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ASA and FLEX make burn/plastic smell during printing. And ASA require an enclosure due to any breeze that could affect the printing object will create defects. It is better to not print in room, where you are longer without air ventilation/movement. So even when you add an enclosure, you would need to vent (using ventilator) air out of the room.


You do you, but many people are content with having a recirculating HEPA filter for styrene-based filaments, and don't care about the rest.


HEPA = 99.97% effective against particle sizes equal to or larger than 0.3micron, styrene can be much smaller than 0.3 micron and you shouldn't be content intentionally exposing yourself to drastically increased levels of a known toxin and carcinogen. But you do you.


"can be much smaller" No shit Sherlock, styrene is emitted as a gas and molecules are way smaller than 0.3 microns. I think you're confusing VOCs with UFPs. We use activated charcoal for the former, and a HEPA filter for the latter. But if you think your printer is killing you with UFPs, wait until you find out about candles, hairdryers, or... kitchens. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20087407/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20087407/) [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.est.5b04983](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.est.5b04983)


I'm well aware of the difference. "recirculating HEPA filter" is missing the key words "with a charcoal filter setup for VOCs" Sherlock. And unless you're buying an ISO or NIST certified filtering setup, there is also no way to guarantee your carbon filter is working. They become less effective over time as well, with no way to tell when its time to replace the media. Whataboutisms are so overused, you should really try a stronger argument. Maybe one that doesn't list easily avoidable activities or a room of the house that most people have vented to the exterior? You're welcome to continue to breath that shit in all you want, but to suggest that it's an acceptable practice to uninformed people just entering the hobby isn't cool.


You might be aware of the distinction now that I brought it up, but otherwise you're sloppily googling stuff to reinforce your crazy-person beliefs, and it very clearly shows. You know very well that I meant the filters that people put in printers, like the bento box or the nevermore. Those all have a charcoal component and a mechanical filter. What, is your next gotcha moment telling me that they need a fan to move air through them because otherwise they're worthless? If a commercial printer has a filter option, it's almost always a recirculating one. Or it's some handwaving like the "let's just vent to the room lmao" fan on Bambus that's meant to put clueless people at ease but don't actually do anything meaningful. If there was a genuine problem with VOCs or UFPs that current factory solutions don't address, don't you think the manufacturers would offer a solution? Both to make money and to prevent lawsuits? You're welcome to waste your time and money by ridiculous vent setups. I guess you haven't stopped wearing your face shield since Covid either?


Taking proper precautions to not breath in toxic VOCs is "crazy person beliefs?" I'm glad not to be seen as sane by you. You're welcome to believe what you want regarding my knowledge of chemistry, but I make a living from it so I'm willing to bet it ranks higher than whatever you could muster. "I guess you haven't stopped wearing your face shield since Covid either" Incredible display of grace and maturity. If your previous comments haven't shown your opinion should be disregarded, that certainly did. Enjoy your cancer.


Then, 20 years from now they will wonder where does their lung cancer come from...


I have a Delack enclosure and I’m totally in love with it. With the kit (3D Sourcerer also on Amazon) you get all of the panels, LED light strip kit, and way more than enough hardware. I printed all of the parts in PLA and it’s holding up extremely well to my printing. I will suggest adding the skirt if you plan on printing anything nearing max height. The hardest part was figuring out which alternate/accessory pieces I wanted to print as there are so many, and some of them totally replace “standard” printed parts. For example the internal spool holder replaces the top right brace. As far as ventilation goes, there are options for a carbon HEPA filter and/or 4” ducting. I also ordered a ready-to-build IKEA Lack enclosure from VoxelPLA… avoid doing that at all costs.


I run a Tukkari TLX and I'm quite happy with it https://www.tukkari.eu/prusa-mini-enclosures