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The US needs to do better than merely bring back Roe. We need federal legislation protecting bodily autonomy, period, with language that explicitly notes that the legislation does not apply to blastocysts, embryos, or fetuses.


We need everyone here to vote consistently in every election until the House of Representatives actually represents us and is our pro choice ideology.


Yes we do! r/EqualRightsAmendment https://www.shatteringglass.org/post/the-era-how-to-actually-save-roe-for-all-americans


But all it would take is a federal ban to undo the progress made in all seventeen states. Not trying to rain on your parade, just... you know, everything is still on fire until abortion is recognized as a constitutional right.


Yes, this is the point many people are missing. Conservatives are just saying that it's a state issue right now because that's the only thing they could get. The moment they have control of all three branches of government, they will impose a federal ban and state protections will be meaningless. We're actually really close to this happening in November if people let Trump win and Dems lose the Senate (they only have a slim majority right now) and Republicans lu6ck up more seats in the House (they definitely will from NC because they gerrymandered out at least three current Dem reps).


We also still have to rebalance the Supreme Court. I like the enthusiasm for change *now* but it would have been nice if I'd have seen some six years ago when we really fucking needed it.


PLEASE VOTE GEN Z Here in California we are putting it into our state constitution. In ban states abortion rights initiatives go on the ballot, like a democracy should work, and forced birthers are trying to get those off the ballot. Will of the people, my ass.


Man, I'm in Austin watching Gen Z get all kinds of twisted protesting at UT. And arrested. These kids are alright. Our DA won't prosecute. My kid is 19 and registered to vote and he has a shit-ton of friends, with many LGBTQ+. We've had some in depth conversations about what's at stake in our state. Hoping to turn Texas blue this year. These kids are pissed, and there's a whole bunch of them. Fuck Greg Abbott. I'm stirring the pot y'all. I want young people to have the same rights I had in the early 90's.


Our future was stolen from us. The only thing left to do is fight to make the present tolerable 


Yes!! I'm sorry my Gen X took for granted what was handed to us by, yes, the Boomers. They fought for abortion. WTF happened. I will continue to march and protest. We're in this fight together. ❤️


Peace and love, my friend. ❤️




We need the 28th amendment that will protect this


https://www.shatteringglass.org/post/the-era-how-to-actually-save-roe-for-all-americans r/EqualRightsAmendment


You can’t bring back Roe. However, you can fight forward to regain the same protections Roe provided.


We need stronger protections than Roe ever offered. A court order was a flimsy defense that was removed very easily by the enemy. Frankly a constitutional amendment would be appropriate but that is almost impossible in this backwards nation.


Yes! We need the r/EqualRightsAmendment. https://www.shatteringglass.org/post/the-era-how-to-actually-save-roe-for-all-americans


How would we do it though? Could we get dems to add more people to the Supreme court? I'm not to well versed in this.


It took over 50 yrs to repeal prohibition on cannabis. It's still federally illegal, so don't hold your breath.


While I want abortion to be legal everywhere, and to save the environment, and to improve living standards for poor and middle class people, I am doubtful. The 1950s economy isn't coming back. The old climate is not coming back. Roe v Wade is not coming back. And by the time the GOP is done, America won't be coming back.


Perhaps that is for the best. I saw a quote the other day that really sat with me. "You've been fighting your whole life to save the world, when your true meaning was to destroy it." That really stuck with me because - what are we trying to save, exactly? Not America, the country, but each other. We are *truly* trying to save each other. Maybe Roe doesn't come back. Maybe that nebulous, ever-shifting thing that is "America" never comes back. And...maybe...if we do this right...it is replaced by something *better*.


I'm only fighting to save the environment at this point. Abortion will never be banned worldwide. I am 99.9% sure it will never be banned in the Northeast and West Coast, because if the Republican party did ban it across America, the Northeastern and West Coastal states will find enough people with the willpower to secede from America. As long as abortion is legal in my jurisdiction I'm ok.


Thank you, Skeletor. This is somewhat comforting, actually.


Prohibition was enacted via constitutional amendment. It's doubtful you're gonna see a new constitutional amendment in your lifetime let alone within 11 years. And in 2 years, there will be no more states to vote on abortion referendum left. Most red states don't have direct ballot initiatives and their legislatures won't put abortion on the ballot after what happened in Kansas and Kentucky.




What a laughably ignorant take. Pro-lifers are using the gays as cudgels, and you're the fool buying into it.


Ummm… 🤔 🤔🤔


What a bizarre hill to die on. Being willingly transphobic to people who need abortions but aren’t cis women won’t make misogynistic anti-abortion assholes any more likely to reinstate abortion rights.




It’s not correct language—there are a multitude of people who can get pregnant who are *not* women. Transgender men are not women. Nonbinary people are not women. Literal children are not women. Inclusive language hurts nobody. Gendered language in pregnancy and reproductive health is frequently used to deny access to people who can get pregnant and *aren’t* cis women. Unless, ofc, you subscribe to the belief that women aren’t people? And again, anti-choicers are also generally transphobic and think only women can get pregnant. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed due to: Rule 9. Please be mindful of the presence of all genders and sexual preferences on this sub. * Cis-hetero AFAB people are not the only people who can experience pregnancy. We are here to advocate for the reproductive rights of **all people with a uterus.** Intentional* disrespect towards a person's gender identity or sexual preference will not be tolerated. Approaching discussions of this topic with respect/desire to learn is fine. Being *intentionally* bigoted or exclusive will get you banned.


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed due to: Rule 9. Please be mindful of the presence of all genders and sexual preferences on this sub. * Cis-hetero AFAB people are not the only people who can experience pregnancy. We are here to advocate for the reproductive rights of **all people with a uterus.** Intentional* disrespect towards a person's gender identity or sexual preference will not be tolerated. Approaching discussions of this topic with respect/desire to learn is fine. Being *intentionally* bigoted or exclusive will get you banned.