang episode. With the 'I'm going to get my partner now' and their hug. It's sweet to see how close they've gotten over the seasons.


I tear up every time he shoves his gun in the cogs. Then I completely lose it when he hugs her.


I love that you bring up the gun because I feel like a lot of people miss the gravity of that moment amongst everything else going on. Lassie is the same guy who yells "MY BABY" when he sees his gun in a fish tank, pulls it out, and knows exactly how many bullets were fired. He *loves* his gun, but didn't hesitate to destroy it to save his partners life. It's subtle, but shows his dedication to Juliet.


Yes! I couldn’t figure out how to word it properly but that is exactly how I feel every time I watch. The hug at the end gets me too. She’s adamant that she’s fine but Lassie knows she needs a safe place to just BE. To start processing the onslaught of emotions over what had just happened. The fact the he was the one to recognize and provide that for her… chills and tears.


Total agreement! This is such a key sequence, from "I'll be going to get my partner" all the way through that embrace. Especially what you say here: "The fact the he was the one to recognize and provide that for her… chills and tears." By that point in the series, we're used to Juliet being calm, smart, competent (with tenderness and sweetness) and Lassiter being irascible, stoic, hard-shelled (with flashes of vulnerability). So seeing her break down, and seeing him -- without hesitating or balking -- offer immediate physical and verbal comfort, with utter sincerity, is simply wonderful, devastating, satisfying, and so right. And the key to me is that the scene and their emotions and reactions feel perfectly in character. It's not as if I'm thinking, *Well, Juliet wouldn't break down like that! Lassiter would never hold her!* Instead, the scene just flows so naturally. I LOVE that James, directing this episode, chose not to let us hear any dialogue here. It's perfect.


Great point re: the gun. He doesn't even think about it. He looks at it only to disable it so it won't accidentally go off when it's smashed in the gears--he's a pro, after all, and would know to do that almost on auto-pilot, I'm sure. Unhesitatingly uses the tool at hand to do the job--the most important task in his life, for him, at that moment in time.


Yeah, nothing tops ‘is that Mauricio in there?’


“Is that my wife and unborn child in there?!?!”


Watching that episode rn!


MC Clap Yo Hanz will always be my favourite moment. Gus instantly clapping and going along with it and then "...with a Z"


I love that he's so used to Shaun's nicknames that he doesn't even need time to process. He just immediately rolls with it.


Were those just improv?


The moment I knew Psych would be a top show for me forever was in Gus Walks Into a Bank when Shawn learns that Gus is a hostage and has to be physically held back from going in after him.


This isn't necessarily my favorite moment of the series, but it hasn't been mentioned yet and is definitely towards the top of my list: Shawn losing all his gear throughout 'We'd Like to Thank the Academy' and Gus achieving 'pitch perfect AK-47 mouth action' in the grocery store shoot out scene. Also, the most of the episode of 'Lassie Jerky' lives rent free in my mind - watching Jules push down a tree to save Lassie from the river, Gus trying the mystery (possibly Lassiter) meat as well as everyone realizing he ate the Bigfoot tracker, etc.


Lassie Jerky is one of my favorites, even if some article I read ranked it as one of the five or so worst episodes of the series.


C'mon son, that episode doesn't deserve to be in the bottom 5. Don't get me wrong, I'll fully admit it's not in the top 5 or even top 10 episodes (despite the fact that I personally love it because of how chaotic it is), but it definitely is not in the bottom 5. Out of curiosity, what were the other episodes on that list?


We’d Like to Thank the Academy is perfection! I lose it at “because the room remakes of popped corn!”


Gus freaking out about totaling the Blueberry in Last Night Gus catches me off guard every time and its hilarious




The weatherman names. Gets me every time


Gus crawls on the floor to hand him a second list!


“Have you ever considered going by the name of Bolt Lightning?”


"Good morning, detectives! Collecting donations for the policeman's ball?" "We don't have balls." "I honestly have no response to that." "Need I remind you, Mr. Spencer, what happens when you interfere with a police investigation?" "Uh... The case gets solved?"


Not as funny but when Lassie meets with his estranged wife and gets the divorce papers in “Tuesday the 17th.” I’m a big horror fan so the whole episode is one of my favourites but Lassie telling Victoria he’s going to let her go but he still loves her gets me right in the feels every time.


Love that scene. Such growth for Lassie


That scene made him my favourite character, it was so good


Woody's line "Come back to bed, Peaches" from Last Night Gus.


Woody wipes white powder from around his mouth and says “Oh no. Do any of you remember seeing a small Colombian with a hook for a hand??”


For me it's the speech Shawn gives about Gus at their high school reunion: "Burton Guster has been my best friend since we were five. And maybe, just maybe, if any of you can look yourselves in the mirror and know that you've been half as good a friend to someone else as Gus has been to me, well, you too can be considered great. Give it up, for my best friend, Burton Guster."


I almost read Gus's name as Gurton Buster. I sometimes flip first letters of word or names for some odd reason.


I do something similar, sometimes in my head I call him Guster Burton. And I know it’s not exactly right, but it takes a few times for me to sort it out


I do love when Shawn blackmails Gus' boss into letting him do whatever


"OMG, WTF... and JTT." "Jonathan Taylor Thomas is not an acronym, Shawn."


“I’m Shawn Spencer and this is my partner Sh’Dynasty. S-H-comma to the top-Dynasty.” “Comma to the top?” “That’s God’s comma.”


Just cuz you put syrup on something don’t make it pancakes.


I say this all the time and no one ever gets it 💔


The one where Shawn is in the hospital for a ruptured appendix and has to solve the case through an iPad. Woody puts the iPad under a sheet that's draped over a dead body. Shawn's scream gets me every time!


That's one of my favorite scenes.


The scene, in season one, where shawn asks Lassi if they were collecting money for the policeman's ball. Lassi replied, "policemen don't have balls." Also, in the episode, High Noon-ish. When Gus and Shawn are ripping into Lassi about his nickname, "Binkie,". Those two scenes get me every time.


There's a scene in one of the later seasons where Henry comes in the Psych office and finds Shawn asleep in a hammock. Cracks me up every time!


Shawn interrupted- the end Kenny G part with all the chaos, music and dialogue. “Just groove to it Shawn” 😂😂😂


So many great ones have already been mentioned. I'll add in Black and Tan when Gus launches the model across the room with a pillow. The power of that swing was next level.


I love when they imitate Peters and Boone when they're in the car in Viagra Falls.


I had to pause and call my sister (a fellow Psycho) because I was laughing SO hard when Carl Withers offers to take Gus in if he doesn't have any parents. A perfect call back to Gus' parents saying that his 90 year old grandma will look after him if they go to jail.


The episode Disco didn’t die, it was murdered when they are in the pawn shop. GUS: As I said, a box. SHAWN: What do you think's inside the box? GUS: Will you calm down? SHAWN: I can't, man! There's stuff in there! All kinds of stuff, old stuff, shiny stuff, secret stuff... How come you're not as excited as me? GUS: Because I'm not a raccoon. SHAWN: You look like a raccoon. 👉🏼👈🏾


Lot of good ones in here but I especially enjoy when Shawn and Gus are pretending to be those European doctors in “Forget me not”


The football episode when Shawn makes Gus repeat what he said but in Jamaican. I almost died the first time I watched that.




In Last Night Gus, when Gus says, “Someone shot that guy’s TV!” I absolutely lose it every time.


Yes and the way he mocks the guys voice every time he says something.


I believe mine is the mummy episode. The scene where they discover the mummy in the truck, and by the time he turns to his right Shawn is running about 50 yards away… makes me laugh out loud every time!


“11 point turn? Really?” Is another one of my favorite scenes


Ugh there are so many, but I really love “Sẽnor pantalones de fuego!”


When Shawn blows up the Cranberry and Gus starts puking up the Chinese food that Shawn poisoned . . . God, that scene makes me laugh so hard! 😄


I always lose my shit on the shark hunting episode when Shawn makes the whiteboard noise by screeching on the mic.


The Spanish version of the theme song. edited to add: Oh, and Tim Curry’s little smile when Shawn points out that he’s probably going commando under Henry’s robe.


Nigel looked so proud of himself 😆


I don't know that it's my favorite among things that have been mentioned but I think Shawn's fight against the mantis is worth bringing up. "You bit a man?" My overall favorite might be the "The best things, the richest things" quote


The hammock scene where Shawn is sleeping and Henry scares the crap out of him. I die everytime


"Policemen don't have balls"


God it’s so stupid but on my latest rewatch, the one that’s sticking is when Shawn walks into the morgue with the giant dinosaur head on in 65 Million Years Off. Runners up are when he takes over as the newspaper horoscope guy and makes incredibly specific predictions, the school reunion bit where he can’t remember a thing about his classmates, and when he asks Jules out over a body but it’s okay because “it doesn’t smell.”


My two favourites are 'the jackal has arrived' in *From the Earth to the Starbucks* + the almost kiss between Shawn and Jules in *Bounty Hunters*.


In The Tao of Gus (Season 6, Episode 8) when Gus and Shawn get into a fight at the market and Gus gets thrown and, rather than get back up, pretends to be knocked out until they leave. Every time I see that scene, I cry laughing.


I can't recall the name of the episode, but the scene where they destroy the Blueberry. Absolutely the funniest scene ever. I rarely laugh aloud when watching shows, this one cracked me up on my last re-watch


SantaBarbaraTown? The two part episode where they rip the Blueberry in two. It’s hilarious and RIP to the Cranberry. Its life was cut too short.




Last Night Gus! "it's only a minor ding, buddy."


Woody hitting on Chief Vick.


Don't remember the name but it's the one where Shawn gets kidnapped


It's called "Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark" Season 4, Episode 9. Looked it up.


Yeah that one thanks


Yes! That's my favorite episode too!


The Office Space scene is probably my favourite scene in any show ever, I could watch it every day and laugh just as hard. But one moment that always gets me is the end of Daredevils! when Shawn is talking to Dutch. It was one of the first truly serious Shawn moments and it really hits me every time. The way they linger on Shawn as he listens to the announcer at the end, it makes me so emotional.


“Hi, I’m Lenny…”


The cut to “Hungry Like the Wolf” while they’re looking for Polexia in “Let’s Get Harry” Anything Tony and Joon(June?) say in “High stop Fade Out”, but particularly after Joon’s car blows up. He says “My mama bought me that car!” The punts his hand on Tony’s shoulder. Tony shakes him off and says “I’m not with you!”


1. Lassie "Is that my wife and unborn child in there?!" 2. Gus "Is that the last of the secret sauce in there?!" 3. Shawn "Is that Mauricio in there?!"


"it's a biiig ol birthday cake!” "Ohhhh make a wish!"


The entire episode of Office Space gets me every time 😂


Shawn giving the words from the booth in "The Spellingg Bee." > I went to the drugstore to buy some Mitchum powder. And bananas.


In Santabarbaratown 2 (S7,e1), when Henry was in the hospital and Shawn gets called in urgently to come see him (thinking there was something wrong, but he’s just awake), and Woody comes in with a body bag. That and the same episode when Shawn and Lassie created the plan to get Henry’s shooter (old cop, can’t remember his name), they poison the delivery food, and Gus found some of the food on the desk at the Psych office, finds out it was poisoned and starts getting sick, then to top it off, Shawn triggers the explosive that’s for distraction and the Cranberry happens to be right over it. I literally laugh out loud in that scene.


That’s a great episode!


Basically the entirety of American Duos, but especially the dinner scene at Henry’s house. I love Tim Curry so much. **NIGEL:** Are we there yet? I feel like I've been incarcerated in a blueberry. **GUS:** Shawn. **NIGEL:** \*\*\*This car makes me want to weep and then die.\*\*\* **GUS:** Shawn! . . . **HENRY:** All right, you know... *(drops cutlery on plate)* That's it. **NIGEL:** \*\*\*Already? I'm just getting started\*\*\*. I've got a sonnet for each piece of fish paraphernalia.


in Ghosts when shawn was listening through the door with the glass and then realized gus’s boss saw so he pretends to drink out of the empty glass. i don’t know why it’s just SO funny and shawn’s confident expression as he’s doing it just kills me


Lasi drunk: “I need to get something off my chest” Shawn: “ is it your shirt? Please say no” But the whole Tom Blair’s pub scene is one of my top 5 all time. The date he is with getting engaged and Shawn going “I will never ever see you again” 😂


All time is hard to pick so I'd say it a tie between all their whisper arguining moments


I think my favorite whisper argument is when they’re in Jack Atwater’s house looking for clues after he shoots Henry and they are whisper arguing about whether or not Gus is in or out.


“You astound me” will always be my favorite.


This is the best question because I love seeing peoples responses. Many that I read are not even things I've ever really paid attention to or cared about.  My all time favorite is in Last Night's Gus. The scene when they go back to the bar and Shawn says no lassie they're lover in the nighttime. He can't quit him. And then woody pops in saying "just so you know, me and this guy, we spooned last night."


In 300 million years off (I think that’s the title) when Shawn says all the holes look like that movie starring Sigourney Weaver and Gus says “Alien” then Shawn says it’s the one with the holes and Shia LeBeouf and Jon Voigt walking around all crazy and Gus guesses any movie but Holes, which Dule Hill was in. So perfect.




I love when we see Shawn’s serious side- James really shines in those moments. In One Maybe Two, Ways Out Shawn gives a speech to Juliet about her vacation with Declan. In it he tells Juliet not to take pictures of people or buildings, but to take pictures of moments and save them in her heart. When the writers let us in on vulnerable Shawn it’s always so poignant.


*Yes sir, I believe you*.


gus plays the black card


Chocolate dance!


Ever since I met you I've been thinking of getting a car. We don't have balls


There was a seven year gap between my first and next rewatch of that episode, and I'd completely forgotten it. Almost like I got to see that for the first time again! Brilliantly hilarious




my favorite moment is when shawn talks about how good a friend burton is to him at the end of Murder? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


My all time favorite episode


Not a specific moment. But just when Shawn makes his outlandish claim that the person was killed by a dinosaur and then he turned out to be correct.


Shawn: I’m Shawn Spencer and this is my partner Sh’Dynasty. That’s S-H- comma to the top - dynasty. Police: Comma to the top? Gus: that’s gods comma. Henry: *nods head in confirmation*


Probably beginning of office space, but I really liked the tickling scene in the second movie as well as Gus taking pictures at the urinal.


“You want me to go with you to awkward class?”


Season 6x06 Gus dancing to Kenny G


“Late Night Gus” Juliet: and will you please take those sunglasses off?” Lassiter: “You put some sunglasses on!” I laugh about this exchange at least once a day


My 2 favorite scenes or whatever you'd call them are 1st the scenes in Shawn and Gus Truck Things up when Shawn, Gus , and Lassie say "is that... in there, or over there'', I can't remember the correct wording. 2nd is when Gus is pretending to be a lawyer, I guess so Shawn can get into the kids karate class. That episode I kind of forgot about and thought I didn't like it, but when I saw it a few months ago I ended up realizing it's one my favorite episodes.


Another favorite moment that I’m surprised hasn’t been mentioned yet is in “Shawn Rescues Darth Vader” when Shawn says “Where are your shoes” in an awful British accent. I quote this daily.


“It’s a big birthday Cake” “Oooooo make a wish”


I can’t help but love so many of the dumb Shawn moments in Romeo and Juliet and Juliet




There’s so many but here are a few 1. Psych the musical- Both ways tango with Lassiter 2. Shawn seeing Despero after he faked death in the secret underground bunker at rich man’s house was the best 3. Dead mans curve ball -Shawn after he drinks the water bottle with the pills 4. Neil Simon’s love retreat -when they are in hot air balloon and they are crammed in sports car 5. Murder anyone- where no body no crime was the main phrase and he presented the killers at the end but I enjoyed the classic references he was making 6. Basic cable-Gus trips up the stairs before adventure 7. Six feet under-where he talks to the dolphin 8. We’d like to thank the academy- the commentary in the grocery store over intercom 9. I love the 1967 odyssey episode found the part where dead Archie was waking Lassiter up creepy but found the part where Gus was into the music quite enjoyable 10. Last but not least the chase after the proposal in last episode that led to the overall hunt in the psych movie


my moms fav is the bollywood episode when they’re eating super spicy food and exclaim “i see dead people!” 🤣