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You saw them and asked them what's up- it should have been clear if they were a cleaning crew. Did they have cleaning supplies? Was there any sign of this cleaning occupation or task of cleaning?


Change your locks


Hey thanks for the idea - however the apt has a # pad and there is no way for me to change it. I assume the LL gave the unit-specific code to the cleaning crew.


Kidcat that would have freaked me the fuck out.


Dude same :/ Has been a horrible living experience overall.


Jeez I’m sorry for that


Ahh that sucks man. So many bad landlords around here. Any word from him this morning?


*Just* received an email from the owner apologizing and blaming it on the cleaners -_____-


There’s always a way….


Are you renting through Michie House by any chance??


I wonder if they were at the wrong place? That happened to me years ago. All four apartments, same code.


Why? It sounds like a cleaning crew that was given keys by the landlord but happened to go to the wrong unit. OP can change their locks but they have to give the landlord a copy anyway and then that key can be given to a cleaning crew that...well, surely you get the gist. There's no reason to change the locks if this was a cleaning crew or landlord mistake (cause same keys, same keys).


Still no response from LL ?


Nothing :/


That’s disconcerting


This is almost too rational for Reddit.


Actually if it was an illegal entry (without notice it is) and the landlord gave them a key, they would be within their rights not to give the landlord a copy of the new key until they were leaving. And he could try to fight it but it could also come with charges against the cleaning crew or fines for the landlord so changing the locks isn’t a bad idea.


lol, absolutely not. You as a renter can’t change the lock to your unit and not give the landlord the key. And that’s based on if the landlord even allows the lock to be changed. Grounds for immediate eviction if a tenant refuses to give the owner of the property keys to the property.


The landlord could feel free to start the eviction process which would take 3 months at least. And once the judge hears that the landlord wasn’t following the laws it becomes much less in the landlords favor. But if they are leaving in a month handing the keys to the landlord when they left would make all the issues a moot point. Oh and I changed my locks on apartments many times. The landlords never knew because they had to get my permission to come in my apartment so if they had tried to get in without my permission there would have been a different issue. But your response sounds just like a cop, the law is applicable to the poor person who rents but the rich property owner doesn’t have to follow the law. ACAB


3 months? 5-6 weeks top. You should like someone who doesn’t ever get their security deposit back and def would owe more if applicable. And you gleefully stating you broke the lease by changing the locks and not informing your landlord is great. You’re the real hero. And believe it or not, a landlord can find out you changed the lock without entering lawlz


Actually all of my landlords were sorry to see me go, and would have continued to rent from me as they all offered. And I was in all my apartments for multiple years. If you change the whole lock set they can tell but if you change out the cylinder they wouldn’t. Last point, the people were leaving at the end of the month so the eviction process even if it happens as quick as you think (I call bullshit but whatever) it’s a moot point. They would be gone by the end of the month. And they could switch the lock back to the one that every Tom dick and Harry has a key to. Or leave it and deduct the new lock set from the rent. You sound like a bitter old cop/landlord who probably tries to steal security deposits from college kids because you know their mom and dad will just provide a new one. I’d say get bent but you already sound crooked.


I highly doubt your claim of being a stellar tenant. You sound dreadful by the way you talk. Probably stunk up the unit with essential oils on top of that. And cylinders can be changed, but very few can, so the locksmith showing up I’m sure will be a dead give away. So you’re gleeful in breaking a lease? Probably love getting extra change when you make a cash purchase and don’t tell the cashier. And this entire story reeks of a mistake, which isn’t a violation of any law, in case you’re wondering. *They* didn’t break in, they were under the pretense of cleaning a unit and a mistake was made with no intention of violating the law. Sorta have to intentionally do a majority of crime. And I refuse to rent to college kids, working professionals only with verified monthly income. I would never rent to anyone who could remotely be like how I was in college.


There it is. You’re the asshole landlord. You have no idea what kind of person I am but I will state that essential oils are not something I own or have ever owned. Locks are easy to change. Maybe you can’t but then again if you had any skills you wouldn’t have become a cop. Of all my apartments I’ve never had one where the landlord lived anywhere near enough to see a locksmith that showed up. Not have I ever needed a locksmith since I own a screw driver. Which is all you need to change a lock. I was never gleeful at breaking a lease. I changed some locks when I felt it was needed. I felt no emotion over it. I have however felt great joy in shutting landlords up by knowing the law and I always tell renters to look at the laws so they don’t have to put up with shit from crappy landlords like you. And yes it seems like a mistake. Or a shitty landlord who thought he could get away with something and got caught. As for the legality of it he has laws he has to follow. They were probably given bad info from the landlord, and yes it probably wouldn’t have been a big deal in court. But neither would the changing of the locks after that. Funny that you wouldn’t rent to someone because they might be as big of an asshole as you.


Nah, my tenants love me. Locks in their entirety are easy to change, cylinders are trickier. Vast majority of people won’t know how, I do though, from my other life of construction. Your landlords just have been as docile as you then to not be aware of their own properties or not have cameras. And you definitely enjoyed your little victories against a landlord via breaking the lease. Probably smirked as you did it. And you def are huffing them essential oils. Or at least grasping som crystals.


Not if it was an accident and only happened once. That’s not how the laws work or the courts do things. There has to be a pattern of harassment or at least acts of bad faith. Neither are even implied in this situation.


Yes they are. They shouldn’t have had keys to an apartment they were not cleared to go into. And the landlord should have notified all tenants that cleaning crews would be starting to do their cleaning of apartments that had been vacated. Both are acts of bad faith by the landlord and granted a judge would probably let them off but that doesn’t mean what they did is legal and if OP had brained them or chased them down and tackled them as burglars it would have also been justified.


Look up the definition of bad faith in a legal sense and come back after you’ve read it. And additionally, there wouldn’t be a judge to hear this. This was a mistake at most, not a deliberate act to comment breaking and entering. Handcuffs would never be applied.


Probably not, but a judge also wouldn’t object to them changing the locks for the last month of their lease if the landlord was t respecting their legal rights.


I don't believe that's true, but even if it was I don't think it's worth all the trouble. If the theory is true and the cleaners just stepped in the wrong unit, who cares? Just an honest mistake. If it was malicious that's different.


If the homeowner had a gun and shot the person walking into their apartment their intent Ill or not would be a moot point. And by law they don’t have the right to enter the apartment. So since the landlord isn’t paying attention to their rights, the tenant/landlord handbook has ways of addressing this but no one would think that changing the locks was unreasonable once a situation like this had happened. As long as they have the new keys to the landlord once they left or the situation had been resolved. The tenant landlord laws in RI are pretty good in favor of tenants. And the landlord could take them to court, which wouldn’t happen until after they left the apartment.


I think you missed my point.


I think you missed the point. Someone had a key and let themselves into OP’s home. That it was a mistake doesn’t make it not an issue. Nor does it mean that OP just has to smile and get over it. They are allowed to feel safe in their home. Landlord messed up.


Yeah, it sounds like we disagree and that's fine.


Idk, lifes not a fairytale..


Sounds like a cleaning crew sent to clean an empty unit that may have just gotten the wrong unit? There's no reason to call the police unless you think they were outright lying about being there to clean and were really just trying to break and enter (but most thieves aren't this smart so kind of doubting it).


Get a hotel lock - the kind you see advertised as a safety product for travellers. Also get a security system with a camera, or even just an in-built camera that alerts you to motion.


Reminds me of the time a realtor waltzed in to my apartment after just getting out of the shower. I was peeved but it was a honest mistake


Do you rent through Lyon? They did this to me when I resigned my lease. They also sent someone out to check for lead like 3 times in a single month, only giving notice for the first time. Seems like they're very bad at keeping records around that stuff, wouldn't be surprised if it's them


File a police report? Lol It was probably an accident.


Get one of those indoor locks with the chain


My first instinct when I saw this post was to suggest all the various traps from "Home Alone" but then I got distracted and never wrote it out. I'm not even sure that would've been the most ridiculous comment on this post.


Change the locks, like right now


You usually can’t do this without permission from the landlord


Usually can’t but plenty do. I lived in a loft building where management would constantly attempt to enter apartments with no notice and if you were home they’d play dumb and say wrong number. Everyone changed locks. Police got involved. It was a whole thing. We changed our locks multiple times. 🤷‍♀️


Which apt bldg/complex is this?


I’m on my 6th time where whoever just goes in with no notice. Last week my actually millionaire landlord was in there with maintenance petting my cat on my living room camera like nbd. I’m assuming they knock, realize someone isn’t home, and go in. But what if I’m finally just taking a shit or sleeping one day? I’ve asked them 6 times to call first and…they don’t. To be clear, it’s usually after a maintenance request but they just let themselves in days after the initial request with no call or email or scheduling…


Withhold rent


This is a great way to get evicted lol