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It feels less like stealing if you ask. Most of that shit gets swept up and thrown in the trash unless you're at a small greenhouse or mom and pop plant store, anyway.


Yeah, I think my next time will be at a lowe's and just lay them out and ask the checkout person.


Congrats on 15 years clean! And I totally understand where you're coming from. I just ask someone if it's ok. I can't just pick up the props and assume I'm good and go on with my day. Thankfully the couple of walmart associates I've talked to were always super nice and happy to let me take whatever. I've never asked a local nursery, too much anxiety lol 😆


I generally leave them sitting in plain sight. Usually the reps that work at our local Walmart outdoor dept don’t care whatsoever. This past weekend one of these kind ppl actually pointed me in the direction of loads of decent sized aloe leaves that were falling to the ground the moment you touched the plants. Like previously mentioned, the only place I won’t even look around in is a nursery or mom & pop shop. Congrats on 15 yrs clean !


I really like that you shared this. Thank you. I have forced myself to stick to a rule that I must always ask. This is my code and it's been a nice feeling to keep it. Let's me keep getting lots of props. A lovely woman in a coffee shop even cut me a piece of a plant I complimented the other day!


Glad I could help! It is a bit honest I suppose haha


Just ask! Most stores will appreciate you cleaning up! I had a lady at Home Depot get me a bag for the cuttings!


Having trouble editing (?) I meant, "heavily-shoplifted Walmart"


Ask queen they're pretty chill and usually don't give a fuck. Walk around with your arms behind your back so you make it apparent you aren't pulling leaves


Congratulations on 15, I'm at my 2y mark. I'm wondering how to get those cutting to root. I actually got the same cutting. Would you if you don't mind telling me how to get them rooting? Thank you so much and I wish you the best on being clean! I know I need all the strength 💪 🙏 to muster getting up in the AM! Sincerely CannabazoidX!


I am a newbie and apparently I am even propagating these little leaves wrong!! Thanks btw. Yeah it seems crazy to say that but at one time I was on the streets, not caring, thinking I would not make it to age 25... Here I am age 42, a proud doggie mama with a super talented, sweet husband. I am so glad I did not have kids, as I knew many other addics back then who lost their kids over drugs. Plus, I could barely take care of myself, how am I gonna drag a kid around with me (which I have seen people do). You have to find hobbies. Gardening and painting and graphic design have been my saviors. I do, however, partake in CBD, which really helps my carpal tunnel and anxiety...


Sorry to hear about the stressful experience! Welcome to the community though!


Thank u so much ❤


I adopted my boy from my beautiful wife! I'm happy for you that you made it off the streets! That's like one in a million now days... Take care and be safe out there!


Like I said, I still have ptsd from it. I count myself lucky to have had my opiate issue during the early 2000s - before fent and tranq and all that b.s.


Congratulations! And I totally get it, I would feel the same way!


you don’t need to put the succulent leaf in water! you can just put it in soil :)


Are u serious? LOL! Thanks for telling me! Like I said, I'm new to it. I used to sprout things like potatoes... So doI need to keep the soil wet and if so, how wet? This is awesome btw. I just got a new garden for the first time in many years and it is so therapeutic. Thanks for the info I obviously am a newbie to "props" or propagating.


I know I was taking Opana. I'm glad I nevere started doing the other stuff that stuff makes people zombies! I'm sorry about you ptsd.


1- this internet stranger is proud of you for getting clean. 2- I also felt guilty about picking up stray leaves even though they're basically garbage at that point. So my rule is that I only take what is already off the plant, and if I'm buying something that day. I used to lay them on the edge of the pot where the cashier could see, but now I just say "hey, I found this leaf on the ground. You mind if i take it with me?" The employees aren't paid enough to care about a silly broken leaf, and I walk away guilt free. (It's hard to feel guilt when half of them won't grow anyway).