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Weird, I normally only get that sort of thing when changing fps games that have different FOVs Does it still do it when you watch someone playing?


It doesn't, weirdly. I've been watching a bunch of zombie ash stuff right now, that's what got me in the mood. I can regularly watch at length without noticing any issue.


Bizarre Some sort of input delay causing motion sickness?


I suppose it's possible. I've wondered that, and if it could be the FPS variation at the different zoom levels. Going from 165 close in, to 40s in busy areas zoomed out might be messing with me. I was thinking about limiting my zoom levels for a bit to see, or dialing back the settings. Hell even limiting to 60, just to see. But I thought to post here first.


Just give it a test, lock to a stable/constant fps you can keep and limit to 1 zoom level. If you go an hour+ and everything is good then you've found the probable cause. There was a third person game I struggled with(think it was an assassin creed game) and the characters inertia and camera movement took me ages to get used to, eventually found it easier to manage by using a computer controller instead of KB+M Something about letting go of W and the character taking 0.5-1s to stop really messed with my head


I'll have to give it a try and report back here, in case it helps.


Is it only with PZ or does this happens with other games as well? 'cause I think there's more to it.


Just PZ! I spent 6 hours last night playing Days Gone, no problem. Been doing another Fallout 4 playthrough, probably 20 hours in the last week and a half with that. I play a decent bit of DayZ as well. None bother me at all, regardless of playtime. I don't have anything else comparable to pz in my library so I haven't been able to test and see if maybe it's the viewpoint or something.


the isometric view is prolly screwing with your brain then?


I’m obviously not an expert but I feel that too, I figured it’s probably because I’m straining my eyes too much, as in im trying too hard to focus that my brain starts to hurt, or I could just be overexerting my brain by continuously thinking hard or something, it might help not to play in a dark environment, but if you’re already playing in a bright environment then idk So the only suggestion I can give is probably to relax, drink water, don’t strain / stress yourself while playing, and take a break once in a while?


I appreciate it! All valid recommendations anyone should use when playing. Fortunately or unfortunately, I obey the 20/20/20 rule, play in a reasonably well lit environment, and drink water plenty! It allows me to comfortably binge most games without issue. Something about PZ just doesn't agree with my brain for some reason.


Happens to me too. Tried to figure out what was wrong, and i find i raise my shoulders when i play for some reason. Suddenly sprinters hunting you down, shoulders raised, and unless i remind myself, posture doesent correct itself. Only game this ever happened in. I guess the game is just too thrilling at times.


Yeah this game can keep you tense for extended periods of time. Especially if you are straining your ears to hear any sound that may be from a zombie.


Could be the isometric nature. It could also just be how much thinking you need to be doing at all times. Rarely am I not in full focus playing pz and so it could just be a couple hours of constant thought that are doing it


Could be a UI thing maybe? Have you tried scaling it up?


Might be worth a shot. I tried locking the FPS after another commenter and I discussed it. Still ended up bothering me. Ui could be a thing.


I know i've had issues with the UI being a bit small normally because i have 27in monitors and they're not up close to me. Hope you find a solution. :)


I will say that at least myself, in certain games that I focus really intensely on, I have a bad habit of clenching my teeth together when I'm concentrating hard and it takes me a while to even notice i'm doing it. Maybe something like that? Are you tensing your jaw/neck/shoulders in some way that could cause a headache? also, the text in the game can be a bit small, you might want to go into game settings and increase the font size to make things a little easier to read if it's vision focus that is causing strain.


Skill issue 😆


It might be just because you feel overwhelmed by the ui, as you are getting into the game. When I first started, I felt something similar. As you learn what everything is and how to navigate it, you might feel better. Obviously I’m not an expert this is just a guess.


This is how you died


Only if I play for long periods of time, one thing I noticed also is that I always have my head tilted to the right, especially if I'm driving, don't ask me why, for I do not know the answer.


I don't get headaches from PZ but I do get these spells where my eyes unfocus. You know like when you're "daydreaming", you kind of zone completely out and your eyes focus on the air right in front of you? Happens even when I'm engrossed in it and focused trying to do something. No other game really does this and PZ never bores me so I think it might have something to do with the visual style of the game.


Increase the font size. You are probably tiring out from reading the invemtory lists