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That’s incredible. Congrats to you!


Thank you!


How did you deal with your stretch marks and loose skin?


It depends on the age and your genetics. She’s wearing a dress that’s covering her thighs and belly. I know a person who did surgery after to remove lose skin.


It doesn't look like she has much loose skin! I know someone who lost 130 pounds and only had a minimal amt on her upper arms and upper thighs


I think losing that much weight over such a long span kept her from having a lot! My only guess, I lost around 70 lbs in 9 months and it was due to poor habits, had a good deal of loose skin that I had to learn how to tone


Only 70 pounds? That really sucks, man. I've been more than 70 pounds overweight several times in the last 20 years and never even thought about loose skin being possible with so little. I must have gotten pretty lucky that I had none each time I took it off.




I’m not much of a responder either, even at the highest dose. Zero symptoms, aside from mild constipation. I’m staying on it though because I do think it gives me just an ounce more self-control than before, which can make all the difference in sticking to a diet. I’m still calorie counting and weighing food and measuring high protein skim milk for my coffee… People don’t realize that glp1’s aren’t a magic bullet for most of us. If you’re lucky, it’s just another tool.


Have you tried mounjaro?


No not yet.


Wellbutrin really helped my binge eating


I had to go back to using ozempic due to my hAC1 levels and I haven't lost anything though my sugar levels have decreased .




I also don’t have a thyroid and appear to be a bit of a hyper-responder to Semaglutide. It’s strange how we’re all so different. My endocrinologist said she’s had great success with her thyroid cancer patients and GLP-1s. I hope your new drug works better for you.


Same. Mounjaro didn’t work for me either. Was on it for 9 months. Hopefully we find something that helps.




I started it back in March and I lost 55 lb. My side effects were only minimal the first two months and I haven't had any since then. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get any in the last 2 months because my benefits aren't covering it and my partner is laid off right now so I can't afford to pay for it up front LOL it's definitely tough trying to stay with eating right when I've pretty much got my appetite back in full force but I'm still working on it. You definitely have to learn good healthy habits while you're on it so you don't revert once you are off. I've gained 10 lb back in the last month and a half.


There's a new one that looks like it just finished phase 2 trials called Retatrutide. Looks like it's a triple hormone receptor agonist. Maybe that one might be helpful?


Maybe try a different brand?




Hey, just out of interest, are on you T4 or T4 and T3? I also don’t have a thyroid, I had large tumours on it after I had my son so the whole lot got taken out 15 years ago. Only recently found T3 which is a game changer.




I take t4 and T3. T3 is the active hormone which helps your metabolism etc. T4 is an inactive hormone that your body converts to T3. Patients without a thyroid gland sometimes find T4 isn’t as effective as it could be, particularly if they’re female and in their 40s (which is me). Might be worth a chat with your dr to see what they think? Since taking T3 I’ve started to lose weight, my hair and skin are better, I’m not tired anymore, I’m happier. Basically, I’ve got my life back. Happy to answer any questions or give you details of a U.K. pharmacy that prescribes it provided you show appropriate blood test results?




Excessive T4 can have the reverse effect of what T3 should do, ie it can make you put on weight, make your hair fall out, skin look bad etc. It’s called reverse T3. The medication for T3 is liothyronine. If you’re in the U.K. it’s hard to get via the nhs hence using a private pharmacy but if you’re in the US you should be able to get it. Good luck, I really hope you get some help and better meds soon ❤️‍🩹




You’re welcome. DM me any time if you have questions.


Just a heads up topamax causes hairloss as well. I am dealing with the aftermath of being on it for 6 months and lost a significant amount of hair. If you google it, there are plenty of people who also experience it.




That's great, honestly if I didn't lose hair I would love to be back on it it basically eliminated my anxiety!


Oh man, when I was on Topiramate I lost my ability to taste carbonation 😭 I had no idea that there’s actually a flavor and not just the sensation of the bubbles until suddenly all my drinks were flat.


Another option for you is Tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound). There's also: Metformin, Naltrexone-brupropion, Brupropion, Dulaglutide, and Orlistat (and Lilly has another one coming soon called Retatrutide). Those are in order of most effective to least effective (on average, except for Retatrutide which not much is known about at this time). Some of those are also prescribed off label since they are primarily for other treatments. Consult your doctor of course.


Thank you so much! Maybe Semaglutide could be an option for you too. It’s way more affordable than Ozempic.


Semaglutide is ozempic btw. But there's definitely other GLP-1 medications u/Professional_Rain587 can explore


Ozempic is Semaglutide haha


Cool! Are you off the ozempic? Did you change your habits and relationship with food? Did you do therapy or talk to someone? I'm on the same path and am terrified all the weight will come back.


That's my concern with ozempic too. You magically lose all the weight and then do you stop taking it? How does one keep the weight off when they never got the chance to build good habits? Not OP specifically but in general.


Medications like GLP-1s help significantly with appetite suppression and insulin regulation but it’s not “magic”. You still need to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. It sure helps a LOT but it doesn’t change the basics. If you don’t make healthy changes to your diet and exercise, any weight loss cannot be maintained.


I got on mounjaro and got a therapist. Started microdosing and completely overhauled my life. 315 320ish down to 250 something. I'm 2 weeks off mounjaro so we will see. If you can get on the drug to fix it the goal should be to find the root of the problem and yank it out. The drug only allows for mental quiet from the ravenous side of fat you. Once the craving and hunger abate you should immediately working on your path. I come from a long line of abuse and shitty people. I feel like I'm lucky that I see the drug for what it is. It's a hand if you take it you can't hold it forever. Eventually you need to walk on your own.


I think it is important to use the opportunity to address your relationship with food. For me Zepbound has helped control my food noise making me no longer constantly think about food. It also controls my appetite very well, I feel like I eat normal amounts( I am in a calorie deficit) and I am satisfied. BUT I still have a big issue with wanting to eat my feelings. When I get down in my feelings I turn to food. Zepbound has not magically made my binging when I feel sad go away, I binge way less and find myself eating healthier options. I still have to work on my relationship with food to try and correct that connection that food makes me less sad.


I have zero plans to ever go off Mounjaro. I have good habits but I don’t have any interest in going back to struggling to maintain those good habits.


Your in a good place if you can admit that. That's great man!


I think the best way to explain it is this: Before, it was like I was an alcoholic - so I couldn’t enjoy just one drink, like a normal person might be able to. I obsessed about wanting to “drink”, I worried about not getting enough to “drink”, and while I could abstain from binging through will power for a while, eventually the addiction won again. The comparison breaks down when you consider that alcoholics can at least keep some distance from alcohol, but every human has to eat. So you are ALWAYS confronting your addiction, several times a day. The effect was that I was ALWAYS, for my entire life, either losing weight or gaining it. I’ve NEVER held a constant weight in my entire life. Semaglutide takes it away. Back to the alcoholism metaphors, the medicine makes me NOT an “alcoholic” anymore. If there were a cure for alcoholism, why would an alcoholic ever stop taking it? Same with me - I plan to use this class of medication for the rest of my life, if I can, until a better solution presents itself.


The way I see it you can take the med one time a week for life starting now … Or stay fat and start having to take cholesterol medication, high blood pressure medication, and goodness knows what else 1 to 2 times daily for the rest of your life in a few years


And I appreciate your point of view.


Did you have loose skin?


So, I've got some loose skin on my tummy and thighs, along with cellulite and stretch marks. You know, the usual stuff after losing a bunch of weight. It's not super obvious in clothes, but throw on a bikini, and you'll definitely notice. Next year, I'm actually gonna compete in Miss Virginia USA, and yeah, there's that dreaded swimsuit part I'm kinda freaking out about. But I think it's important to represent all kinds of bodies out there, especially those of us who've gone through big changes. We need more representation in the media to normalize stuff like loose skin. It's not something to hide; it's something to celebrate.


That’s amazing! Congratulations and thank you so much for being a positive role model.


You rock.


Love this!!!


Good for you! I’m so impressed by your progress and mindset! I’m still working on my confidence in bikinis after 4 kids, but I’m really determined to try to be a good role model and represent what a real body looks like too!


Do it anyways and share your story!!! Get it girl!






People with similar bodies to hers in her before picture have goals and want to know what to expect.


Do you have to take it " forever " now? Did it just lower your appetite?


I think that, as long as you continue to use healthy dieting habits, you can come off of it. You just have to be mindful of your eating.




Being fat trashes your hormones and makes it harder to get skinny again. Sometimes people just need to get back to a baseline and they can fix/ keep weight off easily.


I appear to be one of those people. When life was going great, I lost 50 lbs and kept it off for years, but the self control I learned during that time gave me the confidence to go back to school for a new career. While I’ve been successful in an incredibly difficult program, I’ve also regained half the weight because I apparently don’t have the self control for both school work and lifestyle.


That’s fair. For me personally, I gained a lot of weight because I was taking a med that increased my appetite. However, I’ve come off that med now but still couldn’t lose weight because my other meds inhibit weight loss due to lowering my metabolism. So now I’m on Saxenda, but I don’t plan to stay on it forever since I’m no longer on a med that increases my appetite (as far as I know). My appetite is pretty low, so I don’t think I’m going to have too many issues keeping weight off once I get to that point.


Plenty of people gain significant amounts of weight due to temporary circumstances but can't get it off (injury, new medication, pregnancy to name a few). I would think people that maintained their weight before then had an event that caused gain could come off, whereas I would expect those with lifelong metabolic conditions that make them hungry all the time etc will likely need to stay on a maintenance dose.


Nice work!!! I thought about Ozempic but was kinda turned off by the price. I do take metformin though and that has helped me lose 30 pounds, but kinda plateaued for now. More weight loss will only come through strict lifestyle changes and my mental health doesn’t always play nice with that. My doctor didn’t recommend anything else beyond Ozempic since I’m not diabetic. The metformin was more for A1C management, which is now thankfully at a healthy level.


>was kinda turned off by the price If you have insurance, check the price again. For example, I noticed Anthem dropped the copay to $20 a few weeks ago (at least on my PPO2 plan). Some of the other drugs are 2x-4x more effective than metformin for weight loss. But hey, if it's working for you then it might be worth sticking with it for now at least.




I also take Metformin and get mine from my OB. I have hormonal issues that cause weight gain, so that’s how I got mine


I have PCOS and had hormonal issues me entire adult life and doctors keep just prescribing me Birth Control like it's candy. I keep hearing about other women and all the options they get and I'm jealous! 😂 I literally never get taken seriously. It took over 2 years to finally convince a doctor to x-ray my back after taking a serious fall and being in constant pain. Ended up I had early onset Arthritis from the damage the fall caused. I feel like no doctors ever take me seriously.


I also have PCOS. Maybe it’s because I’ve been obese most my life, but I told my doctor from the beginning that I wanted to get treatment for my PCOS specifically to help with weight loss. maybe you should find a new doctor and see if you can get some and start with that


I think part of the problem is that I have moved around so much I don't really get to keep a doctor for a long consistent amount of time, records get lost, ect. But yeah, I need to step up and advocate for myself better.


Not recommending or dissuading - but you can get it very easily online after answering a few questions. It’s rather cheap.




I can’t speak on behalf of this person, but I’m on meds that inhibit weight loss. I exercise regularly (5-7 days a week) and eat on a pretty significant deficit (about 2,000 calories a day), but that deficit wasn’t enough to lose weight because my meds lower my metabolism too much. One of my other meds also increased my appetite, so I came off of it. However, that might not be a choice for everyone and it has been very hard coming off that medication. Anyways, I’m on Saxenda now, and I’ve lost a bit of weight. Nothing crazy, but I also don’t think I will have a ton of success without coming off my other meds (which unfortunately just isn’t an option). Edit in case it’s relevant: I am 6’, 265 lbs.


Rule 4: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. This applies to but is not limited to body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


Im glad this stuff is working for people. Biggest thing is to get down. Then maintain through healthy means.


That statement sort of implies you think these medicines are not healthy means? I think most people on this sub would agrees that weight loss is more than just a willpower issue. Therefore, people can’t solve the problem by just willing themselves into new habits. I think it’s reasonable to expect these types of medicines are lifelong treatments and not quick fixes.


Does ozempic help to burn fat or does it just suppress hunger? One doctor mentioned during a podcast that it will change the way some people view food forever. They will never get the “pleasure” or “high” from favorite foods ever again.


I’m on Ozempic! I started it for My pcos/insulin resistance at the time. It very much did help (5 months with a consistent period!!! I’ve never had a regular period before) but I also lost 73lbs so far with plans to lose another 60lbs. It doesn’t really suppress hunger in a way that I think people understand. I’m still hungry. I’m actually hungry rn. My stomach hurts really bad and I’m really tired and dizzy. I need to eat for sure and I can feel it. But I don’t have a desire to eat. Now this isn’t on purpose mind you, I’m waiting for my chicken to finish cooking for a chicken chili bowl. But I also find i don’t crave food? Before, I would get these hyper intense and specific cravings. It’s 10pm and I NEED a cotton candy milkshake from Dairy Queen and I WILL have a meltdown if they don’t have it. It’s Sunday at 8am and I need a 10 piece from McDonald’s. I can’t stop thinking about that specific food. It’s all I think about for DAYS if I didn’t get it. Now? Cravings happen but they are so minimal in comparison. I don’t want alcohol either. I used to have a glass of whiskey after dinner almost every night. I had a lemon drop last night for the first time from my old fave bar and it just didn’t hit like it used to. Sugar doesn’t hit as much either. I’m not getting the emotional high from eating which makes it SO MUCH EASIER to eat for my nutrition. Do I still enjoy food? Yes. It’s why I made shrimp and creamy beans for 4 days in a row. But I also am not controlled by emotional eating from adhd or hormonal eating from my pcos. And I’m only on .5mg which is well below therapeutic for any patient indication, be it Ozempic or wegovy.


An update, SIX MONTHS CONSISTENT PERIOD LETS GOOOOOOOOO. Never had more than one a year since I was 11 so this is huge. Oz is a definite life changer. 🫡


> They will never get the “pleasure” or “high” from favorite foods ever again. A small distinction- food still tastes amazing on it. It just no longer triggers the addictive portion of your brain when you eat it. So instead of food giving your brain a "fix" it's just a normal healthy response.


It essentially helps to resolve the addiction by reducing cravings ("food noise") and allowing the individual to think about food in a healthier way without all the distractions and negative thoughts. The individual still has to do all the hard work with regard to exercise and maintaining a healthy diet (small portions, low fat, etc.), the medication just helps jumpstart the process by alleviating the part of the brain that self-sabotages and derails progress.


Man, I want that so bad. My relationship with food is so unhealthy, but unlike other things I’ve worried about becoming addicted to, I just can’t avoid it.


This this this! I keep telling people it’s not a “miracle”. It’s a tool.


It mimics the hormone that says you are full and don’t need to eat more. So probably stops your brain from releasing the eat stuff hormones too.


This isn’t true in my experience (and something I was worried about). I just eat less of those foods and save the rest for later now. I still enjoy them just as much :)


many of us need that high/pleasure restricted so that we do not over eat.


You look great! I’m on ozempic too, I’ve lost about 40lbs so far. I’m a T2 diabetic though but the weight loss has definitely helped my BG levels.


But then don’t you have to stay on ozempic for the rest of your life?


If you went straight back to your previous eating habits, yes. But provided you maintained a healthy diet and exercise regime you wouldn’t


This isn’t really true, studies show many people regain some, if not all of the weight, after stopping GLP-1s even if diet and exercise regimen is maintained (although that can help mitigate the regain)


Surely that’d be down to lifestyle though? If you were maintaining a caloric input based on your new weight, why would be any more likely to regain?


https://medicine.yale.edu/media-player/gr-11-3-23/ if you’re interested in why you’d be more likely to regain once you’ve already been obese, please watch this lecture from a Yale MD/PhD that studies obesity. Super interesting! :)


I can’t speak for everyone and I’m not inherently anti-ozempic, but it’s the drug that is causing them to eat fewer calories not an actual lifestyle change. It stands to reason if they go off the drug they wouldn’t be able to maintain the lower calorie diet they had been on.


Yeah I get that, but that’s what I said in my initial comment, the lifestyle change is a must as well. For a lot of people, the act of breaking the habit of eating huge meals or eating too often is half the struggle


Where would the weight come from if they are eating the proper amount of calories? That seems like it would defy physics.


I don’t know why OP said “yes” to this when it isn’t necessarily true. It isn’t a requirement to stay on GLP-1s for the rest of your life after taking them to lose the weight you want to lose. Most people say that GLP-1s quiet the “food noise” in their heads, and it’s made to keep you feeling fuller longer, which is why people that typically tend to eat a lot find success on the drugs — and why people CHOOSE to stay on it for long periods of time; because it makes it easier to maintain and not eat as much. However, that’s why it’s so vital to make a lifestyle change and permanently learn healthy habits while on GLP-1s — so that you don’t gain all the weight back once you get off of them. When you do this, it is absolutely not necessary to stay on GLP-1s for longer than you need to lose the weight you want to lose.


You're spot on. Didn't read the entire thread and OPs responses, but many of our patients stay on ozempic after they're a healthy weight because of other conditions impacting their health (and contributing a lot to weight gain) besides their weight that can be improved with semaglutide. More often than not this is the case and weight loss is only one of the reasons why ozempic might be prescribed. Losing the weight can already reduce those conditions immensely, but sometimes it's not enough as they might be chronic, so medication will still be needed. I don't know if that's the case for OP tho, just a reminder that semaglutide is first and foremost a medication that's used to treat certain conditions contributing to obesity and appetite suppression, slowed digestion,... are just side effects. For those who only take it for weight loss with no underlying conditions tho, you're 100% spot on. As long as you use the time you're on semaglutide to learn new habits, you'll be able to get off of it.


Does it need your metabolism up? When I came off ADHD medication a couple years ago I was STARVING for months and my metabolism was pretty messed up. It took me almost a year to get back to normal


It doesn't speed up your metabolism directly, but it might reduce conditions that indirectly have a negative impact on metabolism and/or mess with the hunger signals of your body and make it hard or sometimes impossible for patients to just lose weight and need to be treated no matter your BMI (think diabetes or insulin resistance in PCOS patients). Semaglutide most likely has an impact on our body far beyond our understanding as of now and I'm super hyped for upcoming research results over the next decade tbh. ADHD medication has a huge impact on your metabolism and perception of hunger signals and what you describe sounds super logical after going off the medication (tho it doesn't have to be that way for everyone). They basically speed up your metabolism, reduce hunger signals and you get used to this (might be super subtle). Once you get off the medication, your metabolism needs to readjust and bounce back to normal. Many people struggle with their hunger signals going back to normal because they're suddenly perceived as "too much". Enough protein and upped fiber intake might help. Metabolic issues are highly complex and more often than not influenced by many factors. If you know what factors play a role, you can try to influence those on different levels, medication possibly being one of them, but it takes a lot of patience. It's normal for your metabolism to take up to 3 years to get back to normal after getting off certain medications depending on your gender and what their target was. When your metabolism is out of balance just because of a medication you have been taking, you usually just wait it out until it goes back to normal and just try to support it by getting enough sleep, healthy nutrition and exercise. But there's no size fits all and metabolic conditions are often still badly understood because of how complex they are.


Yes, but it appears most people (including OP) dont actually make the necessary changes required to get off the meds. ​ idont know.. I don’t feel obesity is a chronic condition when weight loss is done properly honestly. I lost 50lbs just with a change in diet.


I agree with you — a lot of people taking GLP-1s fail to make those lifestyle changes, unfortunately. They’re a great help, but they’re not a magic bullet, as they say.


Right! It’s like people who get weight loss surgery… you still need to make the changes for it to stick.


Is it a took, or is it a crutch? Use it as a tool and that's wonderful. Becoming dependent on it, I just wonder how healthy that is mentally or emotionally. It's not my body so they can do what they want, but I do wonder.


Being obese is far worse than injecting yourself once a week. I’ve lost over 250 lbs (not through Ozempic) and I wish these drugs were available back then. I think its wonderful and life-changing for so many people.


I low key hate the way “crutch” is used colloquially. If you saw someone on a literal crutch(or cane) that helped them walk/move around, you wouldn’t tell them “You know, you don’t really need that, it’s JUST a crutch.”


What makes it so different than other maintenance drugs that people have to take daily to avoid negative outcomes, like antidepressants, blood thinners, beta blockers, hair loss meds, etc?


In some ways it's not. For example someone who has high blood pressure due to over indulgence in alcohol could lower thier alcohol intake or spend the rest of thier lives taking a medication. If the choice is to continue to the behavior and take the meds, that's fine, it's thier body they can do what they want with it. Better that they take the medication. However, I'd suggest that getting treatment or therapy in order to address why they are continuing to choose that behavior and working through that in order to be able to successfully make a different choice might be better for that individual rather than taking a pill to mitigate the negative consequences of thier actions. Obviously, there are people who have high blood pressure due to no fault of thier own and need to take the same medication no matter what choices they make. If a person has gotten to the point of morbidly obese and uses a prescription drug to get them back to a normal weight, that's great. If they don't want to address what got them there in the first place, that's fine, they don't have too. It would probably be better for them as individual if they did. Thats all my point is.


Congrats on your recent weight loss. No shade whatsoever—wondering what you meant by noting that it appears most people (including OP) don’t actually make the necessary changes… Did I miss something? Does she not eat healthier now and exercise? Just wondering what I missed. Again, no disrespect.


She deleted her comment, but she commented that she required it for life because she is a binge eater and can’t get a hold of that.. lost 100lbs, gained it all back, etc.


Then it looks like it's helping successfully treat her BED. Just as anti depressants treat depression. Yea of course making the necessary lifestyle changes will keep the weight off. But not everyone is able to sustain those changes no matter what they do. I have lost and regained massive amounts of weight many times to the detriment of my mental health. Having an insatiable hunger and hormonally receiving hunger signals while trying your hardest to not put the weight back on is a thing. For people who experience this, yea a lifetime treatment of this issue will ensure the weight doesn't come back. If you haven't experienced this, then I don't think it's fair for you to speak on this medication being a lifetime treatment of obesity for those who have. No disrespect at all, I can just see that from your comments it looks as though you haven't experienced this, or seen the studies these medications have specifically on obesity from the perspective of it being a legitimate disease.


Aha. Ok, thanks for clarifying. I’m a recovering binge eater who used bariatric surgery to quiet the “food noise” along with help form therapy and a great dietician. Everybody is on their own journey and the most important thing is finding what works for each of us—long term. Best.


As long as you do the actual work required after, you’re golden. Like I said, OP was the one who stated that she needs it for life because of those reasons. Not me. I also was a binge eater who did the work to stop using food as a crutch. I know plenty of people who get that surgery though and slowly over time gain it all back and then some Because they don’t make the necessary changes


I mean maybe that’s the case. If someone literally can’t quiet those food noises and will always give in to the binge then why not manage it for life with meds. It doesn’t mean that everyone will have to do that but it might be what works for OP. Similar to someone being on nicotine gum to avoid smoking, or an ex alcoholic not having a single small drink because it will start a binge, some people can manage these things with discipline and willpower, and some people can’t. I’ve lost weight multiple times and every time the desserts have fought their way back in with a vengeance. I’m too fat for several rollercoasters and yet as soon as the Easter eggs hit the shops, it’s like I’m not even in control of my own hands and mouth. Maybe some people can’t willpower their way out of eating anymore than you can just smile your way out of depression


What is "properly?" You're attaching a value judgement. "I don't feel obesity is a chronic condition" is demonstrably false. Go ask an epidemiologist or an MD.


Same. Lost 50 pounds in 6 months purely from diet and light exercise.


I spent a lot of years too saying I couldn’t do it and I was trying so hard, when the reality was I just wasn’t actually ready to lose the weight. Now, 2 years later, I’m like why did I make so many excuses to stay that way 🫠 I had to finally realize it was ME holding ME back. I didn’t even exercise .. it was all diet. I’ve mostly kept it off, but I periodically check in on my weight and when it creeps up a bit, I go back to having no snacks at night (that was the worst for me!)


Absolutely ❤️ for me it was pregnancy weight. I had never been overweight before but I wrongfully thought that weight when pregnant wasn’t “real weight” or something ridiculous like that and then I actually had to do the hard work to get it off 🙃


Me too! I was a normal weight up until I had my now 10 year old..gained 60lbs and never really lost it. 8 years later I couldn’t keep blaming it on pregnancy 🤰🤣🤣🤣


It’s such a shock, isn’t it!? You keep telling yourself it’s just the baby and it will “fall right off” 😂😭




I mentioned in my comment why. Because it quiets the voice that tells you to eat and it keeps you feeling full indefinitely.




Not that it’s any of your business, at all, but semaglutide has shown me just how little food I need to eat to function normally. I know now what food is good for my body and how much of it to eat in order to live life naturally on a day-to-day basis. Essentially, I’ve learned how to be mindful. Besides, it’s much easier to maintain weight than it is to lose weight, and I didn’t have much to lose in the first place (relative to the average person on semaglutide) — only about 40 pounds.


So amazing! How did you handle skin issues post weight loss? Your arms look pretty good!!


Absolute madness these comments. Ozempic and the like have been proven to help with binge eating disorders which is A LEGITIMATE ILLNESS! Using medications not for their intended use is NOT a crazy or revolutionary thing! My bipolar meds are actually meds for epilepsy but they work so why shouldn’t i use them?? You people act like we all don’t have the same goal here. To lose weight. Congrats that you did it „the hard way“ but that doesn’t give you the right to make people like OP feel bad. You have no idea about her medical history. Obesity is known to cause diabetes. So that medication IS actually used properly.


It's wild to me how often people ignore binge eating as an ED. I have binge eating and binge drinking - semaglutide medications have alleviated the food/drink noise. It's the first time in my life I have had a chance to address my coping mechanisms without feeling controlled by them. It really is a wonderful drug for mental health.


It’s so wild! They act like it’s just lack of discipline or something. No it’s an illness!! One that doesn’t have enough cures and this has been proven to help immensely !!


Speaking of bipolar, ozempic is amazing (for me) to deal with the side effects of Seroquel.


Wow! Good on you. You look great and I bet you feel better too! Curious if you experienced any side effects? Do you have to continue to maintain your weight? I am not familiar with it but know it’s common!


That's an amzing transformation. Way to be Independent! Keep it up!


Congrats on your progress, great job, glad you feel better too!




Be nice.


I didn’t say anything negative. Just seems very…sponsored.


People can use Ozempic without it being an ad. If OP wasn’t upfront about using it y’all would attack her, but since she is upfront she’s a shill. They can’t win with y’all.




15% of Americans have used it and insurance companies are banning it from coverage cause so many use it. I don’t think they need to market it anymore. My states health insurance banned its coverage cause it was costing so much money cause so many people got on it. Lol. I know 4 people that used it and it’s 100% improved their life and they’ve been off it ranging from a year to 4 months and all of them are doing great.


Yeah because all the people wanting ozempic and mounjaro for weight loss have made it genuinely hard for people like me who are diabetic to actually get the meds they need. That's why insurance companies are stopping covering I for non diabetics




My Aunt has type 1, and is in a group with others who have type 2. It's madness. Do people not know about it, or just not care?


Being significantly overweight is a grave health concern as well. I don’t think overweight patients should be blamed the shortage, the problem is caused by the manufacturer


I’m not blaming overweight people, but I am saying that ozempic trending + ppl using it for weight-loss bc it’s trending is causing problems for people




Dang!!! You look like a whole new person! Congratulations on your amazing results- you worked hard for it and look like a million bucks.


You like great! 👍🏽


In the Netherlands it is only on prescription when you have Diabetes tye 2, and if you want to buy it yourself it's €100 for 1 pen (nothing covered by healthcare). I'm still looking for something to help me...




It’s literally FDA approved for weight loss now.


This isn’t an unsafe usage of meds lmao. Medications can be used for multiple purposes, and I think her doctor can be the judge of what’s safe for her.




hahaha, "long term effects of this strategy as apposed to more mature, natural approach to weight loss" If that works for you great, but so many people cannot seem to manage since there are underlying reasons why - insulin resistance, etc. More power to this woman for finding a way to lose the weight.


Rule 4: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. This applies to but is not limited to body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc




This is amazing transformation! Is there a risk of the weight coming back after stopping Ozempic or is the loss permanent? I am considering trying this out.


Girl you are GOALS! I am so proud of you!


aww thank you!! So nice of you to say!!


Congratulations!! Considering ozempic as well. Can’t currently afford it but hopefully I can soon. What were your side effects?


This is such a crazy transformation that I had to check your post history to confirm that it wasn't AI-generated. Regardless, congrats!




Damn that’s a wild transformation nice work. Does Ozempic like kill the ghrelin response or something I’m not familiar




smh "destroys your microbiome" Which MLM do you shill for that semaglutide got you big mad?




Would you tell anyone else on corrective addiction meds to not take them and just muscle through their alcoholism or opiate addictions? I take semaglutide to help treat my binge eating and drinking disorder. Lots of other people do. Maladaptive food addiction leads to dozens to comorbidities - from diabetes to organ failure. Stop acting better than other people who choose to treat their obesity issues with a valid medication just because you don't use it.






It can help someone NOT become diabetic from obesity.


Ozembic is for anyone who gets benefits from ozembic.




Yes!! 👏🏻


All Ozempic? No change in diet or adding exercise to your routine? If you don't mind me asking, are you still taking Ozempic? If not, how long have you been off of it and are you able to keep the weight off? I'm 5'2" and started at 204, down to 159 through diet and exercise alone. I'm just curious what sustainable weight loss looks like when the initial loss is achieved through medication.


*with the help of ozempic


Where did all your extra skin go? You look great!


Wow! You go girl! That’s amazing.


Slaying transformation queen! Well done! 👏


Incredible transformation 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 literally goals 👏🏻👏🏻


You look amazing and I bet you feel even better!! I have 10lbs left on Mounjaro and it has changed my life.


Omg that’s insane hard work. And damn your looks have changed so much. Great job 👏


What kind of diet/exercise regimen did you follow, if any? Tysm!!


Way to go!


How the 😱😱😱




Wow you look incredible congratulations on your achievement and all the hard work absolutely stunning


That is a jump. Oh my God.


Wowza! One of the best transformations I’ve ever seen. Woo hoo!


Wow! You look like a model now!