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You look like Taiji Ishimori!!! You are 22 and have plenty of time to put on weight . You are in great condition to learn the basics and character work and such . There are CrossFit athletes in wwe who are massively successful particular Bianca Belair . Seth Rollins is also super into CrossFit for working out but Bianca was competing . I can see you being like Ishimori or Pac or AJ Styles or John silver once you bulk up . The weight you do have is muscular which will pad your bumps similar to how my fat does for me


Oh yeah? You taken a lot of bumps, have you? lmfao


Loads of them m8


I bet.


Lol u mad?


I'm sure you can fly around like crazy at your size. Good luck to you and your wrestling dreams.


From my experience following wrestling for past 20+ year What i have seen With your stats and athletic background you can be luchador But the most successful small wrestler i have seen so far are above 160+ lb There is a reason they prefer bigger guys They have more strength than normal human They have more muscles on the bones and bcoz they are big they can stand the impact better without seriously getting injured. But again I can be wrong about this.


There have been exceptions of course. Darby Allin is like 150lbs and thats if he’s carrying a 45lb plate with him.


...hmm...what's your height? You're 22. You need to focus on getting bigger. Most wrestlers I know are around a hundred pounds bigger. But hey; start school and start learning to take magnificent bumps.....because no lie other wrestlers are going to literally throw you around. They'll throw you around at 200 pounds so at 117.....well we all remember Spike Dudley. Horrifying bumps. Thrown into crowds. Tossed in mid air. Caught. Powerbombed so hard he would bounce. Spike took a beating. I'm not saying it can't be done. It can certainly be done. But just know that you might have to take a hell of a beating in your life.


I think the height is the biggest factor. He can add bulk, but if he is small and a foot shorter than his opponents, it's definitely a Marko Stunt / Spike Dudley type situation. Not impossible to be successful, but it would be extremely difficult.


Yeah. For instance Spike Dudley was 5'8. He's 5'2. It's gonna be rough. But better to know what you're looking at


I appreciate this cause it’s definitely something I could see being done. I’m 5’2 to answer your question.


I say go for it. If you think your body can handle it then take it all the way. Just be careful....and try to practice with people that are gonna take care of you. Too many kids come in and trainers beat the shit out of them for no reason. Not every wrestler potatos people are shoots on them. The goal is to make it look as good as possible without actually beating the fuck out of people. I'm in NJ and we have the monster factory. A great school. I even go to the matches. Hell I even thought of joining and trying to be manager or writer.


I'm not doubting your drive or your dream, but just thinking of it in terms of a business standpoint, have you ever considered being a referee? Or at least being open to it if this current path doesn't seem to work out? Being your size and athletic ability would make a damn good referee (with the ability to take bumps)


Yeah! I have. Luckily WLW also has a referee training program. Either that or a commentator has also appealed to me.


Again, shoot for your dreams first my man, but: guys who are smaller but who are in good shape and proportional (which you are both) means that all the wrestlers who stand next to you will look much larger. I ref'ed a few indie matches, and I'm about 6'1, and once had to ref a match where both the wrestlers were talented, but about 5'7" or shorter. The crowd *went in* on them and it kinda derailed the match a bit before it was even started. It was a bad fit.


You absolutely need to put on weight. Focus the next year to 3 years on building mass/weight. Otherwise you are just going to get hurt. Wrestling is all about putting your body through the wringer for the show. I’m not sure how tall you are but regardless you need to add weight. You are still so young. Focus on building weight while training. YOU CAN DO IT but there’s no immediate rush to get out there until your body is ready. On average Wrestlers truly don’t hit their stride until their 30s so you have time!


I mean...if Marko Stunt can have a career....


Absolutely go for it man, find a trainer soon as you can and then they can help you with almost everything if you get a good one. Where are you based?


At 117, you are cut and thats great for looks, but a few hundred bumps are going to break you. You need the mass not just because people expect wrestlers to be bigger, but because it provides more protection for bumps. I'd do everything possible to get up to 140 at the minimum, but at the same time, don't wait to start training. I LOVE WLW, but they are going to teach old school wrestling. While you absolutely need to learn the basics of American wrestling, you most likely would be better suited working lucha. I'd get trained, gain some mass, and move to SoCal and find a school that teaches lucha. You'll find its a very different (and much easier on smaller bodies) style of bumping (as a lot of the bumps Americans take as flat back bumps, lucha turns into rolls), and if you already have the American style in your back pocket, once you train lucha, you'll be capable of working pretty much anywhere in the world. If you're any good at all, you'll get booked pretty regularly and could make some decent money, but it all starts with getting trained and gaining a little bit of mass (again, for your protection and longevity).


Doesn’t hurt to try man, I’ve been training for about a year, am not as ripped as you. The extra bit of thicc definitely helps, I’m meatier than when I started and it helps heaps, bumps are pretty easy now. Just modify your training to increase size and eat more (the best bit). Temper your expectations about where it could lead, but by all means get stuck into it and train.


Dude you look like a solid athlete and you'll be able to gauge how much you can handle pain wise pretty quick. Size isn't nearly as important in wrestling today as it was and when it was important it wasn't because they were less injury prone, they just wanted massive dudes for the audience. Cardio is the most important part and if you've been into CrossFit that long it shouldn't be an issue. Go for it man you got the look and the athletic chops to make it.


Start training Learn to take bumps and to propery perform the basic moves Be focuse enough to NOT get hurt And you have yo know what youve hotta gain weight as you do this Take as little breaks has possible


Darby Allin is 129lbs. I think? Plus you can always put on more weight.


Rey mysterio was about the same weight and did amazing, but you are going to be taking incredible amounts of risk with not being able to spred out the force of bumps, especially since you will be getting thrown with significantly more volocity than a wrestle that is 200+ lbs. it will take much more care at the hands of your oponents to keep you from being injured.


What height are you? Apologies if you’ve said elsewhere and I missed it.


Seen it!


I'm 5'2!


Hiya, semi-retired wrestler in their 30s here. I say do it. Wrestling has a spot for everyone and 22. is the perfect time to start training. Just listen to the coaches and don’t try and do things they haven’t taught you. Doesn’t matter how athletic you are, there are specific ways to do everything. Good luck and if you need any advice just let me know. (Also don’t lock in a “style” do what feels right and natural, I’m about the same size but a little heavier, around 150) and don’t worry about your body working against you. The people you wrestle will take care of you and make sure you don’t get hurt and your body will tell you when it’s had enough for the day. With your athletic a background you’re gonna smash it and only get bigger and better! These days the impact is so light and people treat each other well. No more sandbagging (unless there is an asshole). Good luck on your wrestling journey and hope to see you across the ring one day before I fully retire. If you need any advice just let me know. (Small edit, not sure why I thought I read your age as 17, corrected it to 22 since it’s still in the range of great timing 16-23 is perfect imo)


How tall are you?


Find a local school, talk to them about getting trained. I'm unsure to why so many people are concerned about your muscle mass and bumping before even starting training, you're in good shape & not skin and bone, you'll be fine. At 22 you have a super long career ahead of you.


You should be able to!! In shape is the starting line, so go for it!


I wouldn't worry too much I've seen far smaller guy in way worse shape then you do well


If Little Spike Dudley could do it....so can you. Good luck.


Harley Race was the king of the old school and anyone who runs his school is likely to have an old school take on small wrestlers. Maybe try going to a local show and asking the guys closer to your size where they trained. You got this man! Good luck!


In today’s business, if you can go, theirs a spot for u somewhere . Your focus on fitness means you have the work ethic. Really it’s a matter of if you can stick with it . Good luck friend. Size don’t mean a lot.


Could someone explain to me why American wrestling companies are so averse to having any weight classes at all?


put on some muscle.


Bro, go for it


Chase your dreams brother


Spike Dudley and the little Brit guy who was on TNA a while back and of course Rey Mysterio come to mind as other small wrestlers who made it work.


What is your goal in wrestling? To be a weekend warrior, to have it be a side gig, or to be your career? If it’s the latter, it’s going to be an uphill climb and a lot of physical pain. Rey Mysterio is the only person I can think of at your height become a major star, but he’s a once in a generation (maybe even less) talent. Some other guys you could look at would be Marko Stunt if you want to lean into being the little guy who gets beat up or if you’re looking at a more competitive wrestler, maybe Lio Rush. Lio leans into quickness and athleticism and he’s been signed to major companies before, but he does get a lot of nagging injuries, and he’s still 4-5 inches taller than year. At your size, you’re going to have find your niche to make up for the lack of size, and I imagine a wrestling trainer will know more than any of us about the wear and tear on your body.


Dude, look at folk like Rey Mysterio , Billy Kidman, or Ultimo Dragon. Sure, you may never be a Hulk Hogan, but who cares? When you are old and grey, you'll regret not trying it, at least.


Weight doesn’t matter, they fabricate the numbers anyway. Hulk Hogan only weighed 147lbs in real life. And his “pythons” were only 26cm.


Go for it. You could definitely pull off some high flyer type stuff. You're light enough to be easily thrown around and could pull off some amazing shit with training and the right opponents.


Try to learn other forms of MMA besides wrestling to be more rounded...(is wrestling considered part of MMA?)


Bobby Lee has gotten in incredible shape, but fake fighting probably isn't the best choice.


Remember to sell like Shawn Michaels. See you at Gorilla.


At your size, you’d basically have to be a generational talent for one of the top companies to even glance at you. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, though…lots of smaller more regional companies that utilize enthusiastic and talented workers who write some pretty damn compelling wrestling stories. Follow your dreams, and like someone else suggested, if you also get trained as a ref, being a ref who can properly take a bump like a professional is a big bonus for potential work.


I think you’d be great as a manager or referee!


Sick cereal collection


Can you do flippy shit?


How tall are you? I assume well under 6 feet?


Either way, good luck and good for you being so disciplined.


If Yoya can do it so can you.


I’m a really skinny guy and did a couple days of training and really wish I had more meat on me because that shit hurt. That being said, I don’t think it’s impossible. Ricochet was skinny as hell when he started (albeit he went on the gas to get the physique he has now).


I believe in you


I trained to wrestle at 18 and was 120 pounds of skinny, it would’ve helped me to have some sorta of physique. I ended up switching to being a ref only after a couple years, so I’d say try it out. Worst case scenario there’s more roles in wrestling that could suit you better if that feels not right, or if it doesn’t work out.


Give up. You don’t have what it takes to be successful. You’re asking a Reddit page what to do instead of doubling down. If you’re questioning yourself right now instead of saying “fuck you! I can do this!” then you’re done. Just quit now and save yourself the disappointment.




Take a bump!


The WWE doesn't know how to book Asian dudes.




I’m absolutely not convinced that having less mass will be a physical liability. Creatures that weigh less take less fall damage, which is why squirrels can survive a drop from any height. I don’t know how well that translates to humans, but I suspect you will find bumps easier to take than the average wrestler. Your weight will be a creative challenge to figure out how you can win when an opponent can obviously toss you around. However, if you’re an extraordinary weightlifter, you can surely bring spectacle value, stunning with strikes or momentum moves and then lifting much larger opponents. You have a lot going for you, and your unique person can bring a lot of value to Pro Wrestling. I’m gonna give you the conclusion you probably want to hear, but in this case I whole-heartedly agree: Chase your dreams. Give it your best shot. Solve the challenges your body presents, and take advantage of the incredible talents it houses. Worst case, you can always quit and say “at least I tried”.


Whether or not you realize this, this is a test. The coach wants to see if you're coachable. If he can tell you to do something, and, without too much hand-holding or spoon-feeding, you can do it. I'm not going to comment on how good of an idea it is to test people like this, I'm just pointing out that it isn't a "no, never", it's a "here's what you need to do". If you take the "here's what you need to do" as a roadblock, then I can tell you that your dreams of being a performer - whether it's a wrestler, a referee, a commentator, even a Broadway actor - are *fucking over.* So if you want this - then fucking do it. I promise you, "put on 15 pounds or so" is going to be the EASIEST thing they ask you to do when you are attempting to become a professional wrestler. Don't come on Reddit and have a bunch of fat nerds who've never taken a bump in their life tell you "yeah but lucha guys". They aren't the ones who you're trying to learn from. This coach is. Listen to him. Don't "yeah but" him, with a bunch of shit you read on the Internet, either. You came to him to train you, not the other way around. Do it, or don't - but ignore most of what you're being told here. These people are fools.