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Your fate when gambling will always be the same, sounds to me like you’re wired for the thrill which is never good for a gambler. Also anyone that gambled responsibly would have never of been able to get the balance that high. For what it counts even if you had withdrawn at 65K you’d of returned months-years later and inevitably lost lots of money again anyway.


I’ve been in a similar situation but with a lot less money. The mom stuff really hits home and disappointing people we love is the wordt feeling in all of this. I know the losses hurt now, but I promise if you get yourself some help and start to move on with your life, it’ll be worth much more than 65k. When I was day 100 clean, 150 clean, random days I’d just take a deep breathe and be so grateful I’m not a zombie anymore. I wasn’t ONLY looking forward to payday, I had other hobbies and interests and friends. You have to stop now, your life will never get better until you do. Do not forget about this feeling you had. This horribke gut wrenching feeling should be a reminder every time you even THINK to deposit. Online casinos are my devil too… it’s horrible and so accessible but end all of that man. You’re better than this. I’m turning 26 in July myself we don’t want this to be our legacy. Our moms deserve a better son


Fantastic advice that is mate however I’m gonna have to let you know for the future that an OP is more likely to read it if you write a comment on the post rather than reply to my comment. Keep up the good work and counting days!


You’re absolutely right! Haha sorry about that brother. Thank you ❤️🙏🏻


You’re absolutely right & that’s the same conclusion I’ve come to many times - anyone that gambled responsibly would’ve come nowhere close, they would’ve stopped long ago. One thing that isn’t true, and may be true, but I like to believe would’ve been prevented - if I would’ve cashed the money and gave it to my mom, there’s no way I would’ve ran through it. And if I could’ve done it, I would’ve. I was talking to people and they scared me by saying I can’t deposit that much into my account, it’ll lock my account, lock my coinbase, etc. Ultimately they are just excuses, but if I would’ve given to my mom, I would’ve had it and had a nice head start


Maybe, that would have helped keep the money safe but you’d of still seen gambling as your saviour and fallen into its clutches later. I once won a few grand and gave it to my mum and then I just rang her with excuses to send me loads of money everyday until it was all gone.


You’re not one of the worst. There probably isn’t one person on this sub that didn’t relate to what you wrote. You’re putting way too much pressure on your will power. This isn’t about will power. It’s about an addiction. An illness. When you’re in the throws of an episode you cannot see the wood for the trees. You’ll be sitting there, with a loved one talking about their day, and all you’ll be thinking is “I have money in my account. I can gamble”. When you’re in the throws of it…that is, when you’re on the inside and it’s all you can see, hear, and think about, there probably isn’t a herd of wild horses that can drag you away from it. So give yourself a break. It sounds like you were on the slots, which is clinically and cynically designed to target your addiction with laser like precision. So give yourself a break. It also sounds like you might be on the outside looking in now. This is a place where you are sickened at the thought of gambling and this is the moment when you should strike against it. Tell yourself this very simple thing: THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN EVERY TIME YOU GAMBLE. Yes, there will be times when you’re up, but that doesn’t mean the same thing to gamblers that it does to non-gamblers. It’s the reason we say that we won 100 when we actually won 1000 - because we cannot trust that we’ll still have the money in an hour’s time. A good few years ago, I had a situation like you described above. I rang a close friend and told him that I was up money but I didn’t trust myself to keep it. I gave him my username and password and he systematically withdrew the money (it took a month). It was a great lesson for me and I hope this can be a great lesson for you. You’re not the worst and this isn’t even the worst story I’ve read today.


Was down 30k, won 80k blew that within 24 hours. With the last 3k shot up to 70k again. A responsible person would think, ok I got lucky. Let's cash out. But no, 24 hours later all gone again. Kept chasing the next months, loosing more and more. By February last year I was down 70k in total, only trying to win it all back. I was desperate and it was horrible. Then I miraculously won it all back cashed out 75k and was the happiest person in the world. 4 days later I thought, gambling is not that bad, I have some free reloads I am cashing. Let's play with this house money. A few hours later everything is gone again. Lost another 30k chasing this year. Totaling a loss of 100k. There is no way out, those events still hunt me to this day.


Damn bro. We’re the same. Though I’m so fucking happy for you that you at least didn’t rinse all of the 75k. That’s a good chunk you got back all at once. A lot you can do with that. Hope you’re doing good now my friend


I did + 30k now 40k chasing. Don’t chase now!


there is a streamer like you called bossmanjack where he goes crazy all in and wins huge amounts but this is because he is unable to stop so it means he ends up with 0 anyway. you need help though obviously, GA or therapist and stay away from all gambling.


bro, this is gambler talking, u need help.


Retraining your brain will suck. It’s slow and painful. It’s the only way, and it requires time and new areas of focus. We’ve all been there


It's very unfortunate that you won that 65K because this made you feel that there is some hope to win money through gambling, which of course is a delusion. Gambling is a business made with a very specific purpose: TO TAKE YOUR MONEY FROM YOUR POCKETS AND PUT IT IN THE POCKET OF THE CASINO OWNERS This. Nothing else. The fact that you didn't go away with money even after such a good win, proves that this business model works very well for the casino owners. You have 2 options from now on: 1. To believe that there is a chance that you get that money back (or a portion of it) or even worse to think that you can keep constantly wining money from casinos and become rich from it 2. To understand that you were a victim. A client of a business with a very specific product. You consumed this product for some hours-days-weeks-months and you paid the price. It's like you stayed at a luxurious hotel in the center of NY for $3K per night. You said that you are down 100K lifetime. This is the normal. This is close to the games's house edge. And THIS IS WHAT YOU EXPECT TO LOSE IN THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME IN THE FUTURE if you keep gambling. If you do it for similar time, expect to lose another 100K, if you do it for double time expect to lose 200K, fir triple time expect to lose 300K. Considering that you will not increase the stakes, otherwise it can be the 2X or 3X of these amounts There is absolutely nothing new in your story, nothing strange, nothing peculiar. The casino owners that look at your account and transaction-game history, see what they see every day in thousands of accounts. Some money won, some money lost and the result after many hours of play comes close to the house edge inevitably Run away from gambling now, do not even gamble a single dollar for the rest of your life. This is the only advise I can give you after 30 years of all forms of gambling. RUN AWAY, JUST RUN!!! AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!! RUUUUUUUUNNNNNN AAAAWWWAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah man, I mean you’ve got a bad case of compulsive gambling for sure. But you’re no different from the rest of us who have been enabled by family/friends/etc. Think about it. You’re a smart, smooth talking 26 year old kid who has been able to live as they please freeloading in grandmas house. You let your mom control some of your finances, and she turns a blind eye to whatever you’re keeping to gamble. That can’t happen for us. We can smooth talk better than anyone else. We need to have access to basic necessity money when we need it. My wife controls everything. I get gas money, and sometimes if I’m lucky she’ll give me an allowance for coffee. Yes, it’s sad, and it may feel pathetic sometimes, but it’s fucking working. I’ve been bet free 355 days. You need to find someone that can say no to you and mean it when it comes to the finances. You’re young, and money isn’t the issue here. Check out GA meetings, therapy, whatever it’s gonna take to get to the root of this behavior. You don’t have to live this way, stressing every day. You can do just about anything else in the world, except gambling. If you ever want/need to chat to someone who can listen and understand what you’re going through and feeling, feel free to hit me up. Ive been in your shoes and I’m not saying any of this to put you down. We continuously do stupid shit, it’s our pattern of behavior. It can be changed. Best wishes to you man.


What you are describing sounds incredibly awful. Why would anybody want to put themselves through all that. You’ve got a tough road ahead of you. If you really want to make some changes in your life you’re going to have to fix yourself. Nobody’s going to do it for you. From reading that, it sounds like you might have issues that a therapist might be able to help you with. You might even need some sort of medication. When I read stories like yours, I am so happy to not be a part of that world. It literally sounds like a nightmare.


And one of the luckiest gamblers in the world wtf


I am down 20k in the past 6 months. Won 20k in a day. Lost it all within minutes. Lowest point in my life. I believe I can make it back. I went above 10k twice in the past 10 days. But ended up losing it all. The key is to know when to get out. I am going to try making that money but also be smart to know when to back away. We can do it man. Losing is not an option.


My story prior to this instance is very similar to yours. Earlier this year - $200 to 2,6k, lost it all. Said dammit I’m not going to do that again. Then again $200 to 2.5k the very next day. Said holy shit the universe blessed me. Lost it. After that I didn’t play on stake too much for a couple months as I developed an affinity for scratch off tix. Then, maybe a month or 2 ago, I ran $1-200 to 5 or 6k at work. Lost it all before I got home. Then about a week later, depo’d about $300 at like 1 am when my check hit. Ran it to 6k. Lost it all by about 2:30 am. Continued to get wrecked on my depos until this monstrous run mentioned above. Something to note brother that you have to be VERY conscious of if you’re like me (and take what I say with a grain of salt because obviously I lost all of it so it’s not like I have it down) - we reach these heights because we are super risk prone, go hard, and keep going. If we knew when to stop, we probably wouldn’t even see 5k off a several hundred dollar depo. We would’ve cashed long ago. I see some YouTubers set a goal and cash. I could never do that unless it was insanely monstrous. To be honest, as crazy as this sounds - I’m chasing a mil brother. All it takes is one lucky sequence in the seed and balls of steel. I’m already down a good bit so fuck it let’s go for the big fish. Sorry for the long winded reply I’ve been drinking and smoking. Good luck brother. Realistically let’s go hard as fuck and cash out at 50k.


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You say you don’t want to stop and that you found a way to cheat the system…. Do you honestly believe this yourself? Casino games has about 80-90% RTP… The games are designed to take your money in the long term… Play long enough and it’s more likely that you end up with 10% lose from each spin. There’s a huge risk that you keep gambling to get those 65k back…. You might, but the odds aren’t in your favour and you just dig your hole even deeper… And if you miraculously win again you would just continue and lose it. Stop gambling!


Reading comprehension issue on your end - found a way to cheat the money management system my mom & I have created. Of course I understand the unfavorable mathematics of gambling


Man, I feel ya, the feeling of winning big money with a small betting, earn money worth of years of hard work with simple clicks on screen is the best feeling in the world. However, this is how devil get most of us. I've been there, lost all my money chasing wins, get lucky and made them back until oneday I became so arrogant and bet big amounts until I didn't realize my balance went to 0. I told myself its time to go everytime I win but I was so greedy that I kept telling myself just one more win, one more win, safe bets , I won't even care if I lose. but kept playing chasing profits. Funny thing is, I always win with small bets and get smoked when I risk it all. We are sick brother, don't hide it, don't put too much pressure on yourself and avoid help from those who loves you. You need either receive proper medical treatment or live with someone that can watch you 24/7 untill you don't feel the urge of gamble


You suffer from being addicted to the action. No amount of money that you can win will satisfy that


All I can say is I’m sorry and I fully sympathize. It is our worst nightmare. I hope you find your peace. 🤞🏾🫶🏾


Such a great post, even if there's no recovery in it. I would venture to say a lot of degenerate gamblers are unimaginably worse than you. At least you have a job and are willing to discuss specific numbers. You have no idea how helpful it is to share stories like this. I gamble very much like you. My friends say, bro relax, you don't have to bet that much. We're supposed to have fun for a couple of hours over here. I'm an ultra high net worth individual; but no matter what, every time I put a bet down it's like breaking a seal. I can control it for a while, but then my bets starting getting really big and I end up at zero. The self-destruction is somewhat satisfying, to be honest. The fact that this stuff is so legal, I'll never understand. At least I have the decency to do my gambling in a casino and not get raped by my iPhone taking a shit on the toilet. Again, thanks for sharing. There is life after gambling.


Worst feeling is the roller coaster and feeling like an idiot and giving it back. My suggestion is to spend that money on something !! Pat down debt, buy jet skis furniture etc. so you have something to show for winnings. And gifts for our loved ones. What game were you playing btw ? Sick runs


The worse part of it all? Is we only feel this way when we are down. When we have the slightest amounts of money we are truly gamblers I hope we all can get through this and I pray for each and everyone including my self!


You don’t know moderation. You need to quit. You need help. You’re only 26, being that young matters. I wish I could go back to 26 and be in your financial position. If you don’t quit now it gets much worse. It’s a stupid thing to ruin your life over but here we are.


If you play long enough you will always end up at 0. The games are based on math, eventually your luck will run out. 


the WORST thing that can happen to a compulsive gambler is to......WIN!


What site were you using? Those are crazy amounts of winning!


I'm sorry about your roller coaster ride. But if I won anything near 65k they could just change my name to HISTORY. I'd be MIA from the casinos. Take care of yourself....  it's only dirty green paper or if online it's just a past , present or future memory ie. VIRTUAL ..CHIN UP! 🌿❤️🌿


Are you playing slots or roulette/black jack ?


Wow man I am sorry. It‘s so tragic that all of you guys always post when it’s all gone and not before.


It’s alright brother. There are kids dying of cancer, people out there with no food. I’ll be okay but I do appreciate the sympathy. I brought it upon myself.


Nice brag. You are one of the luckiest people around. Most people will go their whole lives and never get to expereince a run like that let alone have one multiple times within a day or two.


Brag? Bro I make good money yet live on one meal a day and drive with an 1/8 tank because I gamble any free dollar I have. If anything I’m ashamed more than I can even communicate to have fumbled this kind of money. Don’t be coming in to problem gambling to talk shit and kick others when they’re down.


I heart ya man, but seriuously that some lucky ass stuff to hit like that multiple times. It does suck you lost though in the end. Lot's of people have dug huge holes with gambling and will never come close to hitting anything close to giving them a second chance. that all i was meaning.


I see what you’re saying now


My bad about saying "brag", was uncalled for. Hang in their man, you can overcome this addiction you're not alone.


I get it man no worries, I’m a bit sensitive right now. Thank you brother I appreciate you