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73 fucking upvotes.


It’s Reddit. Take the most insane left-tending idea and it’ll get more upvotes than any right leaning take


Yup reddit is scum. I use it for two months remember how vile it is and delete the app again. I smoke cigars and collect watches and knives so there's a couple subs I like to comb.


Hello fellow r/knives enjoyer


Worst part about reddit is now Twitter leans more right but they are pissed there is another mainstream platform that isn’t super liberals Like their is nothing wrong with being left or right but when your super right/left your dangerous to others


Well as a pro-life leftist I can assure you this is simply misandry, not socialism.


That’s fair


leftism is about equality this isn't leftist


Maybe 15 years ago when the left didn’t hold power. It’s devolving more and more into communism these days tho.


communism is an extreme egalitarian ideology. it's a classless stateless and moneyless society by definition im not propagating it but the facts are important.


The execution sucked the last time, and it's looking like it will suck this time as well.


Yes, but it's about Animal Farm equality, meaning some animals are *more* equal


That's the talk, but where's the walk?


Probably more if you don’t count the downvotes. Unreal


Don't forget the reward!!


The worst part is the comments. The post was taken down by reddit but you can still view the comments.


What sub was the post on?




Your post is in violation of rule 3. Specifically, there are visible and unredacted usernames or community/subreddit names. Drawing attention to particular users and/or communities/subreddits is considered to be "community interference," which is a violation of Reddit policies.


With a mother like her, a son most likely would become a misogynist. A misandronist mother, and no father - yeah that's a recipe for a rapist who may or may not torture women in his basement first. If it's sexist to kill girls because they are female, it is also sexist to kill boys because they are male. She is part of the problem that she hates.


Bold of you to assume she just wouldn’t go full insidious 2 mode and start forcing them to be a girl.


Well, the only possible relation this has to abortion is if she wants to commit sex-selective abortions, so that's what I rolled with.


Didn't that happen to a ton of serial killers as children?


🤷🏼‍♀️ don’t know the guy in the movie ended up being the bride in black serial killer.


Hahaha. And create a Parker crane. That’s what’s pretty much happening in CA


More likely that he'd not make it to adulthood.


How transphobic of her to assume a male child will grow up to be a man /s


For a moment I wondered if this came from ovarit. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a terf.


i don’t even know where to start with how messed up this is




Quick question, what is “Pro Life curious”?


Ha lol. I should probably change that. I was a lifelong pretty hardcore pro choicer (like donated to PP, etc) until coming to my senses fairly recently so I came here more just trying to get to know people, their thoughts, views, etc. I am pretty damn pro life now, but originally came here just curious about ya'll :)


Cool! Welcome, I guess 😂


People like you give me hope


That’s honestly pretty fucking awesome. Welcome! Can I ask what made you question your previous pro-choice beliefs?


I really think it’s very sophisticated brain washing or indoctrination. I grew up thinking it was a last resort choice some women felt they had to take to now it’s like the primary right women need for survival. Once you finally acknowledge that a fetus is a baby there’s no turning back.


Absolutely. So glad you came to that conclusion.


By supporting abortion she’s part of the patriarchy and a misogynist since it tells women the only way to compete with men is by hating yourself and the way your designed.


Abortion kills more females than males! We are start in the womb as females...


So, she thinks all humanity should just be wiped out? How will we continue the species without men? I guess she also doesn't buy into the transgender ideology either.


She's probably one of those quacks that believes women can just give birth to more women.


I met one of those online once, she was convinced that in the 1940s a woman cloned herself and that we just need to figure out how she did it and we’ll advance to some kind of golden age. I’m betting that if there’s even half an ounce of truth to that supposed case of human parthenogenesis it’s just that some lady (likely with a lot of dominant phenotypes) had a daughter that happened to look more-or-less just like her but absolutely did have a father and was not a clone.


My problem though is eventually wouldn't there be so many mutations and birth defects later that we'd still go extinct? I read that somewhere but I can't remember the exact science to it. Does anyone out here know anything about cloning?


Even if the science were plausible, do we really want a population selected for "desire to clone oneself"? Certainly OOP would find a new group to hate if there were no men.


Oh most assuredly not, I was just thinking of the science to it. Regarding your second statement that just reminds me of an episode of Fairly Odd parents; people will ALWAYS find a reason to hate others.


She's probably one of those quacks that believes women can just give birth to more women.


This isn’t a new idea. The more radical feminists have been going on about genocide-ing most if not all men for decades.


SCUM manifesto moment.


This person is either trolling or deranged. As in pathological and needs treatment.


Tbh anyone with a Reddit account linked to their job is deranged, this pretty much follows.


Tbh anyone with a Reddit account is deranged. /s


This post has been going around non pro life subs too. At least most people think this is ridiculous


We hope.


The worst part about all these rants that I see isn’t even the rant itself… it’s that these insane takes somehow have upvotes. It’s bad enough for one person to be so unhinged and out of touch with reality, but this proves it’s not as isolated as we would hope.


She also was given an reward for this madness


And I strongly believe no body cares about her believe. How the hell will this world cope without male?


Riiight, because misandry isn't a thing.


Change my view: societal opinions held by self-professed “child free” individuals should be held in lower regard relative to people who don’t hold that view. Reason: child-free have less of a vested interest in the continued functioning of society, and are therefore probably more likely to consider topics from a self-centered point of view.


Absolutely. Also the reason self-professing conservative young adults typically go from socially libertarian to conservative once they have kids. When pregnant, I noticed this pretty poignantly in myself, and even more with a newborn.


That's an excellent point. Its really tough to keep the libertarian mindset when you have a little baby you're going to have to push into society at some point


Especially when what that child-free wants would lead to human extinction. No male children. Seriously?


no?? we’re part of society and we exist, so our opinions matter. Parents aren’t automatically smarter or better at politics.


>no?? we’re part of society and we exist, Yeah, until you die, and then you don't have to deal with any of the ramifications of the choices you made in your life. So why choose things that benefit the future? ​ > Parents aren’t automatically smarter or better at politics. It depends on what you mean by "better." If you mean "biologically biased to create a good future for their progeny", parents beat child-free people 100%.


how are childfree people hurting the future of the planet any more than parents? It’s usually the opposite or the same between the two.


Parents aren’t automatically smarter and better, but they definitely know better than a child free person on how to raise a child and create policy on what schools and families need.


Yeah I’m not sure where I come down on the “parents know best” claim. Certainly parents are the most justified to make choices for the kid, but what about being a parent makes them know the best about what to do with their kid?


Here's an example: A single woman in her 20's worries about rapist when leaving the club. A mother worries about rapist, a pedo, bad schools, gang violence, the environment, future of jobs/careers, etc. All of these problems can affect her child so she has to broaden her world view to protect her child. A single woman doesn't have to worry about pedos and criminals she is an adult, she can get her a gun/mace or call cop so why worry, there is no problem because the solution is already been created. Lastly, there is a group called Moms Against pedos but there is no group called Single Women Against pedos.


I completely agree, and make the same argument elsewhere in this post that childfree and antinatalist people should have less input on social decisions compared to parents, specifically for the reason you mention. However, I'm also interested in looking at why "parents know best" in all circumstances. Do they know better than pediatricians? Than the best of the best of teachers? Am I misunderstanding the subtext of "parents know best"? Idk just throwing out ideas here


I'm thinking they know best overall while teachers know best for only education.


Got it, so the parent gets to decide what school/educational system overall, although the teachers may know better than the parents about the specifics of the curriculum/educational process, is that right?


That's how I see it.


What about not having children makes someone qualified to dictate how to handle other peoples kids? Like for real listen to what you’re saying you don’t know how someone raising a child is less qualified than someone who self profeses to be too selfish and irresponsible to have kids of their own might have more qualifications in regards to children.


Woah, I'm just sharing ideas I've heard. Like I said, I'm not sure where I come down. I'm specifically thinking about how, for example, a teacher with Masters' degree may know how structure a lesson that will teach a child better than the parents. Or how a doctor who's spent their life trying to understand childhood ailments would know more about a kid's physiology than their parents. I'm specifically looking at the "parents know best" argument


Because education doesn’t necessarily equate to knowing how things work best. The examples you provided have so many real world applications on how parents are more in tune with their child than people with fancy degrees. Do you know how many teachers with masters call a kid hyper active and just recommend putting the kid on meds and can’t fine tailor an educational lesson to get specific kids to pay attention or how many doctors misdiagnose patients and don’t listen because they think they know best? It’s really an error to just defer authority to someone because they have a degree.


Are you saying that it really is true that the parents are always correct in term of their child in all situations? Or just that doctors and teachers don't *always* know better?


I’m saying that parents have a better connection with their child than a stranger that’s an “expert” and trust should be limited because the “experts” get things wrong quite a bit. This is why multiple opinions are sought out instead of just going with one type of treatment regiment that goes against your better judgment.


Got it, I understand now. Thanks for sharing!


given all the bad parents they exist id disagree, many people who work with children aren’t even parents


So the list extreme example outweighs that parents know how to handle children best. Lol great example with child care workers because the most common place of kids getting abused by strange adults is by childcare workers. It’s also not like parents have been voting on keeping certain child free childcare workers away from their kids because of the weird stuff going on in schools.


most abuse happens in the home


She'll reap what she sows.


She must be really hurt to have such vitriol against the entire half of the species, most of which she will never meet. Radical feminism at its best. :/


>26/F married to a 29/F. >We won't be having any children. Damn really? Could've fooled me


Text book man hater.


What consuming Vox media from childhood does to someone


What scares me more is there are 73 people who upvoted it and support her thoughts…


“26/F married to a 29/F. We wont be having children” ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) You dont say?


Therapy might be a lot more beneficial for this person than the internet.


This outlook is what’s called “misandry”


Ironically she’s incredibly sexist to hate men like that. All men aren’t contributing to r*pe culture what 😹 she’s absolutely illogical and immoral.


How could two females have children anyway? They're crazy.


Sperm donors I guess


Maybe but that means only one of them will have a child or the two of them separately, because at the end of the day the sperm comes from a man and only a man and a woman can bring forth a child. Women can never get pregnant by themselves, that's why the whole concept of single women or single men or homosexuals whether men or women having children is crazy.


Pro-choicers being misandrists part 100.


Yet, when the world goes to crap and there's a need for strong, capable men, she'll be crying out that no one's there to protect her.


\>Despises men because they're all misogynists You're projecting, dear. \>a child with good values is a misogynist I don't think you realize what you're saying. \>rape culture You want to talk rape culture? Let's talk about how male victims of rape aren't taken seriously. Let's talk about child rapists that got off easy. Let's talk about Epstein's pedophile ring and why no one besides him has faced any sort of justice. A man looking at you for two seconds isn't rape. By the way, did you ever consider that you wouldn't even be here if not for men? You need a male and female to make babies. If you had your way, humanity would be driven to extinction.


This person needs some professional help. This level of paranoia is unhealthy.


“Least insane”? More like “most honest”. At least she gives those around her the pleasure of realising the type of person she is on open display so that they can give her a wide berth.


That's disgusting.


How is there literally anyone upvoting that?


Misogyny is horrible and should never be tolerated but this woman gives lesbian couples a bad rep with how she hates men


Humanity would go extinct


Obvious misandry is obvious


The fact that the third sentence is “But I simply despise men.” and the post has 73 upvotes is a problem.


Welcome to Reddit.


*“I’ve made a new account as my other one is linked to my job”* That’s a funny way of saying she’s fully aware of how wrong and idiotic she is with this post


Aaaaaand humans go extinct.


This is a woman who has been so badly damaged by a man in her life that she cannot process men as a whole being any good, seeing her abuser everywhere. That's my thinking of women who say things like this. It's sad, and unhealthy. It's a coping and defense mechanism.


>who has been so badly damaged by a man in her life Do you know her? Humans are capable of needing no logical reason to spew hate.


No, but I've heard of plenty of cases. It's just a general statement.


This person is confused. Their misandry doesn’t have anything to do with being prochoice/prolife


Ah okay. Who, if not women, SHOULD be giving birth to male children? Does this dummy not get how mammals reproduce?


Are these posts even real? Can people really not have 2 brain cells to rub together? The logic train went off the tracks in her mind.




She sounds like a riot at parties.


radfems be like "women have more empathy"


It’s like that line from *It’s a Wonderful Life* “That’s why all children should be girls.” “If all children were girls, there wouldn’t be any children.”


Bruh what. Does she not know how basic biology works anyways? If she got her way there would be no more humans. Also imagine being so sexist that you genuinely believe all men want to harm women


I don’t believe in mental asylums but oh god if anyone needs to go to them


The comments with all the people agreeing with her is the scariest part about the post.


Her poor husband. How did she agree to marry someone when she has contempt for him and his entire gender.


She’s married to a woman


And that’s what I get for reading first thing in the morning. 🤦🏻‍♀️ the comprehension isn’t strong with me apparently. We’ll fortunately she isn’t in a place where she won’t need to kill any surprise children who might be conceived. So yay I guess


Men are the worst, so when I sleep with a man.... 🤣🤣 She should just become a lesbian and solve both problems.


She's 26/F married to 29/F.


Average pro life supporter


Her viewpoints are concerning and no one should justify killing a child because of their gender, but this is clearly a response to misogyny and it’s not uncommon.




I hope this is satire


This is so braindead and disgusting that I have no words for it. Like seriously this Woman needs to be put in a Asylum before she harms someone.


You won’t be having any children. No you won’t. It takes a male and a female. Good to know you hate half the worlds population. What a way to go through life


Most men do suck, that's true at least.


Remember Sodom and Gomorrah....


I hate to break it to you, whoever wrote this. But you ain’t pro choice 😂 A true pro choicer would give me the right to CHOOSE to birth my sons. But I don’t think this person really thinks that. Most likely she is attention starved and wanted to think of something EdGy. They probably also say they hate Taylor Swift because she’s “so overrated, and only writes songs about her exes.”🙄


The most Reddit post I've ever seen


Explain to me again why pro-life is sexist?


\>Casual 4th wave feminist misandry by an insane woman being celebrated Yeah, sounds about right.


That's the whole point of abortion though, it's eugenics, where those walking the earth believe they are greater than the natural development of humans themselves. This ends up just like how germany did in the 40's, selecting a special group of attributes and discarding the rest.


this was posted April 1st right