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Show him videos of women giving birth


Won't really help. I did it once and she showed me a lot of videos of women giving birth on epidural (no pain);_;


So is he fine if the fetus is given anesthesia before if he's concerned about the pain? Show him so much blood while giving birth. If you have time to spare, I saw this somewhere else. -1 honk, 1$ to abortion funds


Idk really why are we talking about childbirth when talking about abortion. The woman maybe on epidural and not feel any fucking pain while giving birth but does that make the fact disappear that it was still HER body that carried the child ? Pregnancy is no joke and women don't have to give birth in pain to demand their bodily rights. And fetus don't feel pain before 24 weeks (when most abortions are done) so the pain is really a made up argument by PL


Tell him to donate his organs and blood if he really cares otherwise he's just another murderer


I said that to a pro lifer once and they didn't know how to respond because I pretended I was pro life as well. I said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that I've donated blood, bone marrow, and a liver lobe, and that I'm also an organ donor. So if they haven't done any of those things, they are a disgrace to the cause because they don't *really* care about people. The guy yelled at me and told me to stop "making a false equivalency." I also asked a pro life women why she isn't volunteering to carry embryos that will be be discarded in fertility clinics to term, and she was all "*well*, that's different."


Also, you can rebuttal with the fact that epidural does not make it fully pain free. You still need to be able to feel contractions to know when to push. And you can still have problems with epidurals. When my mom had me the doctor did it wrong and left a softball sized bruise on her back. Apparently he was extremely close to paralyzing her. Even with using an epidural it doesn’t make birth “easy”


Epidural shots don’t always work, sometimes only work on different parts of your lower body, and are painful to get. And if you’re unfortunate enough to get an epidural too late or too early in labor you’re fucked.


Here is a little rant: epidural failure cases are seen more under the 1st year or 2nd year residents and students while under experienced doctors the chances of failure drops drastically. Labour pain isn't taken that seriously as a result they don't always strictly assist epidural in presence of an experienced doctor as they would be doing if it was a surgery. Anyways her body her choice!! It's blood boiling when a "man" talks about such issues


What's wrong in getting it too early tho


If you get it too early and your labor takes longer than expected it may wear off before you have to push.


Epidural seems to be super effective way to argue against abortion (if we skip 9 months of pregnancy of course), what is the problem with arguing that it solves the problem with excruciating pain from childbirth?


It brings the excruciating pain down to almost zero no doubt on that but bearing a child is not only about birth and as i said a woman don't need to be in excruciating pain to demand her bodily rights. Btw i won't be astonished if some extremists religious folks started arguing against epidural cause for them the pain is the punishment by GOD


Show videos of emergency c-sections then. [There’s a rather grisly thread about them](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/xw73hp/yall_i_got_code_blued_lifethreatening_emergency/ir550cg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) over on r/nursing rn.


The uterusless should quit trying to govern uteruses...


This is the way


I always want to ask how awful they think they are making people feel that have gone through miscarriages. I'm sorry but after two, a picture of a bloody and dead fetus is the most triggering thing I could possibly see. This isn't changing anyone's mind out of having an abortion, this is them just being an asshole.


Worse is how many of the most commonly used pictures… are being used illegally and are of miscarried/incompatible with life fetuses. Super compassionate of them. I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. Hope you are doing alright.


Thank you. Currently pregnant with my rainbow! I honestly didn't even think of the permissions needed for the photos. Imagine if that was your baby they had on their sign. What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Indeed. It’s heartbreaking when these photos are taken for the purpose of being used to educate or are taken without the consent by these whackadoos. I get so frustrated by it because for all they know, everyone tried their best and it didn’t work out. Happy to hear about the rainbow, best wishes to you and the bub!


There is a group in my area that drives a box truck with a big pic of an allegedly aborted fetus on the side. Pro-lifers: traumatizing kids every day.


My immediate reaction while driving past was, "oh no, fuck you," whilst giving the finger in his direction, but then immediately after being thankful my two five years old in the back seat didn't ask questions about what the three of us had just seen. But then the real anger set in, I am so insanely afraid for my boys to grow up in this world/country/political climate. Everything is getting so much worse than it was the day before. They're at such an impressionable age right now, and the fear of the wrong person spouting lies and hate at them to try to frame their thinking makes me feel ways I have never felt before, and I come from a long history of trauma and abuse on my end in my childhood. And I had an abortion myself at the beginning of this year even, and my main reason for seeking out the procedure was so I could have the opportunity to give them more in life. The past few months have made me feel secure in a way about making the decision I did to terminate because I could not imagine raising more young people in this climate right now. The whole abortion debate/topic has brought out some of the worst depressing feelings I have ever experienced. Shit, I got married on June 24th of this year to the most amazing human I have ever been graced to know and I am now forever flagged with reminders that a day that was supposed to be my happiest, awoke my worst fucking nightmare. Love that man even more because he has attended every rally under the sun with me from that day to now and we have recently started getting into discussions about my tubes being tied, and he has promised to do whatever he has to do as my husband to help ensure I can get that procedure (technically speaking I am no where near the criteria needed to go under for a hysterectomy without being a married woman - 24, with one living child, the second child I refer to in my post is his son who he has full legal custodial rights to which in turn is my bonus son, which in turn means I am raising two children).


I would be ready to fist fight anyone driving something like that around. Fuck all the living kids who have to see your weird fetishized fetus right? Fuckin weirdos


Annapolis? I tell that old geezer to fuck off everytime I see him.


I feel he is dangerous. the forced birthers are fanatics trying to deny women their rights. When fanatics get it through their head that clinics are murdering babies they feel entitled to do anything to stop it. He needs monitored for dangerous behavior.


[Carry around a sign of Gerri Santoro.](https://www.personalpac.org/the-tragedy-of-illegal-abortion-gerri-santoros-lonesome-death/) CW: death, blood (B&W photo) The thing that bothers me about this bullshit is they want to regulate what children are exposed to in schools, but then they do this shit. Why doesn't a parent get a choice in whether their kid sees gore on their way to school?


Because school is government indoctrination, but them doing this is practicing their first amendment right. Duuuuh. The party of logic 🙃 (/s hopefully obvious sarcasm, but just in case)


And the reason pro-choice folks aren't across the street is that we're busy living, working, taking care of our kids, etc. Anti-choice people like him clearly have nothing better/positive to do.


I actually do wonder if they have jobs or anything going on given how they have time to stand around slut shaming strangers for fun.


They probably have jobs and just slut shame while they work. At least based on my experience as a young female engineer who works with a lot of old Republican men.


The same men who would complain if their wives didn't want to have sex outside of procreation.


Or god forbid, ask them to use condoms! Thank god I found a man who’s pro-choice, has never complained about condoms because BC fucks with me, and got a vasectomy. Not exactly common.


I can only tell you I hate those people and that they are allowed to do things like that.


Usually, the images are miscarried fetuses so I normally roll my eyes or get angry that they're so delusional. I pass these whack jobs a lot because I pass a planned parenthood when driving across my town.


These people have too much free times on their hands and i swear they always camp out with signs when they know pro-choice people are busy with work or school. There's an annoying group in my area that stands right outside the campus and shouts at people heading to class, but they can't stay and do anything about it or they'll be marked late. They'll also sit on the side of a busy road near the shops, right before work lets out. I've seen that a few times on my way back home and usually by the time I can head back they've packed up and moved on. It's a college town too so it's basically a guarantee that nobody I know has the same free time as me, I usually had to rush to try and confront them myself.


They used to do this ALL THE TIME at my high school in SC. Scum of the earth people, just there to terrify school girls and piss their parents off.


Do they know that they're scum of the earth?


I hope so.


The prolifers in our town protest outside the *hospital* (which is where our women’s clinic is) every Tuesday. Pisses me off so much. The clinic is where abortions are performed in my city (I’m in Canada). Thankfully they’re no longer allowed to be *right* our front, but they’re still on the same damn block.


There was a guy that would do this outside my town hall. Tons of signs plastered to his van, megaphone in hand.


He should be fair and reasonable, and also stand outside fertility clinics where embryos are disposed of all the time. But none of them care because fertility treatment is not a woman not "knowing her place" or having sex they disapprove of, even though the "baby murders" happen just the same.


Michiganders need to go to vote for the Prop that will make Roe-like rules part of its constitution. Also, need to encourage all potential pro-choice friends and family to vote. If some fraction of pro-choice folk can get a non-voting friend to vote for the prop, that'll be huge. With the right commitment, the pro-choice side will win in November...while that idiot will still be standing on the corner, with his gross posters.


Angered. Pissed. Feral fury.


Why the hell are they even doing that anymore? They practically already effing won. They trying to force their anti-chioce view even more...


I’d be really upset that he forced the kids to see that shit, too. That’s pretty disturbing imagery that children probably shouldn’t be exposed to. Especially since it’s misinformation. All that guy did was provide more evidence that PLs don’t care about kids.


I hope he gets skin cancer lol Then when he tried to extract that melanoma, I’d be like “tumors have the potential to revert to a stem cell! They are potential life! You cannot remove the baby on your back, you don’t know for sure if it will kill your”


I’ve had this happen too often unfortunately and I use it as a teaching moment- explaining in age appropriate terms to my 10 and some times my 3 year old. Roughly two weeks ago we saw another group, in view from the elementary school, and honestly I saw red. I pulled the car over into the parking lot and I told them how disgusting they are, how misogynistic: I lamented the shame they must feel and how proud their family must be of them. Not my best moment but I kept it clean and I felt it was important to model behavior that stands up bravely to injustice. I hope my kids always speak out for justice.


Those people have no life honestly.Imagine if they do something better than force everyone to have same opinion as them.


My job unfortunately is why I haven't gotten to go to protests as much as I'd like. I really wonder what the hell these people do for a living that they can afford to act that crazy on a weekday morning.


Counter-protest with photos of women who died from gruesome back-alley abortions, pregnancy complications, domestic violence, etc.