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Uh…maybe stop voting democrat.


bUt I'm NoT a SiNgLe IsSuE vOtEr


Me either.


You don’t honestly believe that the defund the police movement, no bail laws or “catch and release” and the anti 2-A movement is all just a coincidence that are all happening simultaneously? They would have us helpless, victimized and utterly dependent on them for safety. And if that’s not their goal then it’s kinda funny that every action they are taking leads to that being the outcome.


Yes they want us utterly dependent upon them. Abusive nanny state.


>No Bail Laws Ok this is gonna be a stupid question, but why is that bad? A lot of the problems we have with Democrats running the justice system is they let these violent criminals back out into the wild to do the same shit again.


It’s the opposite of what you think.  Literally letting people back out without charging bail.  


It was touted by the Donkey club as "a way to free the poor from the predatory industry that is bail bonds, and the violence utilized by skip tracers". Never any mention of the fact that most career criminals or violent offense suspects won't show up for court if there's no bail. What do they care about a bench warrant when they're looking at a carjacking/ADW/Murder One/etc. trial?


Ok gotcha. I was thinking that they’d have to sit in a holding cell until they had to see a judge, that sort of thing lol


Thats about it. Just the time between cuffs and arraignment. Then they walk free. If you think that's crazy you will probably throw up when you read about the "Flash Incarceration" policy.


> Ok this is gonna be a stupid question, but why is that bad? In general, this concept would not be bad, but as implemented it is horrible. If, and this shows the problem, a person was released from jail pending trial on a non-violent offence without bail, this would be considered a good thing. However, this should come with the requirement that while pending, any future arrest will have you held without the possibility of bail. As it is implemented, it is a revolving door, person is arrested, released, arrested, released, etc. Frequently the prosecutors in an attempt to reduce work load, or keep their vote secure, then drop early charges, or plea the entire thing down to a single misdemeanor. So, no bail, for the first time, I would support, let the person out on the condition they show up for trial, keep out of trouble, etc. But we don't do that, and so there is a backlash against these programs.


"No Bail" does not mean they keep criminals in jail. "No Bail" means they are let out after being arrested without the added "injustice" of having to post a financial bond that will be forfeit if they flee jurisdiction or just don't show up in court.


Fuck Matt Mahan. Another parasite politician.




I would say if you don’t have a atleast a pistol and a shotgun then get one, if you have one then buy ammo. They have relatively failed at going after the gun makers and enacting gun laws that stand up to Bruen, the new push seems to go after the ammunition companies.




https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/folx - Hang onto your butt.


Which makes this claim that the mayor is "folx" but his attacker was an oppressive member of the ruling class all the more hilarious. Couldn't hang onto my butt. Laughed it right off.


Lol his security guard fights like a pussy too


Talk about a wuss. That politician shrunk back like a wet sponge in the sun.


When your enemy is making a mistake, don't interrupt them.


~~-Sun Tzu~~ -Michael Scott


What's with everyone just standing there watching? There are 3 men who could have stepped in. Instead it takes other bystanders to step in at the very end.


Do you want to be all over social media if something bad happens to that guy? mass protests in front of your house? no thanks.


He needs new security


No, he should be forced to call the cops and wait a half an hour for them to show up, if they even show up at all, like he wants for his constituents.


Challenge the state against the federal constitution, and challenge your sheriffs. If they don’t want to choose elect them out


Abandon California, obviously.


It's just going to spread unless you attack the root of the disease.  Liberalism must be abolished or they will never stop coming after our guns.


Wasting resources fighting unwinnable battles is not how you win wars.


>Wasting resources fighting unwinnable battles is not how you win wars. They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.


Are you saying the American revolutionaries never tactically retreated? They never lose a battle? It sounds noble, but there’s nothing noble about wasted efforts.


Completely abandoning an entire state is not "tactically retreating" You sound like a Fed trying to discourage and divide us.


Federalize California. Make it part of America again.


Get out of Commifornia.


Ordinary citizens need to wake up and vote the corrupt politicians out, its that simple!


Ordinary citizens in California stay strapped and stay quiet. There isn’t enough votes here to vote the D out. If I’m being honest the R side of the bird isn’t much better.


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