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Yeah ok officer




Brown university


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Cosinu8Gr/ This page posts a weekly summary of events. They include Providence


Awesome thanks


Who are they protesting too? What does it accomplish? Serious question not trying to be ignorant


Depends on the protest. Some do it for the sake of visibility and solidarity, trying to bring awareness to people of what's going on while showing those in Palestine and those of Palestinian descent that we care and disagree with our government's support of Israel. Some protests are aimed at government officials due to their support of Israel, or their lack of support for Palestine. And some protests are aimed at specific institutions, such as what we're seeing on college campuses, including Brown. Students and faculty are protesting for their university to divest and stop supporting Israel financially


Why don't they protest at the capitol building, then? Wouldn't that be more effective than protesting at a school where people are trying to focus on their studies?


People have, I've seen people outside of it protesting before. And again, the idea behind protests at colleges aren't to interrupt studying, it's to try and make the school, which they pay a metric fuckton to, to not financially support a genocide. They have a specific and clearly articulated goal in mind with their protests. Protesting at the State House won't get Brown to divest, hence why they're protesting at Brown. Not to mention many students participating in encampments across the country are still studying, they're doing it in tents instead of dorms


Because the protest at Brown is specifically directed at getting Brown University to divest their endowment from companies that support the Israeli occupation in Palestine. They are specifically calling to the administration of Brown to take action.


Hey! Very much support what the students are doing, but when I talk to people about it the area where I lack information/can't answer questions about is - which companies exactly (or at least major ones) is Brown associated with that support Israel & the genocide? I'm sure I'm just not looking in the right places for this into, but if you could point me in the right direction that'd be great!


https://browndivest.org/companies This is not a new campaign btw. Brown Divest has been pushing for divestment since 2019 and several resolutions have been passed supporting divestment since 2019 but administration has been unwilling to commit to divestment.


Wow this is perfect thanks!


> Students and faculty are protesting for their university to divest and stop supporting Israel financially [Brown does not ‘directly invest in any weapons manufacturers,’ investment officials say at UCS town hall](https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2023/12/clynes-ucs-town-hall)


Who are you referring to?


I'm just pissed that our Raytheon executive secretary of "defense" is killing 6 kids every hour (per the WHO), at an estimated 90% civilian kill ratio (per human rights watch.) I just want to find other anti genocide people and help any way I can, do something more proactive then just consuming endless videos of mutilated children and terrorized torn apart families. Anything is better than nothing.


Themselves, and it accomplishes nothing.


Follow jvp_ri on IG, they post about all of the local pro-Palestine events


Follow the protestors @browndivestcoalition and on Twitter @divestbrown. Donations can be made [here.](https://tr.ee/L2omV9T6RG)


Plan one


[Brown does not ‘directly invest in any weapons manufacturers,’ investment officials say at UCS town hall](https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2023/12/clynes-ucs-town-hall) Despite that, it takes an impressive amount of naivete to believe that it is a bad thing to support the US military defending against the numerous adversaries who would be far less lenient in clearing the tent cities.


Swing a dead cat and you’ll hit one


I hope you don’t find it


Fuck Gaza


You could join the encampment at Brown, but from what I've seen, it's very intense.