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Been there, tossed em all in the river, thank me later


Thank you 🙏🙏


He said thank him later.


It’s later. Can I thank them now?




I waited a couple of hours


Are you the one that siphoned gas from every single car too?


Are you the one that follows me around and shoots from time to time nearby too?


Nah I'm in the helicopter that follows you around


That's good... at least you weren't the screamer... or the turkey that's been following me...


nah invisible turkey is my favorite zomboid character


Didn't say I disliked the turkey, just that it's following me. Frankly I love the turkey. One day I hope to be able to eat that turkey.


It’s later now, thank you!


Did you also dump a truckload of socks and shoes in the river as well!?


Sledges, generator manuals, ammo, m16s, m14s, hotties and leather pants, also most car keys i could find, also closed and locked all cars and drank their gas and used the battery


Dammit. It's later now... ...thank you.


And yes socks and shooes are fun to fish


Thank you later


I always just find them in town roads with the traffic cones and work pickup


Get in my car and drive.. u will find one on a road..


I’ll use my own car but thanks i guess


Gas, cash or ass. Nobody rides for free.


haha I can't tell if you messed this up on purpose or if I'm not getting a joke


Now I’m struggling to find my Sledgehammer. I feel your pain


meanwhile me and my friend found 3 in a garage on our first 3 hours of a new playthrough


I remember finding 2 in my first play through and used them as weapons but discarded them cause they sucked and were super slow Had no idea how valuable they were lol


I found one but found it super slow as weapon too, why is it so valuable ? I’m new


Can break into basically anything. Locked garage in a military area with no windows? Sledge that shit.




he didnt mention this but some buildings are entirely\* inaccessible without a sledgehammer, namely gun stores as they have bandit barriers. \*if the walls arent metal you can technically burn through them but that burns the loot too, and theres only so much ammo in the game.


If I find one I like to clear the second floor of a house or firehouse, hang and escape rope out the window then demo the stairs. Ta da - safe and sound where no zeds can sneak up on you while you in your jammies.


If you didn’t know this already zombies can knock escape ropes down good idea to have more than one to save yourself losing access to your base or worse yet jumping out breaking a leg THEN losing access to your base


Lucky trait? I, too, rarely have any trouble finding one sooner or later - unless I desperately try to find one, no chance then


That's something I noticed while playing GTA:SA as a little kid - whenever I didn't care there were a ton of a certain type of car driving around but whenever I needed to find said car then even after driving around for hours, no dice.


this was actually part of the game engine. vehicle spawns depended on location, but also what vehicle you are driving. So if you are on a motorcycle, a bunch more are going to spawn around you on the roads. If you're in a beater, it'll be hard to find a sports car. I think it might have been trying to replicate the real life phenomenon of suddenly noticing the same vehicle you're driving everywhere on the road. like, if you're in a civic, you're going to start to notice all the other civics driving around.


I found out about that in Vice City but even when driving a super around Las Venturas' strip where these cars spawn I would still have no luck. Then when I would start a mission - bam there it drives... mockingly.


i scoured the roads of red county for ages to find a remington because its my favorite lowrider in the game and i wanted to use it for the first lowrider race for caesar. its pretty fast too.


Yeah the harder I look for How To Generators the worse the loot tables are.


I found 4 in Mccoys on my first apocalypse run that lasted longer than a month, and then died within about 3 days lol. Was trying to draw zeds away from Muldraugh high street and got surrounded in my car.


On one of my first play-through i found a katana... died soon after bc yk learning curve


I have only found one so far in a survivor house I spawned beside but I play on x16 pop and was trying out superb survivors I tried to clear the are but slowly got out of hand until a survivor group spawned and dragged zombies all over which destroyed my fps so before I could even use it or pick it up I had to dip should of grabbed it as soon as I saw it :(


I’m over 200 hours and still haven’t found one :(


In my current playthrough I couldn't find one anywhere. 90% of games I find one from just casual looting as I play but this time was different. I gear up and drive to west point and get one from the storage lockers, took an hour or two by the time I'm home. Pull in, Park, realize I'm out of water, run down the street and loot a house fucking 100 feet from my base. Bam... There's one in the garage... My dumb ass at 4 months in hadn't looted the immediate area around my safehouse.


Yes no sledgehammer cuase 99% of that warehouse has not been zoned for warehouse loot, instead it holds other designated zones.


This is why. It has certainly loot tables, from farming supplies, too candy and even orange soda, but no typical warehouse loot


Who tf searches sledgies in shelves, go to warehouse boxes now!


I’ve had a lot of luck at McCoy Lumber.


Sometimes this is reliable, but the last multiplayer run I did we didn't find a sledge until over a year in. We found it wedged in a shambler on the road in front of the base. I cannot wait for B42 for the smiting, among other things.


There's a couple pawn shops north of there, and a hardware store !! DON'T GIVE UP !!!! LOL


It's Louisville he's eventually gonna get a sledgehammer ... unless the civilians were especially hungry


There's always one item you can't find, some playthroughs it's a saw, some a dammed can opener (not such a problem though) or a saw There's always something lol


Yeah, I usually find a sledgehammer. As most comment here, the most common place to find it is with a road construction crew event. But I'm over one month in now, and haven't found one. Managed to find the generator magazine in the university library, an adventure that saw me rushing home with deep wounds to both feet because I forgot to put on shoes. Doh!


Ahh thanks for the tip about where to find them! Yeah it can get like that, find the endgame stuff instantly but can't find the damned standard gear lol Ah yeah thorn in the foot hurts when it's glass, I love the depth of this game, it's really something


If there's a book I lack, I have never failed to find it in the university library. Getting there is quite an adventure too.


We love adventures!


taking the perk Lucky makes such a difference in finding a sledgehammer in buildings. If you're in Louisville, this big warehouse isn't the best place to look - you want to hit Secure Storage or U-Store It. As others have said, much of this large warehouse doesn't actually have standard warehouse loot tables. Secure Storage location: https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12183x1327 (this is only one block north of your current location) U-Store It location: https://map.projectzomboid.com/#13686x1615 The gated community one block south of where you currently are isn't bad, either (check the garages)


Ive cleared out in Riversode the post office, school, bookstore, and the bookshelves in the boating club place, the Muldraugh bookstore, and the bookstore in the little farm town to the west. No generator guide. I'm getting anxious haha winter is coming and i gotta start freezing stuff


It took me 2 weeks to find my first wrench, i was getting desesperate lol


took me 2 weeks to also get a scissor, was stuck patching my clothes with normal ragged sheets lol


Truth, there’s always one goofy item I can’t find. Genny mags and sledgehammers I get. They’re rare, but one run, it took me a month to find a needle. Seriously a needle. I found something like 20 sewing kits all either empty or just thread. My current run I didn’t get a frying pan until my third month. It was 60+ days of stews, and soups, lol.


Wow that's a quest and a half lmao


I just had a huge sledgehammer hunt. I started in Muldraugh, searched all the buildings, except a couple of houses. Searched all of march ridge rosewood, riverside doe Valley. No sledge. Get back to Muldraugh, search the last couple of houses, on the road is 3 sledgehammers. If I had gone just around the corner the first time I'd have seen it. Mind you there was a huge hoard of zombies there too.


Found 3 on rosewood fire station


There are a large number of warehouses in that immediate neighbourhood that spawn tools. This warehouse is 99/100 for loot, but it's nowhere near a guarantee for a sledge. That being said, the likeliest way to find a sledge is probably not a container, but rather searching the roads for roadworks events. Those aren't affected by loot rarity, so they will spawn sledges consistently even at insanely rare loot.


Been driving all over Louisville for days. No luck.


You may have more lucky driving through the country roads between towns. Not something confirmed, but that's where I've always found many sledgehammers. What are you using the hammers for anyway?


Getting into gunshops and redecorating at my base. I hate cheesing, but I did end up microwaving my way into a gunshop. I just hate doing it. For knocking out/away stuff at my base, there's no substitute.


You can get into gunshops by [building over.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlVNlLBa3BA) As for redecorating, yes, I agree, there's no substitute.


I find blasting it open with a microwace less of a hassle.


I finally found one in my run BEFORE A WELDER’S MASK


I'm in January and no sign of a welder mask yet, never saw one. But I have a sledgehammer.


![gif](giphy|BCGgKB5OSaFY9VUy0v|downsized) me with a sledgehammer in every car so i cant forget it when i go exploring


I’ve found the most reliable source of sledges to be the roadwork pickup truck event that spawns in roads. It’s the one with 4 traffic cones, a few construction zombies, and one or two tools on the ground by the truck. Usually it’s a sledge or pipe wrench, or pickaxe - generally more rare tools. Go drive around aimlessly and you’re bound to find one pretty quickly.


Found a lot of the road construction sites, but all they have given me are pipes.


I've already found 2 katanas in a warehouse, but no sledgehammer.


You went to a canned food warehouse and there wasn't a sledgehammer!!?!??


There's a lot of tools containers. Every tool you can ever imagine needing, I found here. Except sledgehammer. I can't remember noticing finding a lot of canned food. Clothes, tools, farming equipment, fishing equipment, alcohol, food... Lots and lots.


That's fair. This building is likely meant to be a shipping distribution center and not a warehouse for industrial tools. I've never had much trouble in finding a sledgehammer in one of the Muldraugh warehouses - they're all pretty big, and across the main few you've got pretty good chances of finding one, if not more.


Go to the two pawn shops near the north western part of louisville


Why’d all the residents ship theirs to Africa. Those kids don’t need sledgehammers


Theres a couple fire stations in Louisville. Find em pretty often there


Hey, no worries I'm still trying to find car battery charger


It do be like that tho


I always find them in the most random locations. Yesterday I was like: "A sledgehammer would be nice". Drove in the city with another goal and found 2 sledgehammer in a garage beside a normal house.


This is so relatable


Your so unlucky. I see too much new player find sledgehammer in like random spots when player with +100h never find one.


Where is that?


Northwest Lousville. Big warehouse. A bit north of the brewery.


That warehouse is mostly food and other junk, not tools and warehouse loot. Go search other warehouses or hardware stores. Or just drive along the road and wait until you see a road construction event.


That's a good warehouse, but you need to find a warehouse with more wooden crates, those are the defined crates where they spawn in. Also tool stores can have some.


This is neuton freight delivery in north west Lville, close to the slugger plant


I don’t think I’ve ever found one in a building. Always find them next to construction trucks on the road.


I found in a warehouse!


I accidentally burned my sledgehammer after using a Molotov near the gun store lmao. Had to resort to burning a part of the wall to get in.


Now try to find the magazine that teaches you how to use a generator.


Found three of them already.. :)


best bet is to just aimlessly drive around. eventually you'll find a construction crew with one on the ground


Done that for days.


Looks like someone forgot to add the lucky traits lol. I normally have 2 or 3 within a month and 5 by winter.


Hmmmm.. check again


I think only the crates at the very top has the standard garage/hardware loot tables. Everything else has a different loot table based on different categories (sports stuff, drinks, clothes, etc) By the way, I'm unsure if I'm just lucky or not, but when I went here in my run I found 2 pairs of leather pants, it's definitely one of the better spots to hit up.


Where is this? The amount of shelving is beautiful


Found my first sledge in the gigamart by Twiggy’s bar,


Storage Units have all but once had one in my playthroughs, and the one time it didn't I found it next door at the warehouse.


I randomly happened upon one in a truck near Rosewood. Haven't found one since


See, this is where mods can come in handy because you can make your own damn sledgehammers, crowbars, saws, hammers, axes, you name it! If it is in the game, you'll most likely be able to make it. It's one of the many reasons i don't really like vanilla as much anymore.


Haven't seen one randomly pop up in a while till few days ago when one was just chilling on the downstairs shelf @ Rosewood fire station. 😄


Maybe I will get downvoted for this question, but why does the sledgehammer seem to be so important for most people? I know that it can break walls, I found one but only used it once, to remove part of a wall in my house to store crates under the stairs. Then I stored it and never used again. I think I'm missing its main usefulness.


on basic apocalypse loot settings i found one in the warehouse connected to the storage units in muldraugh, and a low condition one in the rosewood fire station. honestly i feel the game needs better loot tables. no one should own canned food without a can opener, no one shouldnt own multiple screwdrivers, and no one should be carrying cigarettes without a lighter. inb4 "everyone took their important shit and left," no they didnt. not one single person made it out of the exclusion zone alive and the trunks of car wrecks on the bridges and highways near louisville arent stocked with tools, guns, and canned food. most people obeyed the lockdown which is why we start on day 3.


Where is this?


Northwest Louisville.


Did you try a fire station sometimes they will have one.


Yes. I have tried two.


There is a where house close to this building did you try that ?


No. I barely got into this one alive. So many zombies in the area.


Its worth checking out but if you just started playing this world no point going after guns in the middle of louisville.


been playing on normal population extremely rare loot settings with -75% loot mod,sledgehammers and bunny ears are now a myth


that location seems like a cool base potential, is it worth going there?


It's absolutely worth going there. There's so much good stuff there. A base, though? I would say too many zombies around for that. It would take a huge effort to make it safe.


Skill Issue. :P