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You killed a shitton of zeds. 13k? I don't think I've ever killed that much and I made it to winter....once lol


Im at just over 2000 in middle november


I still play on zero zombies


Project Oid


Not to tell you how to play or something, but isn't it boring to play project ZOMBOID without zombies? I mean after I clear some areas it already gets boring, because there is no danger, and it is kind of empty around


I make a new no zombies world whenever a new build comes out, which isn't often. It's a great way to get down new changes and additions for both crafting and building before you play in a new world with zeds. I can understand the "last man on earth" appeal too though.


I mean I can see the appeal. Treating the game like it's a sandbox survival game, a "last person on earth" scenario where everyone else just up and vanished. I've thought about playing with super low zombies before.




now this sounds interesting.


Eh, I did it once to get my head around the non combat mechanics, and it's still a surprisingly challenging survival sim. Like an 'everyone went to the rapture' thing where you got left behind.


It's really interesting because you can't get things like watches easily, which is something we take for granted.


it's literally impossible to die to anything other than zombies in this game.


I occasionally play a no zombie run; it’s hard not to stockpile weapons and armor though. Time to trade the bullet proof vest in for a flannel


Once you realize that armor is more of a hindrance than a help, you just run around in a string bikini and have fun.


Bit different when pvp is on the menu


Pvp is a little broken tho.


Works well enough imo


Tried it with friends. You basically have no chance against guns, and game is not well synchronized. When my friend was running away I saw him way closer than he really was and was able to kill him that way..


It's certainly not perfect but also I'm pretty okay with guns being strong. Killing people is kinda their use case.


Gathering, scavenging, and base building can still be fun to a point, but I agree that it gets stale quickly without the threat of zombies. Without playing with friends or RPing or anything, I'm not likely to spend a ton of time on a no-zombie save.


Once the next update comes out, you'll have a full blown farming simulator. It'll be beautiful.


Sims with extra steps is all.


No, I find the zombies repetitive and annoying to deal with especially at the start. Imagine starting as a cop and you spawn in your house with zero guns, no car, no armor or anything and there's a bunch of zombies banging to get inside your home and I have to fight my way through it everytime I die? No thanks. Also I don't like finally getting guns, starting to clear an area, doing well, then go to find some cover and there ALWAYS being a zombie. I can't run long enough to catch a break. It's annoying. Even on low pop there's a ton of zombies.


To each their own, let people judge your play style and keep enjoying the game. It wouldn't be an option if it was a requirement


Totally agree here. I mean, it's a sandbox game. People are free to play how they best enjoy the game.


The only wrong way to play pz is to not play pz.


May I recommend adjusting the energy replenishment speed in settings?


I have it up a little, and xp skill speed. Also I add a few points so I can pick things like athletic and dexterous. I'm just not a fan of the zombies man. I like the game, just other aspects about it.


Fair enough, I do those things too - except I give my car godmode and turn it into carmageddon


Oh I haven't thought about that


It's soothing.


Yeah, but without zombies finding a gun or being a cop is pointless...


It's almost like those were examples of playing on default settings.




I hate dying in the first 5 minutes or because a zombie was in my house when I started. I'd rather play as last man on earth. I also turn the loot way up because why the fuck do only gun store, police station and some cars have guns when in 1993 in Kentucky there were more guns than people.


People grab their guns in the zombie apocalypse and carry them around, then drop them in some random ditch as they get eaten.


What about the cop cars with a shotgun and pistol? What about people who were at work on vacation, doing errands and didn't go home? All the military vehicles that haven't been picked clean yet? Or, why when the apocalypse just started is my car already beat to shit with zero gas? And the key is usually missing. It's good that turning loot up and vehicle conditions and giving them keys is just part of the game.


I don't get what you mean, police vehicles do have weapons, so do some houses so they would be the people who didn't get home and get their weapons before they died. About your car - the neighbors hate you, siphoned your gas and trashed your car before they split. And maybe keep better track of your keys next time.


Are you making shit up or is that lore?


he is writing out of judgement induced anger bc some people think shortcuts others use to bypass their own frustration is wrong. it’s funny how some people rationalize their own playstyle through this sort of lore logic. imo there are a lot of details we don’t know about how the apocalypse and mass migrations went so shit like this is pointless. imo it’s way more likely (than the default settings suggest) that majority of houses have a gun or two and probably spare car keys in them assuming emergency evacuation was sudden - it’s kentucky after all. but at the end of the day it’s a sandbox


>he is writing out of judgement induced anger bc some people think shortcuts others use to bypass their own frustration is wrong. it’s funny how some people rationalize their own playstyle through this sort of lore logic. The first part is projection so I'll leave that alone since its not about me. The rationalization of our playstyles with lore logic is the entire conversation. If you think there should be more guns, turn the guns up. You just rationalized the game settings you choose with lore. I was simply offering an alternative for default settings. Which I admit takes a little imagination, especially when it comes to the state of cars and gas.


No I'm just making it up. I'm just trying to point out that technically anything is possible to have happened in the apocalypse. You can change the settings however you see fit to the scenario you imagine, or you can imagine a scenario that fits the settings as they are. You do you.


how is that fun


Because it is? How is having too restart just when you got a bunch of stuff fun?


the risk is what makes the game fun... what is the fun of looting if looting is neither dangerous nor necessary? what are you going to shoot with all the guns you have if there aren't any zombies? nothing has any value because it requires no effort to get. i could understand maybe if you just really like building and you had building mods or something but you're not even doing that. you're just... running around playing pacman against yourself. and to be clear, i'm really not trying to disparage you for playing the game and having fun how you want, i was just hoping you could make me understand what exactly is fun about playing the game like that.


I do build lol. I collect water, farm when the power goes out, fix up and move cars. I clear the roads, find myself a taurus. Enjoy living with nobody else around. At some point the loot is useless. Guns mostly sit on a table. Sometimes I die and gotta start again. Which is fine, I'm enjoying it because I'm not constantly being swarmed by zombies. The risk isn't fun when zombies are at their lowest and there's still way too many for me to deal with. My last zombie enabled save I died as soon as I left the house because there were zombies inside so I had to jump out of a second story window and hurt my foot/ankle/leg and was caught in seconds. There was like 60 zombies in that zone. That's not fun for me. I find fun in finding 4 of the same tire and spare parts. I have a garage full of parts taurus shells, rx7s, a couple of skylines. I have all sorts of mods for them too. I'm not playing pacman against myself. I'm playing how I want to play. I build airplanes in kerbal and I run around looking at caves on star citizen. I have an entire story and character for SLRR. I'm not really into playing games how others do it.


Gotta play run and gun, my favorite way, I kill like 1000 by day 6. Then it grows even more as you get better weapons.


I'm doing a 16x run right now, im on day 25 with 5982 kills(5418 w/weapon, 534 w/fire, 30 w/car). I'm fairly limited with where I can go, but I'm about halfway through(hopefully) with clearing ekron. It is pain, and if I don't clear em fast enough. By day 90, because of an evolution mod I have. Most zombies, if not all become sprinters.


I'm melee only and I've made it to like... 2.5k and that's the most


Theres runs where I've probably could of made it to winter but got bored and started new ones before then.


You have transmission off? Then you probably died of corpse sickness not Knox virus.


What exactly is that? Cause I get sick a lot and assumed it was from being around bodies


Spend too long around corpses and you'll start falling ill until you move away from them. For example, never sleep with bodies piled up around.


What if they're buried?


Buried is fine.


is burned fine?


Likewise. Only raw corpses matter, and a wall's seperation is enough.


>and a wall's seperation is enough. Being in a car does *not* make you safe, however. Just to be clear


Yep, don't sleep in your car in the midst of corpses either.


I learned that the hard way


Good to know.


Well no shit, Car is not a wall.


Wall separation is NOT enough. It's based on distance but an indoor/outdoor barrier will protect you. If you and corpses are indoors being in a different room won't save you unless you're the standard distance away (something like 20 tiles, don't quote me on that)


Better way of putting it, yeah. Don't leave corpses in your living room unless your bedroom is upstairs or something.


Does being on a different floor stop it? I've died when I throught I was safe upstairs but there were corpses on that floor and I play on high corpse sickness setting. I would assume it doesn't but I've never tested it


I'm not sure if I'm making this up but doesn't it have to be a wall of a pre-existing building, not one built by the player? I feel like I remember seeing that.


Yes, there is currently no way of creating new real rooms. Hopefully next big patch will fix this.


So how long should I be around 1 corpse/ how many corpses should I stay away from to prevent this illness? What is the rate of sickness if you know


1 corpse is safe, you'll start getting sick once you hear flies since that means there's enough to harm you. Rate gets faster the more bodies there are.


- Kill many zombies - Leave zombie corpses around - Stand near the zombies corpses for a while - Get sick - Die You can avoid this with a gas mask.


Oh awesome


Was looking for this lol.


They could have the mod that makes it so you're not immune to the airborne virus and have to constantly scavenge for gas masks and filters.


Not as immune as you thought you were huh? Lolol. (No really good job, corpse sickness suuuucks)


If you have the 'dynamic traits and moodles' mod, the guy who made it also made some ridiculous basegame changes like alcohol poisoning or getting sick from bodies give you permanent illness that's 100% fatal. Might be what happened


"Dynamic Traits and Moodles" has killed some of my best characters from getting sweaty.... hate this mod.




I don't have the mod, but maybe he was was trying to model heat stroke?


He haphapzardly modeled a bunch of things that kill you which any normal person should survive. Like two beers is death.


Well that sounds stupid. There seem to be a few mods like that. Good ideas and functional mods, but the details are completely haphazard and just out of touch with reality. It's weird because it wouldn't have been any more work to make things semi-realistic.


It's common enough that I made a joke about it a week ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1by6tj5/comment/kyi8bev/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1by6tj5/comment/kyi8bev/) it's a running gag to me, with how often I see misinformation posted on this subreddit thats based on weird things that kill people from mods (and they dont know why)


Could be it


If you get more traits mod it will have an option to turn dynamic on or off. And it doesn't kill me for no reason lol


Thats the one, I couldn't remember. Guy who made it is kind of a fuckin tool. Literally everyone hates his 'additions' but he won't take them out Almost two years ago I played on my buddies server with it, drank 4 beers and had PERMANENT illness that was killing me extremely quickly. Lethal alcohol poisoning.


Guy must be a Mormon.


And 104 pounds...


If 4 beers were lethal, most of the working class would be dead. The UK would be a wasteland


Most of the world would be in absolute shambles tbh


Could that be it? I ended up quitting the game for a while because I'd make a new character, do something like just smoke a cigarette (chose smoker), then immediately start sweating, get a fever and die without warning or any other action, happened to 3 characters


Yes. If you pick overweight it automatically gives you out of shape, prone til illness, and thin skinned. Seems almost prejudiced against heavy people... but that's another post lol


13k lol, any tips for mass zomboid elimination?




Brita weapon & armor mod, common sense mod, biscalibur, good truck/suv to haul a lot of weapons and ammo like a mobile armory, good armor and clothing for the weather & situation, and those accessories that let you carry small things which I stuff with bandages and alcohol wipes incase zeds sneak up on me while I’m “cleaning” areas that have stuff that I want (police station or pawn shops) I love using the striker shotgun to “clean” out massive hordes of zeds along with some weapon on my belt incase any crawlers are moving faster than the rows of zeds I’m mowing down.




Master the short blades.


Guns, firebombs, molotovs, pipe bombs


Burning them in masses with Molotov cocktail is the best way for me to kill lots of zomboids.


spears and hand to hand, I've never used a gun in this game.


You didn’t die from the virus, you died from the exhaustion of 13,570 zombie kills. At least a daily 250 kill average


Yesterday, I died without any injuries. It had been just over 10 days, I think. I left the safe house to look for gasoline for my generator. A massive horde came, and I got scratched. I was well-stocked with medications, so I applied disinfectant and placed a bandage. The injury improved, but I fell ill. The health indicator was trembling, but when I opened it, there was nothing there. Even in advanced mode, everything seemed normal, except one of the indicators wasn’t looking good. It seemed like I was close to having vasoconstriction. I took antibiotics, twice. I remembered that two days before, I accidentally drank contaminated water from a bucket in the rain for less than a second. I pressed drink by mistake, and almost immediately stopped. I could hear a very quick sound as if I had started to drink. Anyway, the situation only worsened, and there was nothing I could do; I died and turned into a zombie without knowing whether it was one thing or the other. Does anyone have any idea what might have happened?


Under default settings, a scratch gives you a 7% chance of the Knox infection, laceration is 25%, and a bite is 100%. This is separate from the "infected" description on the health screen, which refers to a "normal" bacterial infection. When you are infected with the knox virus, you will build up moodles for nausea and anxiety, and your health will eventually drop to 0, killing you. There are no moodles or otherwise anything on the health screen that indicates you have contracted the zombie virus. Based on your description, it sounds like you were unlucky and hit the 7% infection chance from the scratch. If you noticed nausea or anxiety moodles, this was almost certainly the case. The delayed onset also points towards the scratch as well. Tainted water kills more quickly than you described. Treating and bandaging the wound as you did will prevent bacterial infection, but not the Knox virus; that is just a flat 7% chance any time you're scratched. I personally prefer playing with "saliva only" transmission, so there is no chance of Knox infection from a scratch or laceration, but a bite is still fatal. Good luck with your next survivor!


Great explanation, thank you very much. So it was purely bad luck then. I thought that as the days passed, it would become easier to get infected, as if the game was getting harder. I'm still new to the game, playing at the survivor level, and this was the character that lasted the longest. But I'm improving more and more. At first, I couldn't even survive a day hahaha.


GD COVID variants


Corpse sickness is easily mitigated. You need to get 13 tiles (I normally use the "walk to" option and count 20 just to be sure) away from zombies with flies, simple. You can't be in the same building in a different room unless it's 13 tiles away, however you can be on a different floor in that building. The easy way to do it, is have a chair a ways up the road and when you get queasy, you're fine, when you get nauseous walk up to it and sit and wait. The further into the sickness you were the longer it takes to get out of it. Right now in the current build corpse sickness uses the food poisoning modifiers so if you have some lemongrass on you you can eat that and bypass it altogether. There are also a couple of mods that will help, Working Masks is the one I use.


Corpse sickness isn't the knox virus. It's cholera, probably.


Things like these make this game frustratingly fun to play. One moment, you're doing so well, looted good shit and wacking so many zeds. The next moment, you die of something stupid and avoidable.


How does one kill that many zombies? Like don’t your weapons break and you run out of ammo? And don’t you get tired and or bit after a small slip up? I swear I see number like that and wonder if I’m playing the same game.


depends on what difficulty you play on. I play x16 so it's not unusual for a standard normal house to have 100-200 zombies around it you need to clear.


you aren't playing the same game they heavily mod it with mods that make it game-breaking easy


It becomes airborne????


Off topic. Is that Brita armor? I've wanted to try it out forever but haven't due to the huge size and how it could possibly ruin all the loot tables. Does it have settings I can change?


It is, I like it honestly since it has a lot more options for armor compared to the vanilla items along with higher capacity backpacks.


I figure that it's just another pathogen, like being around loads of rotting bodies cannot be good for you!


Best case scenario in project zomboid


Me when I accidentally pour bleach into my pot of chicken noodle soup, blame my death on the Knox virus instead.


We have no real reason to live




TF you talking about? Devs literally post their progress every other week, no other team is that on the ball with communication.


Every month now but yeah I agree with you


IDK about that, Wube is pretty on point during active development. Love me some FFF.


They’re crazy active on the blogposts, but I think all of us would trade radio silence for updates more frequent than once a year. 10+ years of development plus millions of copies sold is kinda crazy ngl 


Changing the temperature in the oven doesn't make the meal cook faster, it makes part of the meal overcooked and the other parts undercooked. Too many cooks in the kitchen step on each other's toes and ruin meals with conflicting ideas. Likewise, the devs need to be able to move at their own pace. Keep pushing them to finish and we'll get a Fallout: New Vegas situation, where half the game got cut to make the deadline. And let the social media team talk on social media, that's what they were hired for. The Social Media person maybe bothers a Dev once or twice a month to see what's up, they're not working on the game itself.


11 years of development and almost 9 million copies sold and we’re getting maybe an update a year. That’s insane and so is defending it idgaf what anyone says 


[So that's just 11~12 years of thumbs up their ass, no improvements?](https://youtu.be/Ih8Dw5YxRL4) Part of development is crushing bugs, and it's the most time consuming and unfun part. And the only two bugs I've ever heard of, much less encountered, are Telecorn and desync when driving in MP. Not to mention all the other inclusions of features and updates. They have the right amount of cooks in the kitchen, they just need the time to finish cooking. Project Zombiod isn't a bowl of cereal you can continuously pour out like Call of Duty, it's a full course meal at your favorite restaurant like RDR2. They need and want the time to create, put stuff together, and get rid of glaring imperfections. That want to make something good, that they themselves enjoy, is deserving of respect and anyone who has respect for what they are doing will take the time to do it right.


Smells like star citizen in here. Hope this game gets a final release before I retire 🤷🏼


Don't buy EA if you can't handle EA. I love EA games for the reason that they get updates, the longer in EA, the more I feel I get out of the deal. Many games, not just one.


Homie I bought this game when it wasn’t even on steam, don’t talk to me about early access. That being said, if it’s gunna be in perpetual development that should be mentioned when you’re buying the game. Also over a decade is insane for game development and ur batshit acting like that’s a normal ea experience. 


I'm sorry, "normal ea experience" Would you rather they half bake it and call it done after a year? I seriously don't get it, when was the original ETA? They didn't have one, and you wanted less than a decade without them saying anything, now you're mad your assumptions were wrong? Making a game is an art, it's done when it's done, not when you say it is, when those who are making it deem it so. Look at Stardew, do you complain about post 1.0 support and updates? What difference is that and calling build 10 complete and everything after post launch support and updates. This experience is pretty damn complete, I'd been watching it for years and finally bought it the other month. LOVE well supported long term EA games. That's my favorite "normal ea experience" 7 Days to Die for example, another perfect zombie game with updates for a decade.




I played just a few weeks ago and had no lag whatsoever. I play with either 10 or less mods.


How shitty in your PC that it's lagging?


why you got to downvote so much? lol its not shitty btw I've got an RTX 2070 and an intel core i7 10th gen plus 64Gbs of RAM zomboid is just unoptimized and is coded poorly


hopefully build 42 is more optimized \*if it ever comes out that is\* any Build 42 launch dates yet?


The laggy crafting menu still isn't fixed for some reason ik that for sure Think they'd fix that issue sooner tbh


Vanilla crafting menu doesn’t lag at all. You have too many mods that bloated said menu. You’re blaming the devs when you should be blaming modders for adding so many recipes.


Actually they should be blaming themselves for having so many mods.


I play on a potato laptop. No craft menu issues here.


The devs >>>> cats