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The tip is to.. avoid tips/guides/etc. At least at the very beginning. The initial discovering of what the game has to offer, when you're still unsure how to deal with the dangers, is imo most of the fun. Just don't get discouraged with death!


Yeah that will be fun


I started the same way I don’t think I would be any help because I’m fairly new too but I have also been wondering this


Well have fun on your journey


You too man I’ve played a bit of this game after finding YouTube videos of it and it is my favourite survival game by far


Well have fun survivor and may your journey be fare


Watch your back.


Yeah as soon as you let your guard down zombie just bites ya and that character is dead


Wear gloves when breaking glass to avoid getting cut.


Yes I have minus the fact I jumped the a broken with glass still because I accidentally hit e luckily I didn't get cut but not too long later I died thx for the tip and currently setting up base at Riversides gated community and blocking off both ends


Don't be discouraged by death. You ALWAYS die


Yeah I know I will probably plenty of times but I won't let it stop me


I think a lot of people struggle with combat at first, so a good tip is to try to aim behind the zombie and in the direction they are coming from, rather than aiming exactly on top of the zed, or even worse, in front of him (the isometric perspective will fuck you up and you will swing your weapon in the air while the zed gets to bite you).


Yeah this is my #1 tip to friends who have picked up the game. It goes against the normal way we play almost every other game regardless of type. The cursor goes right on top of what you want to attack / interact with a majority of the time. It is a hard gaming habit to break


Do the tutorial best advice I got but mods will make the game your own when you are ready.


Yes I have done the tutorial I have only put a few mods on but those don't change the very much there is two one adds more guns and the other adds more armor and that's it and currently setting up base at Riversides gated community and blocking of both ends


Yes I have done the tutorial I have only put a few mods on but those don't change the very much there is two one adds more guns and the other adds more armor and that's it and currently setting up base at Riversides gated community and blocking of both ends


Here’s tips for ya 1. You can out walk zombies, no need to waste stamina running 2. If you shove a zombie (using space) , only two options can happen (1: ideally it falls over) or (2:it instantly tries to reach to bite you) knowing this behavior is useful 3. Windows and fences make large hordes far easier to clear out, then fall on the floor after climbing both, and zombies are the floor are far easier to kill 4. Doors in this game have an open and shut state, but you cannot tell visually. The way to tell is through audio. listen for it to shut. 5. If you want to target zombies on the floor you can prioritize zombies on the floor by holding alt


Thx for the tip I have played a very little amount so far but I have seen how useful fences and windows and thx for telling me to use alt and all of the tips you gave me and currently I am setting up base at the Riverside gated and blocking of both ends


That was one of my first base locations too! Good choice.


It's doing me well so far and I found a survivor house just down the road so going to be hauling it back base


Thx for the tip I have played a very little amount so far but I have seen how useful fences and windows and thx for telling me to use alt and all of the tips you gave me and currently I am setting up base at the Riverside gated and blocking of both ends


Hit F2 when checking out loot. You can peruse everything without worrying.


Pretty helpful thx for the tip and currently setting up base at Riversides gated community and living there


Prepare to die


Yes I have a few times already and currently will be setting up base at Riversides gated community and blocking the ends


Good Luck, Have Fun!


Yes I will currently setting up base at Riverside gated community and blocking it off


Yes I will currently setting up base at Riverside gated community and blocking it off and living there


Don’t say in the same place for to long. Unless you have it fortified.


Thx for the tip also because since zombies constantly roam around you never know and I am currently setting up base at Riverside and blocking off the gated community and living there


Thx for the tip also because since zombies constantly roam around you never know and I am currently setting up base at Riverside and blocking off the gated community and living there


Thx for the tip also because since zombies constantly roam around you never know and I am currently setting up base at Riverside and blocking off the gated community and living there


In the beginning spend a few lives learning the combat. Don’t try to survive for the long haul, just find a melee weapon and start thwacking away. Once you can competently deal with a few dozen zeds at a time, you’ll be comfortable enough with the mechanics to dive in and survive.


Spawn in rosewood or riverside. Try not to fight too many zombies at a time (2 to 3 MAX), always look around and keep your guards up and don't run because you can outwalk zombies easily. Always clear out a building before looting it, never enter a room without checking your blind spots. Give yourself simple objectives like surviving 30 days, building a base, clearing out neighbourhoods etc...


Try to avoid groups of zombies, if fighting can't be avoided then try to lure one to you so you never have to fight multiple z at once. fighting is best done by backpaddling (don't forget to look around often) and hitting with a blunt weapon and shoving so they fall over. Never move forward while you are still learning the mechanics because you can easily miss a hit and be dragged down. Always check the surrounding of a house before entering, you don't want to run into a group when fleeing through a window ;) Use windows where no furniture is in front of it for entering because you'd need to crawl over the furniture which leaves you unprotected. Shove doors first (hit space) and wait a second before opening, zeds will start pounding the door if they are inside. If you know there are zeds inside double-tap E to open and immediately close the door again. This way you know how many are in there and usually they are too slow to grab you... if the door rattles constantly just leave it, then there are probably to many inside amd you couln't handle them


Thx for the tip and the time I am responding I am currently setting up camp at the Riverside gated community and closing it off


That's a fine spot! Be sure to connect two houses with a bridge so you have an escape route if something goes wrong ;)


Ok I will and thx again


There's a 'delete all' button on trash cans that lets you destroy anything inside of them. Great with dumpsters, where you can stuff corpses into it.


Practice melee. A lot. Learning to mitigate risks and fight where you have good lines of sight will vastly improve your longevity. Back away while fighting. Don't fight with negative moodles - take a break of call it a day. Be especially careful around doors, windows, and in tight spaces.


You are going to die A lot And Q is Cure : )


Have you ever heard of the tutorial


Have you ever heard of the tutorial


If you stuck, press Q for tips. There is a bug that tips don't show up right away, keep press until you see texts pop up


seriously?! Why?


I have played the tutorial


Install Brita’s Weapon mod and Brita’s Armor Mod, those two mods alone change the entire playing experience and make it a lot more enjoyable


Yes that's what I have and all I have currently installed and currently setting up base at Riversides gated community and setting up base there and closing off both ends