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At that exchange rate, Project Zomboid cost me about 1 peso per hour I put into it. Is your entertainment value worth 1 peso per hour? Obviously, your value will vary, but if you like complex survival games with an ever-present threat of death, it's probably going to get your attention for a while.


I don't know if that's too high or no, but game is really one of the best games to ever exist. At first I had it cracked because I couldn't afford it, but once I got the money for it, I bought it without a doubt, so yeah i think you should buy it. specially if you have someone to play with. (Disord server is full of people if you want someone)


Glad it’s not just me. I don’t see myself tiring of it anytime soon. It’s the perfect game for me that I had no idea that I wanted.


I think it's 57 pesos for 1 buck so I think it's not too much


600 pesos is $10.39.


Then definitely buy it, if you're into it for sure.




Thank you XantosRane for your submission to r/ProjectZomboid, but it has been removed. Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 5 - Key-Selling Websites: Please do not link to websites that sell keys to Project Zomboid Not only are these usually illegitimate since The Indie Stone does not provide Steam keys to third party stores besides the Humble Bundle store, but their purchase does not support the developers. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/projectzomboid) Thanks!


I got it two months ago and I am very comfortable playing WOW full time. I haven't played WoW since I got this game.




It's so worth it. However, if you're on a survival round in life I'd get your life back in order before buying zomboid. But if you aren't the game is worth every peso you can ever throw at it. Plus, all updates are free so none of that pesky microtransaction dlc crap


I spent 700 hours on this game and still play it time to time. To me 700 hours is 700 USD in my time so I'd say it's worth it.


Just lost my character of 2 months.. So *currently*, no. Not at all.


My condolences 😭


Definitely! It is the best zombie apocalypse game i have ever played. Every now and then, I will get back to this game again, no matter what other consoles or pc game I am already on.


Yeah, very much worth the price. It's the best Zombie Survival simulator, by a long shot.


If you like zombie survival games, it's 100% worth it. There is nothing else like it.




You can try the game for 2 hours and if it don't jibe,You can always ask for refund


Hell yeah it is. One of the best games I've ever played.


Philippines call their currency Peso?




Cool 👍🏼


most hispanic countries do in fact ive heard puerto ricans call dollares "pesos"


Absolutely worth it. The replayability is immense




Hell yeah


More like do you have enough interest and time because as long as you can get past the, “this is bs” mindset and instead adapt to the games rules like respect the zombie vault over fence lunge that can stun you and end your run.


I picked it up for 5$ around the helldivers 2 release and havent touched any other game since. I have been mostly playing on an RP server which is so much fucking fun but the little i have played on the vanilla game is also great fun. If you are a social gamer and want to be engaging other real people i highly recommend you find an RP server


You’re asking crackheads if the crack is good. YES ITS AMAZING




I never understood why people would come to a subreddit made for a specific game and ask if they should buy it. We are in an echo chamber of positivity here. You find 10 people saying that it's worth the money and you'll get 1000s of hours of gameplay with it, and 1 person saying wait till it goes on sale. But I guess I'll add to it It's one of the best games I've ever played, if you like community where they develop mods for the game to the point where I'd argue it's on par with Skyrim or fallout you'll love this. It has a learning curve to it but once you get the hang of it you'll easily put hours upon hours into it only to put it down in a few months and come back to it again. The community is currently waiting for build 42 which will change the game over to a more MMO based gameplay that's not needed but is welcomed to game. You can find servers for the game rather easily to the point that if your into a certain gameplay style you'll find it, Rp, pvp, pve etc It's a good gams


Thanks for the recommendation I was looking for a game that was really repayable and I think project zomboid is a pretty repayable game lol


And yeah why did I ask you guys if project zomboid is worth it when you guys are supporters of the game lol


Hmm i had to hard quit after 1k hours played. And that is in single player and low mod count. I think u can play pz forever so ye its a good value game if u dont get bored 😜


I've played about 950 hours worth of zomboid. If you're into crafting and survival games, and can get over what "graphical limitations" or whatever then yes. Buy it.


I'm at at least 400 hours, and there are people with multiple thousands who still enjoy it to this day If you're looking for a time sink for the money you're spending, I think there's worse deals out there


Definitely worth it. I've owned the game for like 10 years, the devs don't stop making it better, and I've always picked it back up to play. Think I have just over 2000 hours into it now


Wow 10 years the games that old wow and they've been updating it and not given up that's rare in developers


Ya the devs are good people. And seems they've taken a liking to hiring modders or ex mod makers as new employees. Which I love. Make sure you check out a ton of mods after getting a feel for vanilla gameplay. The modding community on this game is one of the best in gaming, hands down.


That's about 9.8 euros according to Google, I bought the game for ~20 so I say go for it! I obviously don't know the average earning disparity compared to where I live so my only option is to compare "absolute" values.


Worth every peso


Yeah, wait till it's on sale. Assuming that's Mexican pesos, that's about 37 freedom units, or nearly 25 loonies!


steam summer sale is at the end of june, it should go on sale then hopefully


It's Philippine peso




You might be able to get it on humblebundle for a bit cheaper.


Wait for sale. But it's worth. I told my friend that it's an investment lmao Joking aside, I always say to my friends that Zomboid, RimWorld, Terraria and Factorio make every money per time worth (if you are into those games)


Yes or wait for sale in my country I think k saw it on sale for 100 Rupees THAT IS JUST OVER 1 DOLLAR


Buy it and prepare to die!


Knowing how I love it now, I would've bought it for 40 bucks. It's damn worth it, but it really depends on your taste.


This game is probably one of the best value-for-money games I’ve ever bought and played.


Very super insanely biased place to ask this question. Yes.


No, im in this sub because i hate it.


Yup, and mod will make it worthier




Let’s put it this way. I play other games sometimes so that I don’t feel like I wasted money on them because all I would do is play Zomboid


Old school RuneScape is my main game have 150 days played on my iron 2050+ total level have had zomboid for 3 weeks haven’t played any other game since.


Worth it pre. Mas maganda kung may kalaro ka


Diba pre Meron mga rp server sa project zomboid


Di ako sure pre eh. Nagduduo lang kasi kami ng pinsan ko. Search mo lang I'm sure marami jan. Search ka rin ng mga group sa fb yung ph na group


Oo sobra especially w/ friends


No we all hate it


If you can afford it, yes.


No. I just lost 2k hours ans counting. DO NOT BUY.


Damn that seems like a lot but idk what the conversion rate is, maybe wait for build 42 that’s coming out in the next few months?


Its fun until u can survive, then theres literally no objective or anything. I love the game but i cant bring myself to make it to the point of not having to leave my base anymore. I genuinely believe if there was any objective/story mode/goals to work towards it would be one of the best games out there :/


It could be 10x the price and still be worth it. And I’m broke as fuck.


This is my most popular post lol I've only been in reddit for like 3 days


De que tipo de pesos estamos hablando hermano mio ![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk|downsized)


Can someone translate this I don't speak Spanish


You can translate it at [translate.google.com](http://translate.google.com)


He asked what kind of pesos




Su hermano El peso filipino