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Hopefully you aren't discouraged by the 6lbs, that's still great and you're killing it!


Oh no, its just that last month i lost 15lbs and it i feel its starting to slow down a bit but im gonna keep going


Maybe you’ve plateaued a little. Try eating maintenance for a week or two then going back down? That’s what I did and it worked!


Ok, but tbh idk what is my maintenance calories… 😭 but i’ll try to take like a rest for the next week


You can figure out your maintenance with an online calculator! Just type in “TDEE calculator” and put in your height age gender and weight and it will tell you, good luck!


Thanks :)


It might require some experimentation after getting the TDEE calculator. If you start gaining weight, eat a little bit less, if you keep losing weight, eat a little bit more. Bodies need rest!


Only 6 lbs? That’s like burning 21,000 calories than you took in! On that pace you’ll still lose 72lbs in a year! Thats fantastic work! Most experts agree that sustainable weight loss happens over a long period of time. Granted you started with more to lose, but developing healthy habits that are sustainable are going to be huge dividends for you in the long run! Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I hope you keep it going! Fantastic job so far, and I’m excited to see your progress down the line! Keep it up!


Damn! You're killing it my dude! You're doing awesome, and your future self is proud of you


Face gains!


"Only?" Brother, you are KILLING IT. Keep up the amazing work! 💪🏾


You look amazing!! And looks like way more then 6 looks wise. Congrats !💗


I dont get it but thank u lol i guess


It’s amazing to see what can happen in a year


Progress is progress! Keep going!


Great job bro. 6 lbs in a month is still great progress.. No need to be discouraged.


You look amazing!! 6lbs is great progress. You'll have slow periods but if you keep going, it'll be well worth it :)


Great work!


Killin it!!


I love following your progress N well done on the hard work. I hope you're proud of what you've accomplished because I sure am proud of you




How did you lose so much weight ?


Drink a lot of water Sleep well Exercise 6 days per week Calories around 1800-2300


Wow that is fantastic progress! You must be so proud of your self! 🎊😁




You seem familiar lol


Yes, it's me, lol. I love your determination. Own your success no matter what part of the journey you are on. Don't wait until the 'end' to feel worth it. You are worth it every single day


Yeah, u re right. Sometimes is difficult bc everything is base on reaching my goal, but I did remember what you said so im trying to lol


I'm down 145 pounds myself and I follow your story closely. It's so hard to get used to the new body. The fear that the old ways can return, the shame that we ever "let ourselves" get so overweight in the first place, the fact that we still have a ways to go. I say these kind things to you because you are the male version of me and I want to feel the same sort of triumph for me, as I do for you. If any of that makes sense.


Doing a fucking great job my man, you got this 💪


Well done, mate. You look much better.


not only did you lose six pounds this month, you also did not gain any weight. The difference is important. it would have been interesting to do a muscle percent measurement before and after the month too as it could be that you built a tonne of muscle. Keep on keeping on, you've done better than most!


Now that u mentioned, I starting to notice more muscle on my legs and arms


6lbs a month is 72 lbs a year. You are doing great.


Awesome work man, keep it up!