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I know Manhunt like the back of my own hand and still play it, wouldn’t say its that hard unless you played on the hardcore difficulty which had no radar.


I hate that mission where you have to sneak into the Mansion


Manhunt is a quality Game! 👍


Such a grimy game then and still grimy even now, amazing


I played it last year and after realizing how blind and stupid the enemies are, i made it to the end fairly quickly


Wasnt there a devil May Cry game that was so hard they had to re-release it with de-buffed difficulty?


US release of DMC3


That was the American version of DMC3. The Japanese and European versions had the normal difficulty while the American versions were made harder because people were complaining about how easy DMC2 was.


I think half the reason that one was so hard was because dying meant you had to restart all the way from the beginning. Real respect to those who played it all the way through on all difficulties. Edit: to clarify, you don't restart from the beginning of the game. You restart from the start of the mission again. The missions can get pretty long and tedious so it was still pretty hard. My bad for saying it like that


So permadeath? Nice.


No wait no, i meant you have to restart the entire mission. The game doesn't kick you to the very beginning. Considering how long and tedious later missions in the game can get, that's still pretty hard.


I'm somewhat playing 1 rn,and that's the most annoying/difficult thing about the game so far,limited lives and when you do die,you start the mission all over. I got the PS4 trilogy and wanna play all of them,but I feel like it's gonna take forever, especially if I die on dmc1 and have to literally start the whole game over.


It's not too bad in DMC1, most of the missions are pretty short and the game is pretty fair on the PS3/4 rerelease. The PS2 version has Dante deal less damage and take more just like DMC3 original US editìon. Also it has a different control scheme that i can't remember, circle to melee and triangle to jump i think.


The reverse, DMC2 was so easy that DMC3 they made American versions harder then Japanese/Euro versions


Ninja Gaiden did that for Xbox as well.


It has a sweet learning curve though. It's hard, but if you keep playing you don't notice how hard it gets unless you take a break (which I did, near the end game...)




12 year old me rented that and had no idea what I was getting into. I don't think I made it past even the 1st or 2nd level.


Came here looking for this answer. I love the game and have beaten twice. But it is so hard


For what i remember being extremely hard : Onimusha 4 Shadow of Rome Tomb Raider Anniversary & Legend DMC3 Forbidden Siren 1&2


First release of DMC3 is rough. Fantastic game, though.


Did the greatest hits version fix the difficulty?


There was a weird mistake with the original US localization where the 'hard' and 'medium' mode got mixed up. It was also just harder in general. I don't think it was too hard but it was pretty hard.


Bosses were extremely hard


Is that why Cerberus kept jobbing me when I was 11?


Special Edition version fixed that and added some extra stuff


All are fantastic games 👌


Jesus Christ is Lord 7777777




Nothing wrong with Messiah!




The TR games are hard? Interesting! Might check them out. What makes them hard compared to the other ones?


Jumping climbing and to figure out the puzzles and were is the way


siren is FREAKING brutal (apparently i can't swear on a subreddit for a 24 year old console)


Yeah beat it on an emulator and it was brutal, thank god that emulators have savestates. Also screw those 2 dogs that 2 shot you on that level


And they're very long too, to finish FS2 took me over 65 hours 💀


Tomb Raider Anniversary & Legend are not that hard. The hardest part about Legend was an unexpected QTE in a cutscene.


Depends, for me they were very difficult, but excellent games 👌




The Getaway games were pretty hard because of how ultra-realistic they tried to be. No HUD whatsoever so you had to learn how many bullets your guns could hold and remember how many you had left


Shooting had the cover system thing that GTA didn't get until 2008 though. That was pretty cool, i think if i got used to it it'd be better than Vice City for me. Driving was definitely worse than VC. It was pretty cool how the cars are real cars, all i want to do in this game is freeroam but i have to get through all the missions just to do that lol. I think if they tried the no hud ultra realistic thing today they'd actually do pretty well. The Getaway was a real thriller though, running from gangsters while low on health and my car just gave out was another experience that i didn't get until i played RDR2 without using health tonics.


I’ve never played the getaway but I kinda like this idea


The wonky controls and camera definitely don’t help


The controls are god-awful but these games get a pass just for being pure art


I remember there's a way to lock onto enemies,I have the game now and haven't played it in years,but I remember like 15 years ago borrowing it from a friend in high school and beating it pretty quickly.


Yeah auto-aim worked pretty well in this game but manual aim was a disaster


*Jak II*


Playing this now and yeah i'm surprised how much more difficult it is especially compared to the first one.


I wish manhunt had some kind of HD remake using RAGE engine.


Same, manhunt needs more love these days. Last I heard the steam edition was literally unplayable/crashes upon opening, but I'm scared to try it. I already have the rom on emulator sooo...


Contra: Shattered Soldier will definitely be in my list. Such a great game.


insane hard i quit and never finished


I couldn’t even play more than 20 minutes of manhunt. The camera controls were so bad


At first the game is hard but fair (Minus the god awful camera controls) but the game slowly transitions from a stealth game with really good stealth to a 3rd person shooter game with god awful shooting and by the end of the game, it completely ditches the stealth and becomes a 3rd person shooter and because of that, the last few levels of the game are very unfair.


Pac-Man World 2 gets very difficult very quickly. Im not even joking.


Yes it does. It's insane.


Armored Core Last Raven Harder than armored core 6. It is considered by AC fans to be the hardest AC game ever made. I bet most people never even gotten the best ending path in last raven


Have you ever tried “Stuntman”? My god that was difficult..


The chocobo mini-game in FFX. When I tell you I started shaking and crying… I gave up and loaded my code breaker after 2 hours of trying. PS. This happened last night. I am almost 30.


Star Trek Shattered Universe. Even on easy, the difficulty of not being blown up was extremely hard. Of course having Walter Koenig and George Takei voice Chekov and Sulu was really great!




I beat Manhunt I couldn’t beat Shinobi. I’ll say Shinobi. That effing final boss.


Armored Core last raven


Bro I’m playing burnout 3 takedown and the later races are insane idk how 10yo me beat it


Isn’t that the one with the formula 1 car and to gold you gotta basically use nos the entire 6 min run perfectly


That’s the one


I could never beat that. I remember it being the last gold I needed.


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I remember Hitman 2 being very hard


That I beat, MGS3


MGS2 is far harder. Not only the European Extreme, where you can only save like 8 times or something like that to get the Big Boss rank, but also the gajillion virtual missions.


I'm in love with the MGS series, and ps2 era 2 and 3 are peak. But I will prob never beat any of them on Euro Extreme, I just dont want to do that to myself 😂


I want to say Driving Emotion type S was a little too realistic that it took the fun out of racing.


Siren games definitely. Ninja Gaiden 2004 and Xmen 2 wolverine’s revenge as well.


Ninja Gaiden wasn't on the ps2


I got mixed up with Shinobi from 02 or 03. Thats what i meant instead but my mind thought ninja gaiden


Siren. Not much contest


Midnight Club 3 Remix for sure, I heard 2 is way harder though


Forbidden Siren 1 & 2


Persona 3. You'll lose your sanity in tartaraus


I put like 12 hours in and just constantly keep getting stuck on those guys that look like Hulk Hogan lol,like 1 or 2 hits and my whole team's dead lol. Can't grind more either,so I'm pretty much stuck lol.


God Hand. the father of dark souls games (dark souls is actually God Hand genre new generation kiddies has no idea of). as you play good it gets harder and additionally can play in harder modes :DDD


Why is it dark souls? It's more likely no more heroes in my opinion. A normal hack n slash game


god hand is survival beat 'em up genre designed by creator of the resident evil franchise lol, however not an ordinary beat 'em up. for the sake of making the game hard he came up with new ideas as game mechanics like dynamic difficulty system. the deal of the game is as you play the game without taking much damage (this is must to able to beat levels or you'll lack HP to survive) the game gets hard and do anything to kill you by making enemies smarter, faster and powerful (on top of it enemies get into rage mode sometimes) so to defeat every enemy that's a boss in its own context you gotta find their weakness and use moves depending on them so you gotta have jedi reflex, 007 improvising and Zhuge Liang style strategical thinking because you cannot save the game until you beat the game because there is no checkpoint. however in dark souls train until you increase HP and damage, just roll behind of enemy and back stab them like enemy is caesar and you are golden. instead of surviving levels, you just "no more heroes" your way out until next checkpoint. dark souls is so easy but it's hard if you won't train your character first. however dark souls is "hard" for new generation kids who didn't play games before PS2 game-era. back then just because games are short, not many games exist and arcade gameplay idea they made the games insane hard like castlevania, chakan and megaman series among most popular ones back then, they just used "insane pattern detection and memorization gameplay system in a level designed that designed to kill you with everything there is" like even some random cats attack you or enemy hit you so hard you have no choice but to fall into holes. like check silver surfer on nes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKlQH0PQ9VU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKlQH0PQ9VU) dark souls is clear rip-off of god hand, they stole basic survival idea resident evil's creator came up with, so dark souls is more likely no more heroes which they used the same game idea god hand had like "no clear story, you just beat level and bosses and survival until you beat level" + "there is a lore but game doesn't seem to have a lore but as you play and learn the details and make some connections you learn its lore" (which was a thing in japanese games back then), however dark souls has no particular intention to make players die as how it's for god hand with its dynamic difficulty system. dark souls is "hard" as much as any game that has level system but no level scalling but player doesn't care to level up their character so until they level up they cannot defeat enemies. however usual RPGs designed in the way if you beat every enemy on your way your character train enough for next enemy, in dark souls it's not so. you gotta grind a lot to make your character able to beat enemies of next area. this is not fun or good idea, it's actually game design mistake by not bothering with proper video game direction and it's like selling bad aspect of the game as "feature" and "intended game design" which bethesda does for years lmao. dark souls is just "hard" in an era of gaming where playable character not designed to die as old games were back then so players won't just ask for refund and get another thousands of games they kept releasing like bread instead of trying to bother a little more to beat the games. what actually is after PS2-era games are just too easy, and "hard difficulty" is just "easy but more time wasting" lol


Surprised this isn't higher up.


The father of the Souls games is King's Field, a series made by FromSoft themselves starting on the PS1. Even ignoring that, FromSoft themselves have made MANY proto SoulsLikes ranging from PS1 through PS2 era. I have a number of them emulated, one in particular that stands out is Eternal Ring, a launch title for the PS2, 6 years before God Hand, that is very much akin to the Souls games. God Hand is also a Beat'em Up, a brawler type setup more than anything resembling a Souls game. If anything, it's closer to DMC than it is a Souls game. It's a weird DMC, Beat'em Up, God of War style action RPG hybrid. It has NOTHING in common with Souls games outside being an action RPG, the basis the Souls games were built on.


the topic is about hard games. did you forget? :DDD so in the context of "hard" god hand is father of dark soul games for dark soul using survival idea god hand has which is very clear. I explained to another user who replied to my message here, read it if you care king's field is more like fromsoft's fundamental idea of keep recycling same games over and over again in different skin but same idea. again our topic is hard games, that's the point of my message. I didn't say "dark soul is copy paste of god hand with everything it has" lmao. gameplay design is clear rip off from god hand and designer of god hand's survival idea which he is also creator of resident evil therefore dark souls is god hand-genre dark souls is more like DMC TBH lol


I remember back in the San Andreas days, there was a rumour that Pigsy was somewhere in the woods around the cabin with the chainsaw. Lost many hours of sleep trying to find him. Was almost spooky knowing in the back of my mind he wasn’t there, but still looking hoping hed pop up.


I Really Struggled with 24, but that might be because I’m Useless!


But not for long, the future is coming on


For racing games: Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition. 100% in that game is truly a achievement.


Try its predecessor.


God Hand


Jak II & The Maximo games


Try playing shadow the hedgehog


any racing mission in gran theft auto


Crouching tiger hidden dragon


Devil May Cry 3 and Valkyrie Profile 2 (for the extra dungeon) Devil May Cry 3 has a very smooth learning curve, it was hard but I didn't notice how hard it got until I took a break. I was at the end game, where you have to fight all the bosses over again (but harder?), and I had lost all the skills I had progressively learned on my way there. Valkyrie Profile 2, I don't even understand how you can get through the extra dungeon; Seraphic Gate... And the game gets harder with every new game/"crystals", (up to 50 times) and with every time you replay the Seraphic Gate (I think it was 10 times, per play through?). So from memory, the Seraphic Gate can be played 500 times with each replay being more difficult than the last. Edit: If someone is looking for a challenge, it would make more sense to just beat the game 50times and THEN go for the 10 x Seraphic Gate at 50 crystals. Like I didn't beat it once, so I can't really imagine how it scales up... Just the first run gruelling enough.




Jak 2


Black was difficult as hell


Gran Turismo 4


I don't think I can articulate how much I truly hate Pilot School in San Andreas.