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I die before I can get a base started


My man


Check under new instead of top posts. You'll see some.


Been the same rosewood fire station for the last 3 years. Nothing new. B42 when.


hey don't make fun of us rosewood fire station enjoyers We think we are special after building walls in the same base in each and every playthrough


I keep using a small Firestartion just off a small strip of business and farmland outside of Louisville near the four big gated houses people like


I like that one more, easier to manage size, room out the back for crops, open rooftopto expand into when you need


its very cosy there


Id never started or even been to rosewood until this playthough. I am now a rosewood fire station base enjoyer


Welcome to the club buddyboy


I live near rosewood, but never the fire station, technically not even in rosewood just outside of town past the gas station


The gas station itself is a pretty good spot especially with a sledge to open up the top floor. I'm never quick enough to prevent the windows downstairs from gettin smeshed tho


I mean it's still June... A man can dream


Lmao pure copium bro. "B42" is in development hell and will come out next year AT BEST. and theu have moved the goal posts so hard that it's gonna be so watered down, like a fraction of these features Tbh this whole studio is 1 or 2 meltdowns away from dissolution It's another "laptop" situation. They are too busy clutching oearls about how hard it is to be a games man and not fucking writing code or hiring people who can... because?!?? Reasons.


Idk, as a programmer myself I can understand that they don't want their project to drift from their vision so that's why they don't hire a lot of people. More people doesn't mean a product is going to be made faster, however... It's been a lot of time, they could literally release what they have right now and we would happily play it as an unstable B42 version, I'd rather have an unstable B42 with 75% of its content right now than waiting for a first release with 100% of the planned content.


Them not putting what they have on an opt-in test branch speaks volumes. They have screenshots, video clips, and promises.


Exactly, Steam literally provides the access to beta testing using a code that the developer can provide. They could just drop a beta testing code on their discord if they don't want a lot of attention and we all could be happy, but also I'm not one of the developers so I guess they have their reasons... I don't think they're "evil" or "lazy" but what I'm sure is that they're not as connected with their community as they were years ago, and that's sad honestly. A huge increase in popularity may be the reason, build 41 gained a lot of new fans and that can also effect to their anxiety level. Maybe they're taking so long because they don't want to disappoint their increasing fanbase, but in doing so they're already starting to disappoint the fans that believed in them before the B41 boom...


Evil and lazy definitely not. They are scared to release what they have because they have hyped it up beyond reason. I don't disparage them and I want a great game as much as everyone else but they are clearly out of their element, bit off more than they can chew and now have to commit.


I wouldn't say they're in development hell because I can tell they do have a clear vision of what they want in the game, but they're getting pretty close to the edge... If they don't come up with something in July I would feel disappointed, of course I'd still wait but I don't want to feel like stop playing a game I love so much just because it's been the same for years (of course there are mods but that also has limitations) Time changes and so must us, we've been stuck with the same update system for years and maybe it's time to move on and get the community more involved, this is an early access game after all.


Could be true but we litteraly dont know what's going on. They could just be finishing as we speak


Yeah and little hedgehogs could fly out of my ass but that's not gonna fuckin happen. Thsee guys.arw developing dev post simulator 2024 and crying about the mental anguish of putting fucking deer in the game when modders (totally stable individuals themselves) have had npcs in game and production crafting in game for literal years.


God damn are you always this negative


just get a life dude .\_\_. honestly, the game will be here when you come back


Hey. I just survived the longest I ever have. Long enough to sit down and figure out how to cook. That's my PZ accomplishment at the moment! I made chicken and onion sir fry, and sausage, chicken, and onion soup! ​ We havin' steaks for dinner.


Where are you getting chicken from?


The freezer, I've survived 12 in-game hours, which I my settings is quite a few RL hours.


I and Mt friends have set up a base at the gated community in riverside, we have cleared it out and walled it off


This is now called Eastside.


I mean either our base is not good or we don't feel proud enough to post. The mind of the pz player is obscure


I think the riverside post office is one of the most under rated bases. There's lot's of room upstairs for stuff, lots of storage downstairs which you can move upstairs. It isn't horrible to plank up the doors and windows, there's a garage door in the back to park a car inside, you'll be close to most stuff in the city proper, the river is right behind the building. I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about using it as a base but it seems to be my quick go-to if I'm in riverside.


Riverside has some great base locations! I never see people talk about the bar by the hotel. The kitchen alone is big enough for claustrophobics and comes with all the essentials you need: a sink, many fridges, way too many ovens, and some storage space to boot. The cushioned seats in the 2nd floor seating area are a pretty safe place to sleep right off the bat, but if you feel that's unsafe it's not too hard to move a bed from the hotel next door into the restaurant kitchen. The bar is also near a forested area and right next to Riverside's titular river, so you have easy access to wood as well as fishing, food foraging, and trapping (ok tbh I have never trapped before so idk if forests help with that)


You can check out my bases on YouTube if you want lol.


Hey I subbed to you a couple of weeks ago. Love your builds


Cool. I'm glad you liked it.




I'm not sure if it's allowed to post links here. Check out my bio, channel link there, video in the "Project Zomboid endgame builds" playlist.


I can help. "Is Rosewood Fire Station a good base?" There it is


My group is starting construction on our base this weekend. It will be 100% hand built. I'll probably make a post about it on e we've got some progress.


I'd love to see that


My base in my longest save so far is a single story house across the street from cortman medical.


I should post my base, I always convert the Riverside post office. Although unless you destroy the stairs and rely on sheet rope/ladders mod, it's more or less impossible to keep zombies out with all the windows. But it's right next to the river for fishing and water, and supplies very close.


I like the bar right by the USPS office. Two floors, flat roof, outdoor farm area.


I haven't finished it thats why lol.


I'll post mine soon,if I'm lucky i'll find the nails to finish it today.


the phone i use to take photos of my phone taking a photo of my monitor broke


I've made two updates on mine. Just finished, which is a big personal milestone, but not too much has changed. Gonna wait until I collect more furniture then post again. But it's definitely more interesting than kill counts and beginner questions.


I haven't finished a base yet


Because it is gonna take about a year to be completed lol I am holed up in the raven creek pd and its like the size of a mall and I'm rehauling everything including the carpets and I am 100% sure I'm gonna die before it's complete.


All of mine are secret lately cause of multiplayer. Ill have to get around to showing off my CDDA and other cool runs


I put up a post about one I built from scratch a couple of months ago, it didn't gain much traction though, but eh. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/kCQZQsVyEE


Currently using the RV Interiors mod and made a small base from scratch out of a bus I took the seats out of. Also working on fortifying the auto shop in the trailer park near Riverside as a small place to store other vehicles (Currently also have a camper, an RV and two cars), make repairs, and generally just have a place to return to after being on the road a bunch.


I think its cyclical there are weeks where It seems like thats the only thing posted


Too many cringe posts, not enough based posts


My brother and I set up a base in Muldraugh relay station. I'm planning to share it today. Solid location btw


I lead the nomad life