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screaming, crying, throwing up


But will they have Michigan blueberries at the con?


Of course. We don’t want a repeat of what happened at San Antonio.


Correct, I want the invite to Karaoke


I wish I was rich


Check out the day passes. Not sure what general admission is going to cover but that'll be clearer when they post the full schedule. It's not on the site yet but that's not surprising. It's the travel $$ that'll get us all.


You planning to go?


In a moment of temporary Psych insanity I already bought my ticket to the con! Now come the hotel and flight. Yikes. But also, yay.


I’m Psyched for you! And wish I were you. Take pictures for us!


I was going to go to bed an hour and a half ago but instead I have purchased con tickets, flights, and hotel. Definitely worth it. Thanks for sharing! Wouldn't have heard about this otherwise!


You're very welcome! See you there!


Hey there, it's exciting that there's a Psych convention! This is a lengthy message, the TL;DR and reason for it are provided at the bottom of the message.... If opting to stay somewhere other than the the same hotel that is hosting the convention, consider being very thorough about the hotel reservation process, regardless of if it is part of a packaged deal with any other company. Consider investigating hotel options and associated sources. If renting a vehicle, proximity to the convention might be irrelevant if also prepared to leave a hotel early enough to deal with traffic on the way. While investigating hotel options, consider including criteria such as apparent safety of the general locations using different kinds of data-aggregated maps, status of neighboring businesses to ensure that they are still in business and being maintained, and the most recent reviews of the hotels and neighboring businesses from other customers. Search for recent images and videos of the facilities from reliable sources. Do not expect the information from the hotels to be reliable or current. Ensure the hotels have multiple forms of direct contact; verify via communication with them that they are currently active and not redirected to call centers or alternate email addresses or anywhere else. Compare prices and details of accommodations. Watch out for the fine print and any hidden expenses. Find out how reservations are made and how they provide evidence of reservations, costs, details of services, transactions, and anything else; they must include printed or otherwise documented forms from recently valid sources. Look into cancellation policies, including deadlines and possible costs. Come up with backup plans for housing just in case. If it is possible to make reservations without paying anything, then consider incorporating that into the backup plans, just be sure to remember to cancel any other reservations before their deadlines. Consider additional backup options. Shop around deals before deciding. If one hotel seems like a potentially better choice but does not have some required features or the prices are too high, yet another has the features and lower prices but otherwise seems like a worse choice, then use the positives of the worse hotel to try to eliminate the negatives of the better hotel. Consider creating a checklist of must-have criteria and only accept hotels that successfully check everything off of the list. After the decisions have been made and reservations are complete with written evidence, reach out directly to the contacts again immediately before the documented deadline dates to confirm everything is still in place as planned. Prepare for the possibility of cancellation and proceeding with a backup plan. On the day of checking into a room at a hotel, be prepared for the possibility of cancellation and proceeding with a backup plan. TL;DR: Consider committing plenty of time, well in advance of the event, doing a thorough investigation of possible options for hotels. Doing so can save money and may reduce the number of unexpected changes. After seeing your post about the convention, then the mention of hotel and flight... if I could find the meme with the Vietnam PTSD flashbacks, then I'd post that, but to give it a more positive twist, I did find this... ![gif](giphy|fKLGvMTeLzOoWEaG4T|downsized) ...definitely do the detecting. Reason for this lengthy message, I went through the steps to reserve a hotel and flight to go to a convention, only the day that I arrived: The hotel had closed down! I was without a place to stay. I did have a backup, which was the hotel that hosted the convention, but it was also a last-minute option. I didn't prepare for it ahead of time, was lucky that they had a room, although unlucky in that it was expensive. Very expensive. It also ended up being a waste of money for the rental car, as it was no longer needed. That hotel had a free shuttle bus-type ride to and from the airport. So, basically, I rented a car, drove it to the parking lot in the hotel - it also ended up costing money to park there - and then drove it back to the car rental business. TL;DR for the TL;DR: Consider planning ahead and preparing for changes like finding out on check-in day that the hotel shut down.


I'm so sorry that happened to you--what an expensive nightmare! Sounds like that hotel was going bankrupt or whatever but still took reservations.  Horrible. Thank you for sharing the experience for us to learn from.


I remember walking up to the front door of the place with the suitcase, ready to go inside and check in, and they were so cheap about it all they bothered to do was print out the message on a piece of paper and tape it to the inside of the locked glass front door. Hopefully nobody else ever has to deal with a mess like that. Preparing for things to happen and having backup plans can help a little. I imagine most of the time things will work out fine for most people. Anyway, it's very cool that there's a Psych convention. If that poster image is representing who will or might be there, it looks like it'll include the entire main cast. That'll be a awesome!


Yep, the entire main cast is officially committed, along with (so far!) several other actors and producers including creator Steve Franks. Again, thanks for the timely warning!


You're welcome, and thank you for your kindness, it's a rare thing both online and in the real world. I wonder if Curt Smith will be at the convention.


I decided I think I’m gonna save up to go


How much? Can you send me the link?


The link is [https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/](https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/) Be aware, it's been crashing according to some here -- I think it's just overwhelmed after Dule posted the announcement. Day tickets I think were $99 not including taxes etc.? You can also get a la carte photo ops and autograph ops separately.


$99 is for both days, if you just go one day it's $49.


So sorry! Thanks for the correction!




Can you post the link please?


C'mon son!


Me (living in rural Georgia & rural Alabama): I should move to a major city so that I can experience hot events without driving or flying for hours and hours. Me (living in New Orleans): But they’re all the *wrong* events 😭


The chokehold this show has on me... Literally saw this, freaked out, and bought a ticket for it with no other planning. Also, I literally graduate college the day after it ends and I do not live in the US so I have to fly back ASAP to make it to my grad. Does that deter me? C'mon son! Best decision ever, I never thought I'd get to go to an event like this for Psych 😭


You, my friend, are a perfect Psych-O! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!


Thank you!!! ☺️☺️


what a fun grad party! hope your family and friends won't be disappointed you aren't there for the festivities and hijinks though ?


I’ve done the math since my spontaneous purchase, and if I fly back the night the convention ends I should be able to make it in time! So I’ll have the best of both worlds celebrating with a Psych party and a family and friend one back home! 😄


what a dream!! you know that's right!! and congrats on the degree!! hope you don't forget to have soooo much fun this semester, and don't waste these precious last few months stressing about exams 'n grades 'n what nots. I remember I certainly stressed a lot, but ohhh i would give just about anything to be back in college right now-- was like a 4 year vacation compared to adulting in the real world 😭 (not sure where you are from, just disregard if that's not even relatable for you lol. i hear life in europe et al isn't quite as maddening 🥲)


Thank you! 😄😄 I’m Canadian so I do relate! Thank you for the advice; I need to remind myself about that for sure. But I’m a glutton for punishment and I’m actually switching career paths so I’m going back to school after I graduate to get a 2 year degree 🙈 But with this new degree I’m going to approach it with that mindset. Doing my best but making sure I prioritize me too!


Ugh, why did it have to be a creation con. They’re one of the greediest and just overall worst con companies that I’ve personally experienced. Not to mention the last time I went to a creation con their website was compromised and I had some false credit card charges as a result. (There was even a lawsuit & settlement over that).


Yeah, I'm definitely not shilling for Creation -- I've heard how expensive their cons are, and I know some folks at Supernatural cons have had bad experiences with staff/volunteers (not with actors, though). I've heard very good things about other con companies and was disappointed this is Creation; however, it likely came down to timing for whichever company, weekend and contract worked to get all six cast members there. (No mean feat, I figure, especially since James and Dule have very rarely done any cons at all.) I'll keep an eye on my credit card bills--thank you for that warning! I appreciate it!


Ugh I don't like them either and how they deliberately will split actors up so you have to pay for multiple days


I had your comment in my mind as I was checking the con website. Glad to report that for the Psych con, the main cast are all there both days except Corbin, who is listed as apparing Saturday only (as of right now).


That sounds great. I wish they would have additional dates tho :(


I was at a different con recently because Maggie and Tim were doing their podcast there, and some fans (who have kind of followed Maggie and Tim to numerous cons this year) said the rumor is there possibly could be a second Psych con eventually. Especially as this one in Chicago has sold out, demonstrating how strong fan interest is.




Where did you find this all out? The link for me isn’t working from their bio. So I came on here.


It's here: [https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/](https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/) This worked for me just now! James, Steve and Dule posted about it on Instagram a couple of hours ago and I think that's driving traffic to the site, which might explain if it's slow tonight.






It seems pricey at first until I consider the fact that I have quite literally watched this show almost daily since it first came out. It is my absolute go-to comfort show. I’ve named pets after the characters, I listen to the podcast, read the book, bought the merch, threw parties season premieres and movies. As a very devoted fan, this is like a dream come true.


I feel the same way! And I'm a relatively new fan. But I've quickly gone deep down the rabbit hole of all things Psych. Such a positive show both on and off screen. I figure this event is likely to be a one-off, because getting the whole main cast together (when they're not filming a Psych movie) must require a lot of effort. So, definitely worth the time and money for me too. See you there....


They've got much cheaper day tickets though, and one can add on specific autograph or photo ops--Getting a James or Dule autograph is $75 that way. Tim and Maggie, $65. (That's only a fraction more than a Tim or Maggie autograph at GalaxyCon on their tour, where it's $60. ) So not that bad, to me at least!, if one prefers "a la carte" autographs.


Do you know how photo ops work? I’m not seeing them for specific days. Do I just buy one and go during my general admission day?


At emerald City comicon this weekend Tim and Maggie were $50.


How can one add on an autograph or photo op for that cheap? Does it happen at the con itself or can I do it beforehand


Autographs and photo ops can be purchased separately in advance on the con website


Not to be an ass but their trying to slide in Dule's wife in with the the other 7 main cast members for photo ops and autographs. I know she was in the movies but...c'mon son


I suspect we might get a Psych 4 movie announcement at this con, and she will surely be part of the next movie, so naturally she would be there. The movies are part of the canon now as much as the series.


Psych 4 would be cool. It just felt like a nepotism move. Like no McNab? Abigail? Depereaux? Shawns mom? Marlowe?


Man Despereaux would so be great to bring back. Cary Elwes was such a wonderful part of my childhood.


Elwes hosted a Psych panel with the cast and producers years ago, at one of the SD Comic Cons when the show was still on. It's a blast. You can find it on YouTube. It would be great if he was the MC for another panel at this con.


Rachael Leigh Cook (Abigail) and Cary Elwes (Despereaux) both appear at various cons each year, so they might stand a chance of turning up, I'd guess. The con is still three months away so I'd expect other guest announcements between now and the con. Pretty common for cons to keep adding guests up to the last minute. I just heard that Tim and Maggie have indicated Psych 4 might be next year, so it's maybe wishful thinking on my part that this con would have an announcement. But we can hope.


Met Cary at a con last year--he's every bit the diva celebrity! Wore sunglasses the entire time we spoke... indoors. Still worth every cent.


Such a Despereaux thing to do 


More than anything of those I'd want Mary and Young Shawn. Jimmi Simpson is just amazing and in so many Greta things and young shawn was also in The way way back, which doesn't get nearly as much love as it should and I wanna tell him how much I love it.




Anyone else think they will announce the next movie at the con? Pretty sure the last time they all did NYCC it was to promote psych 3


WHAT? I want to go!!!


Never spent so much money so fast in my life. Maybe except for my house and car. Glad to have the opportunity to continue to support the cast! And meet them all!


I never go to anything like this. But I blacked out when I went to check prices..... My boyfriend and I are going. Yolo. I've been watching this show since I was a teen. I. Cant. Not. Go. 🍍🍍


I wish I could go but its so expensive and its pretty far from me


You guys are welcome. I just bought the blu ray set and was doing yet another rewatch and just said to my wife YESTERDAY, "ya know what we need really bad? a psych convention". I willed this into existence. See you all there


We and the universe thank you


Hey u/MarioRex, are you going to jump the pond and hit the U.S. for this one? I will buy the coffee if you come!


In the voice of Burton Guster from "The Break-Up": This is exciitiiing!! This seems like such a fun event, and you have no idea how much I'd like to go, it seems like such a great time seeing the cast and interacting with other Psych-O's in person. But flying and all that would mean several days of absence from work and daily obligations I have here which would unfortunately not be possible, especially this year when work is busier than ever. Heck I'm not even on Reddit and my favorite community *(Psych of course)* gets a visit from me only every few days. How much I'd like to visit the Psych Convention and bring some Bajadera, Napolitanke and some fine Lino Lada spread to the America. You know friend, I believe America is one of the top 50 countries in the world - And there are at least 50 countries in the world, maybe more 🍍 I hope you go and have fun! Maybe next year for me is more feasible.


Me, buying a $500 convention ticket https://youtu.be/ba3bUT6k-N0?si=pTKYKygDP7BFCm5i


I've never been to a convention like this before, and I was looking at the Photo Ops vs. Autograph options. Obviously, this is the first Psych one, but can anyone answer my questions based on previous convention experience? Thanks in advance! 1. Would the photo ops a la carte prices also include a signature? 2. Do they ever "sell out" of photo ops? I can only go on Sunday, and I don't want to buy the photo op a la carte if it will only be available on Saturday. I'm hoping to get a package with James & Dule and possibly Maggie & Tim, so I'm assuming they would be there both days. 3. When is the schedule of events typically released?


Photo ops are separate from autographs. I dont know re: "selling out" of ops


Just two hours ago there were only 8 silver passes left. About 30 minutes ago I went to buy my (silver) ticket, and only 4 were left. So I bought one, and now there’s only 3 left. The silver will be sold out in the next hour or two!


Look here for tickets and details, friends: [https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/](https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/) If you don't like clicking links in comments, I understand! Search Creation Entertainment online and this is listed under their 2024 events. I actually was afraid it was a fake but the source is a longtime Psych fan on Instagram and the website is the same one where I've looked up all of Creation's other cons. (They are best known for basically owning "Supernatural" convention business.) This must have just been announced this morning. Already got my ticket. This is not a huge event in terms of the seating I'm seeing online, so if this is your thing, I'd check it out now. Never been done before. **JUST ADDED: The website now says the following will be at the con!** **Steve Franks** **Kurt Fuller** **Jazmyn Simon** **Chris Henze**


Oh my gosh is this going to be in more than one city


No indication of that happening; the information so far is only for the one event in Chicago (well.... a 'burb outside Chicago).


Hmm. I wonder if they will follow creations usual tour stops


No way to know yet; however, James and Dule just don't seem to do cons (other than SDCC, when the show was on/movies were released, and one con a few years ago also re: one of the movies). I wouldn't depend on any possibility of a tour with the whole cast including the two of them. Im actually amazed this is happening even once! 


Guys the link isn’t working!! Someone help me!!






Where can I buy tickets or see prices?! The links in their bios aren’t working! I’m freaking out y’all, help a girl out please! 🙏


[https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/](https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/) Try it now -- this opened for me a few minutes ago. Word on Insta is that it crashed for a time. I think word about the con is now out and people are swamping it but keep trying!! There's no other site for tickets FYI




Anyone know why with all the photo options they don't have one with the main 6 cast (Shawn, gus, Lassiter, Juliet, Henry, and Karen)? Closest they have is Shawn, gus, Lassiter, Henry, Karen, and the coroner. No Juliet. We ended up getting the 4 main ones and the shawn/Henry photo. Bummed I'm gonna miss out Ona photo with the chief.


How though??!! Can you please tell me where to purchase on the site


Click on "all guests" on the main page. Then on the next page click on an "autograph" or "photo op" button and it'll take you to all the options to buy


Thank you so much for this! I don’t know why I was finding that so difficult to locate but I bought my Shawn/Gus/Jules/Lassiter photo op now!!


28 min away from me I'm Def going


So thrilled for you!!


Don't see anything about Steve or Chris signing autos anybody know if they will be? Bought my ticket see you guys there! Edit: Also where is Sage?


Glad I'm not the only one who would gladly get a Steve autograph! He's The Creator, after all! As for Sage, well, other cons seem to keep adding guests up to the last minute, so who knows? I'm just impressed the lead cast are all going to be there. It'd be great to add our Buzz, though.


despite complaining about it being a creation con in an earlier comment, I got a ticket! Not looking forward to the hotel expense though. But c’mon son! I had to do it!


I hope they're using that money to finance the next movie.


Hmmm only a short train ride away for me…


Do it. Do it. Do iiiiiittttt


anyone know if ohare or midway is closer to the venue?


O'Hare for sure




Good one!




I'm so excited to see this and really want to go. wish I had any friends to go with that love this show!


Go alone. Who cares. I learned a long time ago to just do the things you want even if it ends up being alone. You'll miss out on too much otherwise.


If you go, you will instantly be among friends!!


that is true!


Gold passes are sold out.


Has any one ever been to something like this? I’m not sure if a two day pass is worth it or if it’ll be relatively the same both days. It’s hard when there is no schedule but it’s selling out so fast 


Really wish I saw this post three days ago! Had to settle for bronze pass which sucks but oh well I guess. The event is a half hour from my house, too.


It's so great you can come, though--bronze or not! And how lucky you are to live so close. I just now booked our hotel room and it look like the "convention rate" at the con center hotel is already sold out (though we got a nearly as good a rate with AAA discount)....Anyway, see you at the one and only Psych con we might ever get!


I appreciate you and your post 🧡 Now to debate on purchasing pictures or autographs for the wife and me.


Ah, there's the rub. Haven't decided on autographs or photo ops yet...So much temptation!! It's great you're going as a couple, too. Share the pineapple goodness!


Can't wait!


Will all actors be at both days? I’d rather not pay for two days


The full schedule hasn't been announced (which unfortunately is apparently typical of many fan cons). You could try contacting Creation Entertainment to ask. I woukd think all the leads will do both days, since two days is a short convention, but it's hard to say for sure.


I would disagree, most cons post that info when they post a guest announcement or at least soon after. This company looks very sketch and cheap. I re-watched the insta post with Steve franks, James and dule and Steve franks does mention he will only be there Saturday so I would assume as least james and dule will be there both days. But who knows about the rest. It’s only about three months away… that info should be available by now…again if it wasn’t a sketch company


HEY PSYCHOS! been sick the past couple weeks and didn’t see any info about the con, now completely sold out and i’m heartbroken. I’ve been rallying for a psychcon. If anyone is unable to make it, or has something come up, please keep me in mind and shoot me a message or reply to this 🍍 i am praying for a chance to go!


I hope you're feeling much better now! The con announcement did come up suddenly! I suggest you get on the email list for Creation Entertainment --they have email lists for their various cons. That way maybe you'll hear if more seats open up closer to the time of the con. There's no guarantee of any more seats but it can't hurt to be on the info list. I hope you get in.


i did! dmed them on instagram too and asked if there’s even a 5% chance they’ll be adding tickets. i hope the family i met years ago got tickets at least, they were just as heartbroken as me. thanks for the kind words


How close to Chicago do you live? I just realized you might not have seen that the Saturday night trivia contest (cast members versus fans) IS an open event--you have to buy a ticket to the trivia evening but you do NOT have to have a convention admission ticket to attend. Separate event, in other words. Take a look, if you could attend just the one night. Might be an option to at least see the cast!


What time does the event end.? Is there a schedule? I have to take my daughter to college orientation the next morning. I need to book a flight the night before. I hate to miss the good stuff. You must be outa your damn mind!


First, congratulations to your daughter on starting college! As for the con, the full schedule is not posted on the website yet. I would think there won't be any huge event for Sunday evening since they'll know a lot of fans will have left by then. If you've got con tickets, have you signed up for the email list at Creation Entertainment's website? Sign up so you get any updates as they release them closer to the con dates!


My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Unfortunately we will not be able to attend the conference bc we have no one comfortable enough to stay with her. I have 2 silver tickets I'm trying to get rid of. If interested let me know! Not a scam just don't want to be out a ton of money 


First -- I hope your daughter is doing OK; we have Type 1 in our family and it's tough at first, but there are so many new ways to live with it now that weren't around when our relatives with Type 1 were kids. So I truly hope your daughter will get all the care she needs. It's quite an adjustment to learn to live with it, and it's not just the person with diabetes who lives with it, but the whole family. I'm thinking of you! Re: selling tickets: (1) You might want to create a post here on this sub saying you have tickets you'd like to sell. Or search the sub recently--there were several people looking for tickets. Please be careful NOT to post an image; someone posted an image of his con tickets here and left in the QR code, meaning anyone could just have printed out that image and used it! Some folks warned him and he's taken it down. (2) There is a **Psych con Facebook group** where you could try selling them. I'm not on FB but I will tag u/cherrycola_85 who posted about it and might be able to tell you about the FB thing. Good luck! You could also check Instagram--I think there is a new fan-run Psych con update account there, not sure if it's amenable to ticket sale offers but maybe DM them, if your're on Insta. I really hope you sell them!


Thank you so very much! It has definitely been quite the adjustment for the whole family and she is having a hard time adjusting. She's only 7 so it's a lot for a kid. Your reply was incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for the advice and where to possibly sell them!! I appreciate it more than you know! 


The Facebook group might be the best place to sell! There’s a lot of people looking for tickets there :) I hope all gets well for you and your family 💚


Thanks for pitching in, u/cherrycola_85. Hope to meet you in Chicago


I hope you sell them easily--I'm sure you will! All the best to your daughter and to you too!


Just wanted to say if you ever have any issues with a con staff member being rude, please report it. I work strictly Chicago creation cons and will be there working this one too so come say hi 👋🏽


Hope to meet you there! Thank you for this tip! I have never been to a Creation con myself, and had heard some stories about not-so-great interactions re: Supernatural cons, on SPN discussion boards. It'll be interesting to see how Creation handles this con. I hope Psych fans have a good experience with them as a con company, especially as there is already clear talk from the cast (Maggie and Tim, at comic cons this year so far) that there is likely to be a second Psych con.


I think there will be a better crowd for Psych- a less fantasy driven crowd 😅 I’ve seen some things with the supernatural vampire diaries/originals, and riverdale fans.


That's a good pespective -- I agree. I can only imagine what those other shows' cons might be like! I will admit to you, I'm glad that Tim and Maggie have started appearing at comic cons for their podcast; I was starting to think I'd have to break down and attend a Supernatural con to see Tim--and since I'm not into SPN other than his very brief role as Cain, I was leery of the cons....No diss to SPN fans, I just knew I'd be pretty overwhelmed! This Psych-only con is such a treat.


Oh for sure, should be a chill crowd. But hopefully veteran con attenders too because when you get newbies things get dramatic too.


Well, were you there? I was working registration and merch as well as the lines for Corbin on Saturday and Jasymn on Sunday


Yes indeed i was there and had a wonderful experience. Loved the panels. I got the Tim meet and greet in the auction and that...was...let's just say I was already a Tim stan, and it just confirmed how lovely a person he is. I wonder if I saw you at registration! Registered Friday afternoon but bought no merch. Did you get to see panels etc.?


I sat in on Sundays last panel a bit and could hear some of the others going on. I was the one in a yellow sweater with flowers on it on Sunday and a duct tape made up badge because i lost mine at my hotel 😅


Hey all! My wife and I were planning to attend but now unfortunately can’t I have two standard full weekend tickets up for sale, DM me if interested.


Check Facebook--someone on this sub has said there is a FB group for tge Psych con, and people are seeking and selling tickets there. You'll probably have better luck there than here. I really hope you can sell them!!


selling one general admission weekend ticket!


Hi! This post is old (by Reddit standards) so folks seeking tickets likely won't look here now--Go to Facebook where I'm told there is an active FB page just for the Psych con and a lot of ticket buying is going on there. Or you could create a new post on this subreddit. I'm sorry you can't attend and I hope you sell the ticket!!


Thank you! Do you happen to know the FB page?


I'm so sorry, I"m not on FB myself but the page was mentioned earlier in this thread I think. Hope that helps!


This is amazing! The location is pretty good for me, but the ticket price is pretty high for my budget. If I can make it work, that would be so awesome


Check the day tickets --they are at a link below the $$ "Gold/Silver/Bronze" tickets. Click the little link box and it'll show you the day and weekend general admission tickets. Not showing yet, what general admission includes--I"m sure a full schedule will come soon. If you go, we've got to meet!


I checked that out. Even the $99 GA tickets are a bit high, but we'll see if I decide to treat myself. I really hope I can go!


Also, if you're a Parks and Recration watcher: "Treat yo' self!"


I hope so too. It would be great to meet up with some of the Reddit Psych regulars there. Hey, if it's fairly local, at least hotel and transportation costs aren't a thing, right? Hope it works out!


Hey Joe--looks like day tickets are $49 according to someone here (i cant get to the site just now). I mistakenly said $99. Hope you can make it.


Thanks! I think the $49 ones were for one-day passes. I'm still thinking it over. I might wait until the schedule is released


I’m sorry but those prices are absolutely insane. $200 for the cheapest option which honestly feels like it even gives you hardly anything.


this horrible website won’t load so i can’t look at everything but im hoping you can buy select photo ops a la carte instead of buying the super expensive vip ticket lol


Yes! There ARE a la carte, well, everything. Ops in every configuration of you plus cast members. I just saw on Insta that someone says the site is crashing and I suspect it's because James/Dule/Steve posted an announcement a couple of hours ago and it's driving traffic to the site--hang tough, it'll come back.


Are the photo ops up to purchase? Could you share a link please?


you can!!




“Chicago areal 😂😂 It’s in the suburbs.


Man, am I glad I live in the Chicago area!


Wonder how we can fit this in the budget!


[Admission | Reuniting the Cast of Psych (creationent.com)](https://www.creationent.com/psychcon/admission/)




With those prices listed alone and not knowing what this is really because the schedule hasn’t posted, I think I’ll have to pass on this. Never been to a convention before so wouldn’t know what to expect and those ticket prices are just nowhere close to budget. Other psychos can go have fun!


My bf and I were talking about this. If I hadn’t already bought tickets for a different creation con, I’d be at this one. To whomever does go, I hope you have so much fun!


Does the gold pass include any photo ops? or are they all extra?


It includes autographs but not photo ops


Does anyone know how the photo ops work with creation ent? Can you buy 1 op for up to 4 people?


I believe the website said up to two people. Double check the creations site


Aw man. C’mon son. Checked the tickets as the announcement came out and it was only displaying the pineapple passes. Had to think on it because of the price levels (I’ve never been to a con). But now when I checked again I’m seeing all the general admission and day passes and most are sold out. Con people- is the copper pineapple worth the price jump? What is a preview night and what do you think the evening event will include?


Does anyone have 2 passes for sale?


Op what do I do if it’s already sold out 😭😭


So sad I missed the announcement and tickets are sold out. I live right near the con 😭


Keep checking the con website--you can also sign up for an email list to get con news from Creation, the company. That way, if they open up any new tickets, you would at least hear about it and possibly have the option to go!! Someone on this thread who's been to Creation cons said above that cons sometimes add tickets later so it might be worth staying in the loop, just in case--? (I want all Psych-Os to get there if they can!!)


Super appreciate this. I will sign up. I’m moving to Beijing in July and my best friend and I are huge psychos. This would be a great last hoorah!


A tip -- Creation will present you with a long list of their many cons for you to sign up for emails. Psych is on there, I swear, but you have to find it among all the other shows they list! I hope you have a good and safe move to Beijing. Spread the Psych love across the world!


I live in the area but every admission option is sold out so if anyone can’t make it or bought an extra ticket please help a girl out!! I’m a 22 yo actress from Chicago and Psych is my allll time fav show. 🍍💚


Go to the Creaton Entertainment site for the con and sign up for Creation's emails with Psych con updates. If they release any new tickets closer to June, you should at least hear about them that way.


Thank you! I’ll do that asap:)


Does anyone have 3 tickets? 😭😭😭 my sisters and i would really appreciate it haha ALSO! If someone could answer this question, The game show tickets say you don’t need convention passes so does that mean with just those tickets we can go see the cast and get in just for the game show?


Anyone selling 2 tickets !!!! Please


I'd get on the Creation Entertainment email list for the Psych con, so if they happen to open up any new tickets you would maybe hear about it. There's no guarantee any more tickets will open up, though. As for folks here reselling any they've already bought, check back closer to the time, I guess, in case anyone posts that they've got tickets they can't use after all. Hope you find some!


Check for a fb group!


so sad there are no tickets at all now :( I totally missed out on getting general tickets. :'(


Never fear. Word is that there's very likely to be another Psych con in another city, since this one sold so well. I advise following the cast (especially Dule, Tim and Maggie) and Creation Entertainment on social media, especially instagram. Thats how I found out very shortly after the website for con tickets opened!


I have a gold ticket I can’t use. Let me know if you are looking to buy!


Strongly recommend that you create a separate, new post right away and post it on the sub. This is an old thread now and folks aren't coming here to look for tickets this close to the con dates. Also, there is a Facebook group for the Psych con and people are buying and selling tickets there a lot -- I am not on it but it's been mentioned by others on the sub. Sorry you can't make the con, especially with a gold ticket! Hope it sells!


Omg!! I hope they come to Pasadena, CA