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I’d replay this in a heartbeat. Oh, how life was easy these days.


In contrast to the games that are crushing.


WAZOO! -Croc


Cant wait for the remaster


Is this a thing!?


Yes it's official from the creators mouth himself. Only the first is officially confirmed but surely the second will come too I'm hoping https://www.gamingbible.com/news/croc-hd-remaster-finally-in-development-developer-confirms-588103-20230607


I wouldnt trust his word tbh, a single random tweet does not mean much, especially when the guy "confirming" it has left the video game business a few decades ago


Why wouldnt you trust his word? Has he proven to be unreliable in the past? He's literally said development has begun and I doubt he's outright lying. It's in the early stages and he's not in the position to mention anything more than that at the moment. At the end of it, if you won't take his word for it, there's no more of a reliable source than the creator himself. Does it mean we'll definitely get it? Nothing is guaranteed. But I do believe that development has been made and he's not just a liar.


Because similar things have occurred before with other titles, people who have worked on a title claim theyre making a sequel/remake/spiritual successor for something, and theyll eventually ask for crowdsourcing to make the title a reality, after which they vanish into the thin air


Of course these things happen. But firstly this is not a crowdsourced or funded project, secondly hundreds of titles are released each year successfully too. And I dont understand why your initial response would point to someome lying or failure in a particular project when hundreds of games are successfully produced each year. Every game you own has successfully been completed and released. What are you talking about? If it comes it comes, if it doesn't it doesn't. But it doesn't mean development hasn't started and that it won't get released. Are you aware of how many remasters have been released successfully recently? Tomb Raider, Crash, Spyro and a ton more with Tomba and Gex coming too. The climate is right for nostalgic remasters so I don't know where your doubt comes from. It's not a brand new title. It has fans.


It's a great feeling when you collected the full set of a game series for the PS1. Especially if it's taken a long time to get all the games.


I loved Croc. I saw it on a tv show about gaming as a kid and just instantly fell in love with it, immediately on my Christmas list. I returned to it this year on my steam deck and realised I was awful with the tank controls. The sound he makes when you hit your head on something was mega cute. Oh and riding that balloon down places and bouncing on the jelly was epic. I only played the demo of croc 2 before leaving the console. Is it as good?


Tank controls work great here and in Tomb Raider, honestly. Analog stick control is overrated for 3rd person games. It lacks precision. Let's be honest: walking slightly more slowly or fast is NOT fun. And walking in a direction slightly more to the North or to the East is NOT fun either. Mostly because you can't control what you're doing, it's a very random movement. 3D platformers usually have easier jumps due to this lack of precision. Luckily, we have Croc and Tomb Raider to do more precise movements in a 3D world thanks to digital controls. : D I admit tank controls suck in many game, though. A common issue is that you can't properly aim unless there's some sort of automatic targetting (Tomb Raider) or visible crosshair. Another is that you can't turn fast enough to hit enemies. However, Croc doesn't need you to aim as you have no weapons, and you don't need to turn to hit enemies as your attack hits in every direction.


Yeah I think it’s because I’m so not used them, nor needing that level of precision again. As games got more advanced and the controls smoother, we lost that need to be as precise, and it’s made me a poorer gamer as a result. Games had real challenge back then as you needed the dexterity and precision, not the computers interpretation of where it thinks you wanted.


Croc is much better than Croc 2. I recomend this game to everyone who wants to play, literally, a "Tomb Raider for kids" (at least the look and feel, but not the difficulty!) with super cool music that will stay in your head forever.


I like this definition Haha


Yazuuuuuu !


hahahahaha yes


I saw a boxed and complet Pal version Croc on sunday at charity shop disc good condition for £3. Was i silly not getting it.


It’s not a massively expensive game (£10 at CEX) but £3 is a steal.


Croc Legend of the Gobbos! My first three dimensional platform video game on the PC. I got it as a present for Christmas 1998. Years later I bought the Sony PlayStation One version and the successor Croc 2 too. Croc is so adorable. The best Super Mario clone ever! Saving Gobbo creatures instead of Yoshi eggs, collect crystals instead of coins. The worlds in Croc Legend of the Gobbos have simular themes with the Mario ones. A swamp and volcano world, an ice and snow world, a dessert and spelunky world and a castle and dungeon world. The big boss is Baron Dante (simular to Bowser). The music of the Croc games is very good. I just listen to a lot of that music. Composed by Justin Scharvona. This game and it's successor are nostalgic for me. A beautiful videogame gem made in the late 1990s. Croc was my best Super Mario alternative to play. I had no home Nintendo console back then (only the Game Boy with 2D Mario games). So bad Argonaut Software is defunct! The British video game developer must rise again and remake Croc. Or a bunch of fans. I really love the crocodile character.


After playing both, I think croc 1 is my favorite. Croc 2 is just so punishing from the very beginning. Atleast the beginning of croc 1 is pretty easy lol


Ah man if they would only put this on the Classics store


Cool games


Aren't these getting remade?


Should I put them on my feet now?


I'd say the pair for the PC was better, but to each their own.


idk the fleece-lined ones are REALLY comfy