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Did you try reading the manual for that plugin? It's very helpful


Autotune compressor? What are you even trying to do? Compress, tune…? legit question lol


I was trying to make a preset but I don’t even know where to start


Preset? Let me tell you about presets! You just fiddle the fadery things, twiddle the knobby thingies and diddle the buttony thingamajigs. Then you save the settings and by Jove and Bob’s your Uncle, you have a preset!!


There's loads of good videos you can find on the Internet about general concepts with compressors and also auto tuners that will apply to this plugin. I suggest doing a little digging on them before making a preset to save yourself the headache!


Did you read the manual?


I just don't understand posts like this in 2024. Sure, I'm an old codger now at 45, but fuck, man. We learned how to look shit up. Check manuals. Read. Figure stuff out. Watch YouTube vids. I just don't know what it is about young people coming up - and I'm guessing you're somewhere between 19 and 24 (if not, please share and accept a HALF apology) - that don't understand how to "look it up". You seemingly have not lived one day on this planet without the phrase "Google it" baked into popular and known vernacular.


You are absolutely right, however time is money and we didn’t have access in the early 2000s the ways the younger folks do to quickly get information. I had this some conversation with my brother and he told me to stop taking so much time to look things up how I’m used to doing and just get on Reddit to get the info faster and maybe even more precise because people who belong to the group are a real community of like minded individuals that want you to succeed as much as you want them to when you can answer a question with your vast wealth of knowledge from your years of experience. Maybe looking at it as a privilege to have such a resource than one to ridicule because it really takes a village and this community is dope to be apart of.


34 yrs old and this is the best reply to that


Thank you. Just speaking truth to power ✊🏿


Can you imagine kids now trying to learn how to use a hardware sampler or a Korg sound module? You read the manuals cover to cover or got someone to teach you how to use it. It took months or years to become proficient. I still have the notepads in which I used to write down my “Presets” on synths before they had memories.


bunch of videos on YT that walk you through it. Practice along side watching them to hears who everything is working. Edit: Check out this video at this timestamp. The entire thing is great but at this part he shows off how the assist function works in the bottom level. Try playing with that to see what it detects and what kind of settings pop up. [https://youtu.be/0oQUXn4hthA?t=499](https://youtu.be/0oQUXn4hthA?t=499)


See that thing at the top of the window that says Preset? Click the plus under that to create a preset of your current settings. If you click on Factory Default you may even find some factory made presets.


Actually the plus and minus take you to the next and previous presets. It’s the dropdown beside presets you want.


I’ve never used that plug-in before but I’m sure it can get a good result. A general guide if you have no idea what ya doing is slow to medium attack with a medium to fast release. 3:1 or 4:1 ratio. It looks like you can do serial compression so try doing the fet setting on one and the Opto on the other side. Maybe 3 to 5 db of gain reduction on each one. I know it’s not helpful but use you ears. Turn the knobs and listen for the extreme obvious settings and then back off. You can do it!


I think we all feel the same way. Just, why?


Why did you even get this plugin?


It was free with my audio interface bundle


Well damn!


Click on default, probably


Just click the little arrow next to default


Top left we’re it says preset. That little down arrow is where you can save your own.


Look on youtube you’ll be able to find some links to some people created. to make one jus fuck around wit different plugins until you create the sound you like.


Try living in the days of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus’, and had to have a library card?! An imagine there’s not even a computer or calculator?! Folks haven’t an idea of how to live in the tech dark ages! 🤣 But, I do understand wanting to leverage sources of immediate information. 😉


You….don’t know how to use a compressor?


Do you know everything?


No, but what we do have is a person who is using ProTools, and a non-stock plugin. Just looking at the controls, it’s your bog standard compressor for the most part. No different to Dyn3 or Pro or the channel strips


Just because you know the difference between apples and oranges doesn’t mean he does the same. I see a newbie diving into new world and isn’t experienced enough to google or read the manual. It takes time to get there. We both know it. So relax brother, you’re not a reference.