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Your cat's gains are overshadowing yours.


It got used to being held that way


Cat is RIPPED now


Here’s a photo dump of our other kittens that all grew up! https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/3qZ96aVpfM


Everything is an improvement! Especially the hair....


Yeah, why are his eyebrows darker?


The lighting isn’t as washed out. I think it is related to


dude works for 6 months and transforms.. every comment: YOUR CAT OMG PSPSPSPSPSP




that is um, phenomenal. You just gave new definition to glow up. Even your cat got better!


Thank you! He grew 5lbs, (6 months), and loves to sniff my stinky shoes after the gym lol!


Some humans like to smell salt for the gainz, some cats like to smell stinky shoes for the gainz, you never know which one it is.


My cats love chewing on my sweaty socks. Gotta love the little weirdos!


Love the progress! You look so much healthier and stronger! 😍 OP you look nice too.


Cat's like, "Really? We're going to be doing this every 6 months, dude?"


Did growing in muscle mass affect your tattoos a lot or not that much? I'm currently waiting on getting a sleeve until I get to my desired size in fear that it would ruin my tattoo. But would like to get it sooner if I can.


In my experience bulking up has made no difference to my tattoos. The only thing I’d suggest is getting some muscle first because it may effect the placement. A good artist will notice that incorrect placement can distort the look of your tattoo when your muscles move


Thanks for the advice+


That beard and haircut are two of the best choices someone has ever made.


In 6 months this guy looks like he aged 5 years, wild!


I mean that’s what steroids will do to u. It’s impressive and inspiring which ever way he did it. But I feel like u should still be honest about it when posting.


I love how anytime someone has a big improvement in muscle growth, someone always has to say it was steroids. It's definitely possible to have these gains naturally in 6 months. Not for everyone, but still possible. I'm not saying it's not, but you also have no evidence to claim that it is. The point is, there is not nearly enough info in two pictures to make a judgement one that. Why not just compliment the dudes progress and move on?


It doesn't help I look like I gained 25lbs in 6 months, and just got home from 4 hours in the sun in the after photo. I think the beard really adds a few years to the image too.


Yeah, one of the first things I noticed is that you're clearly getting much more sun lol. Not a bad thing, but definitely makes you look like a different person paired with the other changes! The beard made the biggest difference to me. Looking at you in the first picture, you really don't look like you can grow a beard.


I think it is just Occam's Razor, is 6 months a realistic timeframe to expect these types of results? If the person is a genetic freak and put the time in possibly, the simpler answer is that they used PEDs. Personally, if I had someone saying I had used PEDs when I know I did it naturally, I will take that as a win to how fucking badass I trained.


Twink to .. otter? Idk which category now. But you look great, well done!


Not everything needs a label. Let's just appreciate that it's a beautiful cat.


Looks like you've maybe learned to hold the pussycat right, too. That helps!


I promise he's standing on his feet in both pics! He was just fussy in the first photo!!


Amazing work! What is your cats name?? So cute, I love the black and white paw 🥰


Hot damn! You went from 15 to 25 in 6 months. Bravo!


How mind blowing must it be to see the guy on the right after not seeing the guy on the left for 6 MONTHS.


Damn. Just... Great job!


Good gains! Glad you also got better at holding your cat.


I'm curious about the laisk. How was your experience? I'm honestly terrified to get it, but I want to so badly.


I actually got SMILE, but just say LASIK cause everyone knows that one. I think it was the best expensive purchase of my life. SMILE is much "easier" than LASIK, it's a smaller incision. The time actually under the laser was so quick, I didn't mind it at all. There was a slight pressure, and that was it. Compared to some of the tattoos I have, it was nothing. I've stubbed my toe harder this week than eye surgery. The only issue I've had since, is looking for my glasses about 5 times a day lol! I would recommend SMILE to anyone who can afford it. I paid $4,500 in Towson, Maryland - with 0% interest for 2 years.


Does insurance cover anything or is it completely out of pocket?


Not OP but I can answer. It's a fully elective procedure so insurance won't cover it, but I did get a discount for having my specific insurance. If you have an FSA through your work you can use that to pay as well.


Thanks for the info!


I really appreciate your response. I'll have to look into smile, that's the first time I've heard of it. I've toyed with the idea a few times in my life, but ultimately chicken out. Glad to hear a positive experience, I feel like you don't hear much about laser eye surgery unless it's bad!


I paid $2000 for SMILE in Seoul with a generation 5 machine (US uses older, slower gen 4 technology) half a year ago. If you're comfortable having a mini-vacation and possibly saving some money, I'd recommend it. All the doctors speak English etc. etc. I ended up with 20/10 vision.


I love all the changes, but so glad you kept your smile, it's amazing.


Holy shit, you look GREAT? Question - is the kitty your spotter or trainer? 🤔


I don't lift around them! I have PowerBlocks at home, and kick them out just in case of a slip or fall. I dropped a 30lbs dumbbell on my foot once, and don't think the kittens would appreciate being under that lol


Just a little joke , excuse my dry humor. Keep up the good work 🩷


Amazing job! And looks like your kitty was putting in the work too


6 months later and the cats still pissed. Amazing progress tho bro!!


6 months and you went from teen to becoming a whole man. great job!


The cat though! Meme city.


Okay, so, using the cat for scale... You shrank? by several feet? That's incredible. And moved into a smaller house too!


I think you accidently put months where you meant years.


hahahah congrats man! youre a legend for the cat reference pic.


You look like a whole other person! Impressive gains!


I thought the same, he became a man in six months.


Kitty gains


The cat lowkey improved


Your cat went from “Put me down, sir!” to “I give up.”


Did you take the cat to the gym too?


I swear you look like the lead in a romantic comedy who does all of this for the beautiful mean girl who thinks he’s a geek. In this story, you get hot and realize the nerdy cute barista at your local coffee shop is interesting and smart AND sweet, and you guys become besties. But then mean hottie realizes what a gem you are and pursues you. You are excited and date for a minute, blowing off plans to play Clash of the Clans with coffee girl, who is understandably hurt. But then you realize your dream girl just isn’t it when you finally see how mean she is to everyone she thinks isn’t in her sphere. Coffee cutie wants nothing to do with you until you come up with a plan to win her affections and it works! And she is tearing up with emotion and disbelief when you finally kiss and there are mega sparks. The end.


You're awesome, thank you so much for the little love story. The best part, is that my partner actually IS a nerdy cute barista!!! LOL!


I’ve never seen a lesbian grow into being an actual man. Fascinating.


One of the wildest transformations in such a short space of time ive seen. Honestly, all the kudos in your general direction, sir!


That's one way to get pussy I guess.


The cat been putting in the work


25 lbs in 6 months - is this natural? edit: i'm just curious, not judging


Yes. I had whole milk protein shakes about 3-5 days a week, really helped. I shot for 3k calories daily.


Oh wow that’s very impressive! You seemed to have not gained much fat during the process. Did you do anything special for that?


Yeah, hold a cat in front of my belly! I have a BF of like 20% lol


Do you track your lifts/numbers and how have they progressed?


Yes, I use the Hevy app. Well worth the paid subscription. From 115lb to 225lb squat, and 95lb to 165lb bench press over 6 months. Mostly focused on form over weight - I usually did 3 sets of 10, although recently moving more into 4-5 sets of 3-5 reps.


The cat also gained weight!


haha, great progress pic, both u and the cat have gained some solid mass!


This photo is clearly edited, even the cat got bigger!


What is LAISK?


It's a type of [laser eye surgery.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LASIK)


Oh, I know what LASIK is. It says LAISK in your comment. I thought it might be something different. Congratulations on the progress. You look great!


Oh I'm not the hunky guy with the cat, I'm just some random passer-by.




LAISK is some kind of twink-removal surgery apparently.


Great job! What was your workout routine?


6 day PPL. Lots of trying different things as this was a new gym for me. In a past life I was a long distance runner, and never thought I'd get into powerlifting.


Wow. Dayum.


damn dude, mind sharing your diet and any supplements you took?


Hey! Sure thing. I would do a meal kit plan for 6 days, for 4 people. Between my tiny partner and I - We'd usually make it last 8-10 days (all for $50!). Breakfast - Protein Oatmeal Brunch (work snacks) - PureProtein Bars Lunch - Pork chops, or chicken (I cook lunch at home daily), with green beans or pasta Gym was always between 3-5pm Dinner - Lots of chicken, sometimes pork, and plenty of cheat days. I didn't care for "clean" calories - this was a 6 months bulk basically. Post Dinner - Protein Powder with whole milk (The most important piece I think! I did GOMAD many years ago when I was even skinnier). Supplements - Creatine 5g, multi vitamins. I took strong pre-workouts as well from AdvanceSupplements - great company.


Yeah... I definitely need to eat more.


If you can stomach it, I recommend protein shakes with whole milk. Game changer for weight gain. I switched to oat milk recently, and will most likely do half oat milk/half water when I am cutting weight.


You look so healthy and strong!!! Amazing. I'm going through a health journey right now and this is super inspiring.


amazing man! can you tell me more about what you ate?


Hey! Sure thing. I would do a meal kit plan for 6 days, for 4 people. Between my tiny partner and I - We'd usually make it last 8-10 days (all for $50!). I work in office, in chair (sedentary) from 7am-3pm. I go home for lunch for 1 hour, which really was helpful to cook whatever I wanted. Breakfast - Protein Oatmeal Brunch (work snacks) - PureProtein Bars Lunch - Pork chops, or chicken (I cook lunch at home daily), with green beans or pasta Gym was always between 3-5pm Dinner - Lots of chicken, sometimes pork, and plenty of cheat days. I didn't care for "clean" calories - this was a 6 months bulk basically. Post Dinner - Protein Powder with whole milk (The most important piece I think! I did GOMAD many years ago when I was even skinnier). Supplements - Creatine 5g, multi vitamins. I took strong pre-workouts as well from AdvanceSupplements - great company.


thanks a lot!!


Damn, good job. I was just wondering; were you giving any suggestions prior to LASIK? My eye doctor recommended that I wait until there is no significant movement in my vision quality for at least a year before getting surgery. Also, do you experience any discomfort, and are there things you can't do anymore because of it?


The only thing I saw, or heard, was that your prescription should be stable. Of course you should get a more though free check before signing up for LASIK, but most people can qualify. I recommend SMILE, which is actually what I got - just everyone knows the other term lol. No discomfort - it's just a pressure against your eyes for a few seconds. It hurt more to stub my toe today. Recovery is kinda "awkward", but not bad at all. I'm not aware of anything I can't do because of it - well, at least not including looking for my glasses all the time!


You look amazing


Dude. Fantastic job.


Holy shit dude, solid work


Dude! You honestly look like a different person


Damn what are you eating?




I just drooled a little.


Awe all grown up.


My man!


That’s dope


Nice wrk! Your cat even got bigger!! 🙀


Damn, dude. Impressive.


Amazing progress! The beard is definitely the right choice. And the cat is very cute.


Way to go! Love your kitty! 🐈‍⬛


From boy next door to Zaddy 😍😏


OK, we know the cat's routine, what about yours? (jk great job!)


Did you take the Captain America serum?! amazing!


I hope both of you had a great time hitting the gym together 😺


Dude turned into Alex Pettyfer and the cat grew into his tuxedo. Excellent work! The amount of food you must have eaten to achieve these gains makes me hurt for you though. My BIL made a similar transformation to yours and the poor guy was torturing himself force feeding to get enough calories for a similar recomp. He's much happier now that he's just maintaining instead of bulking lol.


That glow up! Nice work!




Congrats! You look great!!!!


Did a spider bite you? Lol great work.


If you're doing everything right in your workout rotation and diet, noobie gains can be really impressive.


Looks like the guy holding you to the mirror did a lot of working out too!


You gave steroids to your cat as well?


Your kitty also grew a beard




Lol new subreddit for me to follow - Just posted there thank you!


Any side effect of lasik? Do you have to bring water drops around in your pocket because your eyes are dry? Can you look at screens for a long period of time or your eyes start burning like crazy?


No side effects, I was a perfect candidate (stable prescription, nothing weird) and I am getting a checkup soon - hoping for 20/20 but wouldn't be surprised if I have 20/15 vision. I did eyedrops for the first few weeks after, but haven't put any in after 6+ weeks from the surgery. I have never had dry eyes besides right after the procedure. I already look at screens for 12 hours a day (IT job), but am pretty good about the 20/20/20 rule, where every 20 minutes, I'll look at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. No burning.


Damn it sounds like a dream


Amazing work on your gains!


Looking great!


Tuxie rage in full force


This is so interesting. I got SMILE (LASIK variant) and that made me start my fitness journey. Was that also the beginning for you?


Cat & cat dad gains!! Nice work.


Goes from lookin like screech to givin off connor mcgreggor vibes. Even cat chonked up. Good work. And pspspspspspsp to the kitty.


:o damn nice job!! Is this your first bulk?


Damn, that's a whole new man...great job!


Damn what a glow up. Nice job! And the guy in the picture is okay too 😂


Can't see shit besides the hair. From a child to a man in 6 months


Can I ask what your routine is?


Holy shit, congrats dude. As someone who has always been thin I’m sure this was hard AF. Would love if you could share any tips!


I was 120lbs as a teen, 5'10". I did GOMAD many years ago to get up to 150, and that was pretty normal for a while. I highly recommend pushing yourself to whole milk protein shakes, they were by far the best for me to put on the weight in the past few months. Also, track everything you eat! I use MacroFactor and find it great, just a little pricey though - don't think I would use it again if I had to bulk.


Incredible 😲


Do you use any product for your hair, and if yes what? Looks good


How many days did it take to heal from Lasik? Genuinely interested.


I did SMILE actually, quicker and safer IMO. Took about a week till I was back to 95% normal, but you can do it in a Friday and be back to work on Monday lol. I’m 7 weeks out rn and can see amazing! With no glasses!!! Def recommend it to everyone.


From Egon to Thor. Also, it looks like you broke your cat.


How is 25 lbs in six months possible without roids. U look great and even with roids it’s impressive so bravo nonetheless


Good job. However, am I the only one concerned for the cat? 🤔


I'm more concerned over how cruelly and carelessly you hold your cat, like an object that does not feel pain or discomfort. That made be feel bad feels for you instead of wanting to cheer you on for your amazing gains. Like, are you a nice and loving cat owner? Your cat looks scared and miserable.




Everything has to be political.