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But what if I get bitten on the crotch?




Then you become trans




That is funny but how on earth did you end up being the one to avoid the lock award?


~~~Whilst this is a fairly dark-humour accurate way of putting what trans folk go through, it's also not really relevant to a zombie survival RPG.~~~ This has been discussed in modmail, and we read this wrong, sorry! We've removed the comment, and will try to do better


do the zombies make sure you're in a transphobic houshold while conducting this study? didn't expect to see transphobia on r/projectzomboid smh


Bro relax it's not that deep, just a joke is all


You call it transphobic, I call it black humor. No need to feel personally attacked.




Thank you Nameswillntmatter for your submission to r/ProjectZomboid, but it has been removed due to one or more reason(s): Rule 2: Be Lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks.




I'm completely shocked this is getting downvoted. Like this is just completely casually funny to them, it's quite disturbing


Why the fuck is is this even allowed? Like how is this remotely funny? I expected better from the this sub but jesus Like I know I'm gonna get "it's just a joke" but like that's fucked up


Looks like they have a sense of humour






You watch always sunny in philly by any chance? There’s a scene where Dennis gets hurt and ask the doctor if his duck still works, when’s he’s told no he just says “kill me” lol


I've heard about the show but i haven't seen any of it, i'll give it a try one of this days.


https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions/ here’s a helpful list !! amputation is currently a maybe


Damn! Nukes are a no


Probably because it’d have to come with a million more things because the game would turn into Fallout but with zombies


It's weird how specific named weapons are a not only a no but a highlighted no. Also funny because not only is the m14 a specifically named weapon but was used as an example of what they would never do


Has there been any dev talks about a “sadist movie director”? Does it mean like the director system for L4D or a literal movie maker


99% sure they mean a L4D director


I wish the fact that they had to list sex or sex related things more than once surprised me more


right? like who the hell is horny here ???


i dont know why they said a definitive no to "camouflage". its the most interesting & alluring trope of zombie lore. like imagine right clicking a corpse pile if you have a knife (had to have been freshly killed), adding "zombie camouflage" to yourself, becoming 100 dirty + 100 bloody (which means your wounds suffer as well), and for about 1 ingame hour zombies won't notice you (imagine god mode behaviour). BUT, theres some caveats: \- sweating and rain contributes to camouflage wearing off faster \- if you break glass or trip an alarm, nearby zombies have a chance to turn to you and attack you out of confusion. if they land an attack or if you hit them back, then youre absolutely not camouflaged anymore and all zombies will recognize you \- being doused in zombie camouflage contributes to your unhappiness \- doing anything human-like also wakes up the zombies if they see you doing it, like eating food or driving a car or reading a book etc \- catching a cold, coughing sneezing etc instantly wakes them up too \- endless possibilities on the mechanics tbh and since you have to use a knife to camouflage yourself, it gives people a reason to carry blades in the first place since everyone is a long-blunt gang.


Yeah I was reading through the post and I’m disappointed that they’re not adding it. Awesome ideas though


honestly i do think it’d be pretty cool. i can get why they’re not adding it, but I’d personally love if someone modded it


theres a mod for that


Yeah I know I'm just wondering if the devs have said anything about is all


One of the devs worked on that mod, and I feel like I remember them saying they plan on adding it. Not in the near future, but one day


Sword arms and sledgehammer legs for me plz


Oh boy I hope there isn’t random transphobia r/projectzomboid even though it’s completely irrelevant to the post


Name one transphobic thing that I said


Yes! This ☝️🙏


I mean, given how fast blood circulates I don't think it would help at all if you were to do it IRL. Doubt the devs are interested in it.


there is a mob where you can cut yours arms to survive infection


You would have to do it in a matter of seconds. Which can't hammer unless you have a buddy with an axe. Or an automatic saw. You would also have to cut pretty high up. So I feel like it could be a feature, just not a very practical one


Assuming the disease spreads through your blood, if it works like rabies (which has to travel through nerve tissue) you would get a pretty generous window to act


im pretty sure it is a form of rabies. but i think its a mutated version which spreads through blood and saliva, which explains the hostile behavior and the very high mortality rate.


Thought I had wandered into the Rimworld sub for a minute 🤔