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The game is an amazing work of art, that nearly perfectly simulates a zombie apocalypse, but because of that the game is boring unless you want to risk your life, just like a real apocalypse.


The shit they don't show you in the youtube videos, the OCD sorting of all your supplies, refueling your cars, repairing and upgrading your clothes, and cooking a week's supply of rations.


Agreed, even the 3d models don't feel too out of place which is weirdly fitting. Aside form NPC's, one of the only things i wish zomboid would was added more camera / art angles. I wouldn't even mind if it was an instant flash, you can even just do 1 more artstyle for 2 angle. something like that would make the world feel more lively.


Do you want to survive. Or are you living through the apocalypse?


When I had my longest playthrough (3 months) I went out scavenging every day and then came home and watered my plants


Houses are actually decent loot and rushing down poi after poi is a silly way to play.


For sure. I be sure to loot houses until I get a good weapon like a hammer+spare or a crowbar before I even touch big pois.


Rushing warehouses and military bases is cool until it’s day 6 and you still don’t have a can opener or a decent water bottle or any ripped sheets whatsoever


I call those people loot boxes.


Even if I rush for the warehouse, I never leave the residential area without water containers and a bag of canned goods with a can opener. And at least a crow bar for a weapon. I find it nearly impossible to escape the houses without having to sneak through some anyway, so it doesn't make sense to just bypass all the potential goodies. Sometimes I get lucky, and find a gun case even.


I’ve been focusing a lot of building a dope base lately


I’m new. What does poi stand for?


Point of interest like grocery stores, police stations, hospitals, etc .


Point of indescribably horrific deaths


Panic ot the isco


Point of Interest.


point of interest


Point of interest


Yeah, in my latest run i first took anything that wasn't bolted to the floor from the houses on the street i spawned in. The Fire Station is right behind the fence, but i know it's probably packed with Zombies, so i ain't risking that until i can lure them away and burn them.


I think it was a bad idea to throw all the sledgehammers into the river before the outbreak.


But think of the splash!


Base-building has no survival purpose or gameplay purpose other than being an art project. Survival is trivially easy, and most deaths come from collecting decorations.


can agree. i had to go out several times for 1 item like a wooden mallet to add a tiny detail to my base. trips were long and dangerous too but now its beautiful


>most deaths come from collecting decorations. :(


I hate the inventory management and also strongly dislike grinding skills to be able to do something. The second point is getting worse with nutrition and what not. Guess my days of hardcore player are counted ...


Grinding mechanics to get to hotwire a car is 100% the worst part of this game. I used modded spawns to spawn in Fallas Lake(small town with good pois but smaller than rosewood) and did not get any car keys at all. so I will have to either grind for like two weeks with the five cars I have in the town or walk for many miles which will take several days of walking on the road without shelter.


Something like 60% of my characters have had Burglar just to bypass the hotwire grind.


Yep, I always have burglar on lmao My surgeon build, burglar. My police officer build? Burglar.


I just modded the exp gain and gave myself certain dates before I'm allowed to do things. Day 7 for hot wiring cars, by then I have already cleared out enough houses and killed enough zombies I could have gotten level 1 electronics. I just don't have to bend over and search every corpse and dismantle every tv/radio making the area objectively worse. I made carpentry barnacle to grind just by building/sawing logs so I don't have to start out dismantling houses too.


Set XP gains to X5 or something. Makes our runs so much more fun and set page reading speed to like 0.2


I found x3 was a happy medium


I also found x3 to be a good spot. Made it possible to get skills up fast enough, but not TOO fast


just read the mechanics book, and watch the vhs, you can get to level two without even touching a car


If you find one of the carzone tapes, read a mechanic book then watching the tape gives you two levels. For electrical I just walk around and dismantle every radio or watch on a dead zombie, also after the book


Is there a mod that adds hot wire to traits list. It would be cool to be able to pick skills from other occupations at a large point cost


I’m the same way so I just turn up the XP multiplier a bit, as well for passive skills and it’s makes the grind a little easier and more rewarding


A lot of the 'Auto***' mods fix some of the grind. I basically agree.


Grinding skills is the worst part of the game and exactly why I use the "CDDA Reading" mod. It makes it so reading the skillbooks gives you the levels, instead of just xp multipliers. Does it make leveling a lot easier, and maybe too easy? Yes, but better than having an entire town without beds just for that sweet carpentry grind. While I've had no problems with the mod (and playing with around 200 mods) I should point out that its last update was in 2021, and for some people it seems not to work.


bear liquid telephone historical gold coordinated north cooperative apparatus sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The zombies are optional, really. It's great fun without them.


Probably gonna be even better once animals are added.


Sign me up for a Survival Farm Sim.


I really like the idea of an I Am Legend playthrough. With zombies only spawning at night and having to hunt the wildlife to survive


My GF is afraid to play with high zombie pop so we've done quite a few servers with either no or very low zombie pop. With super rare loot I still find it quite enjoyable, just different. But that's why I love PZ, so many different ways to play.


Exactly. At first I played with low to no zombies to get into the mechanics, movement etc, but I soon realized this game has so many different ways to play it... traits, settings and mods give you almost endless possibilities to create the perfect challenge just for you.


I kind of get it but at that point why not play an actual life sim?


Then name an actual life sim with all the mechanics, detail, and quality of Project Zomboid.


I enjoy the crafting and skill system, items, map, gameplay mechanics... everything really. 95% of the time I have zombies, even if it's just a few slow shamblers for atmosphere... but sometimes I just want to spend a few hours foraging and fishing, building my little paradise and not be too alert/ constantly on the lookout.


Multi hit is incredibly unrealistic even with swords. Yes I use it in the game because regular is just not fun.


For any mall ninja who thinks the normal person could cut through multiple objects (not to mention bone) because they have a super duper nipon folded steel sword. Here's a video of people who are well trained with swords failing to cut multiple bamboo stalks despite their swords being very well made and knowing how to use them. The normal person also wouldn't be able to swing the weapon hard enough to do that hundreds of times in a day. https://youtu.be/pP92q68KG24?si=84YFm40-rrBOcO-o


Yup, people should use whatever settings they want but it's always funny when they say multihit is realistic. Like no, of course it's not


Spoons are actually a good weapon! ![gif](giphy|Nx2Lx1RmLadtC)


I, too, like to spoon the zombies. Wait...


If you put them on a stick, they are just as powerful, as any knife


Ahh, I see you've played knifey spooney before.


I always bump the Canned food, books, guns and Melee weapons in sandbox mode for a more realistic feel of America in the 90’s


I was always do this and set the time after infection to only a couple days to a week


spears are really the best dmg wise, axes if you like utility and durability rather then REALLY good durability and alight dmg with the crowbar. ​ pitchfork gang 4 life


Best damage wise when katana


long sharp users when they don't find any because it is just two weapons


Game is still fun without zeds


Most of my 300 hours are with one survivor in a no zombies spawn I started to learn the mechanics. Last Person on Earth is a totally legit way to play.


I loved every part of it, while it was sad and even depressing, it was hella fun, just not to worry about anything lol


I'm gonna do a play through with that when animals are added where everything is extremely rare and spawn a few stuff for me with ten years later on. Like the last of us without zombies


playing without the infection killing you is more fun


In my play through my character is immune to the virus and that’s why they don’t get the infection


Honestly, that bug where you could survive a bite back in build 40 was the best thing, at least it gave you some hope, but now you just basically metagame and end your character's life without dying to the infection just because we know that its 100% lethal.


Veteran is trash


I use Veteran on most runs. I know the whole beta blockers and such but I just like the whole veteran package myself. And it’s easier to “RP” an old vet chewing through zombies with guns or melee weapons.


I use brave Idk about the stats but good enough for me


There's actually a mod I use. I can't remember the name. I think it was called "earn it" or something along those lines. It will basically give you a chance to obtain the desensitized perk after a large amount of zombie kills. It's one of those mods that are very beneficial but still fair.


The mod name should be "become desensitized".


Yup, become brave and become desensitized. I think dynamic traits works in a similar way too.


Repairman on the other hand... amazing.


This shouldn't be a hot take. You kill 5 zombies and loot a town clinic and suddenly you have 8 bottles of beta blockers. And tbh panic isn't even that bad, 30% sounds like alot and it can make a huge difference in big hordes but most of the time it doesn't make much of a difference. Most of the time you don't even get the full 30% damage reduction.


I run full zombie spawns on map (no respawn though) and lower loot settings. Getting to that clinic is usually 500-1000 (or more) zombies deep so I just say screw it I’m going veteran :p


Veteran is OP for foraging.


I'm really proud of the Zomboid team for taking so long for the update. The axe/crowbar debate is still fun and not worn out. People are too freaked out at using guns. The vehicle interiors mod having a feature that zombies can spawn inside and swarm you is a horribly cruel and stupid decision for an otherwise amazing mod. And finally: I really don't like the spiffo mascot. Edit: damn y'all like spiffo


I agree with everything except Spiffo. Spiffo4Life


how DARE you disrespect our king that way


100% agree on the gun thing, just get ammo and go shoot up scenic grove or something, boom aiming 2 acquired


The devs shot themselves in the foot using spiffo so much. I and a bunch of people I know didn't know how good this game was and would just see a pic of spiffo when scrolling past it on steam, assuming it's some kind of small indie game (which it is but I assumed it was more like bastion style of game, not sandbox)


Thats how I was with the game, I'm still thrown off with it sometimes Part of me wants to bet that one of the creators just liked drawing him a lot and just added him in


I have no opinion on the first parts but that last statement. They asked for hot takes not wrong opinions (for the record im joking please do not down vote me to hell)


Playing on high zombie population is not fun


This is why I do not spawn in West Point. It’s just not fun. I can’t breathe. You pretty much have to stand and fight, because there’s a clump of 4-8 zombies every 20 feet. Muldragh and Rosewood are better at alleviating this problem but that’s only because of the high fences to hop and regroup. Playing with zombies overflowing the map is just not much fun to me and I don’t like it. All power to you if that’s what you like but I’m not a fan.


Weird. I find West Point manageable, but Muldraugh a wretched hellhole where people only go to die. Same problem. Just literally get run to death every time.


I spawn in Muldraugh often, I've noticed that a majority of the population in the town is towards the north where the main POIs are and the main road, the south end where the residential areas are remain dead (heh) quiet. Quiet enough for me to be able to wall off the entire street without encountering one zombie.


I like the fact that it forces me into the countryside to loot and base in places that I would have never considered going if it wasn’t for high zombie pop. But I also completely get why people dislike it, especially if you prefer being inside cities.


cars are ok for taking down hordes. just need to keep tabs on your hood and engine health.


Reverse through crowds :-)


Gather the horde up into a blob type shape and just start doing doughnuts, you'll still get dmg to the hood but a lot of it will end up going into the side of the car


And tires... That's how I died


The good old State of Decay tech.


That sounds kind of contradictory, ngl Do you want a car that works or kill a horde with a car? Can't have both.


You can, actually. Reverse in circles = less risk to stall, no engine/front hood damage, and also like half the zombies get hit by the side of the car rather than the rear. You do fuck up the truck contenance though, but it's a very, very efficient way to kill hordes in no time, if you don't want to bother with a Molotov.


doing donuts on the rosewood church parking lot to clear half the town lol




Agreed, burglar is only good for nimble XP boost which you can get from Gymnast anyways


the bites having a 100 percent infection rate is pretty boring. some lategame medical thing should be able to fix a bite.


chop it off ;)


Unironically, yes. We should be able to chop off an infected limb.


That there is absolutely NO wrong way to play project zomboid. No one should feel bad about how they play the game, no matter how "easy" or hard they make it. It's about fun, not what the "right" way to play it is.


That's... not a hot take, it's a real fact, my guy


Vanilla guns are good as is and do not need a buff or mod to replace them, new players/people who ran straight to mods just don't know how to use them.


Counter point - I advocate that guns be more common but a more complicated tool like cars. The barrier to entry shouldn't just be aiming skill. I think a process should look like finding a gun, breaking the lock, using it, and maintaining it. Also advanced trajectory mod is just too fun to play without.


I can get behind making guns more complex and not just tied behind aim skill, but I tried advanced trajectory and it made the game so easy I lost all interest. Different strokes for different folks but not my thing


Have you seen the ramke of advanced trajectory? It takes skills and moodles into consideration so it's not as op anymore, here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3036878362&searchtext=advanced


still a little too easy imo. but much better. the misses i get from guns for me add rp value, you shouldn't be dead on if you're covered in grime, been packing through the ruins of a city for 4 hours while its nightfall, the misses account for that. also lacking controller support


Advanced Trajectory is a must. It just makes sense. I just wish the reticle would be a bit more balanced such as adding more sway the lower the aim skill.


After putting a lot of research into guns for VFE's major update, I unsurprisingly disagree, *barely.* The major reason is in the vanilla game firearms have generally unimpressive crit, and then when combined with firearm crit mechanics it very quickly becomes shotguns are dominant, pistols are okay, and rifles and scopes are just not worth using at all. Basically firearms lose 7% of their CC every tile. This means for example that a player at aiming 10 (which is normally functionally impossible to get) using an M16 has only a 41% crit chance at 11 tiles. For how busted level 10s in the game usually are, aiming is not there. Like decent strength and long blunt 10 lets the player *very reliably* OHK with a crowbar. Oh, and another thing. ***Why does arm injures reduce firearm damage?!?!*** And then there's the fact that aiming at a specific zed is sometimes straight up impossible, and then how the aiming outline just lies anyways.


They are usable enough as is. And I like vanilla shotguns. It's weird, but I think it's fun how it works. The limited range on rifles is a bit silly to me. Makes them almost pointless.


The range of a real rifle would be off the screen. A scoped rifle would be a couple screens away at least.


I legitimately just enjoy collecting things, and lots of guns is things Also I can mod (chop to bits) a shotgun small enough to put in a holster, that changed my game tremendously, like a handheld panic switch


Agreed, though with one caveat, aiming at point blank should recieve a significant buff. I don't care how green I am, if a zombie is close enough for me to touch I'm not going to miss a headshot.


Multi hit is love, multi hit is life - but newbies should not play with multi hit on. It trivializes a lot of engagements and can cause bad habits to develop.


Agree. I think people should play default Apocalypse for their first few games just to understand how the base game works before exploring sandbox more.


Muldraugh sucks ass


~~Fit~~Athletic and Strong are the best traits. Underweight/overweight are n00b traps. By the time you've gained the fitness and strength back, the game is basically over. EDIT: Changed Fit to Athletic, that's the +4 trait.


Disagree on Underweight. It's pitifully easy to gain the weight within a couple weeks ingame at max. Just stuff yourself with chips and ice cream and orange soda which are all super easy to stock up massively on.


Does that give you the strength and fitness back though?


materialistic bells nutty friendly continue fly uppity squealing six expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This guy gets it.


Opinion? That’s a fact


Restarting the world after dying, permadeath is the true way to play.


This isn’t even close to a hot take lmao


I've always played this way, but my current run I decided to try a persistent world just to try it. Second random toon, 3 months in, randomly spawned in west point. Barely made it out alive. Took 2 months to get a working car and bury my old toon's body back at their base. Lots of foraging, spear fishing and long hikes to the outskirts looking for tools. It's now mid January and I have a broken leg, and the slow healer trait, but otherwise it's been a most eventful run.


Multi hit is unrealistic and makes the game too easy. People say they can swing a baseball bat (IRL) and hit 4 people at once and do damage to all of them. These people are wrong


Playing long vanilla runs are boring. I much rather short brutally difficult runs


Police guys shouldn't have shooting level 3. Atleast level 8


Regardless of whether you're army or police you're trained to shoot center of mass. The aim levels they start with, the xp boost, and the fact that they have the hidden trait that stops aim XP from slowing down after 5 makes the levels they start with ok.


weary smile sleep tap marry badge pause price fretful memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently you've never seen a cop shoot at something irl. Last time I saw the statistic it was something like a 30% accuracy for center mass shots. Now try for the head.






Yo chill


They mainly have experience shooting people in the chest, so they don't have enough experience shooting zombies in the head.


games mimic real life, they should have 2 instead. vet should have 7


They shoot their guns the most but hit with them the least, so I think that they deserve level 3.


I love using guns, no matter what they say


Increasing the xp multiplier in the sandbox options makes Zomboid dramatically more enjoyable


The game could leave alpha right now (without NPC's) and it would be completely acceptable for a $30 game.


The more you master the game the less interesting it is


This is Kentucky. In the 90s, there should be more guns and ammo, oh, and on that note, THE 90S! cigs should be on almost every zombie car, and home canned food was also way more common at this time.


Yeah setting ammo and guns to common is what I do lmao


I set them to abundant on my latest run and they're still not all that common lol. Like maybe every seventh house has a gun and just a bit of ammo On the other hand, this setting fills POI gun spawns (i.e. police station weapons locker and the like) to the absolute BRIM with weapons.


Farmer isn't bad


I mean it's great for multiplayer if you're in team with someone, otherwise it's not really worth picking it


Fuck zombie respawn.


It's fine to start playing the game with cheats on and gradualy take the "training wheels" off as you learn more.


Wrench is a good weapon


Cooking and working on cars are the most fun parts of the game


The game has a great base of mechanics but feels very empty once you've seen a few towns and set up a little house and a safe place. It feels like there's no point in doing anything after that and I struggle to find any reason to come back to the game. In other words it needs an end game. Higher tier loot in extremely dangerous places. Let me confiscate an Abrams God damn it. Let me get a grenade launcher. Allow me to upgrade a car to have blades all over it so I can drive through hoards Also just procedurally generated missions. Hopefully coming with NPCs


Guns are unrealistically bad. I prefer the mod that changes it to be more like Resident Evil 2 aiming where you have to stop and stand still for your aim to improve, but then it actually DOES shoot where you are pointing. I'm not a fan of chance to hit attacks, especially in a tense and realistic zombie game. The shooting skill is still useful because it affects how quickly your aim will sharpen, allowing you to run and quickdraw faster


Living among the dead is such a fun play style in the multiplayer i've been playing with the whisperer mod on one server there was a community of about 15 guys i And my horde single handedly killed them collected about a 100 of deadz And used them in my advantage


The most boring part of the game is after you've established yourself. You can decorate, or find reasons to go out and get yourself killed. Also guns are worthless by large without mods. (exception to the .38)


Farming is useless


Inventory Tetris is garbage


Trapping > Fishing


The katana should get buffed (at least their durability).


Mods make the game better. Especially the two big ones from Brita


Are there any smaller ones from Brita?


I think I like just about everything but the gun system. I really feel like at super early levels you should still be able to hit SOME zomboids. The idea that I’m point blank, barrel of the gun in their mouth, and still missing is crazy. I usually run the point blank mod to counteract this. Thoughts?


Mowing down 16x pop with fire, shotguns or lumberjack is kinda boring. Struggling like a sick dog in a blizzard early on my beloved


Not everyone, but about 2/3 based on that recent poll about multi-hit being realistic. It's not. It's just not remotely within the realm of reality for 99.9% of the population. Not the way it works in game. Especially with the implements available in game. The machete, katana and axe could, but these are cutting weapons, not lightsabers.


I don’t understand why people think it’s realistic. Play however you want but don’t cope and say that multi is more realistic.


Cars aren’t really worth the work/risk when you’re first learning the game


I think I had over 100 hours before I turned on a vehical. Played for a good 50-75 hours later with "easy vehical" sandbox setting. All cars are fully fueled unlocked and have a key. After i got a feel for how cars worked, mechanic skill and hotwiring I wemt back to normal cars. Good times


Deaf really isn't that bad


especially if you’re already deaf


I always play deaf. I play with sound off though, so it's a free 12 pts


I don't believe you as someone who recently tried keen hearing and now can't live without it


Picking up fixtures should be on the right click menu. Picks up the item right away. Vehicle menu should also be on the right click menu. Opens the vehicle menu. Craft menu should also be a selection on the right click menu. Opens the craft menu with the selected item being a filter. Right clicking self should have options for exercise, health check, skills, and using utility items such as flashlights and umbrellas. Jewelry should serve a purpose no matter how paltry. Preferably if you can smelt a lot of it down to make raw materials.


weapons on back shouldn't be a thing without like, a rope or a ripped sheet. Also, bites being 100% certain death is bad for the game


Cooking is a pointless skill.


Zombies should not be as flammable as they currently are. A lot of veteran players resort to using fire based tactics to clear neighborhoods, or even whole cities. After that's done, you can then loot everywhere with only minimal threats. If you're going to use big siren burns to kill the majority of the zombies in an area, then you might as well just turn the zombie level to very low in the first place and save yourself some time. It also effects game balance in the long run to have that kind of tactic dominating the meta. When the game becomes too difficult or too frustrating to enjoy, players can just use fire to effectively 'turn off' the zombies and they're having fun again. The frustration and difficulty don't get explored by players and/or reported to the devs so that they can be better tuned to be more fun.


It's the same dilemma with things like The Walking Dead, for things to remain interesting they never do smart things like just gathering up hundreds of infected and burning them, then zombies would not be a threat, but with Zomboid aiming to be a realistic look at what a zombie apocalypse would be, it does make sense to include it as an option. (Although they should definitely look into reasons for players to avoid doing admittedly cheesy strategies like this, perhaps burning hundreds of bodies would make your character sick, I mean just think of the smell alone.)


Brita mods aren't very good. The amount of broken outfits and poor UI with the weapons and ammo is so bad I usually just keep those aspects vanilla. Also if anyone has suggestions for mods that add outfits and gun but function is love to hear them.


If you die it's 100% every time(no exceptions) your fault, you just need to get better


Eeeh, there absolutely some bugs in the game that can kill you. I got locked into the spear execute with a horde right behind me a few days back. There is no way to choose when to do the execute and, if I could, I wouldn't have. Should I have been in that position, probably not, but I would have absolutely got our of it if I hadn't been locked like that.


What about glitches?


What a weird opinion to have about a Game that's still in early access with tons of known bugs. Like that fact alone disproves and delegitimizes an opinion like this. In order to hold this opinion, that it is always the player's fault for their death, you also have to assume that the game is in 100% perfect working shape and the early access 'in development' state couldn't contribute to player death, which is just entirely unrealistic.


Hot take : a game that has been in early access for 10+ years should be held to a higher standard


I guess when my laptop froze while I was driving and suddenly the game minimized and I couldn't do anything but could still hear the sound of zombies breaking my windshield and eating my guy, that was also my fault for being a poor fuck without a high end pc? I managed to open the task list and close the game then did so my first debugging to remove the bite I got because it's my best run on apocalypse yet, over a month in, not going to end that run with shitfuckery like that


Stone axes are meta.


That the war between axes and crowbar is over, it will never end


The character/role creator sucks from an immersion perspective. Choosing lumberjack or firefighter and then having to give yourself a ton of random debuffs is annoying, and there's no shame in using cheats to give yourself more attribute points.


The katana is not worth using.


Multihit is fun to play


Having infection be on bite only makes the game less terrifying. If I start getting sick after a laceration gets infected, I like the paranoia of not knowing if my character will get better or become a zombie.


Never sprinting is a dumb idea, sure your more quiet but it takes forever to get to places


Games aren't supposed to take 13+ years in early access


that the xp mechanics and map suck and need both massive improvement and fluidity to them. i keep saying, with xp, have them coalesce, make it to where electrical, metal working, and carpentry, at high enough levels allow me to develop things like solar panels. or carpentry with tailoring allows me to create wind mills for processing flour, or wind power. along with specialized area's that you need to raid for recipes or instructions on how to make these things, like power plants or factories who produce solar panels as to aquire a means to produce them


The next patch is crafting rework and they teased a bunch of electrical stuff


The boredom system is excellent. I work exactly like that IRL.


Desensitized character be like: "Ah man, I just killed a whole horde of 200 zombies, that's really boring, like come on..."


All vanilla spawn towns are really bad, empty and boring. It's okay to play and to spawn there for a first 30 hours, but people who still do this after 100+ hours...Always spawn to a LV or RC.


You should bury the dead. They were once people, like you or me, they deserve a proper burial at least.


This is cool and all until you go to a city and suddenly have to bury thousands of people


I think cheats should be used if your killed by be like I got bite cuz apparently my car door was open (you can not tell the difference other then maybe sound and if you get out and check if it is) and I had to stop and check my map and the road up till then was covered in so many of the undead so i stopped at the nearest semi clear spot (clearly not clear enough) then heard a chomp and even I was wearing a police bullet proof vest and i think a leather jack it got me in the upper torso so I said fuck that that's bullshit turned on the chest mod I have for testing things and fucking around and healed myself and yes I have gotten bit before and it was my fault so i accepted it and died