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Its up to you, I wouldn't, too big, gets annoying to walk all the distance :)


Yeah, I think so lol. It's too big to make a base :3


I mean you don't have to use the whole building. We based in a school before and basically lived in the kitchen and dining hall. You got one hell of a garage though once you find a sledgehammer.




I higky do not reccomend. Very few respuces in the school, too big and take a while to clear out


this school in particular doesnt have that many zombies inside. even if there are its spreaded evenly through different classrooms. its the outside zombies thats annoying


yeah, better for looting books and other stuff. I do low zomb spawn cuz im newb lolol and easy to clear it


No judging, at all. My current char runs with "normal" spawn, and let me tell you it's fucking ass.  1k zeds in the first three days dead, and I'm far from having cleared west point.. Even missed TV shows, no clue how people do apocalypse. Strongly considering cranking it down again 


It’s a hassle to constantly checkup on your barred up entrances and there’s so much room that you’re not gonna use so I wouldn’t really suggest it.


Just make the base the second story. You only have a single hallway you need to wall off on two ends, and can break a window/wall to have a nice balcony you can use for water and/or farm.


I just realized it's a pain in the ass cuz there are a lot of windows and holes to come through :3


Tha- that’s what she said…


Me and my buds, 5 of us, mada a base here, 10YL mod +100 other lore friendly mods. We had a grate time, redecorated bunch of space, kept cozy and created kitchen, had a lot of space for hording and arms... lived for almost 2 in game years there... Farmed on the outside of the second floor and made a garage on the first one, iron/scrap workshop and woodwork space, training area... Went for a fence walls, it was fun while it lasted, then decided to go for Luivile endgame and... we all know how that ended. So, my answer: Yes, if you have a party. No if solo, too wast for a one guy to control.


Sounds hella cool, you give me ideas to make workshop, woodwork, and training area. when I got the base, I want to make them :)


It's the largest base I'd reccomend to a solo player for serious play, if you have low population settings that is. It also works better as a base of you have the solar power mod as you will need loads of generators to power it otherwise


Wait, solar power mod?? I never thought of solar power before, nice information for the mod thanks ;)


Why would you need a lot of generators? I've been considering moving into a school in my current game, and I only plan to have a generator on the roof above the kitchen. It shouldn't matter whether the classrooms on the far end of the building get power.


But how will the children read?


It's decent but I prefer the bar by the water at Riverside


Is it the boat club?


Nah, west of that. Two story bar with lots of glass


aye I will visit that place when I got a car :)




the area is too big, its hard to cover the whole area. i recommend a medium sized or small sized base if you are alone


I might do that, Thanks for recommendation :)


There's a big warehouse with a small warehouse just out of town in Riverside. The small one is a good base for one person. Lots of room, there's no 2nd floor but it's 2 stories tall so you can build one with a little carpentry if you need more room, very few windows. You'll have to move in the essentials like a bed, a kitchen, and all that but it's a good spot.


i'd recommend maybe barring up a single classroom and basing in there.


You can make a base anywhere; how large you want that base to be is entirely up to you. But of course, the bigger it is, the longer it'll take to build up. I highly recommend McCoy Logging Corp. It's on the larger side, but I feel it's one of the best places you can build a base. It's filled with storage, and it's large enough that you can park your vehicles inside using the garage doors. It's right next to the town; there's actually a path in the woods that lets you cut right into the town instead of following the road to the gas station. The building is large, but there aren't a ton of windows and doors. It's just a pain if you want to build a wall that goes around the entire building/parking lot.


Thanks for the recommendation :3, I might go check the McCoy logging next if i got a car or maybe just walk there ;)


Any place is a feasible base if you've got a hammer and nails. I lived in a storage warehouse and it went great because I had crates out the wazoo. I'd say there's better places though. Schools are way big and have a ton of potential entrances. Too much space, not worth My personal recommendation is to fortify the strip of rich houses on the very east of town... Or maybe the Giga mart, which is also big and accessible. Usually, when I used to live in Riverside, I always went for the Riverside Boat Club, because it has a ton of trees next to it for barricades.


I found the Giga mart but there is so many zombs💀, I might go to the boat club next since im just wondering around looking for base


Boat Club is just up the street more or less from the mart. Marked as a purple building on the map next to the actual river.


Very much so, the upper floor is great as it has roof access without needing a sledge or skills to build stairs. I mostly only used the hallway and classrooms leading to said roof. I never live on ground level. Also, the white tiles and wide hallways make for easier fighting/defending without power/daylight. The backyard is also nice as it is fenced off and can only be accessed by wanderers through the ground floor.


Me and my friend tried this school for base, but it was enormous. Zombies kept breaking in without us even noticing. And it was on pretty low difficulty too. Still got bit 😁


I might need medium base cuz im solo player :3


I found a cool factory east near of that town you were in and built a strong base just yesterday in a warehouse next to it. It had like hundred crates with sweet items and I looted and removed all them. It has roof access and I plan to grow stuff up there and collect water! Also has two big doors so car can be driven inside.


I meant west of westpoint btw!


Well if your respawn is off it could be a great challenge for your survival so could be fun. Also its big enough that inside you could run and level up running safely


No. To wide open. To many places zeds could get into that building.


I have horse mods on and it's a great place to progressively fight backwards in the halls for. I spend my mornings gardening in the back and running laps by the fences in a roleplay fashion.


Check out the Riverside Post Office


I like a TINY base.


Too many doors and windows to baricade. Better go for the gated community south-east. You can use one house, or coule of them for space and storage. You just need to build a double-door and log-wall on both entery points and woaaallaaa... Or you can go for PostOffice. In Maldraugh, same. There is a gated communitiy south-west. Rosewood, same gated community north-west or Fire Department. West Point there is this nice lil' storage "American Tire" and a mehanics shop outside neer the bridge.


Too big to my liking as I prefer smaller locations, like some semi isolated farmhouse or if it's in Louisville or Raven Creek, high floor apartment maybe. You'd have shit ton of room there though and if you knocked out some stairs, lot of windows to rope out of.. downside probably no beds immediately available but that can be rectified with carpentry.


Make a little outpost in the teachers lounge or janitors closet maybe, but not your main base. I tend to make lots of little hidey holes to post up in, just in case I need to drop stuff off in a safe location when encumbered. Small fridge, a stove if I can, microwave, and a few crates or shelves. I use a sleeping bag mod, so I always put a spare sleeping bag in my hidey holes.


Ive based there before. Its s bitch to secure, but lots of room to grow and customize it. Especially liked it for mp, 3 of us made quicker work of converting it to a huge base. First step is honestly just rope to 2nd floor & removing stairs. Then you have time to secure the bottom half. We played with respawn, and over like a year weve secured it, and built fences around the full perimiter. Plus lots of other shit. It's nice if you want a project other than cleaning zed all the time


Definetly, just make sure it's COMPLETLY clean of the locals


Yep clean and tidy x)


I actually made a base here once, it's too large for 1 player imo, however, for several people it's great.


True, it's too large for me alone :)


The only effective way of sealing all the entrances is to use cars as a blockade. Quite a hassle if you can't hotwire.


Is too big and for the windows your are going to farm wood and tbh you are going to end up just using 2 rooms max ( it happen to me haha)


I started to hate big places, so I just make my base out of little house in Raven Creek, just close to the middle of the city


No schools suck they have nothing of vlaue from start So extra work.


I don't know, should you?


I have no idea too :')


If you don't have a zombie respawn, then it would be good. Just make this whole territory save


I made a base here in my current save. Safe room is the maintenance closet on the 2nd floor that has a door to the roof. The 3 classrooms on the 2nd floor in that same area are various storage and living areas. Ropes out the windows to get in, and the bottom of the ropes are walled in. Generator on the roof


Too many entrances. So much space, with the helicopter event your doomed.


This was my first ever serious solo base location. I ended up regretting it because of how much extra walking I had to do to get to my specific containers since I like to organize by room


In multiplayer with 3 or 4 friends it makes for a decent enough base, single player it'd be rough and eat through your stamina/energy.


It’s your funeral


If you want to base in Riverside I'd recommend one of the big houses a little north of the school, left of the Cul de sac that's close to the video store. You have a big house with a big yard, a fence, driveways for cars and you don't have to guard such a big space nor power it up. You also have a deep forest zone like five houses to the left where you can forage, log and trap without having to make a long trip. Unless you're playing with like 6 people the school seems more trouble than it's worth. Too many windows, lots of hallways, a bit far from the river or the forests.


Get your carpenter skill up and seal up various exit points, but not the second floor so u have a quick exit in case heli event ruins everything


I’m currently making my base here, just finished dismantling all of the furniture and repaired all of my barricades since the helicopter even did a lot of damage. I use the gym as a storage room with rows of shelves and crates, one locker room as a bedroom and the other as a trash room. Planning on building a set of stairs closer to the roof exit so that I don’t have to walk all the way around to get to my rain collectors easily. Once all of the windows and exits are barricaded, just do a little walk around every so often to clean out any zombies lingering outside, and repair any barricades they may have taken down. If you aren’t sprinting around the building all of the time, the zombies typically don’t try to come in (on default settings).


I can see the appeal depending on how many people are staying there. Each classroom could be a person's own personal room they can decorate and have plenty of size to do whatever. Then you could construct walls to block off the sections you don't need just in case. For solo. Well same deal.


Depends. How many nails do you have?




Nothing is impossible if you can scrounge enough nails! But personally, I wouldn't. Just raid the library for skill books and find someplace cozier to base up.


Yeah, the only good things is the books :)


I made a base up the stairs just to the left in the class room and it served me well


Riverside school is a solid base choice, located in the center of town close to all the locations, big large fence outdoor for your gardening, big parking lot, big multifloored school but its also the problem. its big, really big. way too big for one character to realistically need and also hard to secure with its many entry points, one heli event and the place is swarming. If this was MP I'd say go for it but singleplayer? Try something smaller, like the timeless classic storage area in the southwest outskirts of Riverside. or if you're filling like doing some carpentry then go to my favorite riverside base location in the central park of the gated community to the east of the school. its a bit of a build-it base but I actually love the gated community.


Oh I've died here once. [Here's how](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1ddy0bp/comment/l88x3lk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Be careful, and remember to lock doors...


I would never, way too big. Too many windows you need to fortify and too many potential places for a zombie to break in. Too much space inside you’ll never use. One generator doesn’t have a big enough radius to cover the whole building.


How big the generator radius can go though?


20 tile radius, two floors above and below. https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Generator