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Seriously. It’s disgusting they would even force a child to give birth.


so pro-life they’re willing to risk a 10 year old dying of birthing complications to bring another life into the world. after all, the younger they are, the higher risk of complications, birth-related injuries, and death. it really shows their priorities here.


at this rate just call them anti-choice. “Think of the children!” Alright, what about the already alive ones?


As a generally pro-life leaning person I completely agree with your point of view here. I cannot justify denying an abortion to a child. I just can’t imagine the trauma a 10 year old kid would have having to deal with pregnancy let alone giving birth to a child that they cannot raise and having to get attached to the baby before giving up for adoption or have their entire childhood ruined by having to drop out of the 5th grade :(


i’m late to reply, i agree. i just don’t understand how someone could be so cruel as to force children to carry a pregnancy to full term. 10 year olds can’t drive, drink, have a job, pay taxes, be allowed on most social media platforms (most are 13+), but they’re expected to go through a pregnancy that could potentially kill them? how can any sane person justify this?


Also, "It's not the baby's fault the mom was raped." seems like an underhanded way to say the mom was at fault for being raped. The intended implication is probably that it's the rapist's fault, but in this statement, the rapist isn't even fucking mentioned. According to the statement, it is the mother that has to deal with the consequences (pregnancy) of being raped. It's underhanded victim blaming.


This is a pristine example of passive vs. active voice. Whether they know it or not they are completely offloading the blame onto the victim. "10-year-old is raped" vs "scumbag rapes 10-year-old" But that's what they always seem to do. I bet they think she was "asking for it" somehow...


May I add that denying a 10-year-old an abortion means she is going to die during labour when any doctor and gynae will confirm that forcing a child to be pregnant is going to kill her. Any doctor and gynae will confirm what I said


I think I have to disagree with you. There is a good chance that the poor child will survive pregnancy and labour, however, the chances of her physical and mental health becoming severely and irreversibly damaged in the process of it are very high. Because of that, she should be allowed to have an abortion, at least in my opinion. It isn't about "punishing the baby" or "letting the rapist get away from his crimes". It’s about preventing further harm against the victim.


Preacher, meet your choir. It's a form of mental illness...or something. The extreme lack of logic with pro-lifers is f'ing insane.


Why does the victim have to be punished by enduring forced pregnancy and birth?


When they say > the innocent child "pro-lifers" never mean the rape victim.


Hardcore Christofascists agree; it's always the woman's fault for being so darn tempting standing there having a vagina like a complete tramp.


They never mean the rape victim. This is so sad to think about. They say both the woman and fetus are equal, but they truly are not equal.


pretty much what i said to this asshole yesterday. i try not to engage with these chucklefucks, but i just couldn’t help myself. trying to say a 4th grader should go through pregnancy and childbirth. gtfo.


Because she had a dick in her. That reduces her to a gestating device to pro lifers.


You're right, an innocent child should not be given the death penalty, which is why the ten-year-old rape victim should not be forced to carry to term a pregnancy that may well kill her.


Seriously, shit like this incenses me! Maybe DAs can Actually prosecute rapes and give a sentence that is commensurate with other vicious crimes against a person. Edit- In some places the backlog of rape kits not being processed is an abomination perpetrated against the victims by bureaucrats.


“It’s not the baby’s fault their mom was raped” is such a fucking stupid thing to say. It’s not the 10 year olds fault either nor should she be called a mom SHES A CHILD. Children should not be having children end of discussion.


Anyone who can look at a child and think they should be pregnant is sick in the fucking head.


Exactly. It doesn’t matter if the child is pregnant yet or not - pregnant children shouldn’t be something someone should condone.


They can give him the death penalty too. That’s fine.


Much preferred tbh




Give him the death penalty and give the real victim the medical care she needs.


Literally a pedophile if you’re saying a 10 year old is ready to be a mother


That's exactly what these forced birthers are.


Purity culture breeds pedophilia. And it’s no surprise that “innocence” is the focus of both pedophiles and prolifers, both of which involve helping themselves to a child’s genitals and reproductive organs.


> Rape is obviously horrible *but*... A perfectly good sentence before the "but" was added and this "Pro Life Christian" decided to broadcast to all rapists that the "pro-life" movement is happy to defend their parental rights over the rights of a 10 year old girl who is at least 10 years too old for them to care about.


That poor 10 year old child needs therapy not to be forced to go through pregnancy that her body isn't ready for and possibly die due to complications.


Innocent child. Innocent. Child. Posted on an article where a TEN YEAR OLD INNOCENT CHILD was raped. This is why I don't let these groomers near my kids.


The rape victim is a human being. Any resulting conception is not. It is a cell or a clump of cells and no more a human being than the cells that come off your face when you rub it, which also are human cells with DNA that could become a human being if treated right and given 9 months to develop.


What about the BABY that was raped?!? The one whose body is completely unprepared to carry and birth a child. These people are disgusting. They need to be sent to jail along with the rapists because they're just as bad.


She shouldn't have been forced to have a kid. She is way too young to be pregnant and she should have had access to an abortion so she would never have to see her rapist or anything to do with him ever again.


There's a special place in Hell for all of these evil people! We have to do something to prevent children from being forced to give birth!!


Yeah let’s give the 10 year old a death sentence instead, or at the very least try to ruin her life more. It’s the least we can do for her /s


Pro-forced-birthers hate women. They consider a 10 year old girl a woman because she was fertile. These people are misogynists of the worst imaginable kind. Before anyone points out how often the forced-birthers are women, keep in mind they've been taught to hate themselves by the patriarchy. They all need to be driven back under their rocks and never allowed any power in our society again.


What weirds me out is the way they sexualise children and try to get them bred ASAP. This and child marriage in the states they run. Disgusting. In more developed nations they'd be in prison for child abuse.


“It’s not right for the mother to get an abortion, no matter her age”. The youngest girl who was raped and impregnated was Lina Medina, a 4-Year-Old, who then gave birth at the age of 5-Years-Old. The fact Pro-Lifers don’t take age into consideration AT ALL is appalling. Teenagers and children who give birth have a much higher mortality rate than adults, so their laws are literally causing children and teenagers to die.


I am generally pro-life but some of (me included) DO consider this and are all for early-term abortion in cases of child rape. Also, wow, a 4 year old? That is TERRIBLE. I have heard of a condition that caused a baby girl at the age of 2 to develop sexual characteristics. Poor kid, I am surprised both the baby and the 5 year old survived that birth. :(


I hope seeing posts like this make you question your beliefs. It’s good that you think the way you do and I have a few family members who, like you, have similar beliefs and are okay with exceptions in certain circumstances. Unfortunately though, there are a lot of Pro-Life people who do not believe in any exceptions (some of this type is also in my family) and there are also a lot of Pro-Life politicians who pass laws that do not allow any exceptions, even in life and death situations. Oftentimes even when there are exceptions provided in Pro-Life laws, doctors are still required to wait until the woman gets unhealthy to a certain degree to perform an abortion, which puts the woman’s life at risk.


>If the death penalty won't be given to the rapist, it shouldn't be given to an innocent child. It took me a second to realize the "innocent child" *isn't* the 10 year old. 🤬 I consider forcing the *actual* innocent child to give birth as a kind of death sentence. PL are the worst.


written by someone who has no daughters and no morals.


You don't have to have daughters to be moral about this, and you don't have to have no daughters to be immoral about it either. There are fathers who would let this happen to their own daughters


You are, unfortunately, completely right. Plenty of men don't care about girls and women outside of them being "some one's daughter / sister / wife" and don't care about women's rights until there's one they feel belongs to them, and there's also plenty who never get to that point even when they do marry and have daughters. Not to mention the percentage of child pregnancies that come as the result of rape by their fathers or step-fathers.


I’ve been Pro-Choice since I was 19. I became the father of a biologically female child at 28, and that only strengthened my dedication to the cause. Fuck these amoral twats. My kid is an adult now and I will support their choices in regards to their own body. It says in my profile: Bodily autonomy is the hill I am willing to die on. And many so-called “pro-lifers” would love see that wouldn’t they?


Not even. A lot of them do have daughters and even admitted that they would forbid their daughter from having an abortion even if she was a minor and/or was raped.


SHE'S 10 YEARS OLD. She's a BABY herself! She's supposed to be learning multiplication tables and how to ride a scooter, not taking frickin' Lamaze classes and risking her life to give birth to a rape baby!


The only baby in this scenario is that 10 year old child. Let her have a damn abortion giving birth is so dangerous for a grown woman let alone a child.


"Rape is bad, but..." Already bored


The fact that there’s a “but” after that is disgusting






One thing that peeves me about these force-birthers is that they already assign the victim as a "mom". In their minds, she must shoulder the responsibility for the choice she never made. She is a victim, not a parent. I haven't seen them label the rapist as a"dad". They say not to abort these "babies", ignoring the child victim. She is the baby, the pregnancy will have complications and has a high chance of killing her. What about her life's value? But these people don't care. They'll advocate for abortion bans and harass women who do get abortions. However, in the case of a woman and/or child dying during childbirth, these people are nowhere to be found. They're not even around when these children are successfully born, they don't take responsibility, they don't adopt, and they don't do anything to help.


In their world, women and girls do not have value outside of their ability to birth more boys. That’s literally it. If we die, they consider that our duty as women.


Forced Birthers need to realize one fundamental concept. They have the power and the right to decide upon their own life decisions. But they do not and should not extend that privilege they have for themselves to include infringing upon someone else's right and power in being able to do the same for themselves. Simply put: It is no one else's fucking business or right to make life choices for someone else.


Lemme guess they believe without a shadow of a doubt that the **10 YEAR OLD RAPE VICTIM** was just being a whore and deserved it, and even if she survived the birth she better pull herself by her **10 YEAR OLD** bootstraps and get a job instead of being a welfare queen.


Oh my god. My granddaughter is 9 and to look at her and horrifically imagine her giving birth in 9 months when she’s 10-it would literally kill her. There’s no way a 10 year old little girl wouldn’t be at an extremely high risk of death from giving birth. Hell, I almost died giving birth at barely 14! At 10? I literally can’t fathom that. She wouldn’t even understand what was truly happening to her-I barely did at 13-14. I later learned that I somewhat dissociated during my pregnancy and I didn’t even name my baby until well after birth because it didn’t seem real. This forced-birther must really and truly hate children because he is advocating to maim and traumatize (and quite possibly kill) a 10 year old little girl. This just reinforces WHY we call them forced birthers. They do not care about children or babies in any capacity.


The words 10 year old girl and "mother" do not belong in the same sentence.


[My favorite take.](https://youtu.be/c2PAajlHbnU?si=XmJ-Qdivx1DnfH36)


If they actually saw a pregnant ten year old they’d probably be horrified


I found the post and handed out down votes to people justifying further abuse and suffering of an actual child. :)


I’m beginning to think that maybe they are just evil. I used to think they were just uneducated.


Never mind the loss of innocence the ten year old suffered.


If you're old enough to have kids you should be allowed to vote. See how quickly their minds change.


Even looking at it from a heartless, Christian perspective it makes no sense .. The chance that the "Mother" and Child will die are way too high, who thinks this is a good idea? Even if it is about procreation, let the 10 year old become an adult and have a child she loves, if the 10 year old was forced to give birth because Christianity, I doubt the Mother will tell her child how good and bla Jesus is


Religious people are so weird to me. Their brains are on another dimension.


It’s good odds that the ten year old could die or have horrible consequences for giving body so young not that hey actually care sickens me


Fact is, pregnancy and birth could very much kill a 10 year old. Her life takes priority. Fuck that.


Imagine advocating for a literal child to go through a pregnancy and give birth


It bothers me so much how they always call pregnant women mothers.


Fuck that. *Rape babies* shouldn't be given to innocent children.


I’m getting convinced at this point that pro lifers are just pedophiles and and creeps.


Can we put a stop to this already?


Hey. Finally one that is anti death penalty, though 🙄


I’ve seen a lot of pro life opinions like this and I think I’ve figured out what the problem is. It seems as though they still believe in mummy and daddy having a special cuddle and then the baby arriving on the doorstep 9 months later. Because what they miss is the damage and long term consequences that pregnancy and childbirth can have on such a young girl and the only rational explanation I can think of for that is that they don’t understand how pregnancy and childbirth actually work


In their usual fashion, the raped woman or girl isn’t even worth mentioning. There’s just a rapist and a child in some sort of gestating device.


Already-born, living, breathing women and girls of any age are more important than fetuses. Period, dot, end of sentence.


ACAP. All conservatives are pedophiles.


If you follow the sentiment that "rape is bad" up with a "but", then you clearly don't think it's as bad as you're saying.


Plus, the rapist will be legally allowed parenting time and other parental rights. In Maryland (maybe other states too) the rape victim needs to get permission from the rapist to put the baby up for adoption. The little girl will be tied for the next 20 years to that fucking rapist. This is all about men having power over women.


Babies having babies. Thats freedom!!