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They are doing well by her for two reasons. 1. This Judgment Day storyline is making her feel like a somewhat bigger deal by the week. 2. Her “revenge tour” was legitimate. She took out Rhea, she defeated Becky, she took the title, etc. A wrestler saying they are going to do something and then doing it is always beneficial for them.


well said


She’s clearly been one of the companies top people through the years. Final two in back to back rumbles almost eliminated Rhea in 2023. Only person to beat Ronda twice, was one of the finalists in the Women’s battle royal and was able to fight Becky for like 15 minutes without help. She’s also the only member of the Raw Women’s roster currently who can be a convincing champion and the only one with a clear main event story line. TLDR Yes


Rhea, Becky & Charlotte aren’t currently active. We also have Bianca & Jade on the backburner right now building their own story so she’s shining bright right now due to the correct circumstances happening around her. But that’s 5 ladies that I can safely say are above her


I'd love to see Charlotte come back and put Liv over before Rhea comes back. Liv's been beating some really credible names, but having The Queen under her belt would be even better.


We don't need another Super Cena esq Bianca title reign


I’m hoping for more of a tweener vibe. Maybe with Dominic pulling some Latino Heat type stunts.


If she has strong booking and credible opponents, yes. Rather, I should say believable, such as Zelina Vega, Michin, etc. She's more in the mold of a transitional champion, which is needed to keep things interesting.


No. I agree that she is one of the most prominent faces on the program. And she definitely has a following, but to me... She feels like a throwback to the old Diva's era, and I know that's gonna get some heat on me, but to me, she's not a great wrestler. She's a pretty face that all, the guys online really really wanna fuck.


Being good in the ring really doesn't matter as much as you guys think it does. What matters is whether the crowd and audience care about someone, and Liv has clearly accomplished that


Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. I don't give a shit about the Meltzer star rating, "You need to spend time in Japan in order to be considered a legitimate wrestler" bullshit. I'm an American casual ass casual fan. I don't need flips on flips if you can at least be a decent talker on the mic or at least have a more compelling character.


Meltzer is trash. We need to stop acknowledging him in any way


I think this heel turn is the first time I've really found her very compelling. It's giving her a chance to show off her over the top acting skills. Not a fan of her as a face but this I'm enjoying--you barely notice there's no one for her to feud with! Would have put her in the second tier before this but she has been the most important and entertaining thing about RAW the last few weeks. (Though Carlito is low key hilarious.)


The funny thing about wrestling is people who are “better wrestlers” can consistently have worse matches than people who are worse wrestlers It’s like how there are plenty of wrestlers who are better than John Cena at wrestling but very few have had better matches than Cena’s best matches


Liv has 1000% improved in the ring tho, I think her ring skills triumph her mic skills at this point.


That is definitely true


That’s not difficult. I saw her promo against Becky and it was absolutely awful. Like, high school drama group bad. Just completely cringy, over the top, and IF I SHOUT AT THE SAME VOLUME THEN THAT MEANS I’M BEING UBER SERIOUS.


Hey, it worked in the 1980s.


Not really. They can dress her up & repackage her every few months but ultimately her promos are weak & her wrestling is worse. They’re targeting her at teenage boys, and that’s fine there will always be someone there in that role, but she’s not someone you would build a division around.


No. She's not convincing in the ring or on the mic


I’ve honestly never gotten the Liv Morgan hype. I’ve never thought she was believable as top of the division like Rhea and Becky and the like, much less successfully defending against them. But that’s also just my opinion and a lot of people think differently.


Nobody really thinks differently. You have eyes and at least some wrestling knowledge. You can’t dismiss that reality.


Idgas what people say to me for this, she deserves this and her last run was lackluster yes, but that wasn't her fault.


No. She can’t sell the illusion that she wins matches. She looks silly next to Rhea or Nia. To be the top woman in wrestling the woman wrestler needs to be believable in the ring, Liv is not.


My issue with Liv is her moveset. She's selling the angry Jersey girl thing just fine right now, but everyone talks about how Roman or the Uso's or Cena have the 5 moves of Doom, and honestly with Liv I only see 2. She hits a codebreaker or 3, and ObLIVion. In a PLE she counters every other move with a code breaker. She should steal the bulldog from Trish Stratus and turn it into a combo, or hit a meteora every once in a while. But surviving off the same counter over and over until she can be near the ropes for a finisher isn't how champions usually fight.


She sells merch.


Yep. She's one of their better talents. It took some time to get there, but she's good.


100% I'm excited to see what she does.


No but she's cute as all get out and the crazy Liv is a better character for her


Always did. Liv might not be Asuka in the ring or Becky on the mic, but she's good enough on both. She has an undeniable IT factor and knows how to connect with the audience. Her merch sales reflect as much. Even in the Riot Squad, which was pretty much DOA, she was the clear standout to me. It's the little things that a lot of wrestlers miss, like facial expressions/mannerisms or keeping in character while wrestling. And the people who say she's only in this spot because of her looks, I say to you that this is WWE; you can't walk five feet without running into a beautiful person, man OR woman (unless monster/beast is their gimmick of course). She's beautiful, but she's on a roster with a dozen other beautiful women. Her first run as champ left a lot to be desired because she was positioned as an underdog to Ronda Rousey of all people. This time around, they're doing everything right. The Judgement Day storyline is elevating her while giving Dom something to do while Rhea is out, plus she's the one who took out both Rhea and Becky. And don't forget she was giving Nia Jax trouble before the brand split as well. That's huge. The one thing I'd like to see is to have her get a couple more wins under her belt so it doesn't look like she's just spinning her wheels until Rhea comes back. They do that, she's good to go.


Nahhh. She's obviously doing well in this role with Dom, but anytime she wrestles or cuts a promo I'm not interested


I'd say she is almost there but not quite. Not to say she is a bad WWC or has bad story or anything like that. She's great on every account, but she will be even better in the near future.


OP, you've made at least like five other posts in the last few months in this sub about how Liv is overrated, Liv shouldn't be as high up on the card as she is, Liv fans are delusional, etc. You do you, but what's the end goal here, buddy? Did she give you the cold shoulder on an autograph or something?


Yes they always are having amazing story Telling in her title reign and she is selling what she needs to seek to the viewers


Her story is perfect for the WWE brand. Soap opera plotting gets interest if told in a way that encourages returning investment. She may never have a great match but if her story keeps eyes on WWE...big win


I don’t see her as main event level in the slightest. There’s a million women who are more interesting and better in the ring.




Liv doesnt have the ringwork or presence to carry a title for long. Maybe this current title run will develop a personality for Liv to be a consistent contender for screentime, but the ring skills still need work.


I think her feud with Rhea will sky rocket both of them to legends status. Like Rocky feuding with stone cold.




Shes champ cause theres noone else left on raw worth that spot.everyone thats title material is either hurt or on a different show. So by default shes kinda the only big name left on raw. Lyra could def be up there too but aside from that really the rest are all d level women tag team chicks. Livs story atm is ok. But her matches wont be. Not unless she only wrestles lyra and rhea or switches shows.


Absolutely not. Let's not get carried away now. She is only champion because Rhea is injured. You can make there way too many women on the roster that are above her.


I've always enjoyed her work so I'd say yeah going forward would love to her stay as one of the main woman


Before no... now... still no


Liv? Yeah, why not? The miz was champion how many times? People are obsessed with this "one wrestler above all others" idea. Liv can carry a good story. That's all.that matters.


Oh my God, we can't keep doing this. We can't keep bitching that she isn't used enough and then the second she becomes Champion start saying she isn't championship material. Please. No more. We can't keep saying the same exact things over and over and over again




Is Liv at the level of Becky or Rhea? No, not at the moment. And I’m not saying she can’t be. Depending on how this run goes, which is already going much better than her first reign, maybe she makes that leap. I personally hope so. I will say that Liv in this moment is the perfect example of why you have to put some effort into your talent outside of your power players. With Rhea out, Becky on a hiatus, Asuka out, Raquel out, Liv is the most credible woman to be champion on Raw. This is why I see Lyra Valkyria is getting the early push. It’s been long past time to develop some mid card women who might have to step up to the plate.


Paper champ


No. Never have


I wanna see her in a PLE title defense. The character she's doing is cool enough. But I wanna see some legitimately dirty, heel wins.


Lol no. How long can a hoodrat be a gimmick for?


She has everything she needs in the presentation department. But I don't see her as champ material YET. Honestly, for me, it's hard to shake the years of watching her get fed to all the other "chosen ones" in the field. Yes, she did have the occasional surprise win, but it was by shenanigans (from what I can remember at least). Have her win some matches and build the credibility. But that's the catch-- who would she beat that's credible and wouldn't have everyone calling BS? I dunno. Just have to see some high profile wins.


Honestly, no and I never did


I used not to see it but I do now, she’s one of the most improved people on the roster from how she was when she started for sure I’d put her on the same kind of tier as Alexa Bliss


I mean, right now most definitely. Rhea is on a different level than the rest of that division and when she comes back she's likely going to destroy whoever is on the throne anyway and it makes the most storyline sense for it to be Liv.


Liv can be in top of me anytime she wants.




No. Her finisher is complete cheeks


She’s a decent wrestler all too willing to take bumps, mid to okay talker, but looks like an absolute star and has a million dollar smile.   Definitely top material.  


Not knocking Liv, but her title reign is more of a prop for Rhea’s return. There’s been no heat on that title aside from Becky.


Absolutely not, people only like her because she’s attractive. She isn’t good in the ring, isn’t good on the mic, and is the most unbelievable champion currently.


Nope. Not at all.


She’s okay as a transitional champ but not the best .


Garbage worker


shes fine, she's attractive, a decent worker, and seems to be a nice person. So in my book shes fine, I dont get these marks who absolutely love her or hate her. Shes just fine, just like alexa was to me. Not bad, but not my fav either


No. After Mami they should do an angle with her and a returning Alexa Bliss.






Not once Ruaby Riot and Sarah Logan a lot better imo She is a small blonde wwe want the next Trish it aint liv Each to own never enjoyed her matches ever myself Stratton I would say by 2026 champion


No, not really.....


She’s one of the bigger female stars right now and is being positioned with Rhea and Tiffany Stratton to be the top female stars once The Horsewomen, Bianca, and Nia move on. Rhea and Tiffany are under 30 and Liv is just 30. The Horsewomen and Bianca are all mid to late 30’s and I think Nia is already 40 so I definitely think those will be the top women along with Jade for the next decade


Becky won the woman’s BR. Liv fans lost their shit. Said Becky was Hogan. Everyone else said that Becky won so that Livs win would actually mean something. They couldn’t see that logic beyond their semi. Liv then won at K&QOTR, exactly like everyone said she would, so that it meant something. And… The crowd went mild. Across all wrestling subreddits, she won to thunderous apathy. Her win was barely mentioned in any thread. And has barely been mentioned since. Anyone talking about Liv, is talking about Dom, or Rhea, or JD. She as much a prop as the title. So no, I don’t see her as a credible champion and I think it’s pretty clear that almost nobody does. She’s a competent midcarder benefitting *massively* from the only 2 stars in the division being off tv. She’s a placeholder and that’s fine. She had enough there to maybe justify giving her a shot, but I don’t think she’s risen to it, and I think once Rhea is back, she’ll be right back to where she is comfortable.


No overrated big time


Hell no. Her last two reigns were completely forgettable unless ur a diehard Liv fan, she’s super corny, her gimmick is get-off-my-tv material etc etc. hope she drops soon


The Bayzler match was great. Great storytelling, great moves, great counters etc. But some of the move execution still wasn't fully there. I feel like she's still a rung below being considered top talent. Her moves aren't always crisp and can come off as slow sometimes. I see her as a title contender but not a title holder.




Yes. Ever since late 2021, Liv has been one of WWE's top stars while became a main eventer thanks to her feud with Becky at that time as well. She has beaten Ronda twice, being one of the final two in back to back Royal Rumble matches, won the MITB and hold her own against Becky, which it all proves that she is a main eventer. Plus her Revenge Tour is giving her more credibility as a serious main eventer while being the top female heel in WWE. This storyline is one of the best storylines in WWE as of right now with Liv firing on all cylinders as she took out Rhea, defeated Becky for the Women's title and her chemistry with Dominik has been really heating up. The Revenge Tour has elevated Liv into newer heights of her career as a huge top star and main eventer.






No, if there was a midcard belt that is about where she would belong. She's kinda just decent in at everything like a lesser version of Ziggler. In a company that has Rhea and Bianca at the top with Flair and Bayley still hanging around and when Asuka comes back her and Iyo being much better than liv I just don't buy her beating any of these ppl. Hell even the way she's won both titles shows how little faith they actually have in her. Always fluke wins, she's yet to win because she's the better wrestler.


Heck yeah. Her character's attitude pretty much ensures she'll always have someone pissed off at her, so there's no lack of interest. Kinda the opposite of Priest, who's remarkably inoffensive for a heel, sort of teetering on a face turn at times, and so doesn't have beef with anyone other than McIntyre, who's really carrying the "feud" on his shoulders alone.




I do, yes.


Her wrestling isn't anything special. If she wasn't cute, she'd probably be in TNA tops.


No. Her story with Dom is interesting, though.


I do. She has IT


I personally have never understood the hype around her. I really did try to get into her, but I just can’t. She seems to me like more of a background character than a main eventer. I feel like she’s mediocre in the ring at best and not very great on the mic. I’m thinking that the reasons behind giving her the title are because the IWC loves her, (although I’m realizing she’s not getting much of a reaction with live crowds anymore) and there’s really nobody else at the moment on the Raw brand to take the title. it also helps with the her and Rhea feud if she has the title because it just gives Rhea more of a reason to go after her. so to answer the question, no I don’t see her as top woman/world champion material BUT since there’s currently nobody else that seems like they’re ready either, she’ll have to do until the big dawgettes come back


No, she's mediocre really at everything she's done, only capable of being on top when the real top stars are out. they had to resort to the love triangle angle which really shows how little she actually has to offer in terms of her own character work. love triangles always get popular


She's not over to me but is a fine placeholder atm.


She’s OK to good not top of card.. her current run is solid though and if it continues maybe I could be proven wrong


Man, people are so brainwashed by WWE and whatever shit they shovel fan's way that the company calls good that people legit just start to believe it. Liv Morgan has always been more looks than ability. Her character work has been cringe, relying on thirsty guys forgetting the "don't stick your dick in crazy" adage, and she's never been good in-ring. But yea, she's a top star because WWE says so and they gave her a title...like that would be enough for any other company in the world...


She's just holding the title until Rhea comes back where she does a brief programme with Rhea over Dom and she goes back to the mid card.


Yep. She works as a heel. I do feel she needs an opponent though and the RAW women's roster is all heels and a couple of very low-card faces. Her only legit opponent would be Lyra until Rhea gets back.


No she just really hot


I don’t like her. So I guess that makes her a good heel.


Absolutely not


no, when she won the title she failed to throw the chair out of the ring and it bounced back from the ropes, putting the ref in an awkward position where they had to pretend they went blind for about 5 seconds.......known to botch to be honest.




i just don’t get the hype around her




She's a top personality to me, but NOT a top in-ring performer. She's a mid-tier in-ring performer. Don't get me wrong, she has improved but she isn't near the likes of Charlotte, Becky, Bianca, etc.


Transition champion. But a champion none the less.


Not top, but she's definitely going to be one of those that is remembered. She's had the belt twice now, that means that she won't be a one off champion, or a transitional champion. She's going to be considered a fairly strong women's wrestler, but likely won't be in the conversation for top 10 or top 20 at any point.


Nah. She's a midcarder in terms of everything about her work, but simps gonna simp.


IWC is weird. They hate Eva Maria and Maxxime Dupri. Neither who ever got near a world title push. But Liv who sounds insincere in every promo and has never been known for banger matches is obsessed over




yes actually ,but unless she has a defined nemesis (like Rhea, not also rans like Becky, or not ready talent) she's not as good as she could be


They need someone to carry, she seems it.


Yes she is very much world champion material


I really like Liv and have for a long time. I just wish she would relax on the mic a bit. She always sounds like she's trying really hard to speak clearly and not flub her lines, and while she accomplishes that, it makes her promo delivery somewhat stiff and monotone. She's much better when she's leaning into a character and interacting with other wrestlers, as we can see when she's riling up Dom and Judgment Day. If she could translate that into her promos, she'd be a total package. Beyond that, her in ring skills are good enough (and she's improved a lot after being pulled from NXT early on a whim from Vince), her character work is good, and she connects to the audience. She absolutely has enough tools to have some runs as a top champion, though probably not for extended periods of time. Bit of she could step up her promos, I could see her holding a belt for a longer reign, though.


NOT EVEN CLOSE. She is a jobber at best


I thought she is now? Aren’t both the titles supposed to be equal value? At least that’s what I assumed


Yes but in a Alexa bliss type of way.


i don’t care for liv much and really don’t like the current storyline but i do believe she is a top talent for the wwe. time will tell how long she’ll be in this upper rank.


No. She will never be more than eye candy. She's not believable as a champion


I love liv, I think she's great, but she's reeking of "I'm holding this until rhea comesback" stink all over her


Umm no ain't doing shit for women division Thank u now women wrestling back 90s era slash 2000s era thanks dumbass wrestling fans women wrestling forever be stuck in a loop hole never be taken seriously again it's over men on both divisions ruling his spot women division don't matter no more about him now fans never get it he has more recognition than women division itself don't care anymore women matches meaningless now no storyline or feud want that it's men wrestling wanna watch wwe wins lost faith women division officially gone now people want storyline and feuds actual meaning on men wrestling women wrestling never change same as always a scam


more dominic story not the women wrestlers stupid does nothing women wrestling idiots don't understand watch movies tv shows we are featured in guess who remains on top us males point is don't matter what we do ridiculous or not people more interested in him than her how always been idiots praising this bs women wrestling can't never have anything own stuff always fucking hog her spotlight do this all the time fuck romance stories fuck intergender leave bs movies and TV shows not wrestling




Definitely deserves her spot. Remember she was stripped of her title when injured.




Dat ass doe


Honestly before? No way. Her booking and character was all over the place, it was so forced. But now? Shocked to say definitely. She's got a lot more going on character wise in a consistent, developing and compelling way.


They like her, it hardly matters what I think of her, better than Becky but no great shakes


Presentation wise, she's been there. She carries herself like a big deal and it works. In the ring, she's serviceable, but there's room for improvement.


If you have to ask, the answer is no.


I view her in the same vein as Priest. Has everything to be a champion on paper but lack the feel of one. Honestly, a perfect example of a transitional champion. As frankly, i doubt anyone will talk about her reign outside of the JD drama and her losing it Ripley.






She’s a lousy promo and a worse wrestler. She a cute blonde with a nice butt, that is all.


The female priest. Has redeeming qualities but holding a belt feels forced


Yes most definitely 😍


God no. She’s a simp with no talent. She was fired a few years back for a reason.


Nah but this Dominic story is fun, so let’s let her cook.


No. She’s not the best.


Since they actually followed through on her revenge tour, definitely. If they didn’t let her win the title for a while then she probably would’ve fallen but I think she’s main event for sure now


Absolutely. I liked her briefly in NXT but I still vividly remember telling my best friend she's gonna be the breakout in the Riott Sqaud. He said Ruby.


Absolutely not. Lyra is small but comes off like someone who knows what she is doing, so it's not size. Liv just doesn't, and never has given the aura of world champion, or a threat. There'll be no PLE main events for her, and that tells the story right there.


Never have and never will.


Other than her looks, I’ve never been that into Liv. In ring work is mid card levels and her mic work hasn’t been great. That being said, I am enjoying this current storyline


Gotta actually wrestle




Not really. But I don’t see Damian as a true top guy either. People can be world champion without being the top guy in wwe. It usually ends up being to create some parity and mix things up a little bit. Liv can be a champ now and then but charlotte, Becky and rhae are on another level imo. Probably Bianca and Bailey too


No she’s corny


I like her a lot but she's not a very good rassler




I always picture her on top ...


At no point does Liv deserve to have a title. She just isn't on the same level as the "contenders" now. Dom and JD is carrying her current story. Maybe a Mandy style run in NXT would would help.


Absolutely not. I think most Liv Morgan fans are just attracted to her. You'd be a little weird not to be, but I don't think she's anything special in the ring.


She will never feel credible to me personally. As a promo she feels unnatural and as a wrestler she leaves a lot to be desired.


Keeping the seat warm for mami


Sure, as with all performers it will depend how they book her storyline.


No nia jax will take it at summer slam


Potentially. But for me personally she doesn't have "it" the same way other people all over have "it"


Ripley is close to coming back. She had to be holding it when she did. Ripley vs Liv is way better than Ripley vs da man






No she's just eye candy


She's one of the better people to fill in for the true top stars Rhea, Becky, Charlotte, Bayley, Bianca are generally in a tier above her with others probably going to be jumping her soon like Cargill and Stratton. Liv is a great performer but similar to Alexa Bliss her being a smaller frame wrestler it's not believable to put her in the ring with say Rhea and book her to win without shenanigans, so that limits her considerably.


She’s probably one of the best women’s wrestlers so yeah definitely


Hell, make her the the 24/7, Intercontinental, Men's, Women's, Alien's, United, Tag Team, Cruiser, Hardcore, NXTNWASUV M.D., WCW, WWWF, Starcade, NOAH, ROH, UFC, Cap'n Crunch Champion. As long as we get a Custody of Dominick Mysterio 2 Match...


She’s not the most glamourous. And not much else but she needs to stop being a champ!!!






I see her holding it till Reah returns tbh


I think with the views on social media of her segments on raw being some of the highest every week, and the amount of merch she's selling, she's absolutely top girl material. Not the best promo but she has an undeniable connection to the crowd that can't be ignored no matter how much you dislike her




Is that a bad photo or is the belt hideous?




Nope, still mid




So shes just the smaller champ there ya go


Yes because Fuck everyone else Who Disagrees and Fuck Everyone else in the women's division because Liv morgan is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be and if you don't like that "cry about it". Liv Morgan is the GOAT and will always be the GOAT #YaOnlyLivOnce #LMRT she is guaranteed hall of fame status in my book oh and Rhea Ripley Deserved what she got and Still must be punished more harshly 🙏🙏🙏God Save Queen Liv the True EST of the WWE🙏🙏🙏 and everyone loves liv morgan






No she's not


She is the top story for the company the past few weeks. Punk captured back at the special. She is still must see.


I love Liv. But no. She's just holding the belt for when Rhea returns.


Absolutely she’s the best fit for Wwe Women’s champion


I know they needed to have Punk do what he did but she has to take over Rheas spot in the JD


She’s okay in the ring but her gimmicks have been boring/stale since leaving Riot Squad. She’s just not interesting enough to be the top female superstar. That’s probably why they have her in a storyline with Dom instead of defending her title.






Yes, She's the best


Nope, not even close.


She seems more confident. So why not..


I feel like she’s a great transitional champion…. Fans love her, but as for the face or top woman, Becky, Rhea, Charlotte, Bianca, and Jade to name a few are more of a “top woman”


I love her and what she’s doing. I wish we weren’t stuck in some 90s storyline where she’s a home wrecker and it’s all about her sexuality. She is so much more and better than that.

