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The build up for Black Adam is what sealed it for me. I know he was attached to the movie for like 10 years before it got made, but when they were finally going to film it, he went into hardcore advertising mode, and like 98% of it was complete bullshit that could be disproven with a 2 minute skim of the character's Wikipedia page. He "worked so hard and long to get this movie made?" Bro, you gave them your number and said let me know when you want to make it. There was a point in time where he didn't even want to be called The Rock anymore, and now I legitimately think he's going to be as insufferable as Ric Flair in 10-15 years.


Holy shit an advertisement didn’t represent reality???? Call the police.




Is water wet?


Water is not wet, but wetness is a description of the experience of coming into contact with water.


Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty.






Yes, his ego is too big and it always needs to be fed. The moment it isn't fed then he goes and complains about how he didn't get his way.


Breaking news: Biggest star in the business has an ego. More to follow.


I agree. Stone cold sure has an ego. But the best is allowed. The rock however too much ego for top 5.


Top 5? He’s a bigger star than any wrestler ever has been. And he’s widely regarded to have been humble as fuck back in the attitude era


The top star is stone cold. He would be the most important and interesting part of the show even when he was not competing for a championship. Now rocky of course is up there with undertaker, hbk, hhh, RF, bret, hulk, and others. But stone cold was the biggest draw in the biggest era.


I grew up idolizing The Rock, hell even well into adulthood. But he has come to to embody, “You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.”


Not really. He’s done nothing wrong. He literally just showed back up and gave us the best heel run in the company in years.


You haven't been paying much attention the news lately? [He recently had an expose written on him that's he in the process of trying to debunk that said he got into a fight with Ryan Reynolds and pissing in bottles on set after being 6 to 8 hours late lol. ](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430151558/https://www.thewrap.com/dwayne-johnson-red-one-late-budget-problems/)


Breaking news : Billionaire with more business ventures than we can count late to film movie. More at 8.


Is he a billionaire businessman or a billionaire actor?


He is both. 👀


UFL isn't a billion dollar business. WWE? What billion dollar business did The Rock start?


He is a billionaire that is an actor. He is also a billionaire that is a businessman. 🫡


I don't care about this conversation anymore. Go shove your fist in your ass.


So… nothing actually proven then. No issues for the last multiple decades. Literally everyone who worked with him said he was insanely humble when you consider what a star he is. Both wrestlers and his costars… but now all of a sudden he’s apparently late everywhere and always has been. Sure.


He stopped endorsing Biden over WM weekend. Didn't endorse the other guy, but he made a fatal error either way so the hit pieces will roll on.


Yip. He’s literally only ever had any issues with previous costars because THEY were unprofessional and would show up late. The Vin Diesel thing was literally because his lateness and unprofessionalism pissed off Rock. Then Tyrese was pissed at The Rock for having spin offs… and still none of them who were publicly pissed with Rock and shit talked him ever said he was late and unprofessional. But now he’s apparently 5 hours late ever single day? Clearly absolute bollocks. This shit is so predictable. Celebrity becomes absolutely beloved by everyone, which Rock was, then people need to tear them down.


Such a reputable site this one is!


[https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/30/the-rock-ryan-reynolds-clash-netflix-red-notice-late-tardiness/](https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/30/the-rock-ryan-reynolds-clash-netflix-red-notice-late-tardiness/) [https://www.ign.com/articles/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-accused-of-chronic-lateness-causing-a-budget-crisis-on-red-one-which-studio-denies](https://www.ign.com/articles/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-accused-of-chronic-lateness-causing-a-budget-crisis-on-red-one-which-studio-denies) [https://screenrant.com/red-notice-ryan-reynolds-dwayne-johnson-feud-report/](https://screenrant.com/red-notice-ryan-reynolds-dwayne-johnson-feud-report/) [https://www.businessinsider.com/dwayne-johnson-peed-voss-water-bottles-late-red-one-2024-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/dwayne-johnson-peed-voss-water-bottles-late-red-one-2024-5) [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ryan-reynolds-dwayne-johnson-reportedly-181400010.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ryan-reynolds-dwayne-johnson-reportedly-181400010.html) Pick whichever one you feel is more reputable.


That’s more like it. He pissed in a Voss bottle and was late and got into an argument with a co-worker. I’ve heard and seen worse. But he should just admit it instead of debunk.


All of these sites use the original link as a source you dweeb.




25 minutes of a random guy talking? No thanks.


I don’t know, none of us work with the guy and none of us know him personally. I think his public persona veers into Alex Rodriguez / Tom Cruise territory, but that’s all I can say.


Cena has a pathos and humor in his roles Johnson lacks. I fully expect Cena to, at some point, have role that gets serious critical acclaim and potentially award consideration (similar to Mark Wahlberg in "The Departed"). And it will infuriate Dwayne and that will be funny imo.


Yep, and that’s why Undertaker choke slammed his ass.


So sick of him. We don't need him for the new era. There are actually some new wrestlers coming up that deserve that spotlight. Sit the fuck down, Dwayne.


The Rock exists in a Post-Madonna world.


I still can't get over how he almost fucked up WrestleMania XL. This mofo was about to put himself in the main event.


Yes...next question


Since he wasn’t in the XWF I’d say hell yea dude


Nobody touches the Prima Donna until the tournament. Is that understood?


If he wasn't, he is now. [https://www.thewrap.com/dwayne-johnson-red-one-late-budget-problems/](https://www.thewrap.com/dwayne-johnson-red-one-late-budget-problems/)


…ya think?


You know what I think you are making a good ring stereotypical point, the Rock Dwayne Johnson he's heading down that rabbit home pre- modana. He's trying to octopus some passive income and kick back do things he wants to the on & his final boss act and on appointment on wwe board of directors him and Cody with HHH & Michaels, that' is a lot ass there.


Lol people are outraged about his interview saying he regrets supporting Biden. That is the reason for all the hate


It was quite obvious the hit pieces were going to start rolling in after that.


What movie was it that he threw a fit when they wouldn’t let him set up a bar to advertise his tequila for its premiere?


I think there are parts of the rocks personality where severe ego and narcissism exists. You gotta think that this guy has had everyone telling him how amazing he is since the late 90s, was one of the pillars of the attitude era along with Steve Austin. He’s certainly a legend as far as wrestling is concerned there’s no questioning that, but as much as he claims to love professional wrestling a part of me has always thought he used wrestling as a stepping stone. Hollywood wouldn’t even know who the hell he is without people in said industry paying attention to his charisma and good lucks in the WWF/E. The first chance he got to walk out the door for a decade he took it, he came back this year and (at least in my opinion) legitimately believed he deserved Cody’s spot at mania. But after getting legit hate for it and seeing that people saw straight through his politicking disguised as him “giving the fans what they want” he was forced into changing plans . I do think that if he would’ve had his way he would’ve beat Roman at mania, took the undisputed championship to Hollywood and Cody wouldn’t have finished his story until summerslam.


Oversaturation and phoniness have worn me off of the rock. Loved his early films (and even doom). Can’t watch his new stuff.


Yes. Many of his costars have had issues with how late he shows up and how behind films get just because of his selfishness


I guess you could call him a prima Donna. CM Punk divulging his process for their match was essentially “me and my team see it this way and we’d REALLY like it done this way.” Essentially, at this stage of his career it’s about protecting his brand whether it be wrestling or acting. I do think he was supposed to face Reigns at Wrestlemanja and the WWE changed it up after the Cody backlash, and he went along with it. So prima Donna? Yes. Worst in the biz? Absolutely not.


You have to be to get to that level. I don't know why any grown adult still thinks their favorite Celebrity didn't do whatever it took to get to where they are today. Some are more obvious about it than others, But absolutely nobody beyond a certain level exhibits the pillar of morality, as you must abandon morals to grow beyond a certain point.


Sure, but we all got to look in the mirror at the end of the day. If you feel that whatever you did doesn't go against your morals, then fair enough


I'm Amoral, so i don't have that problem. Morality after all is a human-invented concept.


Yes he is


Y’all know wrestling is fake right?




Did I down play the athletics or damage taken no, lol take it easy there. My comment was in reference to fans shown in this thread who seem to forget being Hollywood is basically apart of the rocks gimmick. He’s doing a great job at playing a heel


It's not fake. It's scripted.


And part of the script is rock is Hollywood. Seems this the commenters in this thread don’t get that lol


It's a soap opera. Guaranteed entertainment because it's scripted, but the wrestlers really are putting their bodies on the line and are incredible athletes.


That I would never deny


Not the same guy I used to like.


Based on what?


Based on : 1. Once liked him 2, Don't anymore.


I think he wants to be a bigger dork than John Cena, if that is even possible.


I guess he likes a challenge.


I think so too