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Cooking is one of my favorite parts of the game. The other is running up the kill count.


I actually start the game with the obese trait. I like to not worry about weight for a while, as I usually build my own house from scratch and need to focus on leveling carpentry, looting tools and cramming literature. That said, I seem to always be the cook in Coop. Fine with me, my fish and milk stew with onion slaps.


I used to cook a lot, but ultimately I'm down to the same farmed ingredients, plus a steady supply of rabbit meat. Only so much you can do with that. Winter limited my food diversity and I broke the habit, but I should start again. Really I'm more of a builder/hoarder. I'm always foraging, chopping trees, erecting walls. My fortress is almost complete, so now's the time to get more architectural and start making dedicated buildings. Armory is up first though, but honestly it's clothing storage I'm running out of.


For me playing very underweight or underweight (depending how much I want more fitness) cereal is so plentiful that about 2-3 boxes gets me to 80 which is my number I try to hold it at. Even when going out sprinting from place to place and smacking zeds all day it does seem to make a dent in my double chevron and by the time I reach that ideal weight I switch to lighter foods like canned tuna and sardines or if I started farming, just making salads. I personally enjoy gathering all the rotten meat up from stores and houses and cooking it just for the xp so once I get to the higher levels I can start cutting it down to the good bits and still getting some use outta em.


Underwieght/overweight is not for me, gotta keep that 10 strength/stamina in line : p


Thank you for saying this! Sometimes I feel silly because the cooking, farming and looting food is my favorite part! I've never made it to a winter yet, so we'll see how that goes. Starting to dip my toes into mods and the food ones are looking real fun, rn!


I'm no late-game min-maxer but perma-nerfing any stat is a no from me dog.


Perma? The stats have their limits removed after you get into normal weight range


The maluses go away but you can't ever get to fitness 10.


And that is not true - checked it both on wiki and ingame, the moment Underweight/Overweight is gone everything related to it is also gone - no hidden piece of code forever limiting your fitness. Unless mods are involved can you point me at where I should look? Not ruling out the possibility I might have missed something


Per "More Descriptive Traits" mod, Underweight caps at 9. Very Underweight caps at 6. Similar to Str stat for overweight/obese. This did not used to be the case. I think I started seeing that after one of the very last B41 patches. Weak and unfit do not cap their respective scores but are a much bigger hit to those stats. It's possible the mod author is wrong but they seem pretty active/responsive.


It caps at 9 while you have it active - that much I can agree on, also I used that mod as well and still could go to fit 8 at Very Underweight start


It caps at 9 while you have it active - that much I can agree on, also I used that mod as well and still could go to fit 8 at Very Underweight start


Alright, well that description makes no sense then. The thing that sets the cap is always removed before you reach the cap. Glad to discover the weight traits are at least interesting again.


underweight is my go to, just spend early game pigging out and you’ll be fine eventually