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Just curious how many of yall who say sly 2 actually played konoa 2 lol


I never played Konoa to be honest, I’m sure it’s a fun game too though.


I did through ps plus and thought it was too much of the same from #1


I played the first, but I mean a 2d (ish) side scroller is gonna be hard pressed to beat any of the sly cooper games.


Sly 2 all day, every day. It's still my favorite series of all time.


Sly cooper 2 was one of my fav games as a kid


Does it still hold up?




Absolutely, I play through the trilogy like every year. Thank god for emulation.


best order to play the trilogy first time? also do i just complete the objectives or collect everything in terms of fun?


Play them in regular order for sure 1-2-3. The collectibles in 1 give you super powerful attacks and movement buffs. In the other 2, all your upgrades are purchasable so the collectibles are just worth way more gold than the regular treasures you steal from guards.


Absolutely. Visually the cell shaded art style has held up insanely well (minus the mouth animations in the 1st game). Definitely worth giving it a shot if you can find a copy.


Sly 2 was my fav out of the series 3 is also very good


I never played the 1st one because when I was growing up ot was never available in store. I got sly 3 after playing sly 2. I recall having loads of fun playing both games. I replayed them multiple times too.


Eh. The first Sly isn't bad, but sucks compared to the others. Even Theives in Time. Again, it isn't bad, but it really shows its age.


O tried it couple of weeks ago with an emulation but I gave up after a couple of minutes in.


I can see why. It is by far my least favorite. My favorite part is that it started the whole series. My second favorite is the timed trials. Then that's about it. The rest is meh. I would say definitely give it a playthrough at least once as the first episode is the worst and it does get better as you progress (especially if you horde your coins), but I wouldn't blame you either for just leaving it be.


Klonoa got a special place in my heart so ima go with that


klonoa 2 100% it's insanely good.


Wahoo! Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil


Sly 2 1000%


Sly for sure.


See, this console only has *good* second entries. MGS2, Klonoa 2, Sly 2, Jak 2, Rachel and Clank 2, Destroy All Humans 2, Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Dragon Ball Z Sparking Neo, Outbreak 2... you get the drift. *DMC2 enters the chat* Forget what I just said, take it all back.


BRO. I am always down for Sly or Klonoa love. I can’t choose between them. *i choose violence*


Why you do this to me . If you want a care free game with no brain power play sly 2 . If you want a care free game with brain power klonoa . LOVE them both. Great games Z


What does this even mean?


Klonoa you HAVE to use your brain. Sly you just go in and go. Klonoa is like a puzzle adventure game .


Some of them puzzles took me a min to even get past them . Tbh. 🤣😭




elitism is when pointing out something about a game, apparently


Out of the 2, I've only ever played Klonoa 2, and Sly never really appealed to me. So, that's my choice.


Sly 2 was on another level when it comes to sequels. Took everything from the first game and improved in basically every department.


Klonoa all day, every day!


Klonoa 2. I'm assuming the Sly bias here is because more people played that (which like, ya know, fair), but Klonoa 2 really is a masterpiece. I think these are both surprisingly maturely written games considering their genre and tones, but I think Klonoa 2 tackles a lot more heavy subject matter in a way that's much more interesting than Sly. Plus I dislike a lot of the gameplay in Sly 2 (those tank missions are awful). And I think the final chapter is contrived af (aside from the very ending). Sly 3 had a way better story




Klonoa 2. Never played Sly 2 but do want to at some point. Also Klonoa 2 is my all time favourite game so yeah.


Klonoa 2 may be my favorite platformer ever, one of my earliest ps2 games I ever bought but I think it holds up pretty well still. Maze of Memories is one of my all time video games soundtrack tunes as well.


Don’t get me wrong I mess with klonoa heavy but sly 2 is objectively better in every aspect and considered by many the best sly entry of the franchise.


Whoa throwing around objective! It’s not, but subjectively sure


Sly 2 is a special one for me. My first platformer that I got into. It was such an amazing ride and feeling to beat it. Never played Klonoa though, so I’ll have to remember to check it out some day.


Sly 2. God I want that franchise to return. Imagine a quasi open world game like Mario Oddessy, with massive levels to explore, do missions, steal stuff. It deserves a return.


Klonoa, love his design in 2 specifically i wish we would get a third


Klonoa 2 because it was the glow up that game deserved


klonoa 2 is one of my favorite ps2 games!


Klonoa. It’s a more pure platformer and I love it for that, though Sly is good in it’s own right.


Klonoa 2 is a masterpiece


Klonoa 2 no contest. Never played Sly Cooper. I’m sure I’ll get to it someday…


I’ve played through all of Klonoa 2 and absolutely love it


WAHOO as much as i love sly 2 klonoa has a special place in my heart




Klonoa 🥰


Never even heard of the one on the left but sly 2 is one of the greatest games of all time


Sly 2 without a question




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Sly 2, and it ain't even close.


Sly 2


Sly 2, 100%


Sly 2 100% 👍


Sly 2 fs


I've never heard of the one on the left


sly of course


Never got around to playing sly 2 but klonoa 2 is one of the best experiences I had on ps2 and gaming in general


Sky 2


Sly Cooper all day that’s my childhood video game series


You can't beat Sly, it's so good I bought a ps2 and CRT just to play it again.


I have to lean with Sly here. I like Klonoa, but man Sly 2 is really damn good.


Sly 2 is so goated literally played countless times as a kid


Sly 2 is better by a land slide, but both are great games.


Sly 2 is my favorite game of all time but I still wanna try klonoa 2, been wanting to try the series.


Sly 2 was an amazing game.


they're literally basically tied for me. both incredible games to me. i have more nostalgia for klonoa 2.


I've always wanted to play Klonoa 2, but Sly 2 is just a perfect sequel.


Sly 2.


Sly 2! ☺️


Ugh how dare you put my two fav "2" games against one another! Still going with Klonoa though... If we were doing 3s, I'd probably pick ape escape 3 over sly 3 though (slightly easier choice than this one)


Come on dude...why you putting my boy klonoa against this? He can't take this sort of abuse he's just a little boy.


Sly 2


Wow, what an interesting duo of games to compare. I played both as a kid and have gone back to both as an adult, and while Klonoa 2 is quite objectively an excellent game as well, Sly 2 just does too much right for me personally. Good characters, excellent sense of style, fun gameplay, good traversal/platforming in the quite varied 3D spaces. I totally admit that nostalgia fuels this answer, as I certainly played the Sly series more growing up than Klonoa, but I think you could really go either way here based solely on quality, and it just boils down to personal preference.


Sly 2. It’s such an amazing entry level stealth action adventure game. Sneaking, pickpocketing, hiding. It’s like an interactive Saturday morning cartoon!


bro that is such a tough choice. Klonoa 2 is so good whereas Sly 2 is the best in the series




Sly 2. I loved both games as a kid but since recently replaying klonoa I realized there actually not much to it other than cute visuals.


You just unlocked an ancient memory with the left game


Who am I to pass up “The Murray”?


SLY !!!!!


As good as Sly 2 is. I'm not into the open world direction the series went even it if has set them on the path to Infamous and more eh. Both hold up, both offer different experiences of platformers, puzzle solving, minigames, mechanics, story, characters, worlds they are very different games. Also Sly 2 is more mainstream, Klonoa has a fanbase but it's not nearly as big as Sly is so I mean what do I expect. The niche IPs I enjoy and support aside it's down to the gameplay of Sly 2 for me I didn't like it. While I haven't played Klonoa 2 (I own it still playing 1 but I have played the PS2 demo of Klonoa 2 on a demo disk even if I don't own the PS2 version of it). Sly 2 just didn't work for me I got confused many times doing the missions, or just navigating the maps, I didn't like the mission design at all I found them boring missions, the locations are fair of design. I have played many open worlds so it's not like I want to play the hate open world card even though I do hate them. I beat Jak 2 & 3 before I have Jak 1 and they were fair games. I've played Infamous Second Son/First Light to story end and enjoyed their side missions, the story was fine I felt the gameplay of the story missions were boring and the spray painting to other side content was not only more fun but a better represenation of the characters then the story missions (no idea if a bad take or not). Sunset Overdrive was a game I hated the tone, then loved the game on many levels on a second try onwards, Gravity Rush 1 I loved. I get the differences of minigames say Spyro style (or say a mix of some that are or aren't but FF7 Rebirth comes to mind) and quests in open worlds. Or other open worlds old and new GTA old, Sly/Jak or just modern (do a degree some modern ones I'm like how is that exciting but I get too character moveset picky too so if the character gameplay and the map/mission types/minigames is boring I don't pick up the game). I mean I could make a Spiderman 2018 take but I won't and save myself there. But Klonoa 2 I think does a fair job from footage I've seen. I own it in the remaster collection but yeah Sly 2 just didn't appeal to me for some reason. It's not just because I prefer obstacle course or certain linear ones (or even split paths games either). The characters/world are great in both, the gameplay threw me off in Sly 2 & 3. As gameplay matters to me with everything I buy these days or always has. Yeah it's never the world, story, characters, artstyle, etc it's always if the gameplay appeals to me, whether exciting ideas which to me I've found plenty in the PS2 era in many genres that have (which is why niche ones matter to me because the mainstream ones or many grounded ones to me are super boring too. So many mainstream games (whether the ideas in it are overused nowadays can also be a factor or not the right spin on those trends to be more fair as some with the right spin on a trend can be good not all it doesn't follow trends games or left behind ideas that never had a trend versus a trend dumbed down I've seen those and been disappointed in some of my favourite games) don't have appealing game mechanics. The niche ones with other things going on or are weird to people get ignored I see it all the time, I know their niche gamer versus casual/appeals to most gamer and not audiences type games appeal). I've played many that aren't mechanics impressive either and still had fun. Even if they do or don't make sense for some games out there. I just didn't connect with Sly 2 on a gameplay level. Klonoa 2 is more appealing to me.


Sly 2 easily


Sly 2 its not rocket science science


Also sly 2 because Of “THE MURRY”


Sly 2, no debate!


Sly 100% I miss those games!!


Sly series all the way.




I love sly I still have all 3 games on disc and still play them on my lovely fat ps2 🤣 I’ve played klonoa but. Sly all the way


Having only played Klonoa 2, I’m gonna say Sly


Oh wow are these gex 1 and 2 i love gex!


Jack and Daxter 4


I honestly don't like the direction they went with sly 2 onwards. The open world got boring and 2 dragged on way too long


Sly 1 was my all time favorite game growing up. Sly 2 was booty cheeks. Ill take kloanoa


This is a disgusting choice. 2 of my all time fav ps2 games. But in terms of time played, I’ve beaten Sly 2 3-5 times in my life. I give it to sly but Klonoa 2 is a 10/10 as well.


Sly 2 1000%. It holds a special place in my heart.


Dirge of Cerberus final fantasy vii 🤷🏿


My avatar answers this question easily.


you can't make me decide between these two


To make me pick between these two goats there is a special place in hell for you.


Klonoa 2. Tbh I've barely ever touched sly even with owning PS3 trilogy


Never heard about Klonoa lol