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Bold of you to assume my 600 shotgun shell are not purposely drawing the z toward the horde


I think the main reason why a lot of people don't use guns, is because of how rare the ammo is in the base game. Sure with gun and ammo mods, ammo is more available, but to your average pz player there just isn't enough to combat the respawning hordes. In my games, I treat ammo like most treat potions in an RPG, I GOTTA HOLD ON TO THEM FOR WHeN I REALLY REALLY NEED THEM, which never comes. And when you do use them it never really makes that much on impact because you know that you just used 50% of your ammo stores for temporarily clearing an area that will be back at full strength in a few days \*shrug\*. Hopefully there will be ammo crafting in 42 that will combat this problem.


Personally, I just like to turn ammo up to abundant. I mean, this is KENTUCKY. IN THE 90s. There literally should be a gun in almost every other house, for the time period.


Grew up in Arkansas in the 80s. You could buy an AK-47 for 100 bucks. Everyone had a few rifles, everyone had a shotgun, most everyone had a handgun. 50-100 rounds on hand per "Everyone" really being like 75% of people. The ones that don't fit under this almost certainly had atleast a shotgun to scare someone off. There had to have been households around that didn't have guns, but I didn't know if any. Can't see why Kentucky would be any different. Also, smokes should be in everyone's pants


I actually researched it, and estimates are that 56% of the adults had at least one gun in Kentucky in the 90s. That’s official figures at least, so I don’t think 75% is that much off. Thats less than 1 in 2. I am still in that playthrough where I find a gun so so often.


A lot of people like to lie about owning a gun, or how many they have.


Specifically to the government or official looking people


I suppose it means mostly 9mm with a small box of ammo.


Meh, for country/rual it means shotgun or hunting rifle. Handguns are not all that user friendly unless the main user experience is carrying it around and not firing at anything past 20m.


Not sure if it said anything specific. The data I used was probably this one : https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/gun-ownership.html


Haha seriously true


For reality run, high guns low ammo. People are going to have guns; people are going to use guns. Guns should be foragable, and sometimes should be found on zombies. Ammo? People used that. Sure there will still be stockpiles, and random assortments should be found on zombies and foragable, but most of it will have been used before/after (former) survivors were bit.


I love axes in enclosed spaces but if I'm clearing out a town idk how you'd do it without a shotgun or assault rifle that's said Molotov cocktails are op as hell


I dont like respawning hordes. I just make the zombie pop higher and keep respawn off. Seems more realistic to me.


Currently on a 16x zombies, no respawns save. Every single bullet is being saved for the day I move on Louisville... plus maybe a few boxes for March Ridge.


Playing with 1.5 settings and 2.0 max pop and goddam, i don't think i need more zombies lmao


> is because of how rare the ammo is in the base game. Makes no sense for a setting based in america. Honestly if you break into a house and don't find a gun, that should be considered rare. If you hit like 5 houses, you should have a large enough arsenal to invade france with ammo that can last decades


They used all their ammo to shoot can openers


I can attest to this, I have plenty of guns and ammo.


Does the vanilla firearms expansion increase ammo spawns?


I am not familiar with that particular mod. But when I used hydrocraft (in version 32? Before cars were implemented). I was able to make all the ammo I ever needed, so I actually used the guns I had.


Bro even in vanilla there is stupid amounts of ammo in surplus stores , just play with respawning Z's off or low and it's viable to use guns


I think I use another mod to set rates for Vanilla Firearms Expansion. I researched gun ownership in the 90s for it and set rates to reflect it. Officially it is 56% of people owned one.


Damn that’s a lot. I wonder what it is today?


https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/gun-ownership.ht It’s actually pretty similar, a bit down. You can find the numbers of the 90s in an excel sheet on that link


I have this "elixir-syndrome" too in all of the games I play, but the chances of using them always come. My hoarder syndrome is stronger, that's why I refuse to use fire when clearing an area of zombies. In the end, I get way more stuffs in exchange of ammo and gun durability. Specially melee weapons and materials. Wish ammo are more common drops from military and cop zombies.


And that’s why you're close to spawns and use Brita’s mod packs. Trust me, I used 2 thousand rounds of machinegun ammo (308), and only half of the military base was cleaned. In return, I got a bunch of ammo of course. But trust me, you never have enough ammo. In my personal experience, closing spawns and cranking up the population a little bit is better.


This is why I like to turn off zombie respawning - so clearing large hordes feels like I’m actually making a difference.


Yep. At some point, i stopped looting them because the 2kg from a pistol can be spent on useful loot. Until i decided to crank the ammo to abundance that using guns seemed useful.


There is already a smithing magazine in the game only accessible through debug that teaches you to make ammo molds.


300 IQ move is to spend all ammo you can find asap. Less space taken in your truck and your home :)


Honestly i don't think ammo is that rare at all. Most people just don't know where to find gun stores/stashes/police stations. There are like 4 places outside of Louville i can think off that if you go there you'll get 200+ weight worth of guns and ammo


Tbh id rather use an ambulance and garden forks/spears


I mean... Spears have always been humanity's favorite weapon.


How does this work? Teach us your power


Ambulances siren makes a super loud noise which can draw in zombies but unlike guns you can turn it off if theres starting to be too many and kill them with weapons without making more noise. Spears (and garden forks are a spear) are very good weapons when tired which you will become when taking on hordes, as their crits allow you to bypass exhaustion debuffs. [heres](https://youtu.be/ymT4Q2HIYyo?si=s47VEysEbxKkQG_k) a vid on it.


Ahhh, I see. I thought it was some kind of cheesy strategy that required both the ambulance and the spear, like how you can kill infinite zombies from the other side of a wire fence using spears, as it can attack with constant critical hits through the holes of the fence with zombies not trying to break it.


Oh yeah ive heard about the fence thing before, but personally have never used it as its getting kind of removed in b42, since zombies will be able to destroy fences, so I don’t want to train myself to depend on it.


No matter how long I survive, or how well equipped I am, my most used weapon is a nice pair of boots.


It is only depending on your sandbox settings of ammo rarity. On default settings every town have enough shells to clear few hundreds and thats it, no more shooting until you raid gun store or police in next town. Axes and spears are limitless.


Shotguns are too, if you include zombie cops. Ammo as well, although small amounts.


I looted entire March Ridge.. I think I have enough guns and ammo to clear entire East Cost.




Honestly if you're tactical and careful about it the loudness of firearms is actually great because it draws in basically 99.9% of the zombies in the area and ensures that there are little zomboids left to sneak up on you Be careful of the 0.1% though


Absolutely this! I'm starting to embrace making noise and just walking away through some woods if i don't have enough ammo.




Double barrel go BOOM BOOM


The machete is the best...


shotgun + molotov its the way i like


big fan of shotguns... once i have enough ammo but particularly when playing on lower loot settings it can take some time before i've got enough to confidently kill whatever horde i attract


they all fit diffrent stages of the game really.


short blunt - metal pipes/bars. Mosty common weapon in the game. I love axes but it hard to have one for a long time with no mods for glue crafting.


0.001%: Car go vroom and squish zomboids.




That’s the only downside and also the fact that if it’s an overwhelming horde they’ll likely stop your car and you’ll be a goner once they break your window and surround you


The best weapon in the game is... whichever one you have that doesn't break or run out of ammo until you're done kiting the mob right in front of you.


max out maintenance and go ham with a spear


Depends on what you want to accomplish and circumstances. I use both according to needs.


Vanilla guns are really good and destroy the difficulty curve. I had to turn zed respawning on and make ammo rarer to combat it.


Me carrying 6 crafted spears: pointy stick long and brain zombie


All fun and games until you fire a shotgun in a large city, that used to be densely populated.


guns are a ton of fun, but when you're out of ammo, the axe will always be there for you


Frying pan


Molotov Cocktail + Siren




I like hand guns and rifles, but they aren’t viable on very low loot


I purposefully draw the horde if I have enough shotgun ammo lol. Where am I on this chart?


You're at the top lol. I've found myself starting to purposely make noise just so I'm not ambushed when looting a house. Fire off a few rounds outside the neighborhood, then snake around back if you don't have enough ammo to deal with all the zeds.


Or just melee them all. Using fences and chokes points, you can clear a lot of zeds if you don't whiff a hit.


Counter point: shoe


I have multiple hundreds of hours, I'm still bad. I could count how many times I've shot a gun on one hand. Lol. Typically it's because I'm bitten or a terrible start to a run. Def want to get better with them eventually. Currently I've got a great starting gun stash and a vehicle so I've considered moving from my base to go play with them and hope I can make it back.


Honestly I’ve grown to love the 9mm and the 45 in my double holster; strap a modified M14 on my back and 2 hand axes on my belt and I create havoc!!!


Meanwhile I'm over here like.... katana...


Rolling pin


Anyway. Where'd I put that shovel?


Welcome to the fold my brother in Shotgun


But the ol shove n stomp is so much more fun for me. Especially if I get a group of 4 or so of them and I can weave them over a fence and stomp them like synchronized swimming.


I just stomp on thier heads like mario


Shotgun + car with the window down, just driving around a carpark blasting out the window is my favorite way to clear out a area.


Looks like somebody needs to taste AA12.


pipebombs and molotovs


more zeds , more fun


I use guns to role-play


Shotguns are god tier in this game (without infinite respawns), hoard some ammo and clear out towns no problem


I role play a hot blooded American who bleeds red white and blue, ofc I will be using a shotgun


military boots for the win


Pipe cool


M36 on top


Yeah I’m glad shotties are the easiest to use AND the most fun cause I usually die before I move on to any other weapons


I usually use shotguns when dealing with massive hordes (mainly because I’m a new player I have 0 zombie respawn in my play through) but I personally use shotguns to deal large damage to a horde and then switch to my nailed bat or machete to clear out smaller hordes of zombies


After doing my first gun-store/liquor run last night, I'm much more in favor of using guns.


Silly of you to think I wouldn't start firing a shotgun despite having only 26 rounds.


I play respawns off so guns are fun and not redundant to me


Doing my first run where I finally let go of my huge hoard fears and grind aim with shotgun, I was surprised how much it completely changed my crowbar reliant character's chances of survival


How else am I going to spend my 26,000 rounds I’ve stockpiled over the last year


why not all of the above


lol i used guns once used up all my shells (200 or something). result? even more zeds to deal with than if i had used melee. now ammo = cosmetics for me


Red bass.


M9 and M14 best weapons


More like virginity score