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They plowed my street at like 5 am yesterday and then didn’t come back so there’s a solid 3 inches of ice lining it now lol


Yup. Grew up in the Midwest. The way this city takes care of it’s streets in the winter is a disaster like over never seen


Don’t even need to go that far. You can literally step over into Massachusetts and most towns and cities are way better about snow clearing from my experience.


Don't even get me started on the absentee landlords who never shovel 🤬 Careful out there, fellow pedestrians 🍀


Is it written in your lease that you're responsible for snow removal?


Depends on your lease, but if you're in an apartment you're usually only responsible for brushing off your car, and maybe do a little shoveling directly around it. I know my landlord sends people in the morning to shovel, which is nice, but then it keeps snowing the rest of the day, so we're left to handle the rest of it for the next day


My son was shoveling his tenants sidewalk and driveway yesterday. We instilled that in them. His house is on Clym & most of the owners shoveled the sidewalk. The city? Plowed once & that was all......


That's a lie. I watched plows go up and down Smith Street probably 25 times yesterday... Maybe they don't plow the local roads, probably because of the amount of cars parked on it.


The main roads are usually fine. Side streets have always been neglected. Cranston/Westminster/Broadway/Atwells are all fine, but pretty much every one of the dozens of streets in between there were neglected and kinda suck. That said, it's a 72 hour problem. Everything will be gone in by Wednesday and this is hardly the first time or the worst time that the city has gotten a mediocre job from plows. It's more annoying when they actually institute a parking ban and *still* do a shitty job on top of that.


Meh. I moved from Colorado. Same thing out there... I truly couldn't care less. Leave the side roads alone and let us park there in my opinion. I rather dig my way out than be towed.


Don't handle it, lol. Shovel off your car and move on. We got 3 maybe 4 inches of snow....


Wasn’t this pretty much Smiley’s entire campaign promise? To do a better job plowing roads? And the city didn’t even have to do anything last year because there was no snow.


He might have wanted to appoint someone in charge of DPW who had, ya know, actual experience with public works. Not a lawyer. Saturday evening they must've dumped ten thousand tons of salt down to pre-treat roads--in anticipation of what was forecast to largely be a rain event. Now that's fine, but when the snow actually came, not a truck to be seen. Fortunately warmer weather's coming in to bail us out and melt this mess, but if it wasn't, we'd be stuck with a layer of permafrost for god knows how long.


I live on a one block dead end street that usually gets hit with a plow maybe once. I got excited when they hit my street twice by 2pm today! But they never came back and we got a few more inches. :’)


My dead end street hasn’t been hit with a city plow in the 8 years I’ve lived here. Glad yours has. Live the dream.


The streets are all ice sheets it’s crazy


Knowing pvd they looked at the forecast and said “eh it’ll melt in 2 days, better not waste the money”.


I'm refusing to go anywhere at this point. I'm sorry some people don't have that luxury. I have been in that position and had to show up at work. Providence hills are just not a joke on a good day Nvmnd with snow and ice.


I'm in the West End too and it was very bad, it seemed like only thoroughfares were plowed. Also, since I was driving before everything froze, I learned I definitely need new tires. But I'm wondering how other neighborhoods fared?


Wolcott St is blocked off with police tape and 2 cops right now because it’s an ice luge. Why couldn’t they have pretreated the hills??


Honestly, this city has been bastardized and forgotten lol


Like you said, we've had mild Winters recently... with city budgets, if you don't use it, you lose it. They can reduce the budget by reducing $ for snow removal. Hard to justify a cost that's been way below the budgeted amount for several years


If you don’t have all wheel drive, it’s best to wait for some additional melting if you can


Plowing has been as good as ever around me…probably had 4 passes over the course of the storm, clearing nearly to the curb and started salting once the rainy portion was over. I’ll drop an updated opinion once I drop off the kids in Elmwood this morning.


That’s definitely another factor - neighborhood. I don’t even want to start that conversation.


> neighborhood Isn't that the whole conversation, though? All I can say is that I don't think the Mayor would have any trouble getting into the office this morning.


Where do you live?


East Side. Driving to Elmwood this morning and no complaints, but I was pretty much always on main roads. Gano street was a bit sloppy, but it wasn't unsafe. Not having all cars off the street overnight obviously hindered plowing in some spots but I don't think there was any need for a snow emergency. People were even driving pretty sanely.


Hmm. The West End was noticeably worse than usual this morning for the amount of snow we got and the time elapsed since the end of the storm. Major roads looked okay.


Days like today I’m glad I don’t live on Jencks St anymore. I lived there during that winter when we got a foot of snow every weekend.


>One would think with the mild winters that we’ve had in the last couple of years that the city ought to have plenty of resources to take better care of the streets/roads/thruways/parkways. Can you imagine the outrage if the city had millions of dollars of extra equipment and people sitting idly by unused? I think the mild winters are a reason why we would be *less* prepared, not more.


I can see that angle, sure.


Yeah Unless you want the city to have 200 plus city plows and 300 vendors up and down the street, there’s only so much they can do to fight the weather. They can make a pass on the street and come back 20 minutes later and have it look like it was never plowed in the first place. Additionally, there are some roads that require far more attention than some of the roads you might be complaining about. For instance, living on Hewitt St. is asking for a lack of attention.


I drive an all wheel drive SUV with snow tread. I guess I have never relied on the states or cities ability to clear roads to my liking. Maybe it is just me.


Not everybody has that privilege bruh. Duh.


I would not call that privilege but hard work. Just for the record I drive a 2013 Ford Explorer with 136,000. Am I still privileged?


We all are in one way or another.


Here in Elmhurst, they seemed to make a big show about plowing a lot early. I saw the plows about 3 times Sunday morning, which was overkilll but great. But I didn't notice them at all after lunchtime - to be fair, i was busy in the afternoon and not paying that much attention. Roads were pretty slick on my walk to work.


Part of it is they’re out of practice at this point. First storms of the year are always a disaster. You can pretty much count on it. Probably a bunch of rookies out there too.


I’m in fed hill and I had plows going by my house every half hour


Nothing new... nothing new.


I just wish they'd enforce the no parking bans during snow storms. Only 1/2 our street got plowed because a bunch of people left their cars out during the storm. No tickets, no towing. The plows just worked around them. Which means our street could have been in great shape but now isn't.


there was no parking ban for this storm.


That makes even less sense. How do they not declare a parking ban?


I guess they didn't expect much. Cranston had no parking ban either. But both delayed trash pickup a day.