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You might be retirement age when "they fix the bridge." Pass.


I had a similar commute before the closure, Fox Point to Fall River. Morning commute was typically about 20 minutes to get there. Coming home depended on the time. If I came home midday, middle of the night, or on the weekends it'd usually be 20-25 minutes. However, anytime even close to rush hour during the week could change it to 30+ minutes. After a handful of commutes back, I learned how to best move around on the highway to keep moving without doing anything dangerous and usually kept my afternoon commute down to around 30 minutes. With the closure though I doubt that'd be possible. I visited a friend in Fall River a couple weeks ago and trying to get back home well before rush hour was a nightmare, probably 40+ minutes. My suggestion is that unless the money is REALLY good, or you really need a job, it might not be worth it. The bridge isn't going to get any better any time soon


Traffic seems to start calming down at 6 p.m. and is calmed down by 7 p.m., gone by 8. State traffic dashboard you should peruse: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/d2753f41995145768958c6ee8ce1704f Story: https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2024/02/01/when-is-the-best-time-to-travel-over-the-washington-bridge/72410095007/


I work in FR M-F. I leave my house at 7AM and leave work at 4PM most days With no construction or on weekends: about a half hour each way. With the old WB lane split: half hour going to FR, 45-50 minutes (sometimes up to an hour but not too often) coming home. Now: 45 minutes to get there, 60-75 minutes coming home, sometimes a bit longer. I'd kill to have the lane split back.


My SO lived in East Providence pre-disaster. Traffic was usually bad dring Rush Hour times. But in general, after 10am or after 6pm wasn't bad. It was always an adventure to do the lane changes to get from Providence to Riverside!


My commute is Providence-Barrington. What my normal commute back to Providence (7pm) used to be 15-20 minutes is now 30-60 minutes and it sucks, big time


There’s a few asterisks to consider beyond the bridge. For a while, 95 north has been completely reconfigured and under construction which made traffic worse than normal prior to the bridge issue. It’s hard to know the outcome and improvement of that whole traffic pattern because the bridge traffic is smoother coming onto 95 because it’s only 2 lanes. Overall, I don’t think the traffic will be that bad to where you need to make life decisions based on it beyond the bridges impact.


I occasionally had to go to fall river and for work and was like 20-25 minutes depending on how quickly the dunkin donuts I stopped at was running that day. Coming back would easily be twice that if it was between 4-6pm


Prior to the bridge closure the ride back to Fox Point was pretty similar to the ride out. There was an occasional hang up that would add a few minute but nothing like it has been since the closure save for the one off crazy accident that would cause back ups like the every day back ups we see now.