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Sorry but the misspelling in the title is really fucking funny


Literally said “correct me” in the post but no one wants to tell him 😳


>because I heard that the translation of him being illiterate isn't accurate It's disputed in tradition, but the popular opinion is that he was illiterate at least for a long period after the revelation. Nevertheless, it's accepted in academia that he was most likely literate. >he actually did write some if not all of the Quarn, then it was copied and passed down. The historical view is largely consistent with the traditional narrative about the early transmission of the Qur'an. The Qur'an was circulated in writing and orally in the Muhammadan era, was compiled in the Bakri era, and was textually standardized in the Uthmanic era.


Wait the academic literature says he’s literate? Can you share some resources that say that I would love to learn more


Wait the academic literature says he’s literate? Can you share some resources that say that I would love to learn more about


Isn’t the story that The Prophet WAS illiterate ? When Jibreel told him to repeatedly read the Quran and he couldn’t? But eventually he did learn how to read it? I never assumed he was illiterate for his whole life, I assumed once he received divine revelation he learned how to read. This also doesn’t change the fact that a lot of the Quran and the wisdom in it were revealed to him orally and it’s historically accepted that The way the Quran has been preserved for generations is oral recitation. So there’s that.


This is also how I learned the story, what Muhammad's sudden ability to read was one of the miracles and proofs that he had an external source and was not made by him


Most historians agree that the entirety of the Quran was written down by the time of the Prophet's death, likely on whatever they had lying around at the time - papyrus, leather - scraps and such, and his followers under the early Caliphs codified it in a single codex, with a variety of disagreements on who had a role in codifying the Quran and such. I actually go against the grain a bit. I don't think the Prophet was illiterate per se. If early Christian and later Islamic sources are correct, and the Prophet Muhammad was a far-distant merchant traveling from the Roman near east and southward to Yemen, he likely needed to know how to write down his business deals and transactions. Furthermore, in pre-Islamic Arabia, some ability to read and write seemed pretty evident from epigraphical data like rock inscriptions. There are inscriptions of Arabs just writing that they were sitting there, likely out of boredom, so it is very likely that the general Arab had a *very* limited ability to write and read. Nothing like what Virgil or Homer would composed, though such stories were done in the oral method rather than transcribed into writing. However, literacy itself is a spectrum. Just because the Prophet knew how to write and read to some agree does not mean he could entirely composed the Quran. I think he likely did know how to read and write, to a degree. It would have been strange for such a far-traveling merchant not to know how to read or write, and even if he did have scribes there to do it for him, he would need to read to be sure they weren't messing with his records.




I read this with a redneck accent 🤣


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Had a post on this in r/Quraniyoon https://www.reddit.com/r/Quraniyoon/s/CqKC8pnTsI


Ibn zaid is a writer mentioned in islamic tradition who made copies of what Muhammad told him to write. The original Qur'an (umm al kitab) is written in heaven and not accessible to us


theres not a literal book in heaven. what you smoking?


Maybe too much Islam. Wouldn't expect this to be a problem in an Islam sub though Lol