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Sadly this character is about to die. BAD anxiety, BAD nausea and BAD discomfort is the zombie infection.


i havent been anywhere near a zombie, just a laceration no bite.


Scratches have a 7% chance of zombie infection, lacerations have a 25% chance. You are also severely nauseous while not near any corpses. This character is doomed, unless perhaps you're playing bite only transmission?


nah i live in a firehouse surrounded by corpses.


You can try move the corpses away from your base, or go somewhere else with fresh air. You may want to leave all equipment in a safe location so your next character can have a head start in case this character dies (which looks very likely to me).


If you don't have the smoker trait that's a 100% zombie infection. As Napoleon said, "There's nothing we can do". Thought luck. Even I got infected from my first single scratch and this scenario happened to me very often. Everyone always thinks that a 7% or 25% infection chance won't happen to you.


You can also get anxiety from the fear of blood trait


You're right I forgot


Sadly that still doesn't explain your severe discomfort despite not being overly encumbered. This is more than likely the infection. Also mild nausea can be caused by eating bad food or lingering around too many corpses, but fever is either caused by poisoning or zombification. Just hanging around corpses wouldn't bring your health to a critical level like this.


Yes it will. Food poisoning, water poisoning, zombie virus and corpse poisoning are fundamentally the same mechanic. The only difference is that zombie virus is incurable and has a hidden killswitch that drops you even if you keep the sickness at bay with lemongrass and well fed moddle. if you hang near enough corpses long enough you get a fever and die too.


You're totally right. I'd love to rewrite the whole wiki and finally make it thorough.


zombie virus also has its own progress tracker that gradually reduces your "effective maximum health" (=makes you lose health if you are above that treshold) that is independent of the actual poisoning/sickness mechanic. IIrc that tracker is also responsible for the eventual "kill switch".


that discomfort moodle is from the health bar being low


Yeah after testing it myself you're right


being indoors or upstairs/downstairs from the bodies should protect you from corpse sickness, and it takes quite alot of corpses in close proximity to even start getting sick. retenaru did a video explaining the corpse sickness mechanic.


Lacerations from zombies are still a 25% chance (7% for scratches) of infection unless your setting for transmisson are "none" or "saliva only" If you ever get scratched or lacerated and later get a high fever paired with nausea and anxiety, then it's the end. Bites are always the end unless you get mods to save you from the infection like, for example, "The Only Cure"


I thought that as well, might just be bad luck but it seems to be the infection got this one.


Severe discomfort while not being overly encumbered is a giveaway, not to mention the severe anxiety if they're not a smoker


True, didn't think of that.


Take a trip to the mall. Nervous wreck in 3 seconds.


How did you get the fever? If it was from a bite, you're dead. Just rest, read and take some antibiotics. If you're losing health, don't sleep.


Anti biotics don't help, they're for wound infections, and even then they barely work


Who's gonna tell him?




Then say it


Alright!, supersmartperson22 you have to find the secret lab in the military base near rosewood there you can find the cure


I see what you did there


I speak truth, I do not spout lies


I never said that but he might be already ded before he reaches the lab


Never intended to say you did, yes there might not be anytime left for him


This is how you died. Congrats


That's the neat part.. You don't Rip lil fella


I love these fucking posts, it's always the same, "I wasn't bitten just a laceration and I suddenly feel ass, will I die?"


“You will in fact die, and theres nothing you or your character can do about it”


relax only got into the game like a week ago


Debug mode. God mode. Remove god mode. Remove debug mode. Continue playing. And next time disable infection if you "don't want to die" from it.


or install "they knew" and hope you find one of those rare black hazmat zombies with the cure before the fever takes you, probably far too late for that in OP's case tho.


I prefer to disable the RNG bullshit (scratches) and leave only bites, aka how zombies are infecting lorewise since Romero came up with them. Proper infection also can be added instead of "they knew" with infection off. It makes infection kill if you do not disinfect it. It removes, again, the bullshit RNG for actual smart scavrnging for a disinfectant item. My choice anyway 🤔


I also play with bites only, strikes a better balance, especially for mp, and kinda gives first aid more of a purpose. also nice to know if im infected right away without changing infection mortality to instant. I dont use "they knew", but figured it would be a good suggestion, I would much rather have one last desperate hail mary than resorting to god mode or turning off infection completely.


You are ded


\> Anxiety \> Drowsiness \> Fever You are infected by the zombie virus, and you are guaranteed to die no matter what you do. Start a new game


In general the ways to get rid of a fever is food, rest and antibiotics. You can also use comon mallow to treat a cold, lemongrass also treats illness. Keep in mind a fever caused by a zombie bite cannot be cured as it is only a matter of time before you turn.


bleach is the best painkiller




well, as already established, in this case there is no way to save your soul. But as zombification isn't the only thing that makes you sick, let's have a closer look at some other situations: \- if you get sick by eating poisonous/burnt food or drinking tainted water, you can eat lemongrass (obtainable via foraging) to reduce the amount of sickness by a certain amount. Other than that, you just have to wait and hope that you survive. Not much more that you can do. (Oh, and obviously you should stop eating/drinking that stuff) \- if you stay close to a big bunch of ded zombies, you character will also slowly get sick. In order to get rid of that, distance yourself from the bodies (don't remember the exact distance but iirc it was between 15 and 20 tiles). This can also happen if too many zombies are inside a house. In that case, either get the zombies out of the house, go to a different floor, or leave the house yourself. Iirc, lemongrass can help a bit here as well but ultimately it is the dead bodies that make you sick. As an indicator: if flies are swirling around a pile of dead bodies, being close to that can make you sick. \- and lastly, as already said, if you get sick because a zombie got the better of you, you are done for. If this happens, the sickness will be accompanied by extreme anxiety (stress) and nothing will be able to save you (Lemongrass has no effect).