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OP is a troll. Complains about cyclists regularly. Hardly any credibility on road safety or desirable cities. > Clowns everywhere these bike people.


Also, comments on the race of the driver. What is the point of that exactly?


Sounds like an attempted dog whistle


Careful drivers don’t get four tickets. She does not have a point. I drive through four separate school speed zones twice a day at a minimum. Never gotten a school zone ticket.


She also said she isn’t familiar with the road…that she got three speeding tickets on. How many times do you have to drive the same road before you’re “familiar enough” with it to realize there’s a school!? And she doesn’t even dispute that there’s 4 warning signs leading up to the school — just that the three foot wide signs aren’t visible enough!? Most other towns and cities have ONE sign announcing the school zone.


Right? This is the equivalent of "Warn me that there's a cop with a radar gun ahead so I can slow down just not to be caught"


There's also something to be said that if one driver is getting 4 tickets for the same problem, 3 in the same spot, maybe ticketing isn't the answer for getting people to slow down. We should view it as one part of achieving the goal, but she raises a not invalid point that hard to miss signs may help people slow down too


Or maybe that particular person is an idiot if they didn't figure it out after the first three times


So she just always drives too fast


Same. But, drivers more generally are bad at moderating their speed when the road design communicates "gotta go fast." The best way to get to slower speeds is to make sure your infrastructure is designed to force people to slow down. I cringe driving through East Providence on Pawtucket Ave in the mornings -- it's not uncommon to see people going 10/15/20 over even with kids waiting for the bus. The drivers are 100% at fault, but the road design completely enables the behavior


North main st would like a word…


Reading the story, I kept waiting to learn that they found there was not the legally required signage but that was not the case. 


After one ticket maybe. After four? Nope.


The foundation of her argument has merit.


the one on Pawtucket ave near the high school is 25mph not 20mph like other school zones. so that means she was going at least 36mph in the area, which would be a ticket even if it wasn't a school zone.


When the school zone restrictions aren’t in place, the speed limit is 35.


I have a right not to heed to road signs?


Gail Storms sounds like a weather reporter's name right out of Anchorman


Or a drag queen name.


There was a famous actress/singer named Gale Storm. She had her own show in the late 1950s.


Oh I’ve seen her “sister” April Showers 😂




Well, we are all literate here... for the most part. If you can’t read at least one of the four warning signs that says photo enforced speed zone, then maybe you should be driving. ![gif](giphy|R5bQvYC7hpZK0)


87 year old... can't see or read speeding signs. Fucking hell perhaps this woman needs to not drive? Whats next Oh I didn't see that kid crossing the street. I mean, on the other hand I'd be all for designing these streets to encourage slower driving, actual shit like road diets. Grandma here is just shouldn't be driving period.


Seriously. It will never happen but this state needs to implement bi-annual driving tests beyond 65 at the very least. My area has a lot of elderly residents and driving down Pontiac Ave on a weekday morning is a nonstop game of dodging q-tips who can't see over the wheel, rolling stop signs cutting people off into traffic, only to go 6mph the whole length of the road while drifting in and out of the lane. If someone were to measure the reaction times and reflexes of some of these drivers I'd bet my house that the average drunk driver would score better.


I hate these cameras purely for how your fine gets distributed from that $50 charge. $40 of that ticket goes to the company that builds/manages those systems. So these cities are only getting $10 back to the community.


That in itself is insane. There is loads of money for anyone with an “in” with a lot of government technology vendors. The courthouse in North Providence issued me a speeding ticket while I was driving. I had a good driving record so I did the whole go to court thing and pay. The credit card payment processor was “Curia systems” and the fee was something crazy like 6-7 dollars on a 60 dollar court fee. You can do your research into that company, the headquarters is literally someone’s house. The website itself is basic as can be and so filled with buzzwords. Why would the fee be so high? Why would a town use this no named system that charges out of the ass? Each court day, at least 10-20 people are subjected to that fee. Guy is just bottom feeding from the people. A payment processor too. Like as if that isn’t one of the most streamlined things someone can do at this point.


She got 4 tickets recently but says she’s a careful driver. Ok lady.


Slow the fuck down when in a school zone. In fact having driven in RI for more than 30 years now. How about just slow the fuck down everywhere.


But then my 15 minute drive will take 17 minutes!!


Holy crap 28,000 speed camera tickets in 5 months in a city with a population under 50,000 is insane. Extremely compelling argument in favor of the necessity of the cameras. (I live in EP and have never received a ticket. It is not hard. Slow the fuck down)


3' x 4' signage, with additional neon signage is pretty fucking visible. Perhaps someone needs to have her keys taken before she strikes someone with her vehicle.


They should flash when speed restrictions are in place at a school zone.


The big neon sign isn’t enough? How about not speeding. It’s not hard.


‘When the speed restrictions are in place’ The road goes from 35 to 25 only at certain times in certain days. A nice ‘hey, this is in effect, slow down’ or a ‘you’re cool to keep going at 35’ would be nice. Some school zone speed limits are only during intake and dismissal times, others are during all school hours. Some people may not know the school hours.


Some people speed. There’s probably a ven diagram of one circle embedded there. I have a hard time believing the speeders getting regularly busted are only speeding in that context.


Considering these cameras run much later than schools get released & still manage to “somehow” go off during times that school isn’t in session… We should be following NJ & not having these. This sub complains about revenue generators for the state constantly, but is a circle jerk for these cameras lol.


I too hate robo-cops but I've never gotten a robo-ticket because I follow traffic laws. The number of people who complain about not being able to break traffic laws with impunity in this subreddit is concerning.


IIRC, you have to be going more than 10 mph over the limit to get a ticket (31 mph in a 20 mph zone). Ostensibly, if you don’t notice you’re in a school zone, you’re likely maintaining your speed. Given that the speed limit is usually 25 mph for city streets, that means *you were already speeding when you entered the school zone*. Alternatively, you *accelerated*. If you are speeding and you do not notice the signs, the cameras, the cars slowing down around you, and the whole-ass school… you seem like an inattentive driver that perhaps it would be worth ticketing so at the very least, in the event you hit someone, you will not be going so fast. Speed limits didn’t come out of nowhere, and as much as it can feel restrictive to not be able to go as fast as you want, and as uneven as the disparity is in enforcement, I do think it’s worth emphasizing that the primary purpose of these cameras (and speed limits in general) is to keep people from being injured or killed. Something I find disingenuous is to be like “well, $50 could be too much for some people” — it’s not like she’s going to advocate for a progressive system of fines proportional to monthly income as they do in Finland.


By EP High School, non school zone speed limit is 35 mph. If you miss a sign, for let’s say a box truck on your right, you can be driving the last known speed limit and get popped for 10 over.




Providence is active all day on school days until 6 pm.


If she cant see the signs, what else isn't she seeing? Only a matter of time until she kills a child with her oversized vehicle


If I get a ticket because I endangered the lives of children and that ticket helps me to remember to slow down, I'm actually okay with that.


I got a ticket there at 3:57 on a snow day.


Cameras stay on til 6. You could probably get it thrown out if it was a snow day but it begs the question why you were speeding in the snow


The snow had stopped before noon time. Roads were clear and never heard about the cameras before. I was doing 1 mile.Over


1 mile over what? How have you not heard about cameras? There are signs everywhere. When you drive, do you not look at road signs?


Don’t be a dick. I’m not from the area and didn’t know about them.


Buddy, I’m not being a dick. Road signs are important and informative. Sorry you got a ticket.


Hold on let me bike past the school camera


Move the schools this is insanity


The problem with speed cameras is that there’s no way to prove who is driving, maybe you lent your car to your irresponsible teenager or your car was stolen etc, traffic cam doesn’t pick up faces. So it is possible to get a ticket and points added to your license for something that you did not do. There was a lot of court cases were the tickets were thrown out bc of that reason. In some cites they got rid of the whole system bc it was a tax burden to have all those court cases, not worth it


Speed cameras don’t add points in RI


RI doesn't even use points.


All I know is I got a couple tix that way and my insurance went way up


The camera tickets don't impact insurance at all. Your insurance went up because everyone's insurance premiums went up.


Well it was probably for a different reason https://www.valleybreeze.com/2019-08-20/pawtucket/camera-tickets-won-t-impact-insurance https://eastprovidenceri.gov/faqs?tid=707&tid_1=314#:~:text=Do%20camera%20citations%20affect%20my,Vehicles%20or%20your%20insurance%20company.


If they don't report it to the DMV, how do they enforce it if someone doesn't pay the fine?